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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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I growl some and bring my hand back to hit him. Something holds me back and I sigh gently, then pet his head. "It's okay, we'll get her next time." I say with a smile and kias his head.


I rear my head and close my eyes expecting a hard hit but instead get greeted by a soft pet to the head which i still flinched too. The kiss to the forehead surprised me though, i wonder what held him back? i slowly inch away with my cheeks bright red.

I stop him from backing away and smile. "Where are you going?" I ask moving closer to him, wrapping my arms around him so he can't move back anymore.


i stay quite...though its not like i can talk. I stop moving as he stops me and i go into my shirt like a turtle.
I smile and kiss him once again, pulling him closer to me. "There is no need to be shy." I say with a smile.


I look at him my cheeks bright red, i kiss him and try to back away with my head buried in my knees.
I push him back onto tge ground gently, pinning him there. "Please don't try to leave me. Unless... you dont like me." I say sadly looking away, willing to let him go if he requested.


I hear this and almost without giving a second thought I stay there not struggling... I kiss him right on the lips French style without any red on the cheek.
I'm surprised by his sudden reaction and am breathless for a moment. I finally realize what had happened and quickly return the kiss. After a moment I pull away and smile at him, a blush spread on my face. "You're a good kisser." I chuckle.

((Not going to happen, but what would you do if he ended up being a cross dresser and is really just a girl xD ))
(Doesn't matter, AJ can go both ways. He stopped caring when he was torutured and raped by Miya so meh.)
My eyes widen greatly hearing him speak. Then I process what he said and chuckle. "Hush." I say teasingly and kiss him again.


That fuckin hurt talkin so I'm happy he said hush, feels like someone shoved a match down my throat. I follow along with him.
I continue to kiss him, getting more passionate about it. I run my hand through his hair as I continue. "You are really a beauty." I say when I take a quick breath.

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina continued to run after she had jumped out the window, she was pretty sure she hurt her leg in the process as running was paining her a lot, but that didn't bother her, she'd treat it when she got back to the church. As she neared the church, her running slowed down gradually, grabbing her bag where it was still dropped on the grass on the way past, she got back to the church. Entering through the doors she sat down on a pew to get her breath back.



@Any one with characters at the church?

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(Jason: FEELINGS!!! IT IS SO SICKENING *THROWS UP*, I have an hour then I am gone for the rest of the day, I can't leave. This rp draws me in ;- ;)
Jason got up and saw her "What the hell happened to you. Ya were gone for like an entire day," he said getting up. He smiled feeling better since he slept for longer than usual, he placed his katana to the side and walked up to her.

(YAS have Amy or Jason walk in during this, Amy even better yet)


I stay silent seeing as how my throat hurts like hell. I continue to get more passonate as well, gripping his back.

@Mira1 @Shammy the Shamrock (if u want I guess..)

~*Melina Herford*~

Blowing some air from her cheeks, she looked over at Jason who was walking over to her, "W-Well... to shorten the story into its shortest form, I went to find medical supplies since I used most of them up...and I got kidnapped by that ripper psycho" she said frowning "I managed to escape though..." She continued as she rubbed the side of her neck with her hand "H-He was going to drown me...I-I think..."

@Shammy the Shamrock

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Jason twitched and sat down "That fuck, I have one run in but we know what he has done with just one meet up. He ain't just a petty murder like Miya, nor a crafty cannibal like Nikki. He does his homework," he said with a laugh, he studied her "You ok, did he hurt ya," he asked whistling for Snow as the wolf curled up at his legs.


~*Melina Herford*~

Melina shook her head "Nothing major in any way..., he kneed me in the gut and headbutted me to knock me out, I guess he was planning to keep me around to taunt at for a while or something" she said shuddering a little since she really didn't like thinking about that person. She was a bit worried about him coming back as well.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jason looked at her "Don't worry, i'll make sure he doesn't mess with ya," he looked down at Snow. "Guard," he said pointing to the door as the wolf ran outside and sat by the door. He sat back "You're lucky, he might have fixed you like how he did to AJ," he said looking up, thinking of AJ before everything went down.

I pull away for a moment and smile. "Would you want to... you know." He said, hinting at him with a large smile.

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