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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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(ok well so far what has happened is that Keon and raven are with Mia Angela and Daisie we went to a warehouse to escape the infected and well Avery was stuck on a apartment level got bit on the wrist and deafening everyone for a while but d to cut off his hand but before he did that he tried shooting a firework in the air to get other peoples intention but by accidently shoots the flare at the warehouse and it blows up near the warehouse getting our attention but it also attracts the horde which causes us to leave before the warehouse gets overrun but wile we are driving away (you never left the car) me Raven and Daisie where driving when Keon (that's me) spotted Avery and we proceeded to save him (and sorry for any misspells or grammar im on my Ipad and it fucks up my typing and grammar)
(Well, the skoda is only 5 seated, i doubt Mia, Daisie, your character, Angela, and Raven, and Avery could fit in..)
(Oh, well i saw that one, but i thought you got on our car... but nevermind then... guess i better write excuse why did Angela not respond to any of this)

Angela did lose conciousness for a duration of the ride, and didn't wake up when they stopped at the warehouse, neither when they departed from it. She was still holding Mia, though.
(Yeah, she's sick, like, really sick... probably got infected with some kind of disease... NOT WITH ZOMBIE INFECTION, I CAN TELL YA THAT)
(oh good then -puts desert eagle back into holster- well my character has medical supplies and is a very experience medic so he can most likely help you)
(oh and is Mia a npc or is someone really rping as her, im also sort of new to this type of rping I just joined so I don't know what is allowed and what isn't beside no ERPing so if I make mistakes or seem godmoding please correct me)
Looking through the rear view mirror he would notice that a pair of feet would be dangling. Leaning out the window he would see a walker clutching onto the top of the car with its feet dangling off the side of the car. Taking out his desert eagle while still leaning outside the car he would aim at the zombie and fire hitting it in the side of the head causing it to roll off the side of the car roof and missing hitting into Raven's car. Sighing he would lean back into the car and start to reload the desert eagle knowing that he wasted the last bullet on the zombie. Reaching to his waist side he would grab full clip and pop the used one out and switch it for the fresh one, he would then placed the use one in his pocket and holster his desert eagle.
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{ Is it day or night? }

(It's day, as far as i know. Also, we would greatly appreciate, if you would write in a bigger font)
Daisie continued to drive. Her hair was still into a pony tail but it was a lot worse. She growled lightly and clutched onto the wheel tighter. Her shotgun and bat right next to her. She was shorter than the others so the seat was up further. She smiled lightly at the road as she continued to drive. She looked around the car and smiled at Angela and Mia. Her attention was pulled to the other car with the others in it and she smiled. Continuing to drive with the coat over her lap, she drove faster.
Mira drove quietly keeping her eye on the road. She still had her gun ready in case there was any zombies needing to be shot. She looked back at Avery and smiles. Looking back at the road she noticed Daisie had sped up. She chuckled slightly and speeds up making sure she didn't fall behind.

[Okay sounds good, and my posts can get lengthy so that's why my font is small I sized it up one though, I accidentally pressed two, not three for that last post.]


The day was hot and Skylyn needed shade from the piercing sun. Sadly, their were no clouds to be seen. The terrain she was crossing had no trees or barriers she could use to protect herself other than the scarf that wrapped around her face. Her backpack felt heavy but all it was filled with was two water bottles, a pair of socks, and a first aid kit. Her weapons were holstered and a third bottle of water was clenched in her grimy hand. Dirt covered the females body, and she needed a shower, badly. But who had running water? No one. That's right. The zombie apocalypse was stupid like that. Once the dead started walking, simultaneously everything crashed. Nothing worked, she blamed the government. All she wanted was some clean, hot water to sooth her aching muscles. The 5'6" female trudged on, hoping to find some food and maybe a resting point.

Or maybe a fucking tree...

She groaned painfully with burning lungs and a parched throat, taking the last sip of her plastic bottle and tucked it into her pack again. Finding a stream of some sort, she could reuse the thing. Wasn't the most sanitary saying that the chemicals in the plastic would wash into the water but Sky thought it was just a stupid saying.
Her feet were inflamed, her eyes were shot by squinting in the bright daylight, and every muscle burned like they were shredded into little pieces.

Something in the distance caught the blonde's attention, a motor? Some sort of vehicle. And a big one. She creased her eyebrows, digging out her gun and gripping it, finger resting on the outside of the trigger and pointed at the ground. The cars came into view, multiple and she searched for a place to hide but there was no cover.

They're gonna think I'm dead...

she thought and turned away from them, running in the opposite direction. Yes she was a good runner, but she was also out running cars. They gained on her and her heart rate picked up. She had no clue who these people were, why should she trust them? Fleeing seemed like the smart thing, then again they would catch up to her eventually...

Skylyn pushed herself to move faster and get out of this damn dead zone.

Just find some where to hide, damn it!
Noticing the girl running Keon would curse "pull up next to her but make sure my door is facing her another hard is coming and running is not going to get her far, but if she's hostile drive" Keon take his hand out of the car and motion for raven to stop the car but be on alert and ready for anything . After signaling her he would take his desert eagle and have it hidd n by the door with the barrel at the door in case she tried anything knowing that his gun's bullets can go through the door and hit her if she shows any form of aggression or being hostile he will shoot without hesitation (I'm typing on my iPad so bare with any grammar or spelling mistakes)
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