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Fantasy Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ-ZAO-Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

As he asked about hurting others she was reminded of all the animal sacrifices. Some more human that others. Then all those nights of plotting and planning. Always searching for the most efficient way to kill their current prey. Not having the heart to answer, she stayed silent. Dysis didn't protest as he wiped away her tears and pulled her into a hug.

Don's uncertainty made her feel worse. The one person she actually kinda had real feelings for was doubting her. And if he knew about all the Zaonian's Dysis had hurt, murderered, or assassinated. This just made the tears return with a new vigor. Choked sobs echoed off the stalagmites above as she leaned into the griffin.


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Her silence broke Don's heart. Perhaps she is too emotional to speak. The more optimistic side of Don suggested, but the Gryphon brushed that away. She knew how important the question was to Don, she would have certainly choked out an answer if it had been an optimistic one. The Gryphon's mind flashed back to Veneno and her killing of an innocent in revenge. It returned to the shaman. Don did some terrible things: tricking, lying, trapping, hurting... but he never killed anyone. Don had killed in the past, but only animals and only in the name of his village and Kyna. He had never murdered another Zaonian, and Dysis' lack of answer had terrible thoughts swimming through Don's mind.

"Shhhhh." Don comforted quietly, stroking her hair as she cried. A sprout of fear entered into Don's mind as he held Dysis. Who around them was in danger from her? Did she have anyone with her that was also apart of the cult? What were the real plans of this cult and how many would be hurt before they got what they wanted? These questions stung in Don's mind as he realized some secrets are better kept... he had just lost his friend because she had shared the truth with him and he could not accept it. Don's mind pushed this thought aside. He would remain on Dysis' side up and until she actually injured someone else in front of him. If that day came, Don wouldn't be able to stand for it any longer... but she seemed so regretful of her actions. "It's ok, Dysis. Everything is ok."

Justin gave a sinister smile, looking at Amazon and Alex in a way that said 'you guys might want to see this'. Justin turned and walked outside to the center of the camp. This was going to be the start, the beginning of the Final Revolution. With this kind of power Nahuatl would spread like a disease throughout Zao.

"I, Justin King Jackson, am going to challenge the alpha for the role of leading this pack! Reveal yourself so that I may fight for this claim!" Justin called out in a demanding tone.

After that he fell silent. No ambush of course because this was open territory. Justin was always looking for an ambush but here, unfortunately, wasn't quite suitable for it. Justin planned what he would do. Chances are it would be a very powerful lycos and being that he didn't have much stamina, Justin didn't want to drag out the fight for too long. So it was simple, get close, fast, and beat him dead. A wide grin emerged as Justin continued thinking of ways to kill, all gleefully gruesome. "Come out, come out, wherever you are, big bad wolf..."
As he comforted her, Dysis sobs slowly calmed until she was breathing steadily. It was apparent that she had fallen asleep. Limp in Don's arms, the last thing she would have noted was his fear.

A bit later, a small wolf had jogged saying "Come! The alpha has been challenged!"


Pushing out of a nearby hut was a lean yet muscled pitch black wolf with red markings. Walking over it was clear he had a few inches on Justin. "Challenge...me?" He gave a deep, hearty laugh. "Listen here. I will have your sc-" he was cut off as someone ran from the hut calling his name. "Antero! ANTERO!" A greying she-wolf ran up beside him. "I said no battling unless you finish your dinner" Rolling his eyes, the alpha, Antero groaned "But mother...." His mother interrupted him once more "No buts. EAT!" She shoved a hunk of meat and bread into his large maw. A defeated look crossed his face as he chewed his meal.

Once his mother was satisfied, she dabbed his muzzle with a cloth napkin. As she left, he sighed "sorry 'bout that. Mother's a bit stubborn at times" A voice erupted from the hut "Antero! I heard that!" Flattening his ears to his skull, he continued "You want to challenge me in my home, we play by my rules. No weapons, that includes that hook of yours. No armor. And no assistance."


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Alen sighed and followed Justin outside and took a passerby's money bag and figeted with it in his hands as he walked out the bar "this should be good..."

After Justin did his announcement Alen laughed a bit and leaned on a nearby wall "that's a pretty bold call don't ya think Justin?"

After a while what he assumed to be the alpha walked out of a tent with his....mother..? Alen snickered at this as he continued to play with a sack of money he recently appropriated. "I think you could handle this Justin..."
So many thoughts continued to go through Don's head as he continued to held Dysis close. After a time it seemed she had fallen asleep and Don was afraid to move because he didn't want to wake her. That being said, the position wasn't entirely comfortable to be sitting in for an extended period of time. Don remained in the same spot, regardless, feeling Dysis could really use the sleep. The only thing that made Don even turn his head was a messenger wolf saying that the alpha was being challenged. Feeling that he needed to see this, and that Dysis might be interested as well, Don gently shook her awake.

"Dysis. Dysis the alpha has been challenged. This might have to do with our mission, so we should go there and find out what's happening... but... if you leave the water you won't be able to breathe..." The last part had hit him while he was talking. She couldn't leave, and Don didn't want to just leave her here. He began to feel a bit torn on whether to go or not...whether Dysis could go or not. He also realized that if he didn't want to give Dysis away, he should go back to calling her Arya. There had to be a reason for the codename, after all.

It was time. Justin had done it, and she needed to be there. Testing her wounds, she said "I think I'll be fine to shift back for a limited time. As long as I don't do anything extremely demanding" Moving to the edge of the pool, she pulled herself out. Dysis then grabbed a cloth that had been piled in the corner of the room. Most likely for wolves who come to bath here. Quickly drying off, she shifted back. It wasn't a spectacular sight, and was slightly painful due to her healing wounds. Yet Dysis stood and made her way out of the room, expecting Don to follow.


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Don was surprised to see her shifting back so soon. He had figured the challenge to the alpha would be interesting, but not worth going through pain for. Don shifted back to his Gryphon form, Vitawni flying over to his shoulder and perching their happily. Don got out of her way, surprised by how determined she was to see this fight and that she was standing and walking on her own. A strong Zaonian indeed.

He followed Dysis into the cavern where a crowd was gathering around a large wolf and... no... that was a person from there group. Why was he challenging the alpha. Don's gaze immediately moved to Dysis, and he couldn't help but feel a little suspicious. Did she have something to do with this, then? Perhaps the crocodile was part of her group as well. He brushed that aside.. and began to question whether he'd interfere. Don wasn't one to stick his nose in someone else's business but a Crocodile leading a wolf pack? That didn't seem like the proper running of things...

Don crossed his arms over his chest, ears flat against his skull. He did not like this. He did not like this one bit. He finally moved closer to Dysis and whispered: "Arya, what's the meaning of this? What are you planning?" Might as well get some answers first, before he really did bite off more than he could chew.

Dysis saw Justin and the Alpha. She fingered her blades, ready to step in when needed. When Don asked what they were planning, she grit her teeth and ignored him. If he knew, it would ruin their chance of The Final Revolution.

As she watched Justin, Dysis began to sort out what would happen afterward. They would most likely separate the wolves by gender, then start handing out tasks. They would most likely call for some others from

headquarters, with supplies and such. Her expression was altered as she planned. It seemed intelligent, yet there were hints of longing and distress there as well.


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((Since @DemonKitten is MIA il make a move. I dont wanna get left behind.))

Xiong followed the two she wolfs towards a busy part of the village, hopefully heading for the tavern. As they walked, Xiong looked up to see Vali had crawled out of his hole and decided to join them. Odd, he had not pictured the little green fluff the tavern type. But none the less, Xiong was glad to see him out and about. He looked to his side as they walked and found Mark. "Look here Mark, our little green friend has decided to join us." Xiong chuckled a bit, Mark was one of the few Zoa he could be himself a little more comfortably around .As he turned back to direction they were heading a large movement of Zoa caught his eye. He could see several of the others that he entered into the village, the crocodile from before seemed to be the center of attention until a large very intimidating wolf walked up before him. Xiong poked Marks shoulder and pointed in the direction. "Wonder whats going on over there." He looked to Sachi and then began to detour a bit from behind them to get a bit better view of what seemed to be an impending battle.

@DemonKitten @Yonsisac @Seraph Darkfire
Justin snickered as the mother got mixed in with the alpha's business and forced him to eat his food. He eyed the alpha with a fiery indignance. "Fine... I'll play by your rules," he said, taking his hook and chains and tossing them to the side. No armor? His scales under his skin were his armor but he decided to take off his vest. As he slipped off his vest he tossed it with his hook. Justin wasn't cold despite having an entirely bare upper body. Being cold-blooded had its advantages. Justin rolled his shoulders back, flexing his defined back muscles and stretching them in the process. A cramp was the last thing he wanted in a fight. He extended his arms and slowly brought them in, getting blood flow through his tense arm muscles. Justin brought his hands together, cracking his knuckles and turning his head to the side to pop his neck too. A wide grin remained on his face as he did all this, confident of wresting control from the alpha. "Let me know when you're ready," Justin called out, impatiently. He'd been raring for a fight ever since he left home and now he finally had one.
Antero made a tisking sound. "Poor poor reptile. I'd be a shame if I were to cool it down even more in here. Our traditions are we fight in the snow, so let's keep it going. No?" He gave a hearty chuckle as made way for the summit.

Arriving, the snow was falling at a steady pace. Living up here his whole life, the large alpha wasn't fazed. But the cold was sure to affect the reptile.


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Amazon wanted to slap Justin, kiss him, slit his throat, resurrect him and then slap him again. She stood shoulder to shoulder with Alen, her position laid back and amused like a queen on her throne but she was rather conflicted inside. She bargained with Rolan for a heavier coat in exchange for her light yet expensive one thus she was dressed in the leather jumpsuit unzipped to the naval and a thick coat made of several types of fur. She looked like some sort of extermely exotic barbarian. Fingering a patch made of thick gray fur, Amazon turned to Alen and whispered in his ear with a tone most would read as bored but those who knew her could tell she was stressed
" No "hey, babe". No " how are you guys doing". Nope. He's' challenging the freaking Alpha...I will-ugh ! I want to kill him".

Amazon made eye contact with Justin, doing her best to ignore his flexing and stared at him for a second. Her yellow eyes were literally radiating with the string of emotionsk knotted up inside of her. Sure, the two couldn't communicate telepathically but the read each other well enough to get a good enough meaning. Amazon's brows were arched as her eyes were narrowed, lashes batting . Her lip had a small trail of blood running down it from how much she had bitten it and her nostrils were flared. After that brief minute, she looked away.
" He better win. I want that wolves fur on my coat".
He watched as the Reptile Zaonian dropped his weapons and armor. The gryphon was growing concerned for the wolf... he was going up against a predator that fought alone when the strength of the wolves was that they fought together. When the wolf said that they fought in the snow, however, Don gained confidence that the wolf would come out victorious. He crossed his fingers and said a quick prayer to Kyna to give strength to the wolf. If the reptile won, Don was afraid that a lot of things would be changing, and many more going wrong.

"Arya." Don hissed angrily, his tail beginning to flick back and forth in annoyance. She had refused to answer his question, and he knew she had done it on purpose. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder- he didn't want to hurt her. "Dysis," He snarled under his breath, "I want to know what's going on." Usually Don would have remained calm, and would have been sweet and asked politely once more. In fact, usually he would have just trusted Dysis and backed down, standing loyally at her side. But he was terrified, and terror does strange things to your personality. Don was beginning to fear that these changes she spoke of could be major not only for this wolf pack, but for his home and for his friends and for Shen. That put his tribe in danger, and that made a fast enemy out of Don... as much as he cared for Dysis, no one was allowed to put his family in danger. Not even her.

Alen sighed as he shook his head and laughed at justin "idiot....you probably should've thought about that ya know?" He brushed some snow off his fur and put his hand by his side where his dagger was and prepared for a fight "would you like me to eliminate him for you croc? After all I got a bit more fur than you...."

As don asked again, Dysis turned to look at him. Though she wasn't speaking, it was apparent that this was causing her a lot of pain. Her pale eyes held things such as longing and distress. Avoiding this gaze, she looked downward before focusing about the alpha a Justin once more.

As Dysis watched, she knew this would turn Don against her. Hell it pained her to think like that but it was true. He would most likely have her throat before the battle ended, and Dysis expected it as well.


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Well, he had at least accomplished getting her to look at him. But Don immediately regretted it. They only met gazes for a brief moment before she looked away, again, but in that moment Don saw that she wasn't exactly happy about this. His anger slipped away, and he suddenly felt weighted down by sadness and regret. Don released her shoulder and moved away from her, going to seek out a view of the fight that wasn't at her side. He ended up next to a Hyena that looked ready to fight the wolf alpha as well, and quickly put distance between himself and that Zaonian as well.

He didn't seek out Blake, or the panda, or anyone else at this point. He moved to a place where he wasn't crowded, and stood tall though on the inside he was sulking. It was funny how easy it was to lose a friend and it hurt. Don had never actually lost a friend before, and he was taking it exceptionally hard. This was a hard lesson in trust, for sure, and it proved the point that Shen often said: 'You have to be careful who you trust.'

As Don moves away, she kept her gaze plastered upon the two preparing for battle. This was painful for her and most likely him as well. And this wasn't exactly going to improve their relationship. Glancing backwards to see where he went, his posture told that he was unfazed. Yet it could be assumed that he was a mess inside. Shaking her head, Dysis had to focus on the task at hand.

Waiting for it to begin, she was getting a bit cold. And like most sharks, she was cold blooded. Feeling a tad drowsy, Dysis fought to stay on her feet. This needed to get done.


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Justin stepped forward to signify his direct, official challenge. Then it began to snow and his body temperature plummeted. "Damn..." he muttered as his muscles became sluggish. There wasn't a single heat source anywhere. Justin looked up and saw that the sun was being covered by the clouds. If the sun came out, then that would warm him up enough to really crush the alpha. For now, Justin needed to move enough that he could keep his blood flowing. Good thing something like that would be easy once he could get into combat. With that Justin stepped forward again, closing the distance with the alpha, a murderous look in his eyes. Justin had finally figured out how he was going to kill.
Antero met his gaze with one equally hungry for bloodshed. Giving a snarl, he began to slowly circle the croc on all fours. With them being outside, he would be slow to move. Pausing he then fakes left then slammed into Justin's right flank, his foot landing on the reptiles tail in the process.


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Asyra had fell into an unexpected deep sleep while on their travels. When she woke among the tree tops, she could not find her companions. She had no recollection of her sleep and she found herself having to double back to Megima to gather her bearings. Once at the city's gates, she redirected herself towards the Howling Mountains. Within the same day, she managed to cover about half the distance to the dreadful mountains. She was not short on food - wild rabbits made for good hunting when her stomach beckoned. During the night, she remained in her human form with her blade by her side at all times in the high branches of the trees. The next day she would make it to the Howling Mountains in which she would find her companions that she started this journey with. She would have approached them once more, but the Lycos they found themselves with did not appeal to the phoenix's liking. She stayed out of sight and followed them from a distance amongst the higher sections of the mountains.

She flew high over the wolf village to stay out of sight. She watched her companions, Xiong, Mark, and Vali, until she noticed Xiong motion towards something in another part of the village. Much commotion. A young wolf was circling a... crocodile? What in the name of the gods could a crocodile be doing in these mountains? It came to her then that this reptilian was not there for leisure, he was one of the ones that was sent out of Megima. She threw herself up to circle back and then dive down towards the village. She was free falling, not wanting her fire to make her noticeable. She extended her wings about ten yards off the closest structure's rooftop. She landed softly on the structure before morphing into human form. She quietly padded in her leather garb to the edge. She looked down at the commotion between the young wolf and the crocodile. Such an interesting conflict...
'Great, him again' Vali thought remembering Justin as he saw the man starting a fight almost immediately 'He just loves to cause trouble' he saw a slight movement and noticed Asyra on top of a rooftop 'Hmm, I'd wondered where she'd gotten off to, I suppose that answers that question'

Turning his eyes back to the fight, the green haired boy wondered why it was such a big deal that two people were fighting. It happened all the time. Certainly it was no surprise that two people with clashing personalities wouldn't get along. Again, he found himself wondering why they'd been sent here. If anything, they were causing more trouble than what they were meant to stop.

'Well, it isn't like I owe them anything, I don't see any reason to put myself at risk to stop a fight, I doubt either one of them will die anyway, they both look quite strong, stupid, but strong' his stomach growled again and he sighed 'Need to find something to eat soon' he grinned a little 'Something sweet would be nice' a Carbuncle's sweet tooth was something not to be trifled with.
Justin grunted from the impact, not being able to react fast enough. But he took the opportunity to bear hug the wolf to keep him from dashing away. Then he picked up the alpha and slammed him onto the ground. Yes... get down and dirty as Justin liked to say. As he brought his opponent to the ground, Justin wrestled to get on top of him. His body working furiously to make up for the disadvantage at hand. Justin knew he'd burn through what little stamina he had quickly. Almost too quickly. He needed that sunlight to make a kill because right now he knew he was too slow. Justin kept wrestling for the advantage so that he could pin the alpha and keep him down to finish him. Justin's eyes flashed above him, the cloud was definitely moving. Give it a minute and Justin would have a dead corpse. His thoughts raced as his breath grew heavy. His thoughts always raced when he was going to kill. Justin wasn't one to, as most would assume, to kill without thought to it. In fact, it was quite the contrary. Justin would always think a lot about a kill before even stepping into a fight. He planned, and once he committed there was no hesitation. Justin knew exactly what was going to happen. A bloodthirsty grin came onto his face as he knew that as soon as that cloud gave way to the sunlight, he'd have access to some heat. He'd shift, overpower this pathetic alpha, kill him, and take full control. Justin began getting excited at these thoughts that came for only milliseconds into his head. His eyes now burned with a passion for death. Oh what a time to kill! A time to become part of the Final Revolution!

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Alen leaned against the wall as he watched all this take place "guess he didn't need my help after all...." He looked around for something to do while he waited for Justin to finish and saw dysis watching and made his way over to her.

By the time he reached her he handed her a sack of coins that he stole from a watcher "for you lovely...." He said with his hyena grin. He looked back at the fight and sighed "bout time some action started around here huh?"

Don's hopes rose when the wolf slammed into the Crocodile, but they quickly plummeted when the reptile grabbed the wolf. The gryphon was pretty sure he had swallowed his heart as he watched the two fight. Unable to stop himself, he glanced over at Dysis to see how she was doing and spotted a Hyena near her, the same one that had been eager to help the Crocodile. His ears flattened against his skull and his tail flicked in annoyance. Why were those three even on this quest? Was this whole thing set up by the cult? Don was beginning to fear that he had once again been caught fighting for the wrong side. He really wished for Shen or the elders of his tribe to be there, now, so that they could tell him what he should do because Don had no idea what he was supposed to do now.

He turned his attention back to the fight. The Crocodile had murder in his eyes, but then so did the wolf. "Why must death be an answer?" He asked no one in particular. The Gryphon could feel his own walls closing in on himself and he shook his head. It would do no good to turn against the rest of the Zaonians for a handful of trouble makers. Don began making plans for if the Crocodile won, and left his vantage point to search for Blake. Perhaps he still had at least one friend with him. Perhaps he could convince her to fight on his side. Don refused to allow the killing of innocents. It had happened on his watch once and it would never happen again, by this he swore.

"Blake?" Don whispered as he began to move through the crowd, seeking out the NineTailed Fox Girl. Unable to help his rising temper, he purposely bumped into the Hyena in an attempt to shove him into Dysis (@Penance) while he continued to search for Blake. What? Even Don could be petty sometimes.


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