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Fantasy Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ-ZAO-Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

When Sachi had to leave to tend to the others Xiong had taken a few bit of time to explore the cavern living quarters. Mark tagged along during his exploration, the two of them had never seen much of the outside world past Paradosis's boarders. The cavern was intriguing to say the least. It was hard to distinguished what parts where made by claw and tool, and what part was natural. All the while, still being followed by a few of the wolf clan, though after observing Kali keeping the peace they did not stick around long. Xiong finally found the area which had been designated for them and was able to find a corner where he could sit and take out if book. He flipped to the section he had last left on on, a chapter on the Howling Mountains, and began to chew on his sprig. Not to much longer the she wolf from before came back and picked up where she left off. Xiong listened to the tail of the disappearing Lyco and began to slowly realize the issues the Lyco had with bears. It was understandable, someone that important disappearing from their home. Xiong watched as the she wolf began to stutter and stumble through her words, which was making him feel a little more awkward. "Ah I see. Well it seems for now, most of you clan is giving me a wide berth. Im sure the uh older Lyco has something to do with that. But also you being here seems to help. I, uh, Thanks for that." Xiong closed his book but kept his spring in between his teeth, the act comforted him. He looked around and then to Sachi, now noticing she seemed to have been busy before. He also noticed besides Mark and Himself, none of the other group was near. "Say, I don't supose you know where everyone else is?"

Amazon smirked at Alen, her dark pink lips twisted into a teasing little smile. " Aww, ya missing your girl ? You and Dysis are adorable as hell. I swear I have a heart attack everytime I see you together". Amazon's expression would morph into a something more serious as Alen mentioned the plan. Taking a long drink from the bottle, grimacing from the taste of the cheap liquor. " I have no freaking idea what the plan is. I had some guy carry me up here and I fell asleep half way until the jerk dropped me. I made him pay though-never mind. I forgot the plan so let's improvise for now, yeah ?".
"The others?" It took Sachi a moment to process everything, but it soon caught on. "Oh! You mean your traveling companions," She thought for a second. Sachi knew where most everyone was at every moment, that is what she was skilled at. After all, Sachi was a beta and beta's kept the pack organized for the alpha's. "Let us see," She tapped her chin, much more confident than before since this was her job after all.

"There were two getting drunk in the tavern, one is in the medicine den getting treated. Some others are over there nearby resting and there is one at the entrance that hasn't really moved much," She recalled as she smiled proudly at herself. It took her awhile to recall where she was and she soon met his gold gaze and became hot again as she wished to run away, but at the same time stay for just a moment longer.

Vali found a small hole and pushed his bag into it. It was big enough that his Carbuncle form could fit very neatly in there, but not so big that someone could just simply reach in and pull him out. Once he was sure his bag was secure, he decided to find out where he could get something to eat. He didn't want to go to the tavern, the idea of dealing with drunk people was worse than dealing with people normally.

People who were inebriated tended to be...handsy, always touching for some reason. It was really unsettling. As he walked, he noticed Xiong and Sachi conversing. Contrary to his behavior, he did like Xiong, the panda was quiet and kept to his own. It was refreshing not to have to deal with people constantly trying to get close to him. He'd met many people, a lot of them had good natures and well meaning. However, they all assumed that his quiet nature was something to be broken into. They didn't understand that sometimes, people just liked the quiet.

He didn't have much to say, that was all. Most of the time it was always about the deeper hidden meaning, but Vali was more of a "What you see is what you get" type of guy.
Don moved out of the way so that the wolf could focus on Arya, but found the wolf tending to his own wounds. He attempted to argue it at first, before realizing the more he fought the longer it would take for the wolf to finish up and see the damage done to his friend. Perhaps he was standing in the way so the Gamma couldn't see her. In fact, that did turn out to be the case for as soon as the wolf was finished healing Don he moved on to Arya, working on the cuts she had running along her fin and chest. She was still having trouble breathing, though, and Don couldn't figure out what to do. It wasn't like there was any bodies of water... but then, perhaps their were.

"She needs to be in the water!" Don began to protest as the wolf attempted to operate. "She can't breath because she's a fish. Not because there's blood in her lungs!" He said. Boy, this Gamma did not seem to know what he was dealing with. But then that made sense since Psari probably never came up the mountain. Feeling panic and fear for his friend begin to flood his chest, Don began to run to any of the nearby wolves, and any of the Zaonians shouting "IS THERE ANY BODIES OF WATER AROUND HERE?! PREFERABLY NOT FROZEN!" His voice echoed around the walls.

Vitawni, a little battered and bruised from being pinned, landed next to Blake's companion, chirping at her to make sure she was alright.

@DemonKitten @StoneWolf18
Dysis was done with an unnecessary surgery and was laid out to rest when the healers apparently couldn't figure out why she want breathing. If she could have, Dysis would have smacked them all into next week. Flaring the gills along her sides, she hopped that they would get the message. Nope. The wolves trying to fix her were running around like chickens with their heads chopped off, trying to find a solution.

In the middle of all this, she heard Don screaming. Asking if there was a body of unfrozen water nearby. There would of had to be considering they weren't eating snow. A young wolf of about 10 wandered over away from his caretaker and told him "Mister, if your looking for water, there's a big hot spring down there" the boy gestured down a stone hallway.

@RubyRose @DemonKitten

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Don nodded, looking in the direction the boy pointed. Questioning the logistics of the wolves, Don muscled his way through to where the Psari was- all laid out on a stretcher with her fin hanging over the side. Ignoring the protests of the wolves, Don scooped Arya up in his arms and, worried that running would jostle her around too much, he cautiously spread his wings and took to the air. It took him a moment to find the hot spring, and Don tested it with his hand first to make sure it wasn't boiling water, before carefully entering it far enough that Arya was under the water. He would have just released her into the water and stayed out of the hot spring but he was concerned about her mobility at the moment, and how deep the spring was. He kept his grip on the shark girl loose so that she could swim away from him if she so desired.

"You'll be alright now, Arya." He said, his face full of concern. He was hoping that she would be able to breathe, even with the tube lodged into her. After a few moments Don began to worry that perhaps nabbing Arya had been the wrong choice... but she would have suffocated otherwise, wouldn't she have? As his fear for her grew, so did his loathing of Alika and most of the wolves. "They're almost as bad as Veneno." Don grumbled, brows knitting together in anger. "Why did we even have to come up here? What are we supposed to do with these low lifes?" Don asked, though he wasn't sure if Arya was listening or if she even knew the answer.

Xiong looked aorund the cavern as Sachi mentioned the others locations. He had not relized there was so much happening around him that he was unaware of. He stood from his seat and streatched a bit before looking to Sachi again. He had noticed the change in her conversational skills when she spoke of the others, it was not unlike how he was able to loosen up a bit when talking about books and persuiting knowlage. He caught a flash of green and turned to see Vali quietly slipping away to a hiding hole. The little green fuzz ball had a good sense for finding places to hide himself, and Xiong was a bit glad to know where he was should the worst break loose. Xiong turned back to Sachi "I don't normally step out of my comfort zone of solidarity, but a drink does sound good right about now. But im not sure how to get there from here." Xiong looked around a bit before glancing at her with his golden eyes, a bit sheepishly "Do you think you could show me? I mean, you don't have to stay. Unless you want to then by all means, I just....." Xiong sighed before placing his hand over his face and messaging his eyes. He could really use that drink.

@Seraph Darkfire @DemonKitten
Sachi gave a huge grin as she was asked for assistance, but quickly turned back to a professional face, well, as professional as she could have. Thinking about it for a moment, her face scrunched up and she looked slightly concerned. "but what about some of my packmates?" she kicked the dirt as she shuffled her feet recalling all the trouble her pack had already caused. "They already caused you enough trouble and going into a place where they are all half out of their wits might not be a great thing," she lifted her head from the ground. An idea popped in her head, one she wished had not and she gave a long sigh. "The wolves don't listen to me very well since they think I'm clumsy and not fit to be a wolf, but..." she stopped as she looked back at the dark grey wolf that was her sister. "but they will listen to my sister,"

It upset her to no means that she would have to rely on her sister to assist when she just wanted to hang out with the strangers by herself. She liked Xiong and his friends. They didn't look down on her for being who she was and that was something she wasn't use to in her life. "Give me a second," She barked before walking off with her tail dragging in the dirt. Her sister was busy lecturing wolves and sending them to the cage for the night since they displeased her in acting out. Hopefully that would clear out the rift raft. "Rayen," she called to her sister who turned to her almost in slow motion so that you had enough time to truly appreciate her beauty. "Yes little sister," she asked with a sultry and stern voice.

Sachi straightened her tail and stood up straight since Rayen hated when she slouched and looked untrained. "Some of the guest want to go to the tavern, but I fear some pack mates might not appreciate that," Rayen nodded her head as she listened and motioned for her to go on. "If you said something, I am sure they would listen to you," Sachi finished and waited for her sister's reply. Rayen smiled at her sister and agreed by walking towards Xiong and his group. Sachi followed behind, hidden in her shadow.

"I hear you wish to go to the tavern," she announced to them, swing her hims as she walked. When she came to a halt, one hip swung out and she placed her hand on them. "I shall escort you and inform my pack to behave as Sachi has suggested. It is our fault that they have caused you harm and know they are being punished and have been sent to the cage," Sachi shivered at the thought of the cage. Her father once put her in there due to not being wolf enough.

@zCrookedz @Seraph Darkfire
The warm water was pleasing...as was being able to breathe. Once Don had submerged her, Dysis have a sigh of relief. Looking up and catching his gaze, she opened her mouth to respond but no sound came out. Frowning she attempted again, still nothing. The dammed tube had to be interfering with her vocal chords. Dysis gestured to the tube, and made a pulling motion as if telling him it needed to be removed.

As they are in the water, a furious healer pads up with a snarl "Hey, what do you think your doing with my patient, Bird?" The white wolf obviously had no idea that Psari needed water.


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Don waited for a response and was confused at first when Arya didn't speak out. For a moment, Don reasoned that perhaps it was just because she was beneath the water. She began gesturing at the tube, though... and unless Don was mistaken she wanted him to take it out.

"I-I can't do that! You could die!" He exclaimed. The sudden voice behind him caused him to startle, all the hairs on his neck rising. He definitely felt like a child who had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Turning to the white wolf would had spoken, Don felt the blood leave his face. Was he willing to fight with this wolf? It was a short amount of time that his mind supplied an answer: Of course, if it means that Arya doesn't die.

"I'm... I'm tryin' ta make sure she keeps breathin'. She can'na breathe oxygen in this form withou' the water." Don said, gesturing to where he still held Arya up but beneath the water. "We gotta take the tube out, though. She don' need it for nothin." He added, attempting to appear completely confident in his words.

The bleached wolf frowned. "All things can breath air. Now get out of that here pool." The old wolf commanded. He wasn't looking for a fight. Yet, the old wolf sensed his urgency. Muttering a few things under his rancid breath, he padded over to her and pulled out a needle and thread. Instructing Don to lay her on dry land he said "This'll hurt" he muttered and he yanked out the tube and proceeded to stitch closed the hole.

Dysis let out a mangled cry of pain as he let loose the tube. Blood started to stained the floor a deep Crimson as it flowed from the wound. Yet rather quickly the gash had been stitched up. Gathering this things, the old wolf stood and left without a word.


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Don narrowed his gaze at the wolf's order. He refused to obey- she could finally breathe where she was. The wolf did at least have some sense of cooperation, though, and did agree to pull the tube out. Perhaps, after a short while of thinking, the wolf realized that perhaps not all things could breathe air in the same form- because he was right in a sense. Don obeyed in setting Arya on dry land where the doctor could work on her, and flinched, jumping away from the blood when it began to seep to the floor. Arya's cry of pain also set his hairs on end, making the fur that wasn't soaked and sticking to his skin stand up so that he looked exceptionally fluffy. After the wolf finished, he just up and left.

It took a moment for Don to react, scooping the Psari back up and placing her back in the water. "How do ya feel?" Don asked, concern covering his features once more. "Are ya stuck in this form? How are ya gonna change back?" The questions just kind of spilled from him, unable to allow the quiet of the cave to continue to exist. The Gryphon kept his gaze away from the stiches. They looked really painful and in all honesty it was making him feel a bit nauseous.

The crude stitches were painful and disgusting to look at. Moving painfully so she lay against a wall, she replied "I'll have to stay like this until I heal. If I were to shift back, and that is by drying off completely, those cuts on the end of my tail would be forced elsewhere because I'm not 8 feet tall. Most likely internally and possibly damaging an organ." Sighing, Dysis closed her eyes. This whole thing was a mess. "Oh and I feel like shit..."


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Xiong was about to protest to Sachi's concerns about the other pack member, he was more than happy to put them in their place should they feel the need to become hostile, but she was off talking to another she-wolf before Xiong could say anything. He watched as the two conversed for a moment before he turned to Mark and gave him a questionable glance. He returned his glance to the two of them and looked from one to the other as they talked. HE picked up on slight similarities between the two, he figured they must have been sisters. That, or all the wolves were just starting to look alike. Xiong figured it was the second of the two. He was trying to discern traits out of other Lycos and seeing if those traits were indeed unique, when the dark grey wolf came walking up to them. Xiong stiffened a bit under her gaze, this wold walked with a grace that was both commanding a terrifying. He shifted in his stature before addressing the she-wolf "I appreciate the escort..." He looked over to Mark, wondering if he would follow suit or stay behind. Either way, Xiong could use a drink to help calm his nerves, and the stronger the better.

@DemonKitten @Yonsisac
Mark would have been Kinda snoozing all the ime once he had enterd were to rest and were xiong started to read,he snored very lightly and mark is a heavy sleeper Honestly wen it comes to Long walks in the cold and Walking alot so a Nice rest was nice aswell,he would soon wake up and strech a Little as he eard Commosion again,he Slowli Open his eyes and extend his arms upwards tired,seeing Xiong and a Wolf Zaonian,as he did He Notices the wolf was reffering to aswell...Them? he just Got up and was Tired so he was not clear of Mostly anything much,sitting straight he would clear his Throat and would ask Xiong as he Turn and look at him and say with a Respectfull Tone "How long was i thus out?....i dont even remember...."he ask befor standing up not aware what was the commotion about,he would slowli place his lare straw hat on and look at them both with a smile....hope he dint Interrupt anything

(Right on time)

@zCrookedz @DemonKitten
Don was glad to hear Arya speak, but what she said was not good news. So she'd be trapped in this pool until she had recovered? That would leave her out of the mission, unless she was fast at healing. Unfortunately her reason for not shifting back made complete sense and Don was not sure what he could do to help. At Arya's comment about feeling terrible, Don's ears drooped and his eyebrows rose to make a very pitiful expression.

"Is there anything I can get for ya?" He immediately asked. "Food or drink? Perhaps the wolves have books....?" Not that Don knew all that much about books. The only reason he knew how to read was because of Shen. "How long is it gonna take ya to heal?"

Don took a seat near Arya, ignoring the slight chill beginning to seep in from his fur and clothing being damp. He would dry off soon enough... hopefully.

"Give or take a day for the worst of it. I'll be scabbed over by tonight but I'll still be sore. And wolves with books? Peh, like they would sit still for that long. Though a bit of food would be nice. I doubt that they have any fish, so something that has meat will be fine..." A breeze coming from the entrance made Dysis sink a bit lower into the water. Her tail swirling the heated liquid a bit. She was glad for Don's company and helpful nature. Yet she still had a job to do with the nahuatl.


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Though Don had more or less been expecting a decent healing rate, his eyes widened ever so slightly at it only taking a day or so to get through the worst of it. If he had had her injuries he would have probably been down and out for almost a week. He looked at the bandages on his arms for a moment, remembering he hadn't gotten away from this completely unscathed. "I'll see if they have any herbs that will help with the pain." Don said, pushing to his feet. "And I'll see what I can hunt down for you. I won't be gone long. If any wolves come to bother you, I know you can take care of yourself. Especially in the water, injured or not." He said confidently, though his confidence stemmed from that he had no choice in leaving her if he wanted to get her something to eat and check up on helping with her pain. He had a small pouch of his own with special herbs that Shen had sent with him... but they were for emergencies and as much as he liked Arya, he didn't want to share with her when his supply was so meager.

"I'll be back shortly." He added, shaking what water he could from his fur before striding away. It took him a little while to get her something to eat- the wolves were still not entirely pleased with him and were extremely unhelpful in answering his questions. He finally came across an elder that pointed him in the right direction, though. The elder knew nothing of any herbs that could help, though Don had the feeling it may have been that the elder didn't want to share what they had with the newcomers... in the mountains herbs were probably scarce- or so Don reasoned.

"Alright, I have procured food. You're going to have to cope with the pain on your own, though." He said, setting the leg of caribou next to the edge of the hot spring where it would be in reach of Arya before taking a seat.

As he left, Dysis had a slight suspicion that he was hiding something as was she. With a sigh, she cleared her mind and waited for him to return.

As he set the caribou leg near her, Dysis grabbed it and removed the fur. Though most would have ate it hooves and all, her diet was of mainly fish. And if she was correct, fish had scales. After the skin was bare, Dysis then dunked it in the water so it was soaking wet the proceeded to efficiently strip the meat from the bone.


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Vali decided to follow the others to the Tavern. At most, he could just slip in and get something to eat and leave afterwards. However, what the she-wolf had said bothered him. In his experience, others tended to only listen to authority figures when they were around. The best thing to do was to stay as close as you could to the leader as the threat of punishment would only work for so long.

Vali believed that if they over stayed their welcome, it would lead to more problems that they couldn't fix. Wolves were territorial creatures, it wasn't surprising that they weren't happy about intruders coming on their territory. He certainly didn't want to be around when these carnivores decided to use their teeth in addition to their trouble making. He was small and, even if he could shield himself, he didn't want to even be considered as a snack for them.
Don watched in fascination as Arya removed the skin from the leg, dunked it into the water, and promptly began to devour it. Watching her eat reminded him that he hadn't eaten in awhile either. He was saved from having to get up again when Vitawni came in, pulling a couple of ribs that still held flesh behind him. The runtly gryphon tore one of the ribs away for himself before offering the rest to Don who gratefully accepted.

"Why did the wolves have a bone to pick with you?" Don finally musters up the courage to ask. Of course, she hadn't helped her case by antagonizing them but the woolves had started it and they had been directing most of their bad behavior at her.

After chewing through some fat, Dysis replied "Apparently they wanted to see me shift then beat the shit out of someone defenseless." Shrugging as she continued to eat. "Most likely because they grew up being racist, so that's how they are. Thinking that they're the greatest species to ever walk this earth." As she finished the last of the meat, muscle, and fat she proceeded to break the kneecap. Setting the lower half that included the hoof in the water next to her, Dysis snapped the upper bone in half quite cleanly. Looking inside, she began to remove the marrow from the center.


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"I don't understand the hatred between species just because of bonding to different animals." The Gryphon said quietly. "Air or land or water, we all live don't we? We all bleed and hunger and love... yet there are those who believe themselves superior. Well. We showed, 'em right where they could stick their superiority." Don finished wish a grin before tearing a strip of meat from the bone and swallowed it down. "Sorry. 'Spose yer not the one I should be rantin ' to."

"So wha 's it like? Livin' underwater? "


(Sorry bout spelling and grammar mistakes. On a kindle)
After finishing the first bone, she moved the second and repeated the process. "No, no your fine. They need to stick it up their arse." After removing the marrow from on half Dysis continued "what's it like? Well, I don't spend all of my time like this. But every now and then I kinda half to. I think I can go..." She though for a moment "about 3 days without needing water. After that dehydration will start to set it." Draining the second half, she laid the bones on the side of the pool.

Glancing to Don, she ask "Was being a griffin...your first choice?" Dysis knew she needed to be carful, but it could hurt to ask.


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