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Fantasy Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ-ZAO-Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Don felt a snarl in his throat by the way the fire bird landed on Dysis, his wings flaring up as he fought an instinct to protect the Psari. He didn't like how this girl swooped in and endangered Dysis, just like that. It may have been that Dysis had done wrong, but she wasn't in the position to escape or even fight back, so the Phoenix's actions had been quite unnecessary. His mind cooled as Blake spoke, ears going from flat to his head in anger to perked to listen to her words closely. He was a little surprsied by the hug at first, but also greatly appreciative of it.

The hug helped ease Don's mind, and he found that thanks to Blake's added strength he was able to rein his emotions back in. He scrubbed the last of his tears from his fur when Blake released him, remaining near the fox girl while she and her friend debated what should be done with Dysis. He balked at the idea of killing her, because Blake was right, they would be no better then Dysis if they did. But... well it wasn't like they could just let her go free, either. Noticing that Dysis had shifted into fish form, Don became slightly fearful.

"If we're going to take her with us, we need to get her dried off and see if she'll shift back. Otherwise, she's going to suffocate before we get there." He said, unconsciously taking a few steps closer to Dysis, now held by the Phoenix. "I don't know if we're missing anyone else." Don added, "It seems like everyone else has taken off."

Asyra stepped off the the shark girl and morphed back into her human form. She rose from her squatted pose and glanced at her companions. "I traveled with Xiong and Mark. The others from the tower I would not recognize." The cold was settling down onto them, the phoenix girl could feel her inner flames intensifying to compensate. She recognized Don's words about the Psari and Asyra was quick to react. She grabbed ahold of Dysis and hoisted the unconscious shark out of the water and over her shoulders, carrying her "fireman" style. Asyra stood up and looked to Blake and Don. "Well then, we can dry her off fully, after we get out of a wolf pack who's alpha-killer we are holding," the ruby-eyed girl said with an expression of anxiousness to get out of the Lycos encampment.

@RubyRose @DemonKitten
Blake nodded in agreement. "I'm ready to go," she motioned as she reached for Dysis to pull her up. "You two guide her and I will attempt to sniff their path, though I hear the storm is pretty terrible," she suggested as she started to walk towards the exit. Taking a deep breath, Blake gazed around to see where their best outlet of escape was. The wolf pack seemed to be everywhere, she wasn't sure if their was a clear exit, but she knew they needed to avoid Dysis's group. "I think we might just need to make a run for it?" she barked as she thought of a plan. She recalled the last time she had needed to get through a crowd and gave a small smile. "I could burn our way through. Just enough to shock, but not to leave a mark," she brought up the idea to them.

Asyra was in no mood for waiting. The phoenix girl's eyes glowed with a fury of their own. "Get us out of here, by any means! Or else we'll have their claws in us before we have a prayer of a chance!" Asyra looked around, seeing one Lycos poising to make a move on the vulnerable group. Her ruby eyes squinted and gave the wolfman a deathly glare that caused him to reconsider whatever it was he had in mind. I will light this whole encampment in flames if I have to, she thought in frustration.

@DemonKitten @RubyRose

(Sorry for the rather stunted length.)
Blake was looking as though she was trying to make up her mind and the wolves were starting to look more determined by the second. Asyra adjusted her position with Dysis on her shoulders before finding the corner of a shady structure about twenty yards off. "Come!" Growls were getting vicious and it wasn't long until one, two, three, more howls began rising from the Lycos. The wolves were calling for their brothers and sisters to chase the assailant of their alpha. Asyra made a dash for the the back of the structure, looking for the exit of the village. Behind the structure was snow peppered dirt that made a pathway before a pile of boulders at a small mountain's base. Asyra wasted no time. After a glance over her shoulder to check the status of her companions, she continued running forward in the direction of the tavern where they had left Xiong.

I swear if those two aren't trailing me then we'll all be dog food! Asyra yelled in her head. She couldn't look back. All of her energy was being forced into making it back towards the inn. Not much farther... Finally, after running about a hundred meters with Dysis on her shoulders, she made it to the path of the inn. She looked in both directions up and down the pathway as a gust of bone-biting wind rushed past her. I'll be damned... There was no other option. Asyra braced herself and began to charge against the wind with the Psari on her back. The sunlight was shining down on her, helping her combat the elements of the foreign mountains. But it wouldn't be long before the clouds come in and one of her worst nightmares would be upon her.

She found an archway that was constructed within the mountain after just exiting the village. The wind was softer since the mountain blocked most of it. She kept up her charge until she made it into the tunnel where the wind was dead. She turned and faced back to the village looking for her companions, Don and Blake, as she dropped to one knee and laid Dysis on the ground next to her so she could rest. Looking up at the small canyon, Asyra called out,
"Don?! Blake?!"

@DemonKitten @RubyRose @StoneWolf18
Blake pulled Don along with her as she raced to the entrance. They were knocked around by a few wolves in a rush and confused. She growled at them, but was able to move in between and escape before they took notice of the two non-wolves. Blake doubted that anyone actually knew the difference between the bad guys that were in their group and those that were not part of the slaughter of a leader.

Sighing, her eyes perked up as she saw the entrance, but was cut short when a brawling looking wolf stepped in front of them. He growled and glared at the two much smaller zaonians. "You killed our alpha," his voice was menacing as he started towards them. "Actually, that wasn't us, uh, we are just as appalled as you," Blake tried to reassure, but her words were on deaf ears as the wolf came after them. She closed her eyes and put up a fire barrier, but before their was contact, she could hear a familiar voice. "Get out of here!" IT was the medicine wolf and with that Blake nodded and pulled Don to the exit where Asyra remained. "I'm done with wolves," she smile as she prepared for their journey into the snow.

@Syrix @RubyRose (I was trying to wait for Ruby so sorry I was late)
Don was so lost by everything that was going on. The wolves were turning on them? But then... they really wouldn't know who was friend and who was foe, would they? And he hadn't made a very good impression when he had stood up for the Panda earlier. Besides, he had also stood up for Dysis- the girl who had killed the leader. Speaking of the fish girl, Don's gaze flew around wildly- the phoenix and the girl were gone from his sight. In fact, he was running and he hadn't even realized it. He blinked at the wolf who accused them of killing the Alpha, he was so lost to the world. What were they supposed to be accomplishing up here? Because unless they were working for Dysis' group, he was pretty sure they had failed.

"I'm done with all a this." Don responded darkly. "I jus' wanna go home, where things make sense and people who do wrong are justly taken care of." He added, staring out at the white. "Where has Asyra gone?" Don asked before he heard their names echo. Vitawni fluttered alongside them before zooming in the direction their names had been called. "Hope you don't mind Blake." Was the only warning Don gave her before sweeping her up into his arms and then taking flight. The gusts of wind made flying difficult, yet it was still faster then walking and he hoped they'd be able to spot Asyra a little easier. The snow and wind buffeted them around, and Don angled his flight so that he was closer to the ground, tips of his feathers almost brushing against the snow. If it hadn't been for Vitawni, Don was sure he wouldn't have found the phoenix girl- and she had found a good place to wait, a nice tunnel that protected them from the wind. Landing, Don set Blake down.

"Is our plan to follow the others, then? To the Bear clan?" Don asked, trying to regroup his thoughts.

@Syrix @DemonKitten (Again, sorry guys... )
Blake looked up shocked as she was carried to the entrance. She closed her eyes, not used to be picked up so easily. True she wasn't heavy, but still it wasn't a normal occurrence. Also, foxes don't fly. She clung on as Don carried her through the air. Thank gosh it didn't last for very long as she was placed back on solid ground. She stood up to get her footing as she slightly growled. "Let us not do that again," she barked slightly at him as she walked over to Dysis lifting her up.

"Let's go. I can use Panya's memory of the trail to get us there," She said to them as she exited the pack into the blistering cold. The wind and snow had to at least be going fifty miles the way it turned everything white in front of them. Her eyes stung from the snow and she grumbled as she tried to push through. IT seemed impossible, but she decided she would try just closing her eyes. Taking a deep breath without breathing in snow, she prepared herself. Zoning out of the present, she envisioned Panya's memory and it seemed like the snow had faded. With that she started to walk, the others would just have to follow.

So she had minded... well at least she hadn't kicked and screamed because that would have caused Don to drop her into the snow. He made a mental note to make sure he didn't do that again, because he didn't need to lose the only other friend he had on this trip besides Vitawni. Speaking of which... Don glanced around wildly. Vitawni was nowhere to be seen. The little gryphon had been right at his side when he had left the cave but... shoot. I shouldn' have expected the lil guy to be able to fly in this. Vitawni had lead them to the cave, but Don had lost track of him sometime upon entering. Rushing back to the entrance, he found the little bundle of warmth curled up in the snow.

"Vitawni." Don scooped the small creature into his arms, immediately tucking him under Don's shirt. Vitawni chirped tiredly and in a way, he found it ridiculous that he had come so short of actually reaching where they were. Noticing that he and Vitawni weren't the only ones back out in the weather, he followed as Blake began to lead them on a path away from the wolves' cave. He followed close behind, shivering worse then he had before as the blizzard raged around them.
Asyra grabbed Dysis and mounted her on the phoenix girl's shoulders once more. Asyra took a deep breath and stepped into the blizzard. It was freezing. She could feel her inner flames burning within her to try and fight off the cold. She was slowed down by the weight of Dysis, but as long as she kept sight of Don, she knew she would be fine. As long as Blake knows where we're going... The snow was getting in her eyes and mouth and for now, it just a massive annoyance, but the phoenix knew that it wouldn't take too long before the blizzard would seize her.
Blake pushed through the snow, hearing the whimpering of Panya who had done the same. The harsh wind stung Blake blind, but she only needed her memories to be her vision. She could feel Panya guiding her as she came to a stoping point as the wind died down. Opening her eyes, she noticed she had stumbled upon a sheltered clearing that blocked the wind. In the clearing was a large cave that screamed DESTINATION. Blake squealed in excitement as she turned back towards the others. "I think we are here!" she called to them, but was not able to make sure they could hear her through the harsh wind.

Blake shivered as she waited for the others to get to her. Her body was overwhelmed with the need to run to Panya and she could feel that the fox knew she was near. Thud. Blake fell to the ground with a warm fluffy body there to wrap her up in happiness. Panya made chirping noises in pleasure as Blake petted the large nine tailed fox. "I missed you too, Beautiful," she told Panya who rubbed against her partner.

@Syrix @RubyRose (Yall can make the post in the cave)
Don shook his wings, ridding them of the snow they had built up once he was safely out of the wind. Poor Vitawni was quivering in his arms, even outside of the storm. Even so, the little creature smiled as Don and it watched Blake be tackled by her fox partner. Don wondered vaguely if he and Vitawni could have the same kind of connection, because they certainly didn't at that moment in time. Pulling Vitawni closer to his chest, Don moved further into the caves, seeking out a fire to warm himself by- and also wondering if there was anything that could be used to dry Dysis off if she hadn't died from suffocation yet.

"Where have we made it to, anyway?" He asked quietly, looking around. A huge, bulky shape shambled past and Don almost swallowed his heart until he realized it was merely a bear Zaonian. They had made it to the bears... but what would their plan from here be? Certainly not to fight the wolf pack? They only seemed to be causing more trouble as they moved through these areas- worsening wars instead of helping start peace.

Asyra was doing her best to keep up with Don's pace, but the blizzard was effecting her moreso than her companions. This was not a good idea... Each step of hers was getting buried in snow and the phoenix girl was starting to shiver uncontrollably. It wasn't too much longer until Don was out of sight. She looked forward as she fought the icy storm. Looking up through frosted eyes, she caught a glimpse of darkness... A cave, I hope... I must get out of this storm before... before I can't feel my own flame... Fear began to overwhelm her, causing her balance to falter and she fell to the side. Dysis fell off of her shoulders and into the icy snow. Asyra couldn't feel her arm and she was drained of all strength. She was shaking violently as the cold consumed her. She was only yards from the cavern's mouth - only yards away from safe haven. Her eyes remained open by the freeze, not by will.

A shadow passed over her. A bird's shadow. She had no idea what kind of bird would take flight in a storm like this, but she hopped, what seemed like her final thoughts, were that it was friendly. The brightness in her eyes dimmed and she could no longer see as a avian form of a color she could not make out was almost touching the ground before her. She blacked out.

Asyra awoke to the comforting feeling of warmth. Her eyes were slow to open, but eventually they were open just enough to see the small flames dancing about two feet from her. Her hearing was blocked by the sound of the blizzard outside the...
cave? How did I get in the cave?! I couldn't even get up, let alone find the strength to drag myself here. She propped herself up on one elbow and leaned back. At her feet were those of Dysis. Who...? Something wasn't right. She couldn't see anyone nearby, yet she and Dysis seemed to be saved by an utter stranger. And then Asyra remember the bird that had landed before just before she blacked out. Upon the recollection, something burst out of the blizzard and into the cave. It was indeed a bird, a white bird with blue strong blue accents throughout his body.

"You were lucky I arrived in time, my fiery friend, or that headache of yours would have driven you mad by now," the white bird said.

It was then that Asyra noticed the pain in her head. It was pounding, almost as if continuously getting bashed in the head with a hammer. She groaned before finding the strength to speak.
"Who... are you?"

There was a chuckle, but because of her headache she couldn't look at her savior.
"I am the one who is curious to know why a pyrophoenix Zaonian is so far away from home." She heard the avian footsteps towards the fire, but he wouldn't get too close. "Say your name and you shall know mine," he said simply.

She hate negotiating, but she wasn't exactly with many options.
"Asyra... Asyra Fireheart."

There was a pause for silence as she waited for his end of the short agreement.
"Kalidar Windfrost. I'm a Zaonian Cyrophoenix."

"Why did you save me... us?" Asyra asked.

Another long silence... Asyra managed to open her eyes enough to look at the cyrophoenix. She was in awe, really. No one had seen one of their kind in hundreds of years. They were not known for charity, only isolation and their hostile attitude to those who were not of their kind.

"A war is coming, Asyra Fireheart. It would be wise for you to prepare," Kalidar said, giving her a glance before spreading his immense wings and taking off into the blizzard once more...

A war.. does he mean the bears and the wolves? Or is there something more that I don't know... I must get to Xiong and the others!

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