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Fantasy Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ-ZAO-Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Xiong watched the small group reformed on their location as the fight seemed to come to an end. He listened to Vali and the explanation of what had transpired and turned his head and cursed at the misfortune. He put the stopper in the top of the bottle and slid it into his back pack. When he hand returned he had his sprig which he quickly placed in his teeth.

"Vali's right, there's not telling what they might do to the other Alpha if we don't find her first."

Xiong was impressed by the carbuncles natural knack for leading. It was a trait he had nut surmised from him when they originally met. But then again, situations like these change people, sometimes for the better. Xiong swished his sprig around in his mouth making the end twirl in the air. When it stop, Xiong crossed his arms and looked over the group as he spoke.

"Alright, here is the plan. Vali, Mark and Blake, two get Sachi somewhere safe. Vali, if you have to and if you can, use your shields against anyone who might wish her harm. Arya and myself are going to track down the others. She can fly over the crowds and find them, I can haul them back." Once we have them all in one place we can find out what can be done moving forward and protect them at the same time"

Xiong's sprig began to dance in the air once again signaling he was done discussing and looked to the others.
"If no one has a better idea i suggest we get moving immediately. The longer we wait the more damage could be done."

Asyra nodded in compliance. Her human form quickly changed into that of a phoenix. With a strong beat of her wings, she rose into the air with fire trailing her. She kept her eye on Xiong, to make sure he hadn't lost sight of her. She peered down amongst the frenzy of wolves that were running wild. She flew over the Lycos settlement until she could spot the first of her companions that she saw at the Tower in Megima. The first two was Dysis and Don. She turned her head to find Xiong, returning to him in a back circle rotation. "I found two! The shark-girl and the gryphon - I'll clear a path!" The phoenix turned once more and and soared above the crowds. She beat her wings and unleashed waves of fire that would force the Lycos to part and make way for Xiong. As she flew over Dysis and Xiong, Asyra kept her eyes open for any of the other individuals they traveled with. She couldn't land her eye on the crocodile... Asyra looked at Dysis: "Where is the crocodile?" the phoenix asked in a hurried tone.

@zCrookedz @StoneWolf18 @RubyRose @rapjack123
Justin laid in the snow, shivering, bleeding, and humiliated. He stood up slowly, shifting back to normal. He was breathing heavily, not so much that he was exhausted, but more of panick. His eyes were wide with fury. "WHAT THE F*CK!" he yelled, punching the trunk of a tree and blowing a large piece of it off. Justin's pride was maimed because of this. Why the hell did he even get into this fight if he wasn't going to kill the alpha at the end. It felt like the credit got stolen from him. Storming back, he forced himself through the crowd. He saw the Carbunkle boy and pushed him out of the way. Justin was NOT in the mood for anything. He kicked open the doors to the bar and made his way to the counter. He murmured all sorts of creative obscenities under his breath as he sat down. He didn't need the others to finish the fight for him. Justin felt pampered. He knew how to handle himself. Justin suddenly felt the need to kill something. He craved regaining his pride. This was not what he came here for. For his friends to come in and cover up his mistake and taking away all the credit from the kill. Gah, it was humiliating! Rage bottled up inside Justin like a keg just waiting to explode.
Mark Noded as Xiong as he said to Guard the Wolf,he would smile as he would say "I shall xiong Just be carefull"he said as he would look at Vali and Blake giving them a Nod as Mark would Go towards sachi and Blake as seem he try to help her,He look at him and then as sachi as Mark would say to sachi and try his best way speak to her"My dear i Understand your Sorrow...But thus of now we must Move as you might be in danger,we must maintain you safe,Pleas come on now...we dont have much time to spare"he said as he would reach and Grab under one of her hands Carfully and slowli try to lift her up holding her,he look at blake and noded to help him,they needed to maintain her safe,as he did he kept and eye and look around,the blades under his sleeve loose as if some one tries to do anything they might reasive needles in there eyes....he needed to execute this perfectly.

@DemonKitten @zCrookedz @Seraph Darkfire
Sachi looked up at Mark, her eyes filled with tears, but she knew he was right. Having cried all her energy away, she tried to pull herself up, but only fell to her knees. Noticing this, Blake drapped the she-wolf's arm over her and helped to balance Sachi as they stood up. "The bears?" Sachi breathed out finally calming her voice from shaking. "They might be able to help us," she suggested. Blake looked to Mark and Vali as Sachi closed her eyes in exhaustion and her weight came down on Blake. Blake could feel the fact that her strength wasn't enough, but it was soon lifted as Panya approached in full Ninetail's form and allowed Blake to place Sachi on her back. "Hold on to Panya, Sachi," the red fox said softy to the wolf who nodded and gripped onto the large fox's fur.

"Do you think that is a good idea?" Blake asked not exactly sure that going to another unknown area and causing another group to be thrown into chaos was a smart idea, but perhaps they could warn them of the impending doom.

@Seraph Darkfire @Yonsisac
Xiong watched as the others took their roles and he began to make his way through the village heading for the crowds around the fight. He was unsure what else the were still waiting on but at least they were mostly in one place and he could make his way around.

As he got closer to the crowds he could hear a mixture of anger, outrage, weeping, and hushed conversation. He could not blame them, they had jsut watched their leader be killed like a an animal right before their eyes. It was an unfortunate way for things to have ended for the young leader, especially after having just taken over leadership. of this pack. But that is what happens in the more uncivilized areas of the world, the weak are snuffed out but the strong. Shame the strong in this situation was one who had been sent here under pretenses to help the village.

Xiong was on the outside of the crowd when Asyra returned with news of some of the others. The shark he was not surprised to here was close by, blood in the water and all. But the gryphon was a bit more surprising. When he had first jumped in to help Xiong when they arrived he had thought he was a kind hearted person. However, he did not know the whole story so judgement was not going to be passed on his character just yet. When Asyra opened a path way for them Xiong walked through the opening, he new there was no way for him to walk through without the sneers and protest as he was a bear entering a wolf situation.

As he walked through the crowd he kept his eye pealed for Sachi's sister but he was certain he knew where she would be. In the center of the crowd, Xiong saw the young she-wolf knelt beside the lifeless body of her alpha. Xiong beckoned to Asyra "Keep an eye on the crowds along with our group members, they may not like a bear talking to the alpha in a situation like this."

Xiong slowly made his way closer to Rayen, but kept his distance at a good 10 feet when he stopped. He did not want to get any closer with so many angry wolves surrounding him. He knelt down on his right knee and placed his right fist to the ground. Bowing his head to Rayen he spoke clearly and loud enough for her to hear "Dearest Alpha, I know this is a devastating loss to your pack. But I am concerned with your safety. With one Alpha dead, it would be best if you rejoined me with your sister." He kept his head down until she spoke to him out of respect, but kept his senses tight should someone decide to get to close.

@Syrix @DemonKitten
Rayen growled slightly, but noticed it was just Xiong. She looked over him a second remembering he was the strangers that had come in this place and they had trusted them. "Your kind had brought this upon us!" She turned on him, but it was Pace that came to her side and stopped her from jumping at the panda. "Calm yourself, Rayen," His eyes were gentle and loving as he petted the Alpha to calm her. "It isn't his fault," Rayen's anger subsided and she stopped from snarling as she listened to the young beta's words. "I can't leave my pack!" she snapped at them. "Abandon them? I am all they have!" she growled at the thought of leaving them and saving herself. She stood up from where she was seated and looked up at the chaos. "I must fight and destroy those that have come to kill my family," Pace sighed unsure if they could convince her otherwise.

(Yall can play as them since they are npcs if I should go to work and you need response)
Vali shrugged "I am not sure" he said "Given the reaction to Xiong when we arrived, the wolves and bears have some sort of animosity among each other, this animosity may prevent them from giving aid" he sighed "This is so troublesome" he said as he ran his fingers through his hair. Again, this whole series of events reminded him why he didn't like socializing.

"I suppose if we had something to give proof that the wolves are legitimately asking for help, such as a letter or something written by the Alpha...or Beta?" he looked towards Sachi resting on the fox's back "I doubt Sachi's sister will ask the Bears for help though"

@DemonKitten @Yonsisac
Asyra found a perch near Xiong and watched over the bear. The crowds were rowdy, to say the least. Asyra saw one particular Lycos lurking about that was giving Xiong a deadly stare. The phoenix peered at the Lycos and readied herself to react in defense of her new-found friend. The Lycos she had set her gaze on, did not seem to notice the presence of the phoenix. Surprising, considering she had already made her fiery presence known by blazing a path for Xiong to enter the scene. Another bunch of growls disturbed Asyra's thoughts. She looked and saw three young and juvenile Lycos staring at Xiong. She spread her wings partially and let out a piercing screech, flames sprouting from beneath her feathers as she the phoenix took a threatening pose. The three pups stepped back and turned their now startled attention to the fire-bird. She glared at them with warning before reverting her gaze to find the Lycos that she was tracking before. She couldn't find it...

The phoenix raised her head and looked among the angry crowd. If this Lycos was as murderous as the look in it's eyes, she needed to find it - and quickly.
Where did you sneak off to, you sly cretin?

@zCrookedz @DemonKitten
Xiong jumped backwards from the she wolf and her rage when she turned to strike at him. It was understandable and Xiong would not attack back against this. But then the small blue wolf jumped into the path and stopped her. Xiong was glad for the interference, his eyes returning to their normal yellow instead of glowing a bit.

Xiong watched and listened to the two of them, it was an obvious decision to make given the circumstances. The remaining Alpha did need to be with her people it was a logical choice. But the fear of the others turning on Rayen and Pace now until the hierarchy was completely gone.

Xiong motioned to say something but the screech of his Phoenix friend cut him short. Xiong looked around and noticed the looks the Lycos were giving him even more now. They were not making a move but several of them let their eyes betray them to a motion behind him.

Xiong felt the thumping of the ground behind him before he actually saw the Lyco, but it made little difference. In the Lycos furry it let itself become blinded by its ambition and Xiong was able to take advantage of that. The Lyco darted from the crowd and kept low until it was several feet away and lept into the air. Xiong shifted himself just a tad to the right while grabbing his bamboo staff from his back. With a a great deal of force he brought the staff down on the back of the Lycos head as he hit the ground. The Lyco went unconscious and Xiong placed the end of his staff at the base of the Lyco's head.

Standing there he watched for any other movement. But most seemed to have backed up a bit out of surprise that a bear was not slashing and attacking with tooth and claw. Xiong looked to Asyra and gave her a thankful nod and smile before turning to Rayen and Pace once again. "I understand your need to protect your family, but I feel with my team mates having choose the path they have, I personally am no longer safe here. Some of the others may go with me, some may stay, but I will leave back into the mountains and make my way to the bear clan. Hopefully with the knowledge that your sister has provided on the troubles between your clans we can find a way to help."

Xiong removed his staff from the back of the wolves head and kept it in hand as he turned away from the two wolves so that they can continue to morn. Xiong found a very large group of Lyco standing in his way, most with a look of death in their eye.

Suddenly there was a growl from behind and Xiong recognized it as Rayen. The she wolf was standing, Pace still holding her back, as she warned the others
"Let them pass..." her words full of spite and anger. Xiong watched as the crowd reluctantly parted and he made his way back where they came from. He looked to Asyra and gestured back to their group with his head.

Rayen turned away and looked hard at the ground. "Take Sachi, but I must stay here. I cannot abandon them," Her voice was low as she went into the wild mess to stop the madness, hopefully. Pace just nodded to Xiong. "Thank you. You do not need to risk your lives for creatures that were harsh to you, so thank you. Do what you must," With that Pace vanished as well.

Sachi was still holding on to a large Panya that stood by Blake's side. The fox had drapped his tails over Sachi like a blanket and she seemed more comfortable than they had been all week. "I think Sachi would, perhaps, to save her sister," Blake suggestion knowing that Sachi was the least prideful of the pack so she would probably sacrifice everything to save them. "Besides, we have no choice," She looked down at the ground knowing Don was probably with Dysis again. She needed to bring him to his senses and take him with them, but she also needed to remain and protect Sachi. "I shall follow your guys decision (it was really hard trying to find a phrase to replace yall here)" Blake patted Panya on the head as she prepared.

(Just take me with yall)

@zCrookedz @Seraph Darkfire @Yonsisac
Asyra acknowledged Xiong's thanks in a similar fashion. She kept her eyes peeled for any other potential dangers in the vicinity. When Xiong signaled that it was time to go, the phoenix stretched her large wings and took to the skies. She flew in a circle above Xiong as he walked out, following him back to their companions and watching over the wolves to ensure none of them were going to strike out at her companion by surprise.

Xiong was releaved to see that none of the wolves were following them back looking to defy the one bit of leadership left in the village. But he was even more relieved to see nothing had happened to the others during his short time gone. As he slid his bamboo shaft back into his home on his back he looked over the group and then into the air to see Asyra still keeping an eye in the sky for them. "Alright everyone. Here's the deal. Rayen is staying, along with the other members of the pack leadership here. They need to take care of our other friends now that they killed the male alpha."

Xiong reached up to the brim of his hood and grabbed the edge. But instead of his normal tug to hide his face he pulled it backwards. His long black hair left loose the only thing that interrupted his hair line where the two puff ball like ears towards the top of his head.

He scratched the back of his head and watched the ground as he addressed the group.
"I have to leave, and I am taking Sachi with me. The rest of you cant stay and help the leaders if you like. With the other group having killed the alpha, It is not safe for me here. Rayen has asked me to take Sachi with me. In all honesty it might do some good to have her with me when I reach the Bear Village."

He turned his golden eyes back to the group looking over them each. He settled on Mark, fairly certain he knew what his choice would be but it was still his choice to stay or go.

@Syrix @DemonKitten
Sachi looked up as her name was spoken at the man, but her vision was blurry and she couldn't quite make him out as she buried her head into Panya's fur. Blake rubbed the she-wolf's back as she heard sniffles from her. Looking at Xiong, she thought about his words of choice. I'm no fighter, she reminded herself. Though she had fox fire, her skills in combat were not confrontational. Blake was a shadow fighter, a trickster, but she needed to find Don as well.

Blake was conflicted in her decision. She might just get in the others way if she stayed. I'm just a pampered princess, she thought bitterly as she assessed the others. It seemed like everyone was capable for something, except her. Yet, she couldn't leave without knowing Don was alright and by their sides. She doubted Dysis would come with them after what she did. Blake shook her head, How could we not of known, she wondered still shocked by her betrayal, but she felt as if Don was more shocked than she was. "I think I need to stay," She said softly to Xiong. "I am not the most skilled, but I cannot leave without Don," She looked down at Panya, who questioned if he would go with her since he was her main source of protection. "Panya can stay with you and help, that way I know which way you went as well and can guide everyone out," she suggested.

The phoenix circled down and clacked her talons on the ground. She shook in frustration before her feathers started to reform into flesh and she grew into her human form. She rose from a squatted position and took a step forward. Asyra's ruby eyes assessed everyone once more. She was a fighter, raised and trained to survive on her own amongst the Aurum Mountains. But this terrain was nothing like her summer homeland, but he fire of her Mythikos seemed to sustain her adequately. I just hope the dear gods don't let a blizzard befall us. She looked at Xiong and it seemed fairly clear that of those who left the tower in Megima in their party, she and the panda were the only two experienced fighters of the present - excluding Panya of whom Asyra was unfamiliar.

Asyra overheard Blake's thoughts as she voiced them to Xiong. She vaguely remembered Don.
The gryphon boy, if memory serves. She didn't know anything about Don, or Blake for that matter. She trusted Xiong, and his friend Mark too. Vali as well seemed trustworthy, despite his very lone survivalist personality he seemed to guard himself with. If there is any group of individuals to guarantee a safe travel to the bear tribe, it would be those three from what I have witnessed. She looked at Blake and she did not seem to be particularly cheery. Flustered was a better word to describe what Asyra saw in the nine-tailed fox. "Blake," Asyra said in a calm tone. "Do you know of Don's whereabouts as we speak?"

@DemonKitten @zCrookedz
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Blake looked at Asyra as her name was called. Do I know where Don is? she repeated the question in her mind as she let a sigh escape her lips. Blake was pretty sure she knew where the gryphon was located. "If I had to guess I'd say he was with Arya, though I doubt that is her real name," she made a slight growl, but in all honesty she was more hurt by the betrayal than angry at the shark girl.

"I know Don's scent pretty well, so I can probably track them unless you wanted to look overhead," She thought back to the last time she had seen Don having found him in the crowd of people as she accidentally on purpose burned a few wolves to get through. Once Dysis had killed the alpha, he went after her in rage having thought them friends, but I guess it was all a lie in the end. "He went after her when we found out she betrayed us. I think it had a worse effect on him," Blake commented to the Phoenix as she walked away from Panya who whimpered in reply.

A betrayer in our midst... we shall see how we like our shark meat cooked if she dares trifle with me. Asyra gave a kind smile to blake and nodded, her eyes glowing a deeper red. "I will help you find him them. We can cover more search more ground between scent and sight faster that if either of us were to go alone. We will be safer this way as well." Asyra grabbed the handle of her blade and looked back at the rest of the party. She knew full well that between the Lycos among them and Xiong, they would be well protected against any dangers. She looked back at Blake with a determined gaze. "I will help you find him them. If this 'Dysis' traitor is still around him, I fear he has more enemies around him than he may have bargained for with the alpha dead. Gods be good, let us hope that Arya is not another Dysis, but we need to find him sooner rather than later."

The phoenix girl put her hand on Xiong's arm.
"I will help Blake in her quest to find her friend. Once we have him, I will meet you on the way to or at the bear tribe." Looking at Blake, "we'll hunt when you're ready."

@DemonKitten @zCrookedz
Xiong looked from Asrya to Blake as they discussed their plan. It was admirable, Blake was concerned for the Gryphon that had come to his rescue. This made him feel better about his initial thoughts of the Gryphon.

When Xiong was not sure if it was the adrenaline of being attacked, or if the drink was still making its way through his system, but he felt focused and determined to help. His anxiousness in such a socially demanding situation was but a memory as he listened to Asyra as she touched his arm, which was warm and felt nice. "Alright be careful, and if you should run into the shark or the crocodile just get away as fast as possible."

Xiong looked to Vali, Mark and the ninetail's that held onto Sachi. Xiong reached into the chest plate of his armor as he began to walk towards the entrance of the village. He pulled out a small piece of string and bundled his long black hair together and tied it with the string.

It did not take them long to reach the cold entrance way to the village. Xiong stopped as two Lyco guards walked up to them eyeing Sachi.

"Halt! Where are you going with Beta Sachi?" Xiong looked to the Lycos and sighed "The Alpha has been slain, we are taking Sachi to safety as was requested by her sister Rayen. If you have any further questions...." By the end of his words Xiong had already finished shifting into his much larger, much furrier form as he continued towards the door. "I suggest you take them up with her."

The Lyco guards seemed to be much more concerned with the death of their Alpha than their band leaving to village, and were soon gone to try and learn what had transpired for themselves.

Xiong pushed the large doors that lead to the Howling Mountains with ease and turned to the others who had come with him.
"Well, better get moving." After the others had come through, Xiong pushed the door closed with a solid thud.

@Syrix @Yonsisac @Seraph Darkfire
While they had been talking, Vali had vanished only to return in his smaller furrier form with his small pack resting on his back. If they were going to be travelling the mountains again, he wanted to be covered in fur. Since Xiong was in front of everyone, he moved quickly and climbed up onto the Panda's shoulder. Once they'd gotten outside, the large gem resting in his forehead began to glow. The cold wind and snow that had been blowing on the group suddenly stopped, blocked by his shield. Because the shield didn't possess any heat or true surface, the snow didn't stick to it, instead the snow easily slid off, not blocking their view.

As long as he was riding on Xiong, he could keep the shield up as he himself wasn't moving. This would at least make their travel a little less cumbersome. They would make good time without having to worry about the snow and wind.

He couldn't do much about the cold though. The air itself was cold and he couldn't protect them from the air or they'd all suffocate.

@Syrix @Yonsisac @zCrookedz
Blake nodded to Asyra, happy to have a companion that looked as if he could handle himself pretty well. "Okay, I shall try and sniff them out," she called above to the Phoenix as she transformed in her fox form, having more availability to her senses this way. She was quite large in this form actually seeming more frightening than in her normal form and she wasn't even done growing. She sniffed along making weird chirping noises. Her nose was filled with the scent of blood from every direction making it hard to focus on the scent of the gryphon. Luckily, Ashlyn had been trained to do this in case of emergency and soon caught the feathery trail of her friend as well as the scent of fish that she knew must be Dysis. She slightly barked, chirped at Asyra from above as she dodged forward.

Blake covered herself in flames to prevent being touched by any enemies as she made her way through the crowds. The scent got closer, but she was cut off when a wolf fell in front of her. He looked at her for a second with a growl, but instead of waiting around, she jumped over him and ran back after her trail. Soon she made sight of Don and Dysis, both seemingly injured. She stopped a few feet, unsure how to confront the shark who had betrayed them. She was sort of hoping she wouldn't be around when she arrived. She looked up to Asyra, unsure what he would do now faced with an enemy.

@Syrix @RubyRose @StoneWolf18
Dysis was about to reply to Don when she noticed two things. First, the heat of both their bodies had melted the snow beneath her, causing it to soak through her clothing and making her shift. Second, Blake and someone she had yet to recognize were nearing. This wasn't looking good, and it would be a miracle if they didn't tear her throat out. Looking around, noticing that the others had disappeared due to something like this. Only if she had acted sooner, or didn't act at all. Laying her head back on the snow, she closed her eyes and waited for the scolding to begin. Best case scenario, she was locked up somewhere. Worst...lets not formulate any ideas now.

(Sorry about the length)

Tears had begun to fall from Don's eyes in earnest and he looked away from Dysis, feeling an odd shift under his claws but paying it no mind. He was beginning to wish he had never left home, had never met Dysis, had never come here. He had had the chance to do something and he had done nothing. The alpha being dead could be blamed on him- he should have let Dysis die. He shouldn't have helped her. How was he supposed to know that she would turn against everyone, that she had been against everyone to begin with.

You have the chance to kill her now. A soft voice in his mind reminded him, and Don squinted his eyes closed, shaking his head. He couldn't. He couldn't outright kill her. Chaos rained around him, and he didn't notice, nor care. He was lost in his own hell of guilt and shame for being so easily duped, for not stopping Dysis, for allowing this to happen. He was a waste of space, always had been.

Don took a deep breath, shaking the thoughts from his head. He wasn't worthless. He could still remedy the situation. Tears still streaming into his fur, Don looked up at the sound of people approaching their direction. He turned to look to see a beautiful creatures that looked so very familiar, and then another who did not look familiar. The Gryphon pushed to his feet, Vitawni landing on his shoulder as Blake approached with her new friend. Don hastily swiped the tears from his eyes, forcing his beak to curve upward just enough to make a small smile.

"Blake." He croaked, clearing his throat after the failed attempt at saying the ninetail's name. "What do we do now, Blake? With her? With them?" He asked, needing someone to tell him what he should be doing because he couldn't figure it out on his own. "And... I'm sorry," Don said, turning his attention on the newcomer, "My name is Don. Yours?" He said in a weak attempt at being polite.


Blake transformed back into her original form and started to tear up along side Don as she grabbed him into a hug, going under as not to squish Vitawni. She tried to calm him down as she felt his sadness as if it was her own, but it probably was her own now that she thought about it. "Shhh... Nothing is your fault so there is no reason to be sorry," she soothed him trying to reassure herself as well. It wasn't just his fault that they didn't notice that Dysis wasn't who she said she was and didn't those Seers or what ever know about this? Why would they let this happen? Her tears turned to mainly tears of frustration that they were forced into this. "What do you think we should do with her, Asyra?" she looked up at the Pheonix that was still over head as she pulled away from Don. "We are no better than her if we kill her and I think it would solve nothing if we did," Blake said not only was it the truth that keeping her alive might actually help them in the process, but it also kept from Don or herself from dealing with the horrors of her dying. It couldn't of all been a lie. Perhaps she had reasons for what she did. Blake put her hand in Don's as way of reassuring him that she would stay beside him.

Asyra had taken to the skies, her immense wingspan casting a large shadow over the ground. She watched over the ninetails as she made her way through the crowd. The burning eyes of the phoenix pierced through everything and it wasn't long before she caught a glimpse of the gryphon and of the shark. She heard a bark and a chirp that seemed to be aimed at her. Asyra looked down to find Blake diving through the crowds engulfed in foxfire. Hmm, my fellow torch-blood found caught there scent as I have spotted them. Let us close in, my foxy friend. The fire bird screeched as she arced upward to better position herself for a smooth descent. Her wings were spread wide as she came down. Blake had already made it to the two strangers - one seemingly Don the other by default must be Dysis. Asyra's ruby eyes were still scanning the surroundings, ensuring no rouge Lycos would appear with a vengeance.

Once the phoenix came about fifty feet from the ground, she bent her wings to hasten her descent. She spread her wings once more in a thrust, fire flaring from her body as her talons were outstretched and Dysis was her landing pad. While she was not penetrating with her talons, the phoenix pinned the shark to the ground with her flames following in hot pursuit. Asyra held one talon at the base of Dysis's throat, her wings poised to act or react. She fixed her gaze on Dysis's closed eyes as her own seemed to host their own flames.
"I hold no love for deceivers," the phoenix said, her tone threatening and daring. "But you are right, Blake. Killing her would make us her equal and we would not be carrying true justice." She maintained the same eye lock on the Psari, but she raised her body enough to be a less threatening position and a more secure one. She never looked away from Dysis, but examined her fully instead.

While she did not look at Blake and Don, she addressed them the same.
"We have two options. One, we can leave her to the tribunal of the pack in which she will certainly be executed in their own gruesome fashion. Or option two, we can take her with us to meet with the rest of the party and we will decide as a whole what action to take." Asyra's gaze was no longer penetrating like it was. She was stern and stalwart but she was not murderous. Dysis, despite her crime, will not suffer death through deception the likes she had wrought. "What say you, Blake?"

@DemonKitten @StoneWolf18 @RubyRose
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Blake started to shuffle her feet. The choice was obvious, wasn't it, but she felt like her choice was for her own benefit. "Take her with us. Perhaps the others can find a more suitable punishment," she looked at her once friend now broken and bruised, hopefully Don's doing. "Either way, we need to get out of here. I can at least catch Panya's scent, though the wind might throw me off," she thought about it. It was getting deathly cold out there and two of the four of them were fire based animals. "You should probably stay out of your phoenix form," she suggested as she looked around the chaotic pack. "Is there anyone else we are missing?" she asked both Don and Asyra as she didn't want to venture out into the cold just yet. Here they were with this traitor, just the three of them, about to go into the cold in which two of them could not even stomach.

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