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Fantasy Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ-ZAO-Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

With her arms crossed and her tail flicking in annoyance, Blake was all the way in the back pushed away from the crowd. "Why do I have to be treated like a pup," She grumbled as the larger creatures had knocked her all the way to the end. Once again she was treated as if she was just a child and a young princess destined to be married to some random fox like a prize to be one. She huffed a little and stood on the tips of her toes as she tried to look above. Blake had lost track of Don and Dysis awhile back and was now just her. Even Ponya had disappeared.

She hears a slight whisper of her name, but knowing her she was probably just hearing things. She heard it again and recalled the voice. "Don?" she said low before she realized it probably was Don. "Don!!" She called and tried to look over the taller wolves, but she was sadly not as tall. She tried to nudge through, but noticed nothing happening. After a lot of frustration, she decided to burn a path through. She made a slight fox fire on her finger and touched the wolf in front of her that howled in pain, but moved. She did that to a few wolves before finding Don. "Don!!" She barked excitingly as she hugged him. "I am so glad to see you," She made a weird chirping noise in happiness, but felt someone tap her on her shoulder.

She turned with a smile on her face to see a lot of angry wolves looking at her. "Sorry?" She shrugged as they scratched the places that she burnt them. "Oops," she said with a slight awkward laugh at Don.

"Why is this kid here?" one wolf asked another.

"I don't know, but look at him, he is certainly enjoying those Chocolate Berries" his friend laughed.

Sitting at the bar was Vali, though his normal expression was no where to be seen. Instead, he really did look like a child as he sat and enjoyed one of the delicacies of the Howling Mountains. They were special berries that didn't wither in the cold, instead they thrived and fed off of the cold. Naturally, they were cold themselves. They also tasted of extremely rich chocolate.

The bartender hadn't been kidding when he'd said that this was the sweetest thing he had for him to enjoy. Vali was enjoying it so much that he didn't even care whether or not people were looking at him. He was just happy to finally eat something sweet after so much time. His stomach certainly thanked him for it.

He wasn't being bothered though, his small childlike form was certainly useful in that regard. No one seemed to really care that he was here alone and he didn't care that they didn't care. He was probably the happiest he'd been in a while.
Xiong watched the back and forth of the two competitors with mild interest. He had surmised from the actions of the Croc, and the opponent he was fighting, that he was indeed challenging the Alpha. But Xiong could not help but wonder, what did the Croc think would happen even if he won? Surely a village of Wolves would not accept someone such as him as an Alpha.

Xiong chuckled a bit before turning to Sachi and Rayen, "Out of idle curiosity, what would happen should the Croc defeat the Alpha?" Xiong was preoccupied with watching the two fight, that he hadn't realized he was speaking to them. Only after a few moments did he blink back into his own thoughts and realized his inquiry. He looked to Mark with a glance and noticed that Vali was no longer with them.

When he was returning his gaze to the fight, he also noticed the Phoenix perched watching the fight as well. Xiong scoffed a bit
"Well I'll be. Here i thought she had flown the coop. Looks like she made it here in one piece." It seemed the small group that had left together had all made it to the village.

@Syrix @Yonsisac
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zCrookedz said:
((Since @DemonKitten is MIA il make a move. I dont wanna get left behind.))
Xiong followed the two she wolfs towards a busy part of the village, hopefully heading for the tavern. As they walked, Xiong looked up to see Vali had crawled out of his hole and decided to join them. Odd, he had not pictured the little green fluff the tavern type. But none the less, Xiong was glad to see him out and about. He looked to his side as they walked and found Mark. "Look here Mark, our little green friend has decided to join us." Xiong chuckled a bit, Mark was one of the few Zoa he could be himself a little more comfortably around .As he turned back to direction they were heading a large movement of Zoa caught his eye. He could see several of the others that he entered into the village, the crocodile from before seemed to be the center of attention until a large very intimidating wolf walked up before him. Xiong poked Marks shoulder and pointed in the direction. "Wonder whats going on over there." He looked to Sachi and then began to detour a bit from behind them to get a bit better view of what seemed to be an impending battle.

@DemonKitten @Yonsisac @Seraph Darkfire
Sachi sighed. She was tired of all the fighting that she had no control over. Her sister pushed through and walked to the front to see the action. Since she was an alpha, she supported shows of dominance but Sachi was a beta and preferred peace, too bad no one would listen to her. "I'm not really sure, anymore," she looked crest fallen having failed at her job once again. "I just want this to end but it seems like no matter how hard I try it never does," Sachi wasn't sure if he could hear her over the yelling of the group that was engrossed in the battle since her voice was so soft spoken. "I wish I could just go somewhere else, but this is all I've ever known," She thought out loud giving off another sigh
Mark was with the Grupe as ziong says some wille ago of Vali being with them but now he was gone,he notice xiong Glacing at him as he would look around and see Vali gone "Huh....were thus he went?..Vali was here a Minute ago"he said with a shrug and would turn his View towards the Fight hear Xiong saying what if the Croc won...that would be....interesting in Most ways but surely Not good Mark thought as the alpha is sopos to repricent the Pack so....if he i defeated...who knows what will happens,mark sigh and would watch the Fight as soon sigh and say mostly to Himself "...at this rate i dont think we shall be abble to compleat Thus the Task we have been sent for"he said as he would Remove his Bamboo Hat so the strap would be around his neck and his headwear Haging behinde him,But atleast everybody was here...His eyes laid on the Conflict....why get we just all get along

@zCrookedz @DemonKitten @Seraph Darkfire

(Just came to discover its calld Bamboo hat... and aswell im sorry im slightly lost hope that is right)
Xiong looked to the litte she-wolf and felt sorry for her. She seemed to be in great despair over the problems of her home and wanted more than anything to leave this place behind. Xiong could relate, once his family had been killed he wanted nothing more than He and Mark to leave the home behind and never see that kind of destruction again. They had been lucky enough to have Uncle Po, but Sachi's whole family was still here.

Xiong watched the fight a bit more, until finally he could feel the need for sustenance and a good drink once again.

Xiong heard Mark mumbling to himself and chuckled, "Ah let them fight, might make them more cooperative when they are all exhausted from beating each other senseless."

He looked off in the direction that they had originally been heading and thought he could make out a bit of a lively place he assumed was the bar.

"I think we will be alright without your sister." Xiong said nodding in the direction of the bar. "Besides, it looks like most of the riff-raff are here watching these two beat each other senseless." Xiong turned from the fight and pulled at the brim of his hood, hoping he was heading in the right direction.

@DemonKitten @Yonsisac
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While alen waited for her response someone bumped him into dysis. He turned around annoyed to see some punk kid who walked off like nothing happened. Alen walked to him and grabbed his shoulder roughly "hey what's your problem punk?!" He asked. He was wanting to fight someone since Justin got to hog it all so he was hoping this didn't end well

The gryphon had a sick sense of victory when the hyena bumped into Dysis, a smug smirk curling his beak before he continued to search for Blake. Later, when he had time to think about everything, Don was sure to regret doing such a rude thing and taking the risk of hurting Dysis... but with how much Dysis had hurt him in just the past hour, Don found it to be a twisted sort of revenge. Though he'd never fight her directly, he decided he would fight against this cult that had ensnared her.

Don accepted the hug happily when he finally found the fox, glad to see that Blake was ok and that she was still her energetic self. When she pulled away, Don noticed that there were angry wolves with their gazes specifically on Blake. He was about to ask her what she had done when someone grabbed his shoulder- the grip unfriendly. Turning to see the Hyena, Don's happy expression quickly turned to a glower.

Don shook his shoulder, attempting to remove himself from the Hyena's grip. "My problem is you." He snarled, tail flicking back and forth. His hands balled into fists as he took in the Hyena. He looked like a shady guy, to begin with- nothing like the hyena that was in Meri's rogue group. With Hyena's being known for highwaymen and thieves, this guy did a really good job of upholding that negative image.

"If you don't back yourself up, I'm going to do something about it." Don warned. On the whole, he hated to fight. Don was usually one for pacifism and preferred to calm people down... but this guy, well this guy was Don's enemy. He was the lowest of the low- Don could even smell alcohol on him. it wasn't hard to figure out what this guy had been up to. With that, and the fight between the Crocodile and the Alpha going on, Don was really itching to do something. Anything. And apparently that anything was starting a fight with someone Don assumed was with Dysis, someone apart of the cult she had mentioned. The gryphon wanted to tear that cult apart, and he would gladly start with the Hyena if provoked.

@Penance @DemonKitten @StoneWolf18
Mark heard Xiongs Respond...Yea he just Hopes they would,scraching the back of hi neck he would nod and would say in a slighty silent tone"Thus you have a point xiong.....but-...Oh never minde....Just hope thus soon we shall continue Our quest"He said with a slight sigh befor Looking at them both and nod as soon he saw Xiong start making his way towards the bar,he would sigh as...he dint like drinking much but...Oh well maybe wont hurt much,do Mark was very light Drinker as even the smallest Drinks can get to his head,But he maybe might just have a small one Nothing less,starting to Follow he Look back at the wolf Lady and say "dont worry thus i think all will be alright"he said as he would smile slightly as his eyes look towards the fight.....hope they dont kill each other,soon after that he would continue his way towards the bar....Maybe later he will Go back were they rest and meditate....he really needed it atleast just a Little.

@zCrookedz @DemonKitten
Alen growled at him angrily. He looked to be some kind of gryphon 'stupid bird brain...' He thought annoyed. He knew that the punk wanted to fight so he swiftly pulled out two double sided daggers he kept on his sides. One for each hand. They were his favorite kind of weapons to use since he could be fast and smooth with them. He also had them dripping with a rare hard to get poison that's causing the victim to hallucinate and slowly die. He held both in each ready to attack "I haven't done anything to you punk!!" He said angrily

Don eyed the daggers uneasily, but didn't take a step back, even though he dearly wanted to. The gryphon bit his tongue when the Hyena said that he hadn't done anything to Don. Technically, the hyena was right... he hadn't done anything to Don personally. It was what he was going to do. But in letting the Hyena know that Don was on to him (still under the assumption he was in the cult) it would mean betraying Dysis. That was a line that Don was not willing to cross, so instead he switched tactics, his gaze moving to the knives very obviously.

"What's the matter? Not man enough to fight me on your own? You have to use those tools?" Don taunted, making sure he was standing at his full height, chest puffed out and wings flaring as an intimidation tactic. Don didn't have a weapon he could fight with... he had a weapon with him, of course, but not one that he knew how to nor wanted to use. For a brief moment, he questioned himself if he really wanted to get into a fight with this Hyena. His mind quickly supplied that yes, he really, really did. Dying was of no concern of Don's- he didn't expect the Hyena to be that good, or for Blake, or in that case Dysis, to allow the Hyena to kill him if it did come to that. Surely his friend and... ex friend would step in to prevent that.

"If you want to fight me, than challenge me as the strong do. Not as the cowardly weaklings who rely upon their weapons, instead of their strength." Sizing the Hyena up, Don granted that their strength was probably about even... but the Hyena more then likely had him on flexibility and on speed. On the bright side, though, Don could fly and it seemed like the Hyena wouldn't be able to take more then a few punches to shut him down.

Alen squinted at him 'I see what he's trying to do...he wants to be on even terms. Well that's no fun at all....oh well' he twirled his daggers a bit and put them back in their holsters on his sides. "Psh the best way to fight is to see if you're strong enough to go against the odds, but I understand you're too weak" he gave his signature hyena grin and held up his paws. Claws immediately came up and he got into a stance ready to open up a can of whoop ass. "Let's go bird brain. Let's see if you're weak or not!!" He had every bit of confidence that he would win. He's fought worse enemies for less money to gain from it on worse terms so this should be a breeze

Asyra looked over the fight, watching the crocodile battle it out with the wolf. The phoenix girl could not tell if the wolf was the alpha or not since the Lycos were not common in her homeland. She looked over the crowd. A small group of individuals she recognized from the Tower in Megima when they were given the directive to travel to these grim mountains. The cold was not affecting her. She was afraid that the chill of the Howling Mountains would overpower her inner flame and handicap her, but at the moment, she seemed to be impervious to the cold. Asyra looked back over the shoulder just in time to see Xiong, Mark, and the she-wolf turn their direction elsewhere. The girl looked at the fight once more before reverting back into her avian form. The sun's rays were comforting as she spread her wings and took off to follow Xiong, Mark, and the she-wolf to their destination.

@zCrookedz @Yonsisac @DemonKitten
Don felt a strong sense of relief when the daggers were placed back in their holders. If the fancy trick the hyena had done was anything to go by, he knew what he was doing with those daggers and it was more likely Don would have lost. At least this way Don had a fighting chance against the Hyena- he'd just have to play this smart. Ironic that he had to play something smart that being stupid had got him into. The gryphon took no interest in the man's taunting, that was just one of the many ways some would use to try and throw their opponents off. Well Don's anger was cooling down and no amount of name calling or taunting would take the calm away from Don.

Just remember the fights in the tribe, the wrestling matches and fights. Remember fighting the sacrifices on your birthday, most you've done with your bare hands. This pup should not be too much trouble. Don thought to himself, throwing pup in there though he knew that he and the Hyena must have been of similar ages if the Lycos wasn't older than he.

Getting into a fighting stance as well since the wolves and other Zaonians had cleared out of their way, Don began to move to the right in a slow circle. He was going to tear this low life to pieces, in front of Dysis (though of course not kill the guy. Don wasn't willing to consider going that far). He would prove to her there and then that when you have low ideals, you won't prevail for long. Talons out at the ready, Don took a swipe at the Hyena's left side, making sure to keep the right hand open palmed and near him so that he could be ready to try and deflect an attack. He also made sure his stance was open so that his feet weren't crossing over one another. Wouldn't do to get himself all tripped up, especially if he needed to jump back to avoid a strike.

Dysis glanced backward and glared. Allen was fight with Don? Rushing back there, putting a strain on her wounds, she howled at Alen "You bastard!" As she unsheathed her swords and leaped upon him. Pining him, she held them across his throat like a pair of scissors, snarling.

@Penance @RubyRose

Antero easily threw off the croc. He was weak from lack of heat and the cover of clouds were going to let up any time soon. Rolling away from underneath him, the black wolf grabbed his tail and pulled him back. Once he was near, Antero quickly jumped up and slammed his elbow into Justin's skull. (Like a body slam thing)


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Alen laid on the ground with his hands up "woah woah what did i do?? He said he wanted to fight after he shoved me into you!!" He said genuinely confused as to what was going on. "And why do you care about him anyways??" He then looked at the gryphon and backed to her and back to the bird again. "You're joking...." Looking back at his girlfriend he had pure anger on his face "you like the piece of shit dont you?! Why?!! What the hell did i do wrong?!?" He said gritting his teeth so hard he thought he chipped one

@StoneWolf18 @RubyRose
Justin was suddenly kicked off the wolf and he landed with a thud on the ground. Dazed he turned his head and saw Alex and Dysis...fighting? He must've been seeing things. Justin had no time to think about it as suddenly he took a hard blow to the head and the backlash from bashing it up against the ground didn't help things. A stream of blood came down from the spot he was hit. Angered, Justin reached out and grabbed the wolf, pulling the alpha to him and punching him square in the face. The clouds were nearly gone. All he needed to do is... Justin then grabbed the wolf's head and slammed it on the ground next to him. Justin then took the opportunity to resume wrestling him for top. Fuck waiting for the clouds. There was no need to hold back anymore cause he could kill the alpha right now. With that, Justin began to shift. Scales vegan to cover his body and he grew until he was well over 7 and a half feet. A long toothy snout emerged and his body was now coated with armored scales. "I'm going to crush that pathetic skull of yours," he said. His breath was heavy and his muscles ached but now that he was shifted, not only was he stronger, but he was also heavier. Gaining the advantage without the sun should now be much easier. @DemonKitten @StoneWolf18
Don was shocked as a shape came out of nowhere and plowed right into the Hyena, knocking him to the ground. A rather familiar voice shouted 'You Bastard' and before Don had any idea what was going on, he saw that the Hyena had been pinned to the ground by no other then Dysis. Don felt like he had been slapped, in a sense- absolutely shocked. And the worst part was that guilt was now beginning to flood his system. He had started the fight, it had been his fault.

"Dy... Arya. It wasn't him!" Don said at about the same time the Hyena shouted 'what did I do? he wanted to fight'. Unfortunately, the Hyena was right and his fighting back had been completely justified. He was about to continue arguing for the Hyena's sake (he was pretty terrified that Dysis was going to kill the Hyena) when the lycos got a sort of dumbstruck expression across his features. Don didn't even register the name calling that the Dog like Zaonian threw at him.

"Its-It's not like that!" Don said quickly, throwing his hands up. "There has been a huge miscommunication here! Arya, I started this, he's right. And Hyena guy... I can't remember your name... there is nothing between me and Arya. We're... just friends." Don was going to stop after saying Arya's name but... well there had to be a reason for Arya to stand up for him so he figured he'd explain it away by saying that Arya was his friend. It seemed plausible enough.

@StoneWolf18 @Penance
Rolling her eyes, Dysis didn't move. "That piece of shit is my friend you asshole." She hissed through bared teeth. She closed her swords a bit so they rested upon flesh. "Did wrong? The list would be too long to explain." And with that she got up and left to return to her previous spot without another word. Those one would be able to notice a limp as she stalked away.

@RubyRose @Penance

The alpha shook his head, the croc shifted. 'How stupid is this guy? Using more energy to shift and becoming heavier? Peh, I'll make quickly work on him. ' Antreo thought as he shifted. He was now obviously faster than Justin, and the croc was just a fish outa water. Landing a few strong hits in his sides and a nice slam to the groin before leaping away. Too fast for him to catch.


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Alen just glared at her while she walked off "hmph...." He got up to his feet and dusted himself off. Looking to Justin he yelled "kill them all for me!!" And with that he walked away from the crowd in a random direction so he could go think about things. 'The list is too long! Whatever.....this is why I prefer to keep life simple and just take money and kill but....dammit why can't I have nice things??' He thought to himself as he walked away
Justin took the hits fairly easily, given that his scales were strong enough to withstand fire for extended periods of time. However, the kick to the groin... Justin staggered. The bastard. That was a cheap shot. Suddenly, his back felt warm. He looked up and realized that the cloud was beginning to make way for the sun. Justin's eyes widened in a muderous glee. His muscles began to loosen and relax. They were no longer as sluggish as before from the cold. He could feel the effects with a partially exposed sun. Justin suddenly leaped at the wolf, tackling him to the ground. He then threw monstrous punch after monstrous punch at the alpha, one hit would be enough to knock out a bear. It was so much easier to move now, and Justin loved it. Definitely isn't the best condition but anything is better than before. Justin thought he heard Alex say something but ignored it for now. Kill first, kill again later.
Don's ears drooped when Dysis also claimed that he was her friend. Some friend he had been, attacking one of her colleagues out of spite. The gryphon considered for a moment going after her and trying to explain, but she hadn't even spoken to him. It almost seemed like she hadn't even noticed him, besides that he and her colleague were about to fight. Perhaps it was best to let things lie for now... if Dysis really did conclude Don as a friend, then perhaps things weren't completely lost. Perhaps Don could save her from that cult, free her from whatever binds she had to those who killed and hurt... Perhaps they could find a way to reverse an animal bond together that didn't involve the murder of innocents (at least Don assumed that was part of it since she hadn't answered his question.

Backing away Don watched as the Hyena got up and stormed away. Don had considered for a brief moment offering the Hyena a hand up but he doubted the mammal would have accepted it, and may possibly have used it to throw Don on the ground. Sighing, ears and wings drooping, Don moved to Blake's side once more. "My apologies, Blake." He said quietly before returning his attention back to the fight. He wasn't sure who was winning- both of fighters seemed to be getting hits in here and there. Don crossed his fingers and said another prayer to Kyna that the wolf came out victorious.



Blake's tails flicked in irritation at the fighting that she was just standing sidelined in. "What is wrong with everyone?" She growled at Don looking over at the Hyena that Don had got into it with. She assumed it was out of jealousy for Arya on the Hyena's part. She shook her head in agitation at the whole situation. Looking to Don, she noticed he was probably much more irritated than she was. "Are you okay?" She asked him.

The poor gryphon boy had been put through a lot in the past few hours and now the sun was down and moon was high. For all she knew, morning was on the horizon. Everyone was probably just agitated from lack of sleep and that is why they were all at each others throats. "If it is about Arya, I'm sure she understands. That Hyena started it, not you," She offered a smile to Don as Panya jumped on to Don's shoulder and gave him a quick lick until chasing after Vitawni.


Sachi sighed and walked with Xiong and his group to the tavern that was now empty due to everyone being out at the fight. "I'm suppose to be the peace keeper, but how do I keep peace when no one listens," She grumbled before pouring her own beer since even the bar tender had left. She wasn't a drinker, but she needed something. "We were all too young to take over leadership. If it wasn't for that horrid war, they would still be here," Her eyes grew sad as she chugged more than a petite wolf like her should.

"I'm just angry, because I' m not good at my job. Pace is better off without me," She barked as she laid her head on the counter of the bar. Who would want to be with a wolf liker her. She was better off leaving so that Pace can mate with a wolf that doesn't remind him of her sister and what he can never have. Then again, she was in love with the Alpha, though, she hadn't thought about him much since hanging out with the newcomers.

Xiong kept himself quiet as their little group wondered through the streets of the village. Most of the walk was spent in silence as they walked towards what Xiong assumed was the bar he had heard about. Once they had arrived at the building Xiong turned back as everyone else went in tot he bar he spotted their firey pheonix friend flying their way. He waved a hand in the air with a bit of smile signaling her where they were headed. With that he turned and headed inside.

When they found that the bar had been completely abandoned Xiong looked to the others and watched as Sachi helped herself to the bar. He looked to Mark and shrugged, following suit. He bent over the bar and looked around but what he mostly saw beer. He grunted and jumped over the bar himself and began rummaging through the stock. "It can be a difficult task to get people to listen. Especially in the eyes of a clan such as this."

His head buried deep in the cabinets looking through bottle after bottle trying to find something specific. Finally after a good few minuets of looking he let out a excited "Ah-HA!" and reappeared with a small white bottle with s strange marking on it.

"So far from home, I had my doubts I would find any, but low and behold my friend." He showed the bottle to Mark with a smile and turned around and grabbed his bag from his back. He reached in and found several, very small clay cups and placed on in front of Mark and one in front of Sachi.

He tilted the white bottle over each cup, pouring a bit of the clear liquid contents into each cup. He filled another for himself and set the bottle on the counter. He raised his cup to the others, even looking down the row where he spied Vali enjoying some kind of snack, and then tipped the contents down his throat.

The warm liquid tingled a bit as it went down and made Xiong sigh as he poured another. He held this one in front of him as he leaned against the bar and watched Sachi
"I do not promote leaving ones family behind, but if it is of that much distress to you, than you can always make your own way. I have seen many Lyco in Zoa that live outside their pack. For that matter, you could always come with us when it comes time for us to leave." Xiong could feel himself loosing up the tiniest bit, putting him in a much more relaxed talking mood.

"The mountain air?" Don suggested to Blake's question of what was wrong with everyone. "Maybe there was something in the food..." He added, shaking his head. He really wasn't the type to get into fights- but then he knew his reasons. He was angry and hurt, and that meant that he wasn't going to think things through as clearly as he should have. When Blake questioned if Don was ok, the Gryphon mustered up a smile. "Me? I'm fine, Blake. You?" He said, feeling a little better.

His posture and expression slumped when Blake brought up Arya. Should he tell her about he shark girl? It took a moment and then he internally decided that right now was not the time to consider it. Don was still upset, and might do something he regrets- it wasn't his secret to give afterall unless something made it so that he had little choice but to tell Blake. "I don't know if she does understand... and I was the one who started it, not the Hyena." Don admitted, feeling rather guilty as he admitted it. Don laughed when he was playfully attacked by Panya's tongue before the fox went after Vitawni who ran down his shoulder to escape. "Thanks Blake, and Panya." Don said, his spirits higher although the battle for Alpha was still going on and it looked like it was not going in the wolve's favor as much as Don would have liked.


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