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Fantasy Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ-ZAO-Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Blake gave a small smile and fell to the ground laying on her tail like a small little bed lifting her from the dirt. She sighed a little thinking how her father would of taken care of this mess in an instant. Maybe that is why a kingdom is better, She thought to herself as Panya came and curled up on her stomach. She gave a big yawn that soon made Panya yawn as well revealing how tired she really was. "It is getting so late and yet here we are staying up for a battle that is going into the morning," she grumbled.

Blake had always despised senseless fighting. It was a way to show dominance that she just didn't agree with. Her family was not one built on strength, but trickery and cunning. She was pleased that she was a fox and not a wolf, though she wished she had been born a normal fox instead of a princess to a kingdom that would ship her to marry some stranger she had never met. She started to hum a lullaby that she was sang to by her mother as Panya lulled his head to it. She drowned out the music of the fighting and starred up at the cave ceiling as she hummed. It was a soft tone, sweet and rhythmic causing one to bob their head to sleep. How she missed her mother, but knew that this was her only year of freedom.


Sachi just watched thr group in silence as she pondered Xiong's words. But this is all I have ever known, she thought as the group enjoyed their drinking. She had never planned to do anything else with her life. It had always been she would long for the alpha, but he shall mate with his sister and she would be with Pace who longed for her sister. "Stupid wolf," she said low to herself at her own childish ways. She didn't have anything left for her here. Everyone worshiped her sister and looked down on a sweet tender-footed wold like herself. Perhaps she should of been a city Gata or something, they would suggest and laugh at the expense of her. Though she had Pace, she didn't desire to be with someone that would look at her as his failure to be with her sister. He lied by saying it wasn't like that, but there were times he avoided her eyes and turned away in sadness to look on in longing for her perfect sibling. "I'm not a wolf of this pack," She mumbled and stood form where she was seated and walked out without a word to anyone.


Sachi pushed through the crowd recieving sneers and having them call her pet names because that was all she was to them was a pet. She ignored their words, their snaps, and their underlining growls at being pushed by what they considered the weakest link. Soon coming to where her sister watched in awe, she pushed past her sister who grabbed her arm. "Where are you going, Sachi?" She called, but the light brown wolf pulled her arm from her and made her way to where the two where fighting.

For once in her life, Sachi gave a menacing growl and glared at the two fighting. Her howl could of broke the sound barrier and everyone looked on with shock at the small framed wolf. "Stop this, IMMEDIATELY!" She growled, her sweet voice actually enraged. "It is my job to keep the peace and you will not be fighting under my watch," she snapped at them. "I don't care for dominance and I don't care who did what, but if you continue to fight I promise you that there will no longer be a sweet Sachi," She glared at them, fire in her normally soft set eyes. For once, she was going to take charge.

@StoneWolf18 @rapjack123
Mark smiled seeing Xiong finde one Old-Friend of his onlt look at the Drink Xiong Offerd him of the same Drink,he dint like drinking but he Thought this wont be that Much,with a Posetive smile he would take the small Cup and take a sip,His eyes went a Little wide at the taste,was not bad just...Odd,he Gulps it down and his face slightly wrinckles at the taste and Overall slight Burn on his neck,he would soon take the rest down with a sigh as he gulp it all down and smiled but slight disconfort on his face as well...DRinking was not good for him and a Bird ya know,Ok feeling and all he did feel alredy slight light headed.....that how easy he was.

as he did finish he Look to his side seeing Xiong speak to the wolf,Mark kept his silence and Only hear,he dint whant to Bother them In there conversation only to see sachi stand up and walk away,mark was about to say something but desided not to seeing wont be a Good idea,mark so her going towards the Fight "Oh dear this is thus Geting slightly out of hand...."he said as now there might be a 3 way Fight....he stood up and look at xiong as he would walk out only to hear the wolf scream out,mark stood there at the bar door looking towards the Crowd as he would Only sigh and watch.....this is how there quest will be...perfect....
Asyra had walked quietly into the tavern in her human form. She stood off to the side for a short moment, letting Sachi pass, and Mark as well who stood in the doorway. She walked up to Xiong with a serious face. "If the fighting doesn't stop, we will accomplish nothing here. Nor do I trust Lycos to leave strangers unscathed after some have brought trouble into their town." The red-eyed girl looked out the tavern in Mark's direction. Her hand was gripping her blade tightly, bracing for any danger.

@zCrookedz @Yonsisac
Amazon snapped. She shoved her way through the crowd, smashing her fists with the nails exposed in the throat of anyone who got in her way, licking the blood off a second later. Forcing her way in front of Sachi, her eyes would glow terrifyingly bright, drop to black a second later, and then go back to radiating. Jabbing a finger towards the fight, congealing blood still glued to the skin and start speaking in a tight voice, " Trust me, if you break this fight up, both of them will come after you and they won't stop. I on the other hand, am fighting the urge to begin skinning people to add too this coat. You will be one of the first of you continue this". Amazon would grab her, faster than anyone expected, and gently hold a knife to her throat, pressing it in but not enough to to draw blood. " We're all friends here"

Vali was in a good mood after eating all of that sweet food, but the fighting was starting to get at it. He sighed as he hopped down from his seat and stretched as he headed outside "Xiong, Asyra, we are supposed to be some kind of heroes right? Isn't that why were called to do this kind of stuff?" he bounced on his heels as he walked "It might be the sweets talking, but I think we should at least try to keep the peace, if we do nothing, we are no better than those who are fighting"

He waved his hand at them as he stepped outside. He could see that Sachi was having her own problems and sighed as he suddenly pushed forward and vanished in a burst of speed. Even in this form, he was faster than most. In the blink of an eye, he'd removed the knife from Amazon's hand with no damage to Sachi and was now standing a little ways away from them "You know, it is rude to threaten those who welcomed us into their home" he chuckled as he toyed with the knife "Normally I wouldn't care and get as far away as I can, but you guys are really ruining my sugar high"

"Besides, if you are helping that guy, I can't help but step in" he grinned. He really didn't like people who tried to enter his personal space without his permission. He didn't say it, but he also liked Sachi's kind heart, it was nice to see, especially since she'd barely glanced at him. It was nice to meet people who barely noticed him.

@Syrix @Zafirah @DemonKitten
Justin turned for a moment to look at Sachin who threatened to stop the fight but was satisfied when Amazon stepped in. However, he grew angry when he saw that Vali had ta- the alpha suddenly socked him straight in the jaw knocking him back. Justin staggered from a moment then snarled at him. "I'm going to finish you," lurching forward, Justin grabbed the wolf by the neck. The sun was given him ample warmth to move and now that he had the alpha in his grasp he lifted his opponent high intl the air for everyone to see. "Behold! Your alpha!" Justin cried out, victoriously. The alpha struggled to get out of Justin's vice-like grip but it was no use. Justin slowly opened his large jaw and placed the alpha's head inside it. This was it... the wolf pack was theirs. All Justin needed to do was crush the wolf's skull.
Alen eventually cooled down and went back to the fight. He tried squeezing through the people all the way to the front to see the fight. They had gotten quite the crowd at this point. Of course when you challenge the alpha that tends to happen. He saw Justin ready to eat the alpha and smiled "bet he'll taste like chicken..." He mumbled to himself. He looked around but didn't see his old gryphon friend nor dysis. He didn't want to jump to conclusions so he didn't think anything about it. "Hurry up Justin!! I got a ton of coins we could spend at a club or something!!"
Areo was punched once, he lay still after the other few. Justin growing cocky, he began to show off. Perfect. Throwing him off, he retreated into a snow bank. Fluffing up his fur, he was just fine. He wouldn't be able to fight in these conditions. Flashing a toothy grin, he taunted "Here boy....here crocky..." The alpha ignoring the she wolf

@rapjack123 @DemonKitten

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Blinking slowly at Vali, Amazon slowly brought out another knife, twirling it in her hand teasingly while walking towards him. " It's also rude to take other peoples-" , she'd jet towards him and grab the knife away from his hand to slip it up her sleeve, "-knives. Let's not forget how rude it is to interrupt fights, yeah ? My, my, I was practically raised in a swamp and I know better. You're not the alpha or the croc so just mind your damn business, pleas. I don't want to kill anyone but-oh my god". Amazon's funny but threatening idea of small faded as Justin held the wolf's head in his mouth. Sure, Amazon would like to do that with small anaimals but she's never saw the maneuver on a wolf. The cougar would sigh slightly when the wolf got away but resumed watching the fight while hold Sachi and Vali away.
Somehow, the wolf managed to escape him. That was it. Now this alpha was really getting on his nerves. This fight was taking so much longer than he wanted it to and he was definitely out of breath. Justin eyed the alpha as he fled to the snow bank. That bastard was dead. Justin tilted his head to the side, cracking his neck as a sign of stress. "I'm going to kill you in front of everyone you love..." Justin said, rage consuming him. He charged at the wolf, not caring anymore other than making sure the alpha was dead.
As he charged, Antero stood still. Then when we was almost upon him, he jumped. The croc under him, the black wolf piled snow atop him. Freezing and immobilizing him. Reaching a cold paw through, he grabbed his neck, claws making blood from a soft spot around his neck bleed. "Submit, runt" he snarled.


From the crowd, Dysis watched. Yet as he was thrown into the snow bank, she knew he didn't have a chance. She was about to unsheath her swords before she paused. If Don witnessed her beheading Antero, there was nothing she could do to repair their relationship. Removing her hands from their hilts, she was extremely torn. Yet this was their only chance. Moving through the crowd, she found Don. Walking past she quickly murmured "forgive me..."

When she was finally behind the alpha, at a place where he most likely couldn't see her coming at him. Amazon soon then threw knives at his knees, making the kneecaps break with a sickening crack and causing him to kneel. Then for some odd reason, the continued to throw them into his side and lower back. As she then held his hands back with her whip, Dysis unsheathed her swords, and ran at him. Giving a yell she and Alen who had appeared beside her both sank a sword into his back, then brought the second up to his neck. Crossing them, they chopped in a scissors like motion. His skull soon toppled of of his shoulders, his lifeless corpse soon to follow. With all three of them covered in the blood of the fallen alpha, they cried "Nu nii los tiid, fah Faal Laat Keiz!" (Now it is time, for the final revolution)


@RubyRose @AnyoneInWolfPack

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"Damn" with the addition of more people, his fight or flight response kicked in. The death of the Alpha just made this a whole lot harder. He grabbed Sachi's hand "Retreat would be a better option now" he said softly as he pulled her away from Amazon. Currently, Sachi was the only one of the Wolves that he trusted and as such, he had a duty to protect her. Vali was unsure of what had just happened, but he assumed that this had been the plan all along.

'If I hadn't been screwing around, I probably could have helped' he thought. He felt bad about not being able to help, so the least he could do was protect those he trusted. Everything about this situation told him to run away, and so that is what he did, making sure Sachi was safe at the same time. He looked back at those who had caused this commotion and began to feel as though this little event wasn't an isolated thing. He needed to keep an eye out for them.

Right now, he needed to get back to Xiong and Mark and make a plan to deal with the current situation.

@DemonKitten @zCrookedz @Yonsisac
Xiong watched as the little she wolf got up and spoke something. She had the look of someone who had a job to do and he wasn't going to get in the way of that. When she left, Xiong watched as Mark followed her and Xiong sighed. "Damn, and here i thought we were trying to unwind."

Xiong grabbed the bottle and fished in his bag for a bit of coinage before finding what he thought the bottle might be worth and placed the money on the counter. He went back around the bar and walked towards the door with Asyra behind him. He took a swig from the bottle and exited the bar before answering her concerns "Your right, who knows what they might do to someone who was invited in and caused something bad to happen. Lets catch up with the others and.."

At that moment he could hear the crowds making a very unusual sound but he could not tell if it was cheering or something less entertained. Xiong stopped and placed an arm out for Asyra to stop as well. Something wasn't right, he smelled blood on the air, a lot of blood. Fearing the worst Xiong caught up to Mark and was releaved to see he was alright. He looked a bit further ahead and saw Vali rushing towards them with Sachi very close in toe. Xiong knew what had happened and was now trying to figure out what might happen next, and he was fairly certain it was not good. He raised an arm to Vali to signal him "Vali! Sachi! What happened? Who won?" Xiong feared the answer he would receive

@Syrix @Yonsisac @DemonKitten
Asyra looked past Xiong and into the fighting. She squinted her eyes to focus her vision. The crocodile was on the ground and the Alpha wolf was up above his opponent. I don't see this boding well. The red-eyed girl returned to her gaze to Xiong. She grabbed his shoulder and stood next to him. "No matter which one wins that fight, this pack will go into a frenzy and no one will make it out alive." She looked back in the direction of the fight, watching Vali and Sachi making their retreat. "I can fight by you, Xiong, but I'll follow your decision on this," Asyra said with a loyal nod.

Mark stood watching eyes wide....Hope the gods would Forgive them,the alpha has Fallen,he was daze watching but soon shook His head Geting back to his seanses,he look around and heard Asyra.....yes...Nomater what...this pack wont be happy because of this,He look at xiong but then see 2 making a escape,the female Wolf and Vali,he dint know,he look side to side,confused of what has just happend "....Sorrow will come to some...and hate to all"he whisperd to himself,He turn his head towards xiong only to say "The alpha Has Fallen!"he said with clear worried,what will they do,he was beyon Confused....how can such a simple task to come here can come to end such way as this....Mark had no words....how can such place turn to this....what will happen? he dint know....maybe no one did..

Blake's movement caught Don's eye and he turned to watch her a moment as she took a seat on the ground. Turning his attention back to the battle at hand, he almost missed when Blake spoke. "I just hope that the Alpha wins, no matter how long it takes." Don said simply. His line of thinking matched Blake's in his dislike for fighting. He didn't understand why people fought sometimes. Back in his village it made sense, but it was also playful battling- not one where one was trying to kill the other, which is what it seemed to be here. Such unneeded bloodshed and lives were lost on these kinds of fights. Vitawni gave a doleful yawn before following after Panya and curling up next to the little fox, heedless of whether Blake wanted him there or not. He just plopped himself down, made himself comfortable, and fell asleep. Laughing softly and shaking his head at Vitawni's antics, Don turned his attention back to the battle- smile quickly falling away despite Blake's soft humming.

The battle was becoming more and more violent and as Don watched, he desperately sought out ways to put a stop to it. Shen's lessons about culture kept coming to mind, though. Especially about cultures where leaders could be challenged for a new position. If the leader accepts, then it's their duty to win. To step in would be deemed entirely disrespectful, so Don remained outside of the battle. The Alpha could beat the Crocodile, right? Maybe on his own, he could have...

A whispered 'forgive me' had Don's hair standing on end. His gaze searched around wildly for the owner of that voice, knowing that Dysis was going to do something terrible. By the time he spotted her, it was too late for him to do anything to help. His eyes widened as Dysis and her friends ganged up on the Alpha, taking him down without mercy. Betrayal and sadness burned through him, leaving only anger in it's wake.

Charging at Dysis, his eyes only for the Psari Zaonian, he plowed into her right after she finished her words in the strange language she had interpreted to him earlier. Attempting to pin her to the ground, Don screeched out his pain from her actions. "DYSIS! HOW COULD YOU? HOW DARE YOU?!" He screamed at her, tears streaming down his face as he looked the murderer in the eye, any illusions of friendship swept free from his mind. "Why? Why? Why?!?" He demanded, his words a bit garbled by the deep growling that resonated from his throat.

@StoneWolf18 @DemonKitten
After they finished, Dysis was sure her wounds had reopened due to the stress it had on her. While checking, Don slammed into her screaming and shouting. He was a poor sheltered child, not knowing how the world really works. His village sheltering him from the truths to be had. But, she fell limp as he tackled her. Dysis couldn't meet the burning hatred in his eyes. She would have responded if not for a sharp pain to erupt from her lower torso. Blood was now seeping through the cloth and staining her clothing red. One of the deeper cuts had been ripped open due to Don's attack. She just yelled at the others "Don't intervene. Let me handle this"


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"G-Go ahead and... and let them try." Don said as his growls turned more to sobs, his emotions taking another reckless twist. "I.... I'll there them all... all into bloody pieces." He cried, one taloned hand coming up to rub at the tears in his eyes. He realized he was blubbering like a child, but in all honestly Don didn't care. His heart was breaking in a way he'd never experienced before, and it was tearing him apart.

"Why would you... you gang up on him... like that, Dysis?" Don asked, forcing himself to meet her gaze as tears slid down his beak, dripping off every now and then. "That.. that wasn't playing fair. You didn't... didn't even... You didn't even give him a real chance." He said, his body shaking ever so slightly as he continued to sit on Dysis. He registered a spread of warmth beneath him, wet and unpleasant, but he ignored it in favor of getting answers from Dysis- assuming that snow had melted and that's what was causing the spread of wetness over his own clothing.

"We did what we had to get the job done quick and efficiently. Nothing more. Nothing less." She hated doing this to him...regretting what he had to witness. Knowing that he would never look at her the same way again. When he mentioned fair play, she simply answered "In war... do the soldiers deal the equal amount of hits in only specified areas playing by the same rules? Of corse not, then we would never have a victor. We played but our rule, dealing that one extra deadly blow..." Though her tone was almost but emotionless, her eyes were a different story. Those pale blue depths, full of regret, longing, and hints of jealousy among the various others in between. The blood had started to pool now, her vision wavering slightly due to the loss of the valuable liquid.


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She sounded so emotionless, so uncaring, it had nausea pooling in the pit of his stomach. She truly seemed to not care that she had just killed another living Zaonian, ganged up and took him out. Not to say the Alpha was absolutely innocent, but he certainly didn't deserve the gang up he had received. The words she said didn't really register in Don's mind, not quite gibberish to him but definitely not the words he was looking for or wanting to hear. He shook his head at her mention of soldiers. "In war, soldiers know what they're up against. He didn't know. He didn't know, Dysis. You broke the rules." He argued, talons gripping her shoulders tightly but not breaking the skin.

Her tone was so cold and distant, and yet her eyes were different. Don didn't understand the emotions filling her eyes when the rest of her was little more then a rock. A cold, hard, killer yet with eyes that were soft with their own pain. The warmth continued to soak into his clothing and Don glanced down to see how much snow was covering them. At the bright red that was spilling from Dysis, Don jumped away from her, falling to his knees at her side as his hands hovered over the cut. "Shhh... I didn't mean to, Dysis. Dysis, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. " Don said, so utterly confused by the constant shifting of emotions. He hadn't wanted to hurt her.. he just hadn't thought. He hadn't been thinking. Slipping out of a jacket he placed it over the cut then held it down, putting pressure on the wound to slow the bleeding. "Is this really what you wanted, Dysis?" Don finally whispered.

"I know...I know..." Her tone was softer, gentle this time. As he pressed upon the wound, the bleeding ever so slowly staunching, she replied in a tone only audible to him "...no..." Truth be had she didn't want any of this. Yet, wanting to fulfill her dream, she accepted it. The bleeding was just about stopped by now, that didn't mean bruise from where the griffin had flown into her wasn't. The nasty thing appearing along her side, a gruesome color one might add.


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"Then stop." He whispered back. "Why don't you stop?" He said, removing the pressure from the jacket but leaving it draped over Dysis' legs. His gaze searched her's imploringly, and ran down her body to seek out any body language. He flinched back when he noticed the bruise he had caused and felt awash with new guilt. She deserved it. Don't forget, she just killed a Zaonian. Killed someone forced into a defenseless position. She doesn't have mercy, you shouldn't have mercy for her. Don's little voice whispered, and in some ways Don agreed but in most ways he was just confused. Dysis' words said one thing, her eyes said another.

Sachi was still frozen in shock at the death of her alpha, but not only that, her first love too. She was in such a state of shock that if it wasn't for Vali that she would probably to be just as lifeless as the one wolf she had loved for years. Her eyes sparkled with tears un-shed as her mind couldn't catch up with the shock of her body that trembled. Her hand almost shook its way out of the carbuncle's grasp. She could hear words, but their meaning was lost on her as the formed mumbles like doctors talking to a coma person. IT was like she was trapped and she couldn't seem to reach the exit or yell for help.

Blake snapped at a passing wolf that stepped on her tail as she came up on Sachi touching the lifeless wolf's shoulder. "Have you seen Don?" she asked concerned having seen him run out towards Dysis when it all went down. She looked over at Sachi who's eyes showed nothing as she waved her hand in front of them. "Sachi?" she asked and realized the girl was probably broken up over the death of her alpha. She touched her with a light flaming of orange as Sachi awoke in shock from the slight pain.

Instead of getting angry, she started to break down and cry as she wailed in sorrow. There was still blood on her throat, but the cut was only slight. Her hand slipped from Vali's hand and she fell to the dirt in her knees. She howled in pain, a blood curdling howl that was filled with hurt and sorrow. Blake stood confused and sat down reaching out to Sachi to hold her as she cried. "There, There," She looked at the others to help her.

@Syrix @Yonsisac
"Thank you" Vali said to Blake as he turned to face Xiong, Mark, and Asrya "Alright, we have a problem. The Crocodile and his friends killed the Alpha, not quite sure why, some kind of religious thing or something" he shook his head "Sachi is rightfully broken up about it, but we need to decide what we are going to do. There are two alphas remember? If they are willing to kill one, then that means that they might go after the other"

He looked towards the crying Sachi "I suppose it is our duty to protect the beta as well as the other alpha, then, with them together we can get control of all of the other wolves that will be going wild" surprisingly, he was quite good at taking charge. In truth he was just upset at himself for not stopping a death so early. Death was meant to come naturally, not caused by others. Thana decided when a person died, no one else.

@Syrix @DemonKitten
Mark look at Vali as he would only nod...True...they needed to do something now,mark would nod again taking what just happend out of his minde as he would look at the rest and would look at vali and say in a Confident Tone "Thus you are Correct....we must stand as one and Protect Both....Im with Vali"He said with a slight smile...They must not let this Pack fall out of control and needed to be something done,Mark was quite inprest of Vali...at first he was unsure but now he is Taking charge and all...How from the outside people be so different then from the inside.

He look at Xiong and Asry and would wait for there respond...he was here and willing to fix this some way....whatever the reson was about the death of the alpha they must not let the other Fall or the beta,if that happens this wolf pack will go nuts...they might be alredy mad but its better not to make it go worse...mark was Little unsure if this is the correct thing to do but surely was

@Syrix @DemonKitten @Seraph Darkfire

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