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Fantasy Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ-ZAO-Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Don pondered the pros and cons of being a water creature as Arya spoke. Not being able to be far from water was a draw back. It would explain why he had never seen a Psari before. Especially when where he was from stayed hot most of the time. "The trek up here musta been real hard on ya." Don noted.

At Arya 's question of him, Don paused to really consider his answer. Vitawnis gaze was on him now, staring rather intently. "It wasn't really a choice so much as it was chance. There isn't any other Gryphons in the tribe an its pretty rare ta have one. I'm happy ta be one though. Vitawni and I made the choice tagether." Don said as he stroked Vitawni. The little gryphon gave a single nod in agreement. "Made my life a lot better after. Vitawni really did change things for the better and I thank Kyna every day fer findin him." Don explained, giving the rest the meat left to his partner. "And you? Do ya like bein a shark?"

"I didn't have much of a choice..." Dysis confessed. "From a young age I had always wanted to be a Ouranos, but it apparently didn't turn out that way." Looking to him, Dysis sighed and continued "I had been searching for any type of bird and as I was walking along a lake that had a direct connection to the ocean, I fell in. I resurfaced and crawled out but as I did I made the stupidest mistake." Shaking her head, Dysis gave a forced chuckle "I heard something in the water behind me and when I turned, I looked the damn thing in the eye."


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Don nodded, assuming he understood her reasoning because of his own loves of being a creature that was part bird. He felt sadness flood his heart that she hadn't bonded to the creature she desired. Now that Don had wings he couldn't imagine life without them. "I bet there are some great things bout bein Psari." Don suggested.

Another question came tonmind and Don asked it before he could think it through. "What ever happened to your animal partner?" Some of the fun of being Zaonian was having his partner Vitawni at his side. He understood the pain of a force bonding albeit distantly because if hadn't happened to him but instead a loved one.

"It tried to kill me" Dysis responded in a flat tone. "The shark apparently had been searching for food and saw me as an opportunity. So as I was shifting for the first time, it dragged me in. It would have won of not for the transformation finishing quick enough so I could get away." Leaning over she gestured to a long, jagged scar along her tail fin that wouldn't have been noticeable unless she had pointed it out. "That's where is grabbed me. The others healed a while ago." Thinking about home she added "But at home I do have a turtle. A small painted one, Leonardo." She gave a chuckle "The lazy bastard didn't want to come on this little hike up the mountains."


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Don couldnt begin to imagine what it would have been like if Vitawni had tried to eat him. Perhaps the gryphon would have considered it if it were a little bigger. Don pictured the battle that would have taken place. Somehow he figured that Vitawni would have won if they had and Don would be no more than a meal in the gryphon's belly.

Curiously, Don couldn't help but reach out to trace the scar. The story behind the wound was saddenning and Don imagined what it would be like to see the scar and remember. His own s are were victory badges reminding him of a time he overcame obstacles. "Must be wonderful to explore the area under the water. And you are a fierce creature so you have little to fear. Though you had to fight in your change you are in a way blessed."

"You don't understand" Dysis sighed. "I was only 8 years old at the time. scared as hell, wanting to go home and hungry..." Gazing up at the ceiling, she didn't protest when he traced the scar. "It took me a bit to figure out that I wasn't drowning, but for about 3 days it felt as if my lungs had been ripped from my body. My mouth an gums bled no stop as my teeth were changing. And that blood was as if I was telling a bunch of predators looking for a easy meal to come over and say hello..."

Looking over to Don, she finished "You got easy, I got it thrown in the deep end at a young age...literally..."


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"8? You were 8 years old?" Don exclaimed. "How were you able to go anywhere without a tribe member watching over you?" Ok, so Do was making a bigger deal of this than need be made but it bottled his mind that she had had to go through such a traumatizing experience at such a young age. "Does this mean that you truly dislike you animal half? Do you hate what you were made to become."

Don couldn't imagine being bonded to a scorpion after Veneno. He would hats himself because the animal would remind him of her and all the wrongs she had committed. The reason she came to mind was be pause the idea of an attack always brought back memories of her invading his village.

Justin shook his head at Shara's offer. He wasn't going to risk the group running into the wolf pack and getting into trouble without him around. As he made his way back up the river, he noticed buildings off in the distance. Justin finally came up on them and noticed the Lycos walking around. Then Justin thought of an idea. He knew where Alex would be and began searching for the bar. Spotting it, he approached the door and kicked it open in a loud bang that silenced everyone inside. Justin swung his hook and brought it crashing down at the bartender's table, the hook digging into the table. Then Justin tugged hard on it and tore large chunks of the table off as he pulled the chains, rattling as the hook returned to him. Justin held a daringly confident look on his face as he looked around. He spotted Alen and Amazon sitting at the bar and flashed a grin at them. "The party has arrived," he cried out, his voice booming. There were thoughts swarming in his his mind. Thoughts of a kill. Thoughts of murder. He wanted to kill the alpha and take control of the wolf pack. Then Nahuatl would have enough power to take over the entire region. (Can Justin challenge the alpha? @DemonKitten)
"Never knew my parent, the village attempted to look after me. I think when I became of age for bonding they were glad to get rid of me. And to answer your question, yes. I do dislike being a shark." Dysis then have Don an annoyed look "I'm not looking for pity, what's in the past is in the past..."

Waving her tail back an forth, making small waves, Dysis began to wonder what Alen, Justin and Amazon were doing at the moment.

(Hey @RubyRose go check my CS, relationships tab ;3)

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"So you have no ties to anyone, anymore?" Don asked. He kept finding himself attempting to see what life must be like through Arya's eyes. No village, which to Don was practically his entire life. Forced and traumatizing bonding, which Don's bonding changed everything for the better. He became a stronger part of his tribe, he gained a very reliable friend, and he gained the ability to fly. "I don't see why they'd be glad ta be rid of you. It's obvious yer strong, and strength gives each tribe a better chance at survival." The grpyhon shook his head, expression grim. For a moment he wistfully imagined what it would be like to be free of his own tribe. Not that he didn't love each and every one of his mothers and fathers and elders and siblings... but sometimes it felt like if he remained in the tribe he'd have no great purpose. It had been scary leaving his tribe at first but as time went on he became more and more grateful for that letter. That is, if he didn't end up getting killed.

"I wasn't offerin' pity." Don countered, crossing his arms over his chest. "It's not pity that causes me pain ta know a friend 'as undergone such a great obstacle and over came it. I respect you. I also wish you had had a better bonding, but that's just well wishing. No pity 'ere." The gryphon replied, though in actuality he did pity her a little. And not only had the bonding caused pain then, but it was also causing pain now thanks to the wolves targeting her because she was a Psari.

"Ya look a li'l lost, Arya. Whatcha thinkin' about?" Don asked as the Shark Zaonian began making ripples in the water with her tail. That same tail that had snapped the wolve's legs in one spectacular smack. Amazing the strength that she possessed. Don was beginning to wonder if she would be able to best him in a wrestling match. His question wasn't because she was female (in fact, last years winner was a female Toucan. Took everyone by surprise... she had even defeated Don.) but because he hadn't considered her strength before this.

(@StoneWolf18 D'aw xD Dons special :3)
Justin decided to stay with his decision and move back towards the river. Justin spotted buildings as he moved back to where he last saw the group. When he approached them he saw Lycos. Yup, this was definitely the place. Justin walked into town with an idea. A group of aggressive wolves must have an alpha right? And the alpha controls the wolves...

Justin began to search for a bar, knowing he'd find at least Alen on there. Finally finding one he kicked the door open, striding in with confidence and a daring smile. Justin spotted Alen and Amazon at the bar. "The party has just arrived!" Justin exclaimed boldly. There were thoughts swarming his mind. Thoughts of a kill. Killing the alpha (hope this is ok. Justin challenging the alpha @DemonKitten) If Nahuatl controlled the wolves, they could easily take control of the entire region, giving Nahuatl the strength they need for the Final Revolution to begin.
(now, let's see if Don can take a hint ;3)

"Oh... I have a few ties but nothin' really major..." Dysis dismissed Alen. He honestly wasn't her type and spent more time drinking than anything else. "Damn, your about the first one NOT to offer pity and send me to counseling" Dysis continued. "First one to offer respect too. Most think of me as those cursed thing in children's stories." Dysis chuckled as she continued "And if I'm not mistaken, Sharks don't sit on rocks and sing" Catching his gaze, Dysis had hits of affection in her pal blue eyes.


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"So you've made friends outside of yer old village? Or did ya keep ties with some of the village members?" Don asked, feeling confused though he knew it was probably something exceptionally simple. "Counseling?" Don asked. The term wasn't something he recognized, though he knew the term 'council' because the elders would go to 'council' when there was something that needed discussing for the tribe. "Now why would I send ya off ta talk with the elders? I know elders can be helpful, but I don't think they're good at handling trauma." He said, fitting his understanding in with what he assumed the word to mean. So basically Don was picturing someone sitting in front of a group of elders, asking for help or advice on their problem. The gryphon shook his head. Under no circumstances could he see that as being helpful... the elders had only shown disappointment when he first asked for help in being attracted to another male, which was still bizarre to Don in it's own right. He didn't mind it so much anymore, now he had trouble understanding why the world wasn't just attracted to everyone.

"You don't receive more respect for your Zaonian counterpart alone?" Don was surprised by this. His tribe would surely be wowed by a shark, just like they were wowed by him being a gryphon. They had great respect for all Zaonians but there was a higher level for those Zaonian's who were rare and strong. Not that Don knew many Psari (or any) but he figured sharks would be rare because of their danger factor. "Cursed things?" Don asked again, this time his head tilting to the side in confusion. When she mentioned the 'sitting on the rocks and singing' the picture snapped into his mind. "Ya mean Sirens? Er... wa's another term for 'em. Merfolk perhaps? Though Shen says Merfolk an' Sirens are two entirely different things. This one time I was talking to a travler over in the Desert Marketplace who told a story about Sirens who couldn' sing but isntead taunted the male sailors with words such as 'You can't swim.' or 'You'll die if ya come inta the sea' and the men would shout back 'We'll show you.' and then they drown. I never though of'em as cursed before... just people makin' the wrong assumptions. Like they do bout you I'm figurin.'" Don noticed that Arya's expression had changed. She looked a lot more friendly, now... Not that she had looked rejective or scary before, but she seemed less closed off. It was nice, and it caused Don to smile back.

"Do you think they're cursed?" Don asked after a moment of thought.

( @StoneWolf18 Don's a bit clueless xD but he does catch on to some things :) )
Dysis slowly facepalmed. He was clueless, yet in an amusing way. The way he twisted his beak into a smile back made Dysis blush a bit. Nothing ever romantic happened between her and Alen, but when Dysis thought about calling it off with him...urrrrg. It would be messy. "I don't receive respect because no one would care to give any. Well, those I'm around wouldn't anyway."

Shifting, she move over to the edge of the pool. Now closer to Don, she could see that he was different than Alen. Calm, sheltered, and caring unlike the loud, annoying, Unsheltered Hyena. Hell when she was dying in the med den, who came? Don! Who's keeping her company? Don! Who got her food? Don! Who defended her back there? Don! Who's in the bar drinking? Alen...

Meeting his eyes once more, the hints of affection were strengthened a lot more than previously in her pale gaze. Dysis just hopped he could notice.


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"You okay?" Don asked, wondering what had caused Arya to place her hand on her face. Perhaps she had a headache or was beginning to become tired. And there was a slight coloring to her cheeks, now, and it made her look rather pretty. Not that she didn't look pretty already, but more pretty. Don shook his head ever so slightly- that was a ridiculous thought and he needed to think of Shen, as well. The Cheetah would not appreciate Don taking interest in someone else. Even if in the long run the tribe would actually approve of it. But he wouldn't be able to stay with his tribe then since there were no bodies of water that seemed suitable for her to live in near his tribe. Don's mind did a quick whirl before coming to the conclusion he was probably imagining things. Arya was his friend and there was nothing concerning about that.

Don's ears lifted when Arya moved closer to him before lowering again. He reached up and began tugging on one of his ears- one of his nervous habits. It wasn't hard pulling or anything, just a soft tug every now and then as Don forced his mind not to make that odd whirl of interest in Arya. The gryphon could feel his heart beat pickup when they met gazes again, and he swallowed heavily, tugging on his ear a little harder. "Uh... Arya... uh..." Don said, heat rising to his face. He became so flustered that he suddenly found himself in his human form, hand still gripping his ear, but now wing, tail, beak and fur less. "Well that was unexpected." He said randomly, before trying to think of something to change the subject... or just give a subject to talk about so that he would stop thinking about things he shouldn't be thinking about. "Where all have you explored? With the ocean as your home, I bet you've been all over." Don said, staring down at his hand which was resting on his knee now. He started counting the freckles as he waited for her response, again trying to focus on anything but the intensity of the shark girl's gaze.

His embarrassment caused Dysis to chuckle. He shifted back and was extremely nervous. "I don't live near an ocean unfortunately...the swamp is my home..." Backing away to her previous position, Dysis looked up at the ceiling once more. The stalagmites dripping water from the humidity in the room. Glancing over at the now red Don, Dysis continued "So, what about you? Anyone special in your life?" She expected some girl from his tribe, most likely someone his elders paired him with.


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"Yeah, you mentioned living in a swamp... I guess I kind of assumed that you'd have moved to the ocean by now. What keeps you in the swamp?" Don asked, fighting back nerves to continue a conversation. He felt rather sheepish, now in his human form, but couldn't focus enough to switch back. It became easier for Don to breathe when Arya moved back to where she had been before, but he felt guilty that she did too- feeling he had done something wrong for her to move away.

At the question about anyone special in his life, if it were possible, Don turned even redder. "S-Special?" He stammered before chewing on his lower lip. "I uh... well yeah. My boyfriend Shen is special ta me. He uh... he's back home takin' care of his mother right now, but he wanted ta come with." Don replied, the image of Shen's disappointment flashing before his eyes as he thought about when he had to leave. "I've never been away from my tribe before... and it's really hard not even having Shen around." Vitawni gave an indignant squak and Don laughed, though it was nervous and a bit high pitched. "I do at least have Vitawni." He said, patting the little creature on the head and earning a nip to his finger for his troubles. "Owch!" Don said, yanking his hand away to look at the bit wound. Blood began to bead along the cut Vitawni's sharp beak made.

"But yeah, ta answer yer question, my entire tribe is special ta me and Shen, and Meri too." Don said, counting them off on his fingers. "Until Shen came around, all I ever did was stuff for the tribe. I didn' even know how ta read an' write an all that." The Mythikos Zaonian said, beginning to ramble about his life as nerves got the better of him.

Dysis opened her mouth to explain why she kept in the swamp, but paused. If he knew about the cult, it might turn him against her. 'Later' she thought and returned focus to him. He mentioned having a boyfriend and she looked away, clearly embarrassed. "Oh...uh sorry 'bout that then. I didn't know you were in to the opposite sex" Dysis turned back to face him, yet avoided his gaze.

As he rambled, it was apparent that he had quite a normal life. Living in a tribe, knowing his parents, getting bonded with an animal he didn't despise. It was how she wished her life would had been.


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Don noticed the lack of answer to his question, so he made an assumption. "It just became home, then? The swamp?" Don asked, believing that perhaps she hadn't left for no other reason then she didn't want to leave. Perhaps the open ocean scared her, or merely didn't interest her. Either way, Don accepted it as a completely normal reason not to have left. Don was confused by her response upon his mentioning Shen. "Sorry? Why sorry?" And then he heard the rest and his face flushed scarlet. "I uh... how do I say this? If I weren' with Shen, I'd totally be inta you... I don't pay 'tention to gender er nothin'. Folks with good hearts and good heads, tha's all that matters to me." Don attempted to explain, it all coming out in a rush before he had a chance to thoroughly think through what he was saying.

"So yeah. Uh. My life kinda revolves 'round the tribe, worshippin' Kyna, an' Shen." Don finished. He had been hesitant to tack on that last part but he didn't want to be dishonest, and Shen was important to him. "Man, last year, on mah Birthday, I caught a wild boar in Kyna's honor. My folks said tha' I'd be havin' a good year cuz she'd be impressed with the offerin'. Kyna takes good care a my tribe an' me." Don said, too on edge to worry about fixing his speech pattern. He could hear Shen berating him in his head, yet he ignored it... he felt that Arya didn't mind... because if she did, he felt she would have said something by now.

She was startled by his response. Blinking a few times, Dysis' eyes grew wide, her face red. "Well...uh...um...thanks...?" She had no idea how to take this because she rarely got complemented if ever. She heard about his tribe and what not, she barely even noticed his speech impediment.

Because he opened up so much about his home, she felt obligated to follow suit, yet she couldn't...or could she? I mean, Dysis thought he would find out sooner or later, right?

"Uhh...Don?" She asked quietly, still raging a war over wether she should or not.


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Confidence Don, remain confident. He thought to himself, even as Arya's face took on the expression of shock and darkened to match the same shade as his. Or at least the shade he imagined his face to be. It was nice to see that Arya could be sensitive enough to blush. Don had been wondering if she ever did, only because she had seemed rather detached when he had first met her. You still don't know her. He reminded himself. He knew some things about her, like her courage to stand up to assailants even when in pain, she was hardheaded and did not back down even when in danger, and she was fierce, though not in a cruel way, even though she had had a difficult past. It really made Don respect her, attachment to her growing to the point where he hoped they could become good friends and remain friends after this mission was over and all the other missions for them.

"Yeah?" The gryphon replied, his gaze locking on Arya as she spoke. Her face was a mixture of emotions... and Don didn't really know which expression he should have been reading at the moment. Overall, she looked uncertain- Don decided. He listened intently, curious as to what could be causing the uncertainty.

Dysis took a deep breath, though it really didn't do anything. "I honestly don't know how your going to take this..." She said in a small tone "but I haven't been entirely truthful..." Dysis trailed off waiting for a response. She had no idea what he would do, though is calm nature. Dysis needed to tell him, if she doesn't, then things could go down when Justin attempted to take the wolf pack over...

Dysis kept her gaze focused downward. Her face was filled with various emotions ranging from depression to anger. In all, it was next to impossible to decipher what she was feeling at the momet, and Dysis herself want all to sure either.


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Don could feel his gut sinking as Arya became very serious. Whatever she was going to say, it wasn't going to be something light like a comment on the weather. This further proved his point when she said 'I honestly don't know how you're going to take this...". Alarm went sky rocketing within Don, but he swallowed and tried to remain calm. He was lucky he wasn't in gryphon form at this point... there would be a lot of little tweaks that would give away his nerves, but as a human he could easily appear calm and accepting.

Don moved close enough to Arya that he could place a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I don't know how I'm going to take this, either, but Arya, you're my friend. It would take something barbaric for me to turn against you." He said, in as calm a voice as he could manage though his heart was palpitating crazily in his chest. Her expressions continued to come close to unnerving him, though he kept a friendly smile on his face. "If you weren't of importance to me, I would be at your beck and call right now." Don added, in a way he hoped was reassuring.

Dysis gave him a brief half hearted smile. With a sigh, she spoke. "My real name is Dysis Kane... And I am a part of the nahuatl..." As she continued her tone grew a bit choked as if she regretted this "a...cult dedicated to worshiping...Thana and Zilia...the gods of death and envy...we strive to gain what was stolen from us. The right to bond with the animal of our choice other wise known as The Final Revolution." Pausing for e moment, letting it sink in. Dysis continued in a foreign tongue, translating every phrase:

"Voknau dovahdaan do dii usliik in, daar Zu'u vaat:

"Upon the blades of my former masters, this I swear:

Gol fen kos nahpok voth sos do dii paal, niist qeth ont geyol yolos do diiunahzaal mir wah un wahliik. Dii tuz los hin, ol los hin los dii. Pogaan fen meyz gein. Gein fen meyz pogaan. Faan dii zeymah ahrk briinah tol ahk prokuz tol morokei sul lost mu los finally stin nol nebendein kolos mu ful desperately saraan savend.

The earth will be stained with the blood of my foes, their bones used to kindle the flames of my eternal allegiance to our creators. My blade is your, as is yours is mine. Many will become one. One will become many. Calling my brothers and sisters that also anticipate that glorious day were we are finally freed from the dungeons where we so desperately await salvation.

Daar los dii heeding do Faal Laat Keiz."

This is my heeding of The Final Revolution."

Dysis then feel silent. She was unaware than as she had been speaking, tears were falling from her eyes and softly splashing into the warm pool.


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Whatever Don had been expecting, that she was part of the Nahuatl had never even crossed his mind. He was immediately taken back to the time the dark shaman had come to his village, explaining that all he wanted was to make it so that people could choose their own path. The shaman was evil and twisted, however, and did terrible things. Of course, perhaps Arya... no, Dysis... perhaps her cult was not as terrible. But worshipping both Thana and Zilia was some pretty dark business within itself. Don's friendly smile died away, replaced with an expression of uncertainty. He did not know what the Final Revolution was, though. The silence seemed to stretch an eternity for Don before the Shark Zaonian began speaking again- this time in a language that he did not recognize, before translating it for him.

The words were beautiful to Don, though even translated he didn't understand what they meant truly. It almost sounded like his tribe's chant to Kyna, though the words were a little different. But... giving everyone the right to choose their animal.. that wasn't such a bad thing, right?

In the end, what bothered him the most was that she had lied about her name. That she was apart of a cult... well, to Don that just meant she was in a group that was more serious about their religion. He only had one real question. But before he asked, he moved close to Ary-Dysis and wiped at the tears that had begun to fall as she spoke. He had wanted to brush them away sooner, but hadn't wanted to interrupt her chant. He then pulled the shark girl into a hug. "Do you... hurt people unnecessarily?" He asked softly, his only concern being on the ethics of her behavior. If she killed innocents, then that would be the end of their friendship and dealings in general. However, if her foes were not everyone, but only those who believed that your first bonding should be your only choice, then Don could still stand behind her. He, of course, did not want to become apart of any cult... his Goddess was Kyna. He would never abandon her. But he saw nothing wrong with supporting Dysis as well. For once, Don was glad Shen wasn't there... the Gata would probably frown upon Don's loyalty to Dysis.


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