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Fantasy Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ-ZAO-Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Alen walked out of the bar with a sack of money in one hand and a suspicious red liquid on the other. Probably spilt someones red wine on himself. He entered the main room of the cavern to see a pretty wolf lady talk about where they would be staying. On a normal circumstance he wouldn't hit on her but 1. He was taken and 2. She left "speaking of...." He searched the room looking for dysis to she if she was ok and what the plan was

As Dysis saw Alen approach, she kept her gaze focused upon A. The soaking wet wolves and B. The group. Looking between Don, Blake and the others and said "Well. Let's move to that cavern...that patrol is making me...uneasy" she finished. As Dysis turned, she saw that the wolves were blocking their path. The one in front, a molted brown and blond she gave a large grin. "We just would like to welcome our... Guests" it was obvious to Dysis that they didn't notice or care about the difference in build or height. Holding out a paw the wolf continued "Alika,

Head hunter" Dysis was about to offer her own hand when she noticed that Alika was soaked to the bone. "Arya" she simply answered, ignoring the hand. The Lyco noticed this and gave a deep chuckle "Psari if I'm not mistaken?" Her brown eyes lit up with slight humor, matching the look upon her muzzle.

Taking a step back, Dysis frowned. They had ideas, awful ideas on her part. Glancing to Alen, then back to her group, she starred back at the Lycos. Two in back were whispering to each other, then passed the information onto Alika. The she wolf gave a soft laugh, and responded with something along the lines of "I haven't had a good laugh in days..." Dysis knew that they wanted and were most likely going to do. "So...the lead hunter is a week old, mischievous pup?" she responded. She knew would encourage them to shake all the water of their pelts, so Dysis stepped back right next to Don.

@RubyRose @DemonKitten @Penance

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Don glanced at Arya in slight surprise at the suggestion to move to the cavern, but decided it wasn't any worse than any other plan. His gaze moved to Blake to see what she thought of the idea. Don was honestly quite ready to curl up with Vitawni and sleep, and hopefully melt the last of the chill from his bones. The thought that they would have to go back out into that weather when they were finished doing whatever it is they came to do was repressed to the back of the Gryphon's mind.

Of course, when they turned to go to the cavern, there was the earlier group of wolves, looking ready to... do something. Don wasn't quite sure what was on their minds, but he agreed with Arya- they made him uneasy as well. He attempted not to show it by standing straight, and offering a friendly smile to them as well. The pause between they would like to welcome and the word guests did not go unnoticed. Were all the wolves up here disliking of newcomers?

Upon the introduction of Alika, Don nodded and stated 'Don' after Arya had given her name. Don's ears lowered, his expression becoming a little more guarded as the words 'haven't had a good laugh in days' registered. Knowing he could be slightly intimidating when he really tried, Don began to flare out his wings just a little. It was to make him look bigger- an instinctual tactic just to seem a little less approachable.

Don gave a slight shake of his head at Arya's words. It was never a good idea to antagonize people who were part of the group being hospitable towards you. He didn't understand her reason for saying it, either. The gryphon stood his ground, vaguely registering the soft pattering of water onto the cavern floor. Don glanced over to Blake, keeping his voice low as he asked "Do they seem like they're gonna cause us trouble?"

@StoneWolf18 @DemonKitten
Amazon didn't know what the hell was going on [ and so do I]. She was cold, freezing cold in fact. She'd brought a small fur but even that didn't prevent her deep shivers and sluggish movements. There also remained the fact that she couldn't find anyone she knew and was forced to look around the group to find someone. " Damn my height !" . The 5'3 girl was not amused with all of this. Lastly, they were surrounded be wolves.

Scratching the back of her head, Amazon huffed and danced on the balls of her feet.
" I need a bottle filled with something alcoholic and a cuddle". And with that, she set off to find either one of those. @anyone...anyone at all
Alen saw that dysis was ok and grinned "well shes alive so that's cool" satisfied with this he left outside to find the rest of his crew. Upon entering the outside world of winter wonderland he saw some girl walking around in the cold. "Bet she's having fun. I think I'll go and bother her..." He said mused with his usual hyena grin on his face and walked towards her. The closer he got the more he could make out her features and she looked familiar. He put his hand over his eyes and squinted at her as he walked closer "Amazon..?" He called out to her not sure if it is her

Amazon couldn't help the small sigh of relief as emitted as her eyes meet Alen's but she quickly morphed it into a annoyed groan. Jogging over too him, she ran a hand through her curls and huffed, " Who the hell is Amazon ? I'm Trxye...Trxye Levesque. I'm also cold as hell so be a lovely little boy and get me something hot and boozy". Amazon also couldn't help rolling her yellow eyes at her friend's ignorance of the code names. Getting closer to Alen, she stood shoulder to shoulder with him and moved up and down, warming herself up. Lifting up a eyebrow, Amazon bit her lip and winked at him, " Got any friends with you ?". She wa trying to ask where Dysis and Justin were.
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Alen rolled his eyes and shook his head. He didn't care for the code names since they were dumb and hard to remember. He started walking towards another bar instead of the one he went to earlier for unknown reasons. "Nah one of them are hanging out with I don't know who. I guess her new friends or something....and the last one I haven't seen since I friggin got here." He said. He had no clue where Justin is but he figured he was in a better place.

They eventually walked up to a average bar which had some drunk wolf passed out on the side of the building "he's gonna die in the cold." He started laughing a bit at the thought "hate be him.." He held the door open for 'tryxe' letting her go in first "madam..." He said jokingly
'Creatures of the Pack' Vali thought to himself 'Born to hunt and to push down the weaker ones' he made a small face. The Carbuncle's of old had always tried to be polite and respectful to everyone, especially their elders and family. The older of the Lycos seemed to show respect to others, as well as those who were normally shown none, but the young and the strong were cocky, believing themselves to be the best.

Vali knew this because he himself was probably the weakest creature among them all. He had no skill with fighting, only running away. Which was fine with him, he did't have much of a fighting spirit to begin with. He turned away from the group and began to look around. A cavern as big as this was bound to have a few cubbyholes he could slip into and sleep in. He was definitely not going to sleep in the back with the rest of them.

He shivered 'So many people, being boxed in like that would give me a heart attack' he assumed that as long as he stayed away from the bigger creatures, he'd be fine. Despite his hair, he was actually quite good at going unnoticed for a length of time, and in the commotion of all these other arrivals, the Lycos would have a hard time keeping an eye on him.
Amazon prodded the wolf's forhead with her nail, pressing so deep with her claw that she drew a dot of crimson blood. She pressed even harder, slashing her nail sharply across his forehead. Leaning back up, Amazon laughed gently, licking the blood off her finger, " The poor boy..I had to give him something to wake up too".

Amazon laughed again when Alen opened the door for her and called her madam, " Con man". Entering the bar, she did her normal walk, maybe even a bit more exaggerated than ususal. She definitely attracted some attention though she ignored it, waltzing up on the counter and proceeding to order.
Alika's face immediately fell as Dysis said this. The other 3 behind the she-wolf started to snarl. The huntress joined in with saying "I think the fish and her friends need to be put in their place..." With an over exaggerated flick of her ear, the other wolves gave a high pitched cry and attempted to grab hold of Don, Dysis, and Blake. As she was grabbed, Dysis gave a snarl and sank her teeth in the arm of the one holding her. They yelped in pain and shoved their wet body along her side. Rearing back, Dysis released her hold. For a moment she had broken free, but the injured Lyco gave a howl and the others that had wandered over jumped into the fray.

Now being held once more by 3 wolves, she was backed up against a wall. Dysis' struggling was proving affecting but it wasn't long until they were told to bring in snow from outside.

(Eh, needed a bit of action.)

@DemonKitten @RubyRose

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Blake had been slightly distracted, needless to say, but was brought back to attention by cold drops touching her and an angry howl as she tripped and fell backwards. She landed on her butt, but was scratched by a shock Ponya that slipped out of her coat and on to her head. "And what was that for?!" She growled all of a sudden very angry by all that had occurred. She could feel the blood on her chest drip, but it would heal soon. Enraged by the antics of these wolves and the fact that they were treating them like this, Blake jumped up and pushed her way in front of Arya.

"Now listen here mangy excuse for a Lycos," she growled with Ponya having an equal glare to back her up. "We didn't ask to be pestered by the likes of you. In fact, I am pretty sure we are here to help you and your inability to get along with others. If it takes a million bites from a shark, I swear to you we will beat in this idea of not being a complete pile of dung!" Blake's bark was loud as she lectured him, her face now matching her hair as she got all fired up.

@StoneWolf18 @RubyRose
Alika and her now larger group of Lycos surrounded Dysis, Blake, and Don. Standing at the center in front of Blake that was standing in front of Dysis. Alika's gaze bore into Blake's as she stared her down. "LISTEN HERE, PUP" her bark was powerful in a venomous way. "WE ARE IN CHARGE HERE..." Softening her voice in a sickly sweet way, the she-wolf finished "so I suggest you move your delicate little self out of the way before you get hurt" Alika put on a grin to match her tone.

Pushing Blake out of the way, she commanded one of the lyco's standing near to hold her. Though he wreaked of alcohol and most likely wouldn't hold for long. Alika made sure the griffin was held as well by walking up and asking in the same tone as she had used with the nine tails "What's wrong? Why being so silent?" Walking away with a poisonous chuckle, she arrived at Dysis. Shoving her muzzle in her face, the molded brown wolf said in a barely audible bark "you come in and insult me in my own home when we welcome you as a guest?" Dysis replied "Oh, is the poor little puppy blind, deaf AND stupid? You started this, no?" Alika snarled and was about to strike her with her claws when she paused mid air. Glancing towards the floor, seeing a puddle of water she grinned. As she bent down to gather a paw full, she spoke a bit louder this time "Ah, a Psari, no? Well...I've always loved seafood. Just gets rare up here in the mountains..."

@DemomKitten @RubyRose

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Don saw the attack coming, but was really hoping that something would intervene to stop it. When it didn't, and two wolves grabbed at his sides, he was slow in retaliating. One wolf kicked at his knee, causing it to buckle and bringing him collapsing to the floor, pinned under the weight of both wild Zaonians. Don let out an angry screech, unable to move, when Vitawni jumped to one of the wolves, biting down on it's ear. The Lycos reeled away, squealing and batting at the little gryphon. That gave Don enough of a chance to knock the other wolf off of him, wing batting it aside as he pushed back to his feet.

The Mythikos couldn't help a small smile of victory as Vitawni returned to him, chunk of wolf ear clutched in it's little beak as it landed on Don's shoulder. Angered for the lousy behavior and the taunting of the wolves, Don let out a screech of warning. It did nothing to phase the attackers and Don found himself backing up. His back touched a wall and his wings flared out. It was too cramped in the cave for him to actually take flight, though. At least Arya and Blake were here as well. That kept him from facing the beasts alone, and they evened the odds of winning. At the snarl from the wolf about Don being quiet, his feathers ruffled and he puffed out his chest. Quiet, maybe, but definitely deadly. The wolf was challenging the wrong Zaonian. Granted, the wolves had him and his friends in numbers but they didn't have them in strength. Don didn't question who would come out victorious if this fell to a fight.

Red tinged Don's vision as Alika openly threatened Arya and he lunged, claws outstretched and beak ready to clamp down on the wolf's throat.

@StoneWolf18 @DemonKitten

(Left it open in case StoneWolf18 wanted to write out the wolve's response. If you want me to write the battle, I'll gladly add it in. If you want Don to remain quiet, I'll take that last sentence out... though I feel he's provoked enough to become absolutely violent.)
Alen laughed as he stepped inside with her. As other wolves watched as she walked by he rolled his eyes and pitied them 'if only they knew what guarded that jewel' he thought amused.

He sat at the counter next to her and didn't bother ordering anything. "I had my fill only 10 minutes ago so I'm good. Besides the last bartender I heard got robbed" he shrugged his shoulders innocently and leaned on the counter "may he rest in pieces er I mean peace...."

Though, as Don tried to attack, 3 huge male Lycos tackled him to the floor. 2 kneeling on his wings and one on his back. It would have been even more affective if they were drunk.

Alika looked to the griffin and sighed. "Poor birdy. He's probably lost without his brood" turning back to Dysis, she proceeded to make threats while the crowd of lycos (some a bit tipsy) howled and cheered her on. It was apparent she was getting the most attention from the males, but there were various females among them as well. Elders fought to get through but it was no use. When a half drunkin mod wants something, they are sure to get it.

Alika now took her paw full of water and splashed her with it. It only covered a small portion of her face, but it was enough. Glaring at the huntress, she began to shift. And it was painful, but the lyco's ate it up like it was fresh-kill.

(If wanted I can add a description of the shift in the next post)

@DemonKitten @RubyRose

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Don, unfortunately, underestimated the speed of the other Lycos and was swiftly brought to the ground. By the weight of it, the wolves on him now were more capable of keeping him pinned down. Even when Vitawni moved to attack one of them, they swatted the more little gryphon away like a fly. It huffed indignantly, zooming in again and getting a good nip to one of the wolve's shoulders before they grabbed it and pinned Vitawni to the floor as well, one paw easily holding it down.

The ache where Don had hit the floor was already beginning to set in, but that didn't stop him from giving a few good thrashes in his attempt to unseat the Zaonian's sitting on top of him. At Alika's comment, the Mythikos gave an angry snort. He did not need his tribe the way she did, though he refrained from speaking. Words would do him no good, as it was words that Don believed had got them into this mess.

Trying to plan out what to do next, the Gryphon let his body relax. Fighting would do nothing but wear out his energy at the moment. If he stopped and really thought things through carefully, perhaps he could help. He watched as Alika splashed water into Arya's face and couldn't help shouting "Arya" as she began to transform. He watched on, dismayed, as the water forced her to change forms. Fear began to coil inside his belly as well. Would they really kill her? Would he really watch a friend die, unable to help?

Xiong watched the she wolf out of his peripherals as she checked on Mark. He watched as the other she wolf came to the group and instructed them on their staying arrangements. Xiong looked to Mark and this Sachi as she had introduced herself. Xiong straightened himself and tried to relax but some of the other Lyco's were still watching him with an unsettling glare. Xiong watched as most of the group went off in different directions. Xiong wasn't tired so he didn't feel like heading for the cave the Lyco had mentioned before. There was something he was interested in though. He took a deep breath and looked in the general direction of Sachi once again. "Say...Sachi was it? I uh, was wondering if maybe you could tell me......why these Lycos seem to have such a problem bears?" He tried to make the question some out properly so that he didn't sound like a complete lunatic, but the glares and the incident with the Lyco had already made him curious enough to know why they did not like him so much.

The wolves atop of Don and holding Blake loosened a bit because they wanted to watch Alika kick some ass and get them a decent dinner. They were caught off guard, perfect time to strike. But, before they could move, the she wolf had already been enjoying her time with her victim.

Dysis found it hard to breath. She needed water but there was a slim chance of getting ahold of any. She was in an awkward position, being about 8 feet long in this form Dysis was cramped. Also her tail was vertical as a shark's would be, unlike the horizontal version on a dolphin. This was over all extremely awkward as Alika began to use her claws and slice along her tail and move up towards her neck. She started off shallow then grew deeper with each cut. The crowd roared, telling the huntress to cut off her fins or shove her tail in her mouth. Things were looking grim.

Though, for a moment Alika turned her back to the oxygen starved Dysis and talked to the crowd about meaningless nonsense. This gave her a chance. The wolves holding her arms had grown lax, due to alcohol and how little she struggled. Ripping her arms from their grasp, Dysis painfully swung her tail, aiming for Alika's legs. They hit with a wet crack. Screaming, the wolf went down. Dysis' blood mixed with her own as bone shown through her fur. They were shattered and most likely not healing any time soon.

@DemonKitten @RubyRose

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The gryphon Zaonian bit back further cries of Arya's name as the wolf cut into her tail. It sickened him as well as brought tears to his eyes to see his friend tortured in such away, on top of the fact that she was slowly suffocating. The rowdy cheers of the crowd only made Don further nauseous, wondering how anyone could enjoy such a terrible display of primitive instinct and sadistic nature. What they were shouting for Alika to do was even more obscene, and painted terribly graphic images into the Mythikos Zaonian's mind. Water spilled from his eyes, running into the fur on his cheeks as he lay, helpless to do anything at all. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see Arya come to any more harm.

The crack of bone set Don's teeth on edge and his eyes sprang open to see that Alika was now on the ground. Feeling a weight shift on his back, Don sprang into action as well. His concern for Arya was pushed to the back of his mind, though vengeance for what she had been put through gave him the adrenaline spike needed to attack the wolves with a new vigor. Attacking on of the larger Lycos that had been sitting on him, Don tore into the Zaonian. His beak was ready to clamp down in a killing blow, but Don was stopped by a silver haired Zaonian. The Zaonian did nothing more than stop him from killing the wolf, so Don did not attack him in turn. Instead, the Gryphon went after the next nearest wolf, though he made sure to not go for any killing blows. Now he was fighting to incapacitate and to remind the wolves that they had picked a fight with the wrong Zaonians.

Vitawni zoomed around as well, nipping at ears here and there and distracting wolves that were trying to group up and resituate themselves for an attack. As another wolf went down, the rest of the wolves began to back away. When it looked like they'd no longer be attacked, Don rushed to Arya's side. "Arya?! Arya!? Are you ok? What should I do?!" Don asked. He had never been trained in medicine outside of the basic cuts and so on... he had no idea what needed to be done. "Gamma! We need a Gamma over here." Though Don was loathe to call upon a wolf at this time, Sachi had seemed a reliable wolf and perhaps there were Gammas that would be willing to help Arya despite the trouble they had caused for the clan.

@StoneWolf18 @DemonKitten
As Don reigned hell down upon the wolves, Dysis slumped on the wall. The parallel cuts ran up to about her lower torso and we're letting loose a steady trickle of blood. Alika who was whimpering in pain on the floor gave her a fearful look. If she could have spared the energy, Dysis would have laughed and told her not to mess. But she wasn't really in a position to do so. As the rest of the Lycos lost interest and or passed out from the beating Don had given them, he ran to her side. As he called her false name, his voice soon became muffled as if yelling through glass. Looking over, she gave Don a glazed, painful, yet hopeful stare before loosing focus upon his face. Closing her eyes, Dysis tried to distract herself from the pain. But that's kinda hard considering your bleeding in various places and are slowly suffocating.

(@DemonKitten I'll let you control the gamma.)


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Amazon leaned with her face on her hands and her elbows on the counter, her unzipped bodysuit dipping open to show sleek, golden curve, " How much would that be...oh". Turning to Alen, she gave him the look, the one that said " I'm going to flirt the hell out of this one". Amazon leaned even further, her top skimming dangerously low and causing the stares of other men to increase in intensity. "'You see, I'm cold and broke....could you warm me up ?" . The Lycos-Rolan smirked at her, eyeing her up and down with no remorse, " What about your boyfriend here ? He looks like he's loaded". Amazon widened her aureolin eyes and gestured towards Alen, " Him ? Definitely not, it's just a strictly nonsexual relationship...and he's broke too...help a girl out ? I'll " pay" you back.."

A couple minutes later, Amazon had a large bottle full of dark pink liquid in her hands. Taking a swig, she nodded and tipped the bottle at Alen, " That's how big girls get it done. Don't tell Justin, he'll beat the shit out of Rolan".

Blake dodged off to where Xiong was and the she-wolf that seemed kinder than the others. "We need a gamma!" she barked to the girl who began to shuffle away to where the gamma was. Returning to the others side, she growled at a few of the aggressive wolves before going to where Don was. "I sent for the Gamma," She told him as she noticed Don had got the worse of the whole ordeal. Me and my big mouth, she grumbled as Ponya returned to her side after the fight had ended. Ponya pranced over to Vitawni who was still somewhat in the air to check on her small companion.

"I'm sorry guys," Blake hung her head low disappointing in herself for letting her anger get the best of her and she hadn't even really participated in the fight. "I have a short temper and a big bark for a small girl," She sighed as the Gamma finally approached. He looked similar to them not being full animal and his face was emotionless. "Where is it the worse?" The white haired boy asked as he moved fabric and looked over Don. He made a tsk sound of dissapproval as he worked, but he was quick and steady cleaning the wounds and applying alcohol to them. "It may sting, but it is necessary. Wolf claws are not usually very clean and can cause immediate infection," He said calmly, but he appeared to be a pretty clean looking wolf himself.

As he finished bandaging Don up, he made a final tsk sound as he looked around at the mess that was caused. "My work is never done," He said out loud as Blake finally spoke up. "Thank you for helping us," The boy sighed as he looked at Blake as the thank you was a hassle. "It is my job to heal others. I need no Thanks. Just please try and not let him move around top much. One of those wounds needs a day to close, but he should be fine. If you need something my name is Hakuea. Don't worry about the others, they don't dare defile their healer," He finally cracked a smile, but it vanished as quick as it was there.

He turned to the shark girl who seemed more concerned for her friend so he hadn't noticed that she herself was wounded. "What about you, Psari?" He motioned to her. "How are your wounds?"

@StoneWolf18 @RubyRose
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Dysis really couldn't answer the question because she was almost unconscious due to blood loss and lax of oxygen. If she could have answered, it would have been some smart ass remark. But, instead Dysis settled for a subtle moan, not wanting to waste energy mouthing off.

Alika on the other hand had been carried to a healer's den. And in the middle of crying and whimpering in pain, she told of how this was all the "intruders" fault. The pups are it up like a story at bedtime. The young adults, those sensible and not drunk had some second thoughts. Then the elders were disgusted with the way Alika had acted and were considering removing her from lead hunters and placing her in an omega position for a day or two.

(@DemomKitten you mixed up mine and Don's wounds. He was more or less find and Dysis was close to death?)


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(oops. I'm sorry, guys. I thought Dysis was kicking butt lol)


Hakuea noticed the severity of the Psari's wounds and that she was slowly losing oxygen. He noticed one wound closer to the throat that was probably the cause of not being able to breath. Pulling out a random tube of some sort from his pocket, he leaned down over Dysis. "Now this will not feel pleasant at all, but it is necessary," He looked over to a wolf that was standing near by and nodded and the wolf took off. Taking the tube and turning his attention back to Dysis, he stabbed the tube through the wound and into her airway to get the blood out and return the oxygen to her system. He then used some strong tape to keep the tube there until they could preform a quick surgery on the Psari.

Blake couldn't help, but whimper and move closer to don as he stabbed Arya with the tube and watched as the blood gushed out allowing clear air through. She knew it was needed, but gosh it hurt her just watching. Soon the wolf that had been scent off returned with some others an a stretcher. "Very delicatly, put her on there. I will need three to haul her up and someone one to constantly hold her legs since she is so long they will dangle and we don't need that," The wolves did as they were commanded and lifted her up on the make shift stretcher and headed towards the medical den. Hakuea started to walk away until Blake grabbed his sleeve.

"She will be alright, won't she?" Hakuea smiled almost in a cocky manner to the fox girl as he flipped a bang back that was in his hair. "I have done this procedure many times. It is a known fact that wolves like to go for the throat so this is something common," with that he headed towards the medical den where Dysis was waiting for her surgery.

@StoneWolf18 @RubyRose

Sachi became very busy with the constant injuries that seemed to be occuring. She sighed as she recalled having to leave in the middle of her conversation. A hand went on her shoulder as a friendly voice came to comfort her. "What a mess, huh?" the blue wolf commented with a smile. "Sachi, what has you so down of recent," He asked her as he returned his hand to a crossing position. She gave a long sigh and shrugged. "The usual. Not being good enough," She grumbled as Pace laughed at her normal down trodden attitude. "I'll take care of things here. You go on and cheer yourself up," She smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before running off.

She was reminded that it was required of her to be with the other Beta and though she liked Pace she didn't like him that way. In fact, for most her life she had been in love with the alpha of recent, but he belonged to someone like her amazing sister. She went to find Xiong and luckily he was still in the same place. She bowed before coming near him and his friends. "Sorry I vanished. Beta duties," She smiled before turning all red again. "Your question? About why they are so hostile against bears more so?" She proceeded to tell him of the story of when the old alpha's daughter was supposedly kidnapped by a bear and still the bears lie saying they didn't.

"It really is quite dumb. I mean Yua was very powerful she-wolf. Very pampered and all, but could easily take on a bear. I doubt she was kidnapped, but she was never found to claim otherwise, so they still believe she was taken away and killed," She sighed a little because she had not been born when all of this occur, but the story was fresh in her mind as if it happened yesterday. "Not all of us are hostile towards you newcomers. I for one like you!" Realizing what she said, her cheerful expression turned to a puddle of embarrassment as she started to mess with with her ear and hide her face. " I--I mean...that I, um, like you in like you seem pretty, um, cool or nice, or something," she smiled grateful she was covered in fur, but could still feel how hot she was under it.

Alen laughed a bit "you know I should tell him just because I want to see what'll happen..." He said with a sadistic grin. He grabbed a passerby's drink and then remembered something important "hey so what's the plan...? I'm sure dysis has one but I haven't been able to talk to her sadly..." He said taking a swig


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