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Fantasy Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ-ZAO-Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Justin stood up as soon as the meeting was done. He wanted to find the others so he could find out what exactly they were going to do next. Dysis would be ideal but he couldn't find her among the crowd outside. Then he began searching for Amazon. He knew Alex wouldn't have a clue but Amazon was much smarter than both of them. Eventually, Justin just decided to look for anyone among the crowd. Pushing himself through, he ended up spotting Dysis. Of course he did, she was the tallest woman you'd ever see. Except she was talking to... a fox girl. Justin debated whether he should join the conversation or not. Then he figured if he didn't talk to them, no one else would so he approached them. "Oi! Dysis... " he called out to her as he came up on them. Justin observed the fox girl and realized that she was nine tails. Despite Justin's interest in fox furs he decided not to get off on a bad foot. "Hey.. Justin," he said, with a casual and confident smirk. He held out his hand in greeting to the nine tailed fox.
Tela tilted her head to her mountains were all green with things growing everywhere on them with the best bits at the top.

" I have been high on mountains they always warm and green never cold " Tela said he tone showing she didn't exactly get what Natasha said.

Really Tela just didn't get the idea of cold mountains as she had never been to some and she didn't get how them being tall did anything, she had always found them warm in her homeish region. Really Tela was starting to think that Natasha was playing a trick on her, not a malicious one but a silly one as despite the girl being connected to the Leviathans she wasn't malicious.

" I ask Phenex he will know if you are right or trying to play a trick to make me seem silly " She said revealing she at least didn't think Natasha meant her harm.

@Aqua @Yonsisac
Dysis sighs as she is dragged over to the man with purple colored hair. As Blake welcomed him, Dysis was looking for an exit when she brought herself up. "Er, hello sir..." Dysis greeted him. She wasn't the most social person, and it was clearly showing. As Blake held out her fox with violet eyes, Dysis agreed that it was sorta, kinda, maybe cute. But she still loved Leonardo more. Yet, being polite, Dysis gave Panaya a scratch behind their left ear.

As Justin hollered her name, she stiffened. Giving him a swift elbow in the stomach, she turned to him and asked "Dysis? I fear you have mistaken me for someone else." Dysis gave him a brief glare before continuing "Arya Seff." She held out her hand to greet him. Dysis made sure to give him a lecture on how to conceal yourself in public later on. He was being too careless, and one day it was sure to bite him in the ass.

@rapjack123 @DemonKitten @RubyRose
Xiong was a bit relieaved when Vali decided he would let them tag along with him. Even if he had no intention of conversing with him for long periods he could still learn great deal from observing like he usually did. Xiong watched their newest friends approach Vali and then turned to them. Xiong nodded to the Phoenix and shifted his pack a bit as he followed the others. AS they finally made it out of the citys front gates Xiong sighed with relief now that the crowds were behind them. Now that crowds were gone he could relax a bit and felt he would be able to communicate with the small group at least a little better. He looked to the Phoenix and nodded to her "I need nothing else from that city, we should get as much distance as we can. We can, uh, find a camping place in a few hours." It wasn't perfect, but it would have to do for now as he reached for his book under his armor.

@Syrix @Seraph Darkfire
(Srry I was out can someone catch me up?)

(Sorry if it's bad I rushed it)

Phenex was walking and following Telas tracks while the hydra in him said "really Phenex why are you going out of your way for a dragon that you don't even know on top of that to remember that your the only hydra right now so if you die I have to wait forever to be reborn!" While listening Phenex didn't really care just ignoring it and found tela a little ways off so he made his way over there slowly.

As soon as Phenex mad his way over and she was arguing about mountain ranges I guess she knew he was there because she asked him about the mountains and he replied with "well there are two types of mountains the aurum mountains are the mountains that have green on them and is warm do to the red dragons and smaller dragons breath, while the howling mountains are a barren cold waste land filled with snow so there are both warm and cold mountains." He said looking at him as he was stretching his windpgs saying "these things are annoying!"

@Karcen @Yonsisac
"Very well then. Should anyone need something from the city before tomorrow, I can easily retrieve it and return to you promptly." Asyra had already morphed back into her human form and was walking with her newfound friends. The lands outside the city were better than the busy crowds. The fresh air was much needed after the stress of their conference in the tower and all the introductions through the day. Asyra knew little about the Howling Mountains. Only that it was a cold and hostile place, much different from her home in the Aurum Mountains. She didn't know how she would survive there, whether her flames would keep her warm or if the cold were overpower her. We will have to wait and see, she thought to herself.

@zCrookedz @Yonsisac @Seraph Darkfire
"Blake. Arya. Panya." Don said, giving each a short little bow (more a bob of the head, but almost a bow). "Look Vitawni. You aren't gonna be 'lone anymore." Don said, gesturing to the little violet eyed fox. Vitawni curiously moved a little closer, landing on Don's shoulder so that it could get a better look. The small gryphon continued to creep closer, climbing down Don's arm- Don automatically lifting his arm so that Vitawni could perch on it.

"Well isn't that just curious." Don murmured as the small gryphon reached out with a taloned foot and poked Panya.

"So, I really hate ta be a bother an' all but where's everybody off to Blake?" Don directed his question at her since Arya didn't seem all that talkative and the male who had moved to her side hadn't even addressed him. Not that he minded, sometimes you just don't notice people- especially in the crowd that they were a part of. Don's gaze wandered over the self proclaimed Justin critically as the man introduced himself to the nine tailed woman Don had been speaking to. He stepped a little to the side so that Justin wasn't blocking his view, taking into consideration the mishap with the name Dysis when the woman in question had been introduced as Arya by Blake. Don pushed it to the back of his mind, more curious as to what their lot had in store then a mixup with a name.

@DemonKitten @StoneWolf18 @rapjack123
(Looking at Him? oh and aqua i thought your character dint have wings?)

As natasha was going to asnwer this Dragon really dint seem nice...Natasha would have walk away if she had the chance,soon a..Um Guess this was Phenex,as he says all about mountains...seee she was Right,Natasha dint know but was Phenex surely as she would look at Tela and Grin "Seeeeeee Told ya...even he says it"she sais as she would gesture with her hand once she said he.....wow tela dint seem was smart,but hey atleast somthing to kill some time,as soon she would look at Phenex as she was curius.

"You must be Phenex Correct?"she ask just making sure she was correct about his name and dint whant to confuse with some one else but she Notice he looks Like Tela....the scales and all maybe he was a dragon aswell! Coool! they dint seem that rare as she Thought now



Mark Noded at Vali as he said we could Join him and would look at the rest as they suggested to begine there Jurney as soon Mark would begine to follow xiong as he would say "Same...i thus dont need any more of the City but we must continue our Jurney towards the Howling Tops....Thus all of you have Braught coats? it shall be cold at its summit"he said as he would look back at the rest as he did he would tilt his lare straw hat downwards so the sun wont hit his face,his hands would be behinde his back hiding inside the long large sleevs,he took a deep breath a they were now outside of the city atleast and now in the Open space...was good,Mark look at Vali as he had fur....mark thought he dint need a coat and maybe so dose xiong...they both have fur...well wen xiong was as a panda that is he had but still,now the majestic fire Bird he was not sure but she maybe needed one,now Mark..Oh boy he needed one as how thin he was and no posibility to surviev such cold.

@Syrix @Seraph Darkfire
Tela frowned but at least Natasha didn't lie to her about the mountains. " You win this round but I'll win another " She said revealing that to her an enemy was someone you competed against, not exactly someone you actually attacked, she was a kind in mind so her ideas were at a kid level. Well this just meant that she would need clothes.

" Well I will go get some of those clothes… do hydra's have problems with low temperatures? She asked Phenex thinking if he didn't have his she would just go get them.
Vali sighed as he continued walking. He hadn't expected that his journey would become as noisy as it was now 'I wish I could just take a nap' he thought, though now he supposed he'd have to just wait until the night. He certainly would love to get out of the clothes he was wearing. He took the time to think about this group. A panda and two birds, it was strange to have acquired such an unusual following. Naturally, he was interested in their skills as fighters. His shield was absolute, but as such he couldn't move around while it was activated.

Living shields weren't as defensible, but they were far more maneuverable. If anything these people would be a great distraction for him to get away. It was unfortunate, and he did sometimes feel bad about abandoning people, but most of them had their own agendas for traveling with him. In his mind, as long as both sides were useful to each other, then it wasn't a problem.

He looked at the book Xiong was reading "That must be why you are so interested in me" he said calmly. Books on his people had been written, some of it right, some of it wrong. The main theme of most of them was the price of the gem that a Carbuncle had in their head. In places that used gold as a currency, it was around ten billion gold the last time Vali checked. It was enough for anyone to live a comfortable life. He'd seen very few books that didn't mention this fact. Everyone either wanted the money or the youthful effects of the gem.

Of course, most of the books didn't mention that the Carbuncle had to be alive for the gem to be of any worth. When a Carbuncle died, the gem turned to dust, whether it was in their head or not.

Xiong looked up from his book, the sprig in his mouth dancing in the air as he chewed on the end of it. He had placed his thumb ever so carefuly on the page of the Carbunkles home, but had flipped to the section on the Howling mountains for a moment to find out what they were in store for. He looked to mark when he mentioned the cold and nodded "Yes its going to be very cold on the mountains. You are going to need to bundle up much tighter than the rest of us Bird Brain." He gave Mark a half cocked smile from beneath his hood, the nick name he had given his friend a symbol of their long time friendship.

He looked over to the Phoenix, who had now shifted back into his bipedal form. As they walked he thought over the company and how strange it must have looked for three adults to be following a small green haired boy down the road. He merely let the idea slip away, what other people thought was none of his business.

Xiong was snapped out of his thoughts when Vali spoke up. He had not expected the boy to even look their way after his words after their exchange at the gate. Xiong flipped back to the page his thumb had been holding for him, placing one of his other fingers on the place of the Howling Mountains. He looked over the page, he had made it all the way to a special part of the chapter that was talking about the shielding ceremony used Consulo. He cleared his throat a bit but kept his eyes fixed on the page
"Ah, uh, yea. This book really only talks about Consulo, not so much Carbunkles. But I figured it was a better place than any to start learning. I must say that this shield that surrounded the area would have been a great sight to behold." Xiong could feel himself slipping back into his state of mind when all he wanted to do was read. He twitched the sprig in his mouth a bit and then pulled himself back from the book should Vali wish to continue talking.

(He has wings for a impenetrable defense he can't fly with them)

Phenex listened to the conversation and was thinking "wait did I just pick a side or something but really don't know" he soon looks at the girl saying "yes I am Phenex the hydra" he says looking at her with a grin on his face that looked like he was kind of annoyed but it was because of the temperature dropping.


He then looked at tela saying "yes clothes would be nice since a serpent is very sensitive to the cold and I'll probably go into hibernation again if it gets to cold" he says scratching his head while looked over at tela as he tried to move his wings around to make them do something at least.

Gihal, having collected the necessary supplies, carefully rolled his shoulders and walked out of the Council Tower. The meeting hadn’t been long but he was glad to be out in the fresh air again, a glance at his shoulder told him Barriottock felt the same; the salamander was stretching his feet and had closed his eyes. “Had I known you’d spend the whole journey sunnin’ yourself I’d ha’ left you at home.” Gihal said softly, his voice scarcely more than a whisper. Barriottok opened one eye, letting a sliver of orange become visible, and licked Gihal swiftly on the cheek, he made no other comment. Gihal groaned in mild disgust and scrubbed his face clean with the back of his hand, “I really wish you’d stop doing that.”

Shaking his head to himself Gihal followed the group of Zaonian’s from the meeting towards the city gates. He hung back a few paces from the nearest person and followed silently. When the group stopped to exchange words Gihal kept going and almost tumbled into the back of the girl with several tails. ‘Nine tails, they work magic, you should watch yourself.’ Barriottock said helpfully. Gihal counted the number of tails the girl possessed just to be sure his eyes weren’t deceiving him; nine, she really was a Nine tailed Fox. She introduced herself as Blake and Gihal endeavoured to remember her name, he moved slightly to get a better view of what was happening and saw for the first time a boy with purple eyes. Gihal tilted his head to one side, he wasn’t sure what the newcomer was but he radiated a certain kind of power. Gihal smiled; at least the road to the mountains wouldn’t be boring.

To his right, Gihal saw a girl with intelligent red eyes, the colour of molten metal. For a brief moment their eyes met, he flashed a quick smile in her direction and said quietly, “Hello Miss. I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced, my name is Gihal.” He said extending a hand. “I wondered if you knew how long it might be before we reach the nearest town.”
Dysis heard his question and turned to him, ignoring Justin. "We have a mission of sorts to go on. In the mountains I believe" looking between Blake and Don, Dysis had an idea "Sense we really don't know anyone else, how about grouping up for our little expedition?" She hopped they agreed. They haven't recruited in quite a while, Dysis would still need to check with the group and all but she was itching for a new face. And plus, what's a better way to get to know someone than a hike up a snow covered mount. She hopped Justin had heard her so he knew what was going on, and didn't interrupt.

(Sorry for the short post, on mobile at the moment)

@RubyRose @DemonKitten @rapjack123

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(To speed up things faster, we are at the next day and have managed to get to the Howling mountains pass. I will be playing heavily on NPC's and hopefully I will choose my second GM to help me control that. There can be more than one group, if you desire. I still have one more organization to add for the mountains) @Aqua @Syrix


"C-Come 'ere, Vitawni." Don called to the little Gryphon when he noticed that the poor thing was shivering. He wrapped it up in the fur coat he had received before they had fully left the city, curling the small animal close to his body. Usually Vitawni didn't allow for a lot of cuddling, which made Don truly appreciate just how cold the runtly creature was feeling. Don continued to stroke Vitawni's head beneath the fur coat as the group made their trek further up the mountain.

"When I left 'ome, I was no' expectin' it ta be this cold." Don complained quietly, to no one in particular. "I'm... I come from warmer places." He attempted to explain, in case anyone was listening. "Blake, what kind a climate are ya used to?" The Gryphon Zaonian questioned, stepping closer to where Blake was walking. Don glanced around and pinpointed some of the others as well. He almost knew all of their names no, and had figured out most of their animals except for a few who's animals seemed a little more rare or... not obvious.

Don's attention was pulled from the cold for a moment as Vitawni squirmed impatiently in his arms, sticking it's head outside of the coat to peer around. Looking up, Don could see why. They had reached their supposed destination.

Don leaned over to whisper to Arya (Dysis). "Do ya think they'll let us in?" He said. They didn't look all that friendly, that was for sure.

@DemonKitten @StoneWolf18


The Chameleon followed stealthily at the back of the group. Doubtless he had been noticed a couple of times now- it's kind of hard to continue hiding while out in the snow. Not that he cared either way, he was supposed to be a part of this group, helping with whatever it is they were trying to accomplish... so it wasn't like he would be able to hide forever. Especially not if his assistance was needed at some point.

Jenoah had yet to actually speak to any one person, preferring to remain quiet and observe the different groups wandering up the freezing mountains. The Zaonian pulled his coat closer to himself, shivering heavily, as a cold wind blew up the mountain. It was hard to stay warm, even with the wonderfully thick fur coat to help. What Jenoah wouldn't give for some humid swamp air right now, or even some rays of sun. It made the Chameleon question when they would be able to get off the island.

Seeing that they were getting close to a point where they'd hopefully get the chance to better warm themselves near a fire, the Chameleon pulled off his gloves so that he could grip at a cliff face they had been walking next to. He hissed at the exceptionally cold stone and wondered if perhaps it was a bad idea to scale the cliff to get a better view with how cold it was. He decided to go for it anyway- he just wanted a quick glimpse a little higher from the ground, then he'd go back towards the snow.

"Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold." Jenoah murmured under his breath, watching carefully to make sure his humanesque hands weren't turning blue or any odd colors at all. Jenoah was not liking this place one bit... he hoped whatever they needed to get done, they'd get done, and move back to warmer climates where the walls weren't so cold they burned and Jenoah didn't have to spend his time under an exceptionally bulky coat.

"They don't look very friendly." The chameleon murmured under his breath, creeping up so that he was near the front of the group.
Blake held herself close with Panya now wrapped around her neck. Though she may have been blessed with thick fur, but she was not used to this climate. To think I'm suppose to marry someone from out here, she shivered thinking of her white pelted relatives that lived in the tundra beyond here. "I'm from Dexia. Usually the," She paused for second bracing herself to sneeze. "Sorry,," She responded as she pulled the hood closer over her recieving a whimper from Panya. "The climate is usually...achoo," she sneezed a small sounding, cute sneeze. "Pretty even temper... Gosh that was difficult," She smiled. "The temperature is always lovely. Never too cold, never too hot, always lovely," Blake thought about her family at home and her cozy bed.

When the leaves are falling off the mighty oaks and the colors litter the ground. I love it," Cozy bed or not, Blake was happy to be away from the strict rules of her family."My kingdom is loveliest in Autumn, though. "Where did you come from?" She asked Don, knowing he was a griffin she couldn't imagine where he could of been raised. Blake wondered if he was free unlike her. Mythikos usually had more free will since there was less of them, but it also usually made them lonelier.

Cold. That's all she thought at the moment. Dysis knew it was going to be, yet this was taking it to the extreme. As she trudged on, Dysis wished she had grabbed something warmer to wear. Her thin coat wasn't doing much, looking at her hands, they were turning blue. Shoving them in her pockets, they kept trudging through the snowy wasteland, she made sure to be cautious. If she were to get any snow on her skin to melt, she would most likely freeze to death even before the shift was complete.

As Don asked if they would let them in. She looked up and realized they had arrived. "I d-don't k..now" she responded in a chilled, hoarse voice. They didn't look like the welcoming kind. Continuing with a more optimistic tone "T-they..might...l-let us...i..n s-ide..."

@RubyRose @DemonKitten
Don listened intently, a small smile falling into place while he attempted to imagine what her home must have been like. He knew forests from a distance but he'd never really gone into one, except on hunting expeditions. Even then, though, they had to be careful not to go too far. Zaonians don't take kindly to trespassers. Dexia sounded familiar and Don's face scrunched up as he tried to figure out why it sounded familiar. Blake's sneeze drew him from his thoughts and he hastily groped around in his pocket before coming out with a handkerchief that Shen had given him. Shen had even put Don's name in a corner. He offered the little square of cloth to Blake, so she could blow her nose.

"Me?" Don asked, surprised about the question. "Well uh, I come from the Chorto Grasslands. Meh tribe is the Anemoi." Don explained. "So it's always real hot, but I love it. I mean, other people say it's real hot but I think i's jus' right. This, though, this place here is way too cold." Don didn't even want to consider how he'd be coping if he weren't currently in his Gryphon form. And poor Vitawni, shivering like crazy beneath the cloak. It was rather odd looking when Vitawni would hide back underneath the coat and shake, causing an odd shivering bulge to appear in his coat. "Vitawni isn' likin' it much, either." Don added, gesturing to the runt of a Gryphon.

"Ya said 'Kingdom', Blake. Wa's tha' like? I mean... I haven' been anywhere but on the Grasslands in the huts my tribe builds. I mean, I been to the marketplace too but tha's no kingdom. Is it big with palaces an' everything?" Don asked, recalling paintings he had seen at the marketplace.

"An' you, Arya? Where are you hailin' from?" Don asked, curious to discover the homelands of everyone. He wondered how different all of their lives had been. He couldn't imagine anything outside of the tribe, really. His family is all he's ever known. Hunting and Foraging and Gathering, keeping the Tribe alive, worshipping Kyna... it's all he really knows. "I sure hope they aren' in the mind fer killin' us."

"Blake?" Don asked, turning his hushed voice to her. "Should we be sayin' hello to them? Are they... gonna shoot us or somethin' if we keep walking? Do they know we're here to help'em?" Don asked, his wings twitching beneath his back nervously. Vitawni seemed to sense Don's discomfort so it poked it's head back out, giving a soft screech before climbing up on Don's shoulder. It still shivered, but it seemed set on sitting protectively on Don's shoulder, claws resting on Don's brow.

@DemonKitten @StoneWolf18
Tela was cold, very cold, far too cold, there were no words to say exactly how cold Tela was. She had never actually been too far from some place warm so even in the clothes given to warm her she was freezing. Really Tela didn't know why she didn't just turn back there was no way she was going to get out of this cold, she was sure if it got colder, if it could get cold, she would freeze solid. Very little of this was true but for the childish Tela it was completely true in her mind. Tela would have talked but really she didn't think she counted as the same group as the people they had somehow followed, really it was just her, Phenex, and Natasha maybe she had been helpful. Tela just hoped they would have a huge fire that she could jump into inside then she might be warm.
She was startled at the question. "I...uhh..." Dysis knew she couldn't say, so she simply replied "In a... small v-village....bordering t...he s-swamp." Dysis hunched over, trying to keep warm. It would only be a matter of time before the snow got under her clothing. "C-ould we hurry up?...Its...f-freezing...and I r-really w...ould hate for t-the snow to s..tart m-melting..." Dysis glanced around their current surroundings. It took them hours of deadly winds and storms to get here, and she hopped it wasn't all for nothing.

(I apologize for the short posts. I don't really have much to go off of)

@RubyRose @DemonKitten
Alen was walking some distance behind dysis. Far enough to not look suspicious but close enough to keep a close eye on her just in case something should happen. He had lost where the rest of his group were at. He hated going on these kinds of missions where everything's extreme and you're supposed to push your limits. He'd much rather 'push his limits' at a party with his girl. But no. he's here. Frozen. Hungry. And bored. He clenched his shoulders tightly trying to get warmer. "This sucks...." He grumbled
Blake thought about it for a second and took notice of the shadows surrounding them. "Kingdoms are very strict, from my experience. Do this, learn this, wear this," She grumbled. "Marry who we say or at least that is the life of me in particular. Freedom isn't really a thing, but the town is lovely and you meet many people because of the large trading in our great city. I love how people depend on us and believe in us," She went on. "Kingdoms are very structured, though. That is probably my only dislike," She ended with as Panya fell asleep finally. "Panya is quite a bit warmer than I am," She laughed, but quit as the shadows moved forth. "Arya, Don... I think we are about to see if these people are safe or not," She whispered.

"Hello. We come in peace? Hopefully you do to?" She spoke with inquiring tone after the end of her words. She stood in front of the other two, highly curious. Foxes, by nature, were curious creatures and Blake was one of the worst. Surely are shivering makes us seem harmless, she thought to herself as a Lycos wolf approached them. He was slimming, but muscular and taller than both don and her, but was shy from Arya's height for sure. "State your name and business," He asked with a undertone growl just to seem a little more threatening.

@StoneWolf18 @RubyRose
Don moved closer Arya, considering for a moment tossing a side of his cloak over her and another over Blake and pulling them close. More bodies to keep warm, right? Back in the village, when they got the rare cold front all of the tribe would pile into one hut and they would all sleep curled around one another. Don refrained, however. He wasn't sure if that was something that was... for lack of better word, appropriate. It may be seen as an advance, one that would most likely be taken badly all things considered. So instead, Don wished warming thoughts in Arya's direction- though it confused him that she mentioned being worried about the snow melting.

"The Swamp, huh? Tha' musta been... Well I 'ssume it was unpleasant, but I've never been there myself so I can'na say much." Don said. He heard from the tribe and from wanderers the dangers of the swamps. How there was so much sickness and danger of the environment and the inhabitants. "Did you... well did you enjoy it there?" Don inquired, attempting to be polite but also driven by curiosity.

The Mythikos Zaonian watched Blake as she spoke about Kingdoms. It sounded a lot like being bossed around all day. He flinched when she mentioned the 'marry who we say' part. He couldn't imagine if his tribe tried to step in and tell him who he should and shouldn't be with. Though it was true they weren't entirely fond of him having taken up with a Male Gata, but they hadn't said anything against it yet. Perhaps they thought it was a phase he would cross out of eventually. "I wouldn'na like someone tellin me who to marry when." Don confided. He quieted when Blake spoke about them possibly meeting the people who lived here.

Don shifted nervously, going back and forth from one foot to the other. If it were under any other circumstances, it would probably look like he needed to use the restroom. He thought it awfully brave of Blake to speak up to the wolf man, and decided to back her up.

"Well hello there... Mr. Lycos, sir. I'm Don, and this is Blake and Arya." Don said, gesturing to each Arya and Blake. "And the rest of 'em are all friends of ours. We came here to... help?" Don tried really hard to sound confident, but at the end he sounded unsure. "We were told you all are needin' a hand in help and so we came to lend ours, all friendly and helpful." Vitawni sneezed, falling off Don's shoulder with the impact of it and landing on Blake's shoulder before nodding it's head along with Don.

"So uh, Mr. Lycos, sir... Our friends and us... well, we're real cold and hungry and it was a hard journey gettin' up here. Perhaps you'd have a heart to let us in?" Don said, thinking out each word carefully before he spoke it.

@DemonKitten @StoneWolf18
Noted his confusion about the snow melting. It was obvious that he didn't know her animal. Dysis was about to explain until he continued onto her home of the swamp. "e-enjoy it? D-epends... on w...hat y-you... m...ight b-e d-doing...at the t-time..." Looking to Don once more, she saw how nervous he was. Shifting from one foot back to the other was a dead give away. As the Lycos growled at them, she herd Don try and ask about getting inside. Figuring she would help, Dysis said "S-sirs...w-we w-ould r..eally...a-appreciate...i-t..." It was obvious that they were no threat. I mean, they were all a shivering mess.

@DemonKitten @RubyRose

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