
-Creatures of Darkness-

Most people of the world call the species in general The Shadow, and call them by their different types when encountering one. The combined army of Shadow and Corrupted, along with Dragons, is called The Darkness. They target civilized locations, and no one knows who has summoned their hellish existence upon the world. Not yet, at least.


Corrupted (Human-sized) The Corrupted, commonly known as zombies, undead, or any of the sort, usually roam the lands rather far away from Dominion. However, rather recently, the Corrupted, along with other forces of Darkness, have been advancing on Dominion.


Shadow Hunters (Human Sized) Shadow Hunters are usually pale, and go by different names, the most common being, like their cousins, Corrupted. Not much is known about the Shadow Hunters, other then they're usually as skilled as any veteran guard, and possess the knowledge and power to lead the Darkness' armies, along with hiding among it's ranks.


Dragon (Can be the size of a house to the size of a castle, they grow gradually with age.) Dragons are known for breathing flames, and having rather tough hides. They are intelligent, and can speak to people, and command other Shadow Creatures. They're the mounts of Shadow Hunters


Shadow Creature Basic (Can grow from man-sized to horse-sized) Shadow Creatures, the basic, are led by Shadow Beasts, and are very dangerous to any untrained in combat or magic.


Shadow Hawk (The Shadow Hawk can vary in size, from the size of a man to the size of an entire guard tower) Shadow Hawks are a type of Shadow Beast, an upper-level Shadow Creature. These creatures swoop down to inflict hell on it's enemies. It's feathers are sharp enough to cut through stone quickly, and it's talons are a very special object for any expert hunter, as they're deadly, long, and extremely valuable. Come in Murders, or Swarms. (Swarms are multiple Murders) Shadow Hawks aren't ruled by any particular leader, and simply follow the Shadow Creature packs into battle.


Shadow Beast (Can grow from rhino-sized to elephant-sized) Leaders of Shadow Creature packs, these monstrosities are the things of legend, simply killing one is an achievement to remember, and celebrate. They pack hard rocky scales, and their teeth are hard enough to bite through iron, while their eyes are able to shoot out a beam of Flameis energy, which can burn objects, and kill un-armored opponents.


Necromancer (Human-Sized) Necromancers are mysterious creatures, and can vary in race. They practice advanced kinds of Void Magic, and their secrets are well kept. They are the driving force of the Darkness, as they are the ones who create it's forces. Simply fighting a Necromancer is a difficult task, and killing one is sure to put your name somewhere in a history book.
Awesome! :D The army has descended upon Dominion, it's currently in the stage of battling the soldiers.
I have already placed the army in action and have made a lieutenant named Noktok because I did not want to mess up on your character and how to use him
Nope not particularly. I was expecting L.I.P To have the two children roll up and say something about a mystery of the town or something. Eventually leading up to meeting your character. We can't go back to Dominion yet anyway, it has to be nearly destroyed or the battle has to be over. Either or, whichever comes first. x3

Basically:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-11_1-17-12.jpeg.feb24efb10326e9da6aeac2bf9659e39.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36621" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-11_1-17-12.jpeg.feb24efb10326e9da6aeac2bf9659e39.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Given that a couple of white birds the size of a commercial airplain just crash-landed in the middle of the forest, I might have Trina investigate that.

Or maybe not
Oh, pardon me. She used to be called Lost In Paradise. Now she is known as The Velveteen Rabbit. ^-^

HOLY CRAP! Well that certainly explains her writing style! I thought it seemed familiar

... So... Hi Lost. Long time no see
Meh, I've been ok. It's really good to you guys again!

Btw. I saw your revised post. So, did the kids actually see the Monster Wolf or are they just playing pretend

Ps. I'm working on a post. Might be kinda short
Aright let me get this straight:

Refugees: near the live bird

Evah and ankle biters: near dead bird not far from refugees

Zelin: way behind Evah.

Trina: somewhere near... Well if she had her pick, dead bird. Has less people around it and probably looks like a buffet to her at the moment
Well... I think so xD I was kinda confused on the locations too. So Evangelina and the two kiddos are closest to Trina. Zelin is back in the forest somewhere, not SUPER far away, but just about 15 feet or so. Aaaand the whole refugee thing... I have no idea xD

Would you like me to post something? Or are you going to post?

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