
Btw, Trina isn't a bad guy, but she isn't exactly cuddly or friendly. So don't expect her to be.
(After reading your post) Ohhhh, there are several dead birds in the same area. Wait, the one Evah is touching is dead, right?
A question about magic.

If I were to make guy who had the ability to like summon a suit of armor on himself rather than lugging it around what branch would it belong to?
Aright velvet, I think I know what my next move is going to be, but it's going to be by the live bird where the action is. Sorry
Quick question about Kaekuma. Do we have a comprehensive map or basic layout of it yet? I don't want to accidentally start my character off in a section of the city that hadn't existed before, and at least some names of the city's districts would help me flesh out my character's job.
I'm gong to be a while, folks (I have a musical performance to prepare for). Just assume that Trina is watching the fight. Not much she can do anyway.

Seems I don't have any takers...then it shall just be me and @GunzABlazinz if he reappears...so lonely...

Well that's okay! You shall face the wrath of the dark side!!!!
Has Kaekuma been explored at all prior to my joining? I'm really interested in fleshing it out and could use some pointers.
HOLF FAK. I haven't been getting alerts in the OOC. *Ruffles hair angrily.* Damnit, I thought I accepted @Ixacise as well. *Flips America* I appologize for this. My fault. >-< And here I merely came here to explain some things to the new pieces joining us. *Sighs* Well then, I came here to say that some of the new players should maybe try to start their own story together, since we haven't yet reached Kaekuma (Answering @DrBones question.). We seem to have a lot of people suddenly there so why not get to know each other so that you don't just end up frozen in time? *R.I.P frozen people*
Ah yes, to answer some other questions. Summoning armor onto oneself would most likely be considered Summoning. Kinda like (This is an example off the top of my head bare with me.): Summoning the blade of an ancient and powerful warrior. *Insert name of sword here* NOW, if it's like applying armor to one's skin it would be empowering.

I'm sorry, I don't have a general layout or drawn map as of yet. My skills are rather sub-par and I think I would hinder rather than help anyone if I drew one. If someone would be willing to draw one for me that would be great! I could tell detail on various things.

I don't exactly have an idea of Kaekuma yet, as we haven't reached the place. I DID have an idea of every general area at the beginning of the RP but I quickly lost it. (My memory is complete shit and I apologize. >-<) But for your help it's basically underground yes? Kinda imagine what a dwarves home city would be. Plenty of smith shops, large mining sites, walls surround the city. There is a merchant/selling area where people buy what the Vulkarnan dig up, and a residential area. Then there's the off limits area to where ONLY Vulkarnan people can enter.
I see.

Also is there the possibility of earth flavored magic or will it be just electricity,fire, ice, water, and nukey?
There is no like "poor people" or "Rich people" , everyone helps each other in Kaekuma, hence why the help the sickly even though they are extremely hostile.

"nukey." I love that so much. xD hahahahah~ Anyway, yes there can be Earth type. But it would be a mix of the current types. I was going to describe it later in the RP but eh. What the hell, it's close to Christmas right? ;P So basically you have to mix Water and "nukey" Together to cause ruptures in the ground. It's like a game of mix and match, with some pretty intricate designs. You want to make your flames more dangerous? Put a little electricity and watch that shit explode like crazy. BUT, I want to state the fact only those with advanced skill can mix the types of magic and those who are inexperienced will...well. Die. Aint no easy stuff. I generally don't care what you do but I guess I can create some basic equations real quick so you don't mix fire and water and call a spirit bomb. Gimme a sec. ^-^
I was thinking it'd be rocks and metal and dirt. But combo magic is fine too. Don't need a any examples; all there needs to be is some sort of thread of logic to the combo.

However why is ice and water separate though?
Let's just do what happens if you mix void real quick:

Aquaries+Void= Earth

Flamies+Void= Metal (Kinda like how you just said funny.)

Thundris+Void= Sound (It's a little hard to define. But imagine you'd just kinda be creating high powered vibrations or sound waves.)

Frost+Void= Actually you know what, I haven't came up with one for this yet.

1) Using water and gravity you meld the earth to your will.

2) Compressing the flames until they solidify into a metal. Now, if the user is talented enough they can control liquid metal at will and harden it at the same time.

3)Highly concentrated electricity and condensed energy allows you to release explosive bursts of sounds.

4) I haven't came up with this yet.

Oh and Aquaries and Frost aren't the same because Aquaries actually deal with water while frost is simply cold. Anything can generally freeze, water turns into ice.

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