
Ahhhh...It's hard to explains. Ok.

Prince Zelin- In a forest on the outskirts of this tiny village.

Evangelina- Same place as dis guy ^

Charles- (I think) Is still in Dominion

All of Novel's characters are hidden somewhere, Idk. They're mysterious. And like, the entirety of the evil of this story.

MD- In Dominion.

MrMopp's char- In the forest like Zelin and Eva

2 or three people actually have started from the new group and are in Kaekuma.

That's relatively a short statement of what I know.
*whispers* Plus, Dominion is like under attack and people are dying. So unless you can fight and or run away , I wouldn't recommend starting IN dominion. xD
I can fly, and my job is digging graves. If anything that sounds like a very good spot for business.

People wanna pay extra for the mourning and funeral dirges.
My dude is pretty fighty and he could help with funeral music.

Probably gonna roll or something to decide. Since now that Dominion is no longer the main hub for stuff. Or I could wait for that segment to finish and pop up in some other location.
Well whenever the army finishes destroying Dominion we were gonna all band together (the original group back when it was like 5 of us here. xD ) and start the journey. Plans might have to shift slightly due to the larger population of RP'ers. Hm. I might have to ponder this.
Beaurmont said:
Well whenever the army finishes destroying Dominion we were gonna all band together (the original group back when it was like 5 of us here. xD ) and start the journey. Plans might have to shift slightly due to the larger population of RP'ers. Hm. I might have to ponder this.
We can have two stories, right? One group will try to survive and get to safety, the other will be in Kaekuma and everything that entails!
That is indeed true. I suppose we don't all need to mesh together now do we? I guess all players just need to pick which story they follow. :D The might even intersect at one point. ;3
I'd join but my guy wouldn't be loyal and all the complications that bring with that.

Plus he's already kinda too much of his own thing to logically find employment by them
SirFlabberghaspy said:
Hey guys what's going on, the RP seems a little still right now, I don't want it to end, please, please pleeeeease!
It's the Christmas blitz. Kids are on vacation, teens are winding down from finals, and adults are getting drunk off their keisters!
Awh, but I don't have any family to spend Christmas with, T^T.

And it's not fair I'm not 21 yet, I want to get drunk too!
xD It's okay sir, me and you will spend Christmas together. And the RP isn't going still or anything. A lot of people are trying to find out where they belong, ie the large wave of new players, and me and another small group are discussing the future plot of the RP.
is the OOC for Zephyr used alot? still adjusting to new forum and style, and im not sure how most long time RPN forumers use their OOC chatroom things
I dunno man you tell us. Currently we're on the twentieth page.

Also I prefer this to the old days where there was a Facebook style commentary ability in the IC. And that was fucking terrible. No one used the OOC and instead there would be an ever increasing window of comments that would unfurl
ive always been used to using OOC brackets () or [] above our IC posts so that might take a little adapting to

can anyone catch me up on the current plotlines going on? dont think ill be able to make a second post until i got an idea whats goin on
In Dominion the army currently has retreated and finished destroying the city. The prince and his lady friend confessed love for each other. Eventually they'll head back to Dominion, and then a small party will gather together to go fight the evil that did it. In Kaekuma Idk what's happening really, people have just begun meeting each other. Not too much of a plot yet.

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