
Mmmmm yesh I shall respond

I'll try to see if I can post but as a warning my Internet is being a butt keeps going on and off
Oh yes, forgot to mention. I actually found a Map generator. So, I could grab that quickly if we wanted to. The only problem is I can't edit the name of cities, castles, strongholds, forests, ect.
Alright, the reboot is currently under construction. Some time today, the actual page will be open and members can view it freely. If you for sure want to be in it, please say so, PM me, or just like this message. For those who don't know, the reboot will be the same story, but it'll happen differently this time. Hopefully, we'll be able to move further through the plot without being stuck/delayed at one part, and everyone doesn't know what to do.

You are free to make new characters, and the same holds for the old ones. I myself will probably make a new prince, as the last was less than what I originally wanted *cough* a princess *cough* So I will spend some time thinking his position over. What is also true, is that the special slots for characters are open. @@LifeNovel can keep one of her 3 slots, but I don't think giving her all 3 important roles is a good idea or fair. It's stressful on her, and a lot of pressure to post is apparent. Get back to me on which spot you want to keep. ^__^

Other spots open include: The Captain's guard, Mercenary Captain, andddd some other one that I forget at the current moment. (There went my moment of organization. And here I sounded like a good RP creator. It was a blissful dream...)

If you have any questions, complaints, ideas, ect, please message me about it and I'll try to reply within time for the RP's opening. I want it to be fun for everyone of course. I am willing to change the plot and story as well, but if I do so I need good ideas first. We don't really want walk blindly in darkness like what happened here.

Oh yes, and I heard the notifications were wacky so: @Metaphysics , @MrMopp (should he return) , @GreatGavino

Reboot Zephyr is up.
Mmmmmmm oh which one shall I pick?



Dark Guild Soldier?


The Demonic Army?
Currently in the process of creating an actual map for Premia. (Hoping it comes out well for all. xD ) I've spent at least half an hour trying to come up with names for towns, cities, oceans, mountains, ect. And I'm just pooped out. Dx If some delightful souls could help come up with names for any of those that'd be great! I've already finished All of Dominion, nearly all of The Garkian Federation, and some other minor places.
Oh? Do you now? Mmmmm what character are we speaking of?

I was steering towards assassin myself. Mmmm perhaps a maniac assassin
Something unusual, a reluctant assassin. They really don't want to be in the business of killing but something is keeping them in.
Mmmm that currently is close to the lines of what my current assassin was.







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