
Hey guys. So that you know, I'm gonna be dropping out. I might pop back in some time, who knows. But for now, I need to be done
I shall be posting for sure tomorrow. This whole week has been semester exams so I had my plate full. Tomorrow is my last testing day. I will be free tomorrow.
I just started taking college courses. But it should'nt distract me much from RPing. My friends take more of my attention than actual school work.
So L.I.P and Life posted. I need Ian to reply to my post for my existence to move. I suppose what's left is the group currently engaged with the flaming rider.
Alright I wrapped stuff up on my end.

Also is it safe to presume Mopp's character ran off rather than having Trina in awkward dummy mode for the rest of the game?
I'll try and message mopp about it, but yes it's safe to assume his char just kinda ran away. If it becomes necessary and he want to keep the character in, I can...sorta? take control of her. But I doubt it'd be to Mopp's liking. So all are okay to imagine her as gone for now.

Also, since the plot of this part has been relatively resolved we can move on. I dunno how I'll manage it, but we'll see if I can get the remainder of the group to meet with Zelin at some point?
I seriously lost track and I think Schede got blasted, I'll have him reform once someone tells me what has been going on.
I suppose he was in Medea's shadow. But I don't remember her getting blasted either.

Are there people still here? It seems everyone simply died at once as soon as Mopp left. Quite unfortunate. Me and L.I.P have considered a reboot of the RP since this one is frozen in time. Any thoughts? If you don't reply within perhaps three days, I will not allow you in the reboot (should it come to be.) even if you suddenly spark alive. I want to make that apparent.
Goodness I was not receiving notifications... >.<

*walks over and slams notifications*


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