
I see.

So what combination makes friendship so I can combo that with the laser combo like my name was Nanoha?
Ixacise said:
I see.
So what combination makes friendship so I can combo that with the laser combo like my name was Nanoha?
Void and Void, duh. Whenever you've got a good thing (like friends), having more of that good thing is best.
Zaskille said:
Arcane-Arcane-Arcane-Fire-Water-Lightning if I remember my Finlandian co-op games properly.
That's the recipe for FUN, if the game you're talking about is what I think it is. The true recipe for friendship is Life-Life-Fire-Water-Lightning-Shield.
Because not to many people can harness a power that controls gravity itself. Plus. It explodes. Like...alot.
It's not the only thing that can be combo'd I just used void because it could be combo'd to create Earth affinity magic. All of them can be combo'd together to create a new type of magic. There is even a possibility of trio magic, but pretty much no one can do it. I think the only one with fairly enough power is Charles. AT LEAST, for now.
As Yogi Berra said "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is."
Lolol. I don't plan on people having the ability to like destroy an entire city with the flick of a hand and a lot of yelling people's names. (Yes I'm talking about Sasuke and Naruto.) Using two affinities at once would greatly fatigue your body, draining away a lot of your mana and requiring a lot of concentration. Trio could pretty much kill you. One use per day probably. Though I haven't decided what any type of trio magic would even create. So...yeah.
My Gm instincts would be recommending it to save that for later. As much as I like high power fantasy stuff if I wanted it I'd probably join one the scarily common Exalted games and roll a Solar.

Speaking of Naruto Seriously though why the hell are blaze and fire two different elements? They're both gonna burn things just one needs some special bloodline crap and Ninja Harry Potter gets dumb but not the fun kind.

And now to bring the two together in the form of a shameless plug for a dice game of mine.
Ixacise said:
My Gm instincts would be recommending it to save that for later. As much as I like high power fantasy stuff if I wanted it I'd probably join one the scarily common Exalted games and roll a Solar.
Speaking of Naruto I'm now shamelessly plug my janky dice game that uses the rules and stuff to intentionally curb the ridiculous bloat. Seriously though why the hell are blaze and fire two different elements? They're both gonna burn things just one needs some special bloodline crap and Ninja Harry Potter gets dumb but not the fun kind.
It's the same silly reason water and ice are different elements in most RPGs: different temperatures and intensities. Blaze is probably just really hot fire.
I wasn't planning on allowing anything the ability to use duo or trio abilities for a while, just thought it'd be my Christmas present to mention they exist early. ^-^ I used to play a lot of naruto games when I was younger, always enjoyed using ultimates on people when it wasn't ever necessary.
Maybe but not like Naruto has too much thought in it.

And the elements get dumb like steam which is just a poisonous belch. And too many stuff that are just reskins of the basics. Like in said dice game there are no advanced stuff like the one that makes crystals because there's no meaningful difference between trapping a dude in a rock and a crystal.

Also because Naruto has a bunch of Asian mysticism elements ranging from the hand seals which are both in Taoism and Buddhism, the names for certain stuff, and etc.

And acceptable answer would be Blaze being Yang super charged fire element and Ice would be Yin charged water. Also in Wulin apparently mixing Yin-Yang together doesn't produce harmony but lightning
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Hi all, I'm Jswift~~

It;s cool to meet you all and this RP looks really cool but you posted so much and I don't know what's going on, so could someone explain plz??
@MrMopp I thought I heard they were still fighting with someone (I don't remember who) like riding one of them?

Heyya Jswift! Not a whole LOT has transpired, but maybe a bit too much to read through in one sitting. xD Dominion's under seige from shadow demons and an army of orcs, The prince and his friend were abducted by a more powerful Arch demon and escaped to a tiny village. A aerial battle is or was, Idk yet xD , taking place above that area. Lots of new comers have started there lives in Kaekuma. A mysterious army lead by a man with green eyes is randomly marching through a road for unknown reasons aaaannnnddddddd~
So everyone on the Dominion side of thing is some village or just some? Cuz I'm probably not gonna be in Kaekuma to start off at.

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