
Hmmm, how about this. Dragon's did just attack the city right...and well the prince was kidnapped. So all of the guards wouldn't be at the gates and such. I'm sure you can waltz right in. ^-^
Wait hold up?! That much happened? Gosh...I should've really read all the posts...I was going to read all the posts when my demon army came...well guess Kyro can just easily waltz in as well. Boohoo for him, no fun in that :P
I feel as though the story has progressed so much that Kyro and the assassin are not needed...
Sure I believe Kyro has had enough boredom of killing living animals around him
Hahaha~ Calm down you two. xD Not THAT much happened. Sure Dragons attacked but Charles had them quickly subdued. And Zelin got kidnapped but he's trying to escape as we speak. Really these things were merely side story as we wait for the demon army. And kinda a way to bring Evangelina in the plot without her just walking in like: "Sup nerds, I live here now." She actually has a reason to be with Zelin and the crew. xD
So I want to let everyone to know I plan to have a meeting with everyone sometime tomorrow on the topic of further plans for the role play. It seems it has become rather stagnant and frozen, excluding the little story me and L.I.P (Aka The Velveteen Rabbit.) have created between us. *Bows* I wanted to apologize to @MorticiansDaughter for your inability to be active in the Role play. I've come up with plenty of plot for the story to advance, but it's a matter of whether or not everyone here would find it interesting...and the fact the demon army has still yet come to Dominion. If they continue to take more time I will have to take control of them myself, though I must say I am rather sub-par when it comes to Orc personality. (Sorry, not really my thing.) Anywho, I'll go more in-depth with it later.
If you do not prefer taking over the Orc army, then I can, if that is fine by you.
@LifeNovel Actually, that would be sublime. In the end I think I may just take over the dark forces at work from behind, not so much as the armies sent to fight. I'm giving GunZABlazin' Another day to return before he's going to be frozen until further notice. Anyway, forgive me for coming here late, had some things to take care of. So, I thought a lot about the plot and how we can make this all work together. Especially on how all of us can be together at one time and actually have a reason for it. This is how I envision it would go:

1) While the prince was kidnapped Charles sent those two to go and retrieve him, he himself would stay behind to protect the city. (Unknowing of the orc threat.)

2) MorticiansDaughter's (I'm gonna start calling you MD. x3) character felt uneasy about something and decided to visit Dominion. Upon her visit she found the outer gates on the southern side collapsed and completely left un-guarded. (Dragons= bad) She then proceeds to rush to the castle to tell the news.

3) During the time the prince was away, the orc army descends on the city of dominion. Lead by the DQ's Soldier he begins his reign of darkness, blah blah blah in an attempt to destroy Dominion and slay the prince. (heheh, prince is already gone newb.)

4) Charles and all other RP'ers either spend their time hiding/running away/fighting/ect while this happens.

5) The prince and Evangelina just got out of hell incarnate, (Seriously, the demon had like a chainsaw tongue or something. Apparently she didn't go into detail. 0.0) and are trying to make their way back to Dominion.

6)By the time they get back (me, L.I.P and the sir will talk on whether or not their characters meet up.) Dominion is in ruins and a lot of people died.

7) Much sadness and backstory, along with other tears

8) Zelin vows to destroy the evil that had sent the army annnndd that's how the journey will start. Me and LifeNovel will also do a little conversing as to how things will happen. Since she is now pretty much the Assassin, DQ soldier and orc army. xD

Now all of what is above was something I just planned out for what to do and bring people together. It is in no shape final and I also still need to talk to others on some subjects. It's kinda a rough draft. After all of this happens, not everything with be storybook driven so it will return to business as usual. Is everyone alright with this plot? I also welcome ideas.

Just realized I called him Dairy Queen when I meant Dark Guild. My mind is somewhere else. xD
Delightful. *Sips tea* So, in all actuality, as long as our final member approves as well, the only thing left if for you to attack with your army of orcs. ^-^ Whenever you're ready of course. I'll probably post regularly alongside L.I.P, but for a short while I'm just in the behind the scenes. :P Enjoy the carnage~

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