Your Second Chance (Accepting!)

"Shit," Joy cursed as she mumbled, she ran and grabbed Felicity's hand, taking her back to Aurora and Samine. "They're not angels, you idiot! They're demons!" She explained in anger, calming herself down and took a few deep breaths. She could be very protective and angry at the same time. "They're freakin' demons, you do not want to mess with them." Joy whispered to Felicity, walking away from the demons.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.06399f8a58364ac0d3db8e260b593c98.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144951" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.06399f8a58364ac0d3db8e260b593c98.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luna shook her head.

"Well I'm obviously fine now... But it was my fault for even going out with him."

She sighed and continued walking alongside Erik.

"Enough of the sob stories, tell me about yourself, I'm interested."

Luna flashed a flirty smile, a natural habit for her.



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Sapphire smiled at the girls confused expression sympathetically. Maybe she hadn't read the letter. But she didint let her Gaurd down. Hey maybe she was just pretending. She opened her mouth to say something to the girl, tell her what being an angel meant when-

"They're demons! They're demons, you don't want to mess with them!" Another angel came running, frantically pulling the girl away. Shoot. This was not good. Right now, Sapphire was glad she had taken Drama as one of her electives. It was the only thing she was really good at, better than her sister. Luck seemed to be on her side, especially in her sisters white dress.

"Please!" She called to the girl. "Please, we're just trying to find my sister," A tear slid down Fires face, which she wiped away. A couple more fell."Have you seen her at all? I just... I don't w-want her to b-be d-d-dead forever.." She whispered. She turned to Andrew and quietly sobbed into his shoulder. This performance was her best ever... Mostly because it was partially true. She did want to find her sister, and her life was on the line if they didn't believe her...


@Anne Lind

"Hm," thought Andrew "You're a good actor, Saph, a really good one,". He almost thought to tell her that if she got out out of here that she should be an actress. "And I'm her boyfriend as well," he said to the two "We want to try to find her sister and she loves her sister so much, she almost killed herself if it wasn't for me,". He was also a good actor as well as you don't get away with murder if you don't act good

Joy walked over to them with a numb expression, of course - she didn't trust them, at all. And there was nothing that could change that, she won't stop acting like this until is proven wrong. "What terrible sins have you done to become demons?" She asked them with a fake and full-of-hate-smile. Maybe Joy was positive most of the time, but when it comes to those type of things. Oh, believe me - she can become a paranoid bitch.


@Anne Lind
Sapphire turned back to Joy. The hateful smile looked odd, and wrong. It was repulsive. When she asked about their sins, Sapphire shook her head. She didn't understand how demons worked then? They weren't picked because they were sinners, they were just randomly picked... Right?

"I'm not a demon, but I should be. It's m-my fault s-she d-d-d-drowned and now she's p-properly dead and it sh-should be me! I don't d-deserve a second chance..." She said, tears streaming from her eyes. She clung onto Andrew. Her emotions were really streaming out now, baca use pretty much most of what she was saying, except the demon part, was the truth. She just wanted her sister...

Hopefully Joy would believe her. If not they were done for, and she would definitely never see her sister ever again...


@Anne Lind


(If it comes to it, I'm saving Em as a secret weapon. She could probably convince everyone her sister was innocent)
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"What an actress," Joy said sarcastically and stared at the blond girl, "Oh shit, you're Em's sister." she whispered to herself , hoping that the demon wouldn't hear. "Anywho, demons," she continued staring at the guy too, "Do not cause any trouble , got it? I don't know if like - Lucifer controls your lives or something, but do
not get involved on our mission to return our old life back." Joy threatened them. Right now - Anyone would question how on Earth would she be an angel? Maybe she didn't fit? Eh, what the hell, she didn't really care.




Erik's bright eyes were shining lightly,reacting to every light in that strange city. He couldn't help but miss his brother deeply,wondering if the kid was okay. If he knew Nathan...He was probably blaming himself for Erik's death. He struggled to focus back on Luna,sighing.

"Well...there was no way for you to know that he was so violent." He couldn't help but smile when she asked him about himself. The flirty tone made him slightly hesitant. It had been some time since Erik dated anyone,and a gorgeous girl like Luna was certainly flattering. "Hmm...there isn't much to tell. I'm kinda boring. Left my house when I was sixteen,had an asshole of a father. I took care of my brother like he was my son,but I guess I didn't do a very good job. He got involved with the wrong people and they shot me. What about you? Did you have a good life before all of this?"

Erik hesitated when his glance detected more people. Were they angels? Demons? He would probably find out soon. From what he could see...two girls and a guy?

"Hey...sorry to interrupt but we are kinda lost here. And kinda dead. Oh,well. Nice to meet you all,I'm Erik."

@SassyAndroidSera @Jasil

Saph heard the girl,mention being an actress. This girl was paranoid as hell. This wasn't really acting at this point. She wanted to see her sister, and that was all. She didn't... Destroying this bitch was no longer her top priority, if it meant finding Em. But Miss Reaper had told her that she wasn't a demon, so maybe they wouldn't ever come true.

"I'm an Angel.. And my d-dream is to s-s-see my sister fulfill h-her with wish. But she's d-dead... So she's r-really dead... I'm gonna be..." Sapphire had mastered this trick. She turned around, stuck her tongue down her throat and threw up on the floor. She put a hand on her head, and sat down, holding onto Andrew for support. While it was great in theatrical terms, she now felt really dizzy. She looked down and watched her tears splat on the concrete. If this girl was an angel, she would crack at some point and her kind heart would feel terrible.

Another guy approached and introduced himself. She looked at the puddle of Vomit she had left on the floor, let out a wail and rested her head in her hands. Maybe this guy would be more gullible if the girl wasn't.




Shall I bring in Em in next post?
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Felicity frowned in anger. She could look out for herself. But perhaps Joy was right... But this would totally blow their cover if they were indeed were demons. "Based on what are they demons Joy?"
~ The Gate Keeper

All she can think is ‘
dang...’ Aurora wasn’t aware of this serious side of Joy, not that she knew a whole lot about her to begin with. But still, Joy was not holding back, and she wasn’t going to believe anything the three said. Aurora knew for sure they weren’t angels, but after seeing their little show, she can’t help but feel bad for them. She almost feels the same empathy that she felt towards Samine.

But maybe Joy is on the right track? Maybe being defiant is the best way to handle these demons?

One throw up later, two more individuals show up. This was honestly starting to become too much. There’s too many people in Aurora’s fake world, she wasn’t used to this busy atmosphere. She knew half of them were angels; the other half demons. But what is she to do about that?

Aurora takes a few steps back from everything. Between the vomit, the new arrivals, this little conflict, Aurora doesn’t know what to do. But letting this group of demons and angels fix the conflict themselves—that didn’t seem like the brightest choice.

( @SassyAndroidSera
@DarknessWithin @Jasil @Anne Lind Dang. Now it's a party, lol!)
"Based on the fact that they are in a completely different place than we are? Aurora couldn't even recognize them, genius!" Joy mumbled over to Felicity. "For god's sake, I don't believe you, okay?" She Said irritably to Sapphire, "I'm not dumb, and your sister? Well.." Joy considered a thought, should she tell her that Emerald is alive? That can bring her on the angels' side. "She's alright." Joy muttered.




@Anne Lind
Sapphire looked up in shock. "Wait. You've seen Em? Is she ok? Where is she? Please tell me where she is! I-I just want to see her. Please. Does she want to see me? Or does she hate me for.." Tears slid down her cheeks, a mix of sadness and joy, of hope and despair. Her sister was ok! Or... Was this all some cruel prank? She couldn't handle it if it was. She just... Wanted...

Now wasn't the time! Was she going soft all of a sudden? Had she gotten too into her acting? She was so confused now... But she did want her sister... No she wanted life... What did she want? Outwardly her expression didn't change, but inwardly she was in turmoil. She put her head in her hands.




@Anne Lind
Felicity was very annoyed now. She felt everyone was narrow minded, as if the world was only in black and white. She looked at the strangers with sympathy and apologie. Demons or not she thought this was rude. Weren't they Angels? Cause it didn't seem like it.

She felt out of her mind. Perhaps they weren't overreacting. But were these people truly bad? She didn't think so.



Erik felt...out if his element. The fact that these people were ignoring him wasn't helping much. Could angels have headaches? Because he definitely felt like he was having one. He glanced back to Luna,hoping he wasn't the only one feeling lost.

One of the girls seemed a little...out of the group. Erik decided that he could as well approach her. He pushed a few strands of white hair out of his eyes,hesitating before he spoke.

"Hey,uh...shit. I don't know what to say. How do you ask someone if you're actually dead or not? Anyways...I'm Erik. Good to meet you." @Anne Lind

"She's an angel," Joy replied, being less interested in the conversation now. "And she is very enthusiastic about 'reviving' herself. So if you don't mind.." she said to Sapphire, being rude. Jeez, How AM I an angel? she thought to herself while saying so. "Anyways, who's controlling you all-demons, the reaper or something?" she asked curiously the demons.

Felicity smiled at the Erik. "Perhaps like that." She grinned already becoming in a better mood. "Nice to meet you Erik. I'm Felicity." She greeted. "And to answer your question I am indeed dead. Well technically. I take it your in the same situation" @DarknessWithin
~ Miss Reaper

Ginny sits on the bed of a two story house, watching everything that happens through an open window. She’s surprised how much she’s missed, and she’s just as surprised to see how big this group is. Four angels in the same place with a number of her demons. Angels were so idiotic.

“This bullshit crying isn’t working, Demons,” she communicates with Sapphire and Andrew from afar. Her voice comes in a whisper, and only the surrounding demons are able to hear her. “You have the perfect opportunity, yet you’re not getting very far.”

A devious smile rolls onto her face.
Maybe she ought to be a bit more… intimidating? She’s about to say something threatening when the angel asks something that peeks her interest. Ginny’s eyes widen.

“You fucking stupid, Angel! Demons! Do not answer her! I repeat, do not answer her, or you will be absolutely fucking sorry!” Ginny’s communications come in a scream. And just to show she actually means it, she snaps her fingers, causing the surrounding demons to feel a slight headache. “Don’t even fucking test me.”

( @SassyAndroidSera
@Jasil @Flutterby )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.aeca7f1f943dbdb4a8cd4fce32f2ad37.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144967" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.aeca7f1f943dbdb4a8cd4fce32f2ad37.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luna analyzed the people in front of her hesitantly.

She was getting impatient.

"Hey! What the hell is going on here?"

Luna paused and quieted down.

"Why is there so much vomit? That's disgusting."

She returned her attention to the group again, her fiery side perked up and she raised her voice.

"Who is in charge of this damn prank and when can I go home?" Suddenly Luna shut up, her head began to pound and she gripped it in her hands. "Oh fuck..." She moaned and took a step back. The screaming in her head made the pounding worse.
@ everyone (pretty much)



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Erik replied to Felicity's smile hesitantly,but as soon as he opened his mouth to speak he had to close it again. He still felt at a loss of words. So the letter was right.

"Uh...I apparently need to fulfill some sort of dream,Felicity. But yeah...looks like we're dead." He turned his attention back to Luna,hesitating at her words. This didn't seem like a prank any more. Something was deeply wrong here. "I just don't understand why there's demons in here as well. Do they also get a second chance?" @Jasil @Anne Lind

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Andre Grant


“Very much so confused.” Andre said with a small nod, glancing at Alison as they walked. “You got the second chance talk too? I got it from the red head girl, Ginny. I’m hoping she’s not the only other person here other than you. That wouldn’t be so fun.”

Speaking of Ginny… Andre looked back to see if the girl was still there but would find the spot empty. With a surprised look, he looked around, trying to find that familiar shade of hair he’d seen just moments earlier. But she seemed to have vanished and that was just as weird as before.

“So… Which one are you apparently?” He asked her. “I think I’m an angel.” As he did this, he’d take notice of a group of people. Relief would wash over him that no, he wasn’t the only guy here and that no, he wouldn’t be alone with the Ginny girl from before. Perfect.

“You see them over there?” He asked Ali, pointing to them as they were a small distance away. “Know any of them?”

Interacts with: Alison


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.23df3642e7fa1f970fbce91479a2036f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144974" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.23df3642e7fa1f970fbce91479a2036f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luna backed away and sat on the ground.

"Oh god I just want to go home."

Her headache subsided and she looked around at all the strange people.

"Didn't anyone else hear the screaming?"

Confusion marred her delicate features and Lunas face scrunched in pain at the headache.



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Samine stopped short in front of Joy, a confused and hurt expression on her pretty face. "What-" Joy snapped suspiciously at her, and Samine took a step back. Wow, she didn't realize angels could be feisty. Duly noted.

"To be honest.." She said, dropping her eyes, intending to say she assumed she had imagined them, but the next instant, Aurora was running back up to them and urging them away from the other group.

"Wait, there are demons too?" Samine made her voice sound a little distressed, and looked fearfully over at the guy and the little blonde with him. And, just like before, the interaction erupted into chaos, complete with real vomit. She took a few steps back, and raised an eyebrow. Really, a little subtlety could go a long way here.

But, it was good information to know. The blonde demon had a sister who was an angel, and had decided to adopt the guy as a fake boyfriend. Peachy.

There were so many people all of the sudden, and one who went by Felicity asked the demons a question. The demons got their answer, in the form of an intense screaming inside their heads and a bit of a headache. Samine tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, keeping the best 'not hearing a voice in my head' face she could.

Sabine backed away, a small plan forming in her head. Joy and Aurora already suspected her of not being an angel, that much was clear, but that didn't mean she had to fess up to being a knowing, and willing, demon..

"Joy, Aurora, I think we should get the other angels and get out of here.." Her voice came out soft, but surprisingly firm. These girls, these angels, really did remind her of the young girls that had walked the streets with her..

@AugustineVampire @ItsEndless

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