Your Second Chance (Accepting!)



Outfit: Shown Above (forgot to include this in the first post)

"Well aren't you something," she said aloud to the boy that had just joined the group, looking him over from head to toe. She couldn't help it, he was rather attractive, and with an accent. She had one of her own, a rather distinctive manhattan, but it had faded some and his seemed so much more exotic; in a lack of a different term.

"So I guess you read the letter I was suppost to read?" she mentioned as he brought up 'demons' as everyone else did," And this isn't just some lame ass prank."


Some other guy came out. Wow, he had taken his time to wake up hadn't he. She snorted quietly. She looked him up and down. The other guy was cute, but this guy was HOT. Of course, that would mean he was a total *******. She smiled a little, as she watched him check out Miss Reaper. Waste of his time most probably.

Sapphire put her hands on her hips and scowled, her attention now on Alison. "Look Miss Princess, once I tell you my name, I expect you to use it. Let me break it down for you. You died-and no I don't care how. Now you are here. Your body is almost dead on earth, and you have ONE CHANCE to continue living on earth. If you want to go back to your life, you have to prevent a wimpy little angel from achieving their dreams. Got it, or do I need to repeat myself to get this information into your thick skull?" She said. Just because this girl was an idiot didnt grant her all access permission to do whatever she wanted. She would not have her one last chance at life messed up by this Princess in dumb clothes. She couldn't believe that this girl who is apparently an idiot, as she appeared to be both illiterate and deaf, was wasting her time here, when she could be doing something useful. This was NOT how this was gonna go. She had learnt from school, if they think they can beat you, they sure as heck will. She stared Miss Princess down.


Emeralds heart sunk, and in her chest. Maybe her sister really was.. Gone. Forever. But that wasn't fair! Her sister hadn't been perfect, but neither had she. There had been moments where she lost all faith in her twin, but she did have a good heart, she really did. A tear slowly trickled down her cheek. She brushed it away, and clung onto the hope that maybe Saph did survive.

She shook Joys hand. "Joy? That's a really beautiful name! I... I drowned. My sister and I were playing dare on the beach, and we swam out to the ocean. She stopped because she couldn't swim any further, but I kept going and she followed. I wanted fulfill my end of the dare. She started sinking, and I tried to reach her, but..." She trailed off. She didn't really want to think about it.




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"Well, aren't you a feisty one." he grinned towards the blond-haired, Elijah then faced the other girl - who was pretty much panicking. "There's no need to worry, love. We are just gonna make those angels fade into their own death, like they should have in the first place. It's not like we're doing anything wrong." he calmed her, crossing his arms and finally facing the red-haired chick, waiting for someone to say literally ANYTHING.


@Anne Lind
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Andre Grant


A groan would escape the young gentleman who was laid out on the floor. As he came to, he was sure that he would feel an immense amount of pain as that had been what he’d been enduring when he first passed out. But it wouldn’t hurt. Nothing would hurt. And that would be what bothered him the most. Letting a hand reach his face, Andre let out a small groan, letting the hand run down his face before caressing his neck. With a grunt, the young man would finally push himself up so that he was sitting where he’d take a look around only to realize he was in a room.

“What…” He mumbled to himself, completely confused. He’d been hurt… Being in a room that he had no recollection of was the last thing he thought he’d be in when he woke up. But here he was. Dazed, confused, just a mess. Andre would sit there for a few more minutes just trying to recollect anything he could but it wouldn’t work.

“Well great…” He mumbled to himself, rolling his eyes as he finally got to his feet. “This is just great.”

He’d look around the room for a few more seconds before finally walking out the door. He was sure if he kept walking he’d eventually find someone. Or so he hoped.




The girl named Sapphire spoke up again and Alison rolled her eyes, turning to her and putting a hand on her hip as she usually did as a relaxed pose.

Blondie, I don't care what your name is, I'll call you whatever I wish," she said, punching herself for it in her head, but it was the only way she knew how to react," and secondly, If I'm an idiot you should talk to whoever dyed your hair that color. You can think whatever you want about me, but you're opinion matters about as much as how you died. What, did some rich brat dump you and you died of a broken heart?"

Glaring at her and turning back to the group she smiled at everyone there. The newer man mentioned calming down to her and she smiled even more, easily dropping into a more kind appearance.

"Well, with people like you here I'm positive there's nothing to worry about," her voice was a bit flirtatious, but at the moments she was just trying to ignore the blonde she'd just had a spat with. She didn't care if she had to break the hearts of every 'Angel' there to get back to her daughter. She was no stranger to the term 'one night stand'.

Mentioned: @SassyAndroidSera

~I know I have a good character when even I want to punch her in the teeth~

"Hey!" he said to the girl "I gave you the entire situation fine, and trust me, I'm not lying about this!". He then saw a huge jockey man come in and said "See, this guy actually read the damn letter,". He then walked over to the man and said "Ya, we're fellow demons and my name is Andrew. The other guy is Azrael, the pigtailed one is Fire or Sapphire, the other one in the slutty clothing is Miss I'm on my period and the other girl is Miss Reaper, the one who wrote the letter,". He then heard what Sapphire said to the girl and said "You might care to listen to her because she's literally trying to save your life and if you want if you can't adapt, you can go on ahead and die,". He then saw her go over to the jock and said "Mate, she's bad news, she'll probably be the first to go,"
Sapphire had a retort ready when Andrew spoke to her. She smiled at Andrew,grateful to him for standing up to her she was itching to have the last word, but that would probably sound immature. Just leave it Saph, she's not worth your time. Don't do talk to her. Don't-

Sapphire stalked over to where the girl and hot guy were standing. She winked at the hot guy for effect, looked who she was now calling Prissy in the eye, smirked and said coolly "If my hair looks so perfect that it is manufactured, you probably don't even know what that means, then that is a compliment in my book. If you want an example of something manufactured that was done by an idiot, look in the mirror. Please don't though. I'm already dead, but I won't appreciate the shards of shattered mirror that hit me when you look in it. And no, I wasn't dumped by a rich brat, but I can see a brat that I would like to dump in a sewer somewhere." Fire knew this wasn't a dignified way to react, but she wanted the last word. She walked away, and stood in the corner, somewhat daring Miss Princess to come and have a go. She knew it was silly, but she was past caring.




(Sorry I thought of some sassy things to have her say and just had to write them :P )
"Well, I see that you're all are getting along fantastically well." Elijah laughed as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Nice to meet you, mate." He calmly replied to Andrew and shook his hand.

"Oh, I'm glad to hear that, miss." He responded to the woman who flirted with him and threw a small smile, revealing his white teeth. (I'm on my phone sorry for the short reply)




She glared, poison in her eyes, at the girl who had just walked away from her and thought about going over there, but she needed to just get out of here. Who cared about anyone here's opinion? They were all dead anyway, and she'd never see them again even if they all did make it out of this. Biting her tongue she let out a shaky, rage-filled sigh and noticed a rather lost-looking person walking towards them. He was rather decent-looking as well, and she guessed if he'd ended up near them he was probably a demon too. Glaring again at Sapphire she smiled back at the man with the English accent standing next to her.

"Excuse me, I think there's someone here who also had higher priorities than reading a random piece of paper that might have been poisoned," she said, loud enough so that everyone near could hear," I'm going to go help out."

She turned and walked a bit away, waving at the man to come over. Even if he was an 'Angel', she wanted to help him at least not be wandering around clueless.

"Hey handsome, did you just get here? You seem a bit lost."

Mentioned: @SassyAndroidSera
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"You alright?" Andrew said walking over to Sapphire "I can tell that bimbo annoyed the crap out of you and to be honest, she did me too,". He then moved closer to her and said "Hey, I'm sorry about your sister. I know that we don't need to worry about that here but I'm still concerned,". Andrew then sighed and said "You know, I had a brother once, name was Henry. He was a great person but was a slightly bit psychotic but one day, he snapped. He would've killed the entire school I went to if I hadn't knifed him to death. I've accepted it now, but still, I feel like at the very least that I wanted to comfort you in this situation,"

Fire smiled at Andrew, grateful for the concern. It showed that Demons weren't necessarily evil, just unlucky. Sapphire shrugged sighing. "Something in me hoped that maybe she survived. She was a better swimmer than me. Heck she was a better everything. She was perfect and I wasn't so... Oh well. There's nothing we can do now, right?" If Em had survived this, even if she didn't make it back, at least she could do some good in the world. She knew what her sister had always wanted to do, and hoped she could do it. Oh well.

She glanced over at Miss Princess who was chatting with the hot dude. She snorted. "Yep, she's irritating. Oh well, there's two possible good outcomes. One, Miss Reaper is irritated too and wipes her off whatever this is, or two that that guy isn't the nicest and he breaks her heart. I kinda hope he does that anyway." She would love to see 'Prissy' run past crying because she had terrible taste.





Elijah completely zoned out of the conversation while Andrew mentioned his little brother. "I lost my little brother too." he said, clearing his smile off his face. "Some cowards took him," Elijah explained as he sighed, not wanting to talk about it anymore. "Look, let's stop fighting, shall we? We need to act like mature adults for us to get our old life back." he offered genuinely as he rolled his eyes.

He rolled his sleeves down, covering his "sleeve tattoos" that were all over his body. "So, are we all good?"


@Anne Lind

~ Miss Reaper

Ginny scratches at her nails. Damn, she really needed a manicure. At some point after the hottie walked in, she got bored. She decided to let them bitch and bicker all they want. Might as well let them settle their differences now. After a while, though, Ginny realized they were getting nowhere.

“Alright, losers. As amusing at this all is, I don’t want to waste anymore of my time. So I’m going to make this quick and simple,” Ginny gets up from her seat, “I don’t care if you all group up, split up, or whatever—but I suggest you all get started real soon. All you’re doing is wasting your precious time, and time is everything when your silly lives are on the line.”

Ginny begins to walk down the street, not looking back to her clueless demons.

“I don’t have an angel radar, but heading down Chance Street is a good way to start!” she yells with a wave, “Don’t let me down now! Or do, I don’t really care!”

(Probably won't be active until later tonight, but I noticed everyone was just waiting around. So, off you go! c: )

Joy decided to take a walk since she didn't really have anything else to do, so she walked across the city. She noticed another group, but... they looked a little bit, well, feisty? Could they possibly be angels? she asked, removing the dust from her white dress. She decided to watch them closely, and decide by their actions. "Let's not be noticed." she murmured to herself.


"Must be our very first angel," Elijah chuckled as he took a glance upon his teammates. "Let's take it easy on the poor bastard."




Samine's eyes darted up defensively, finding a girl approaching her. An angel too? Her mind whirled for a moment. Well, if this girl was an angel, she better get to crushing her dream.

Her face melted into an expression of confusion. "An.. An angel? How would I know if I'm an angel?" Her brown eyes the picture of innocence, she continued. "I don't know what's going on, I was just walking down the street with my dog, and I heard cars beeping, and then all of the sudden I was waking up in my room.. But it wasn't in my house..." She trailed off, and her hand went to her mouth in shock. "Wait. Does that mean.. That I died?"

The young woman was even able to get her eyes to glisten a little with tears. She turned and took hold of the other girl's forearm. "What's going on? What is this place? What am I doing here?"

If she could play it off that she was an angel, it would be an easy in. Did angels get letters too? She would have to convince them she didn't get one.. And come up with a dream, since they all had one that demons were supposed to crush.

"Wait, don't worry." Joy smiled towards her, "I'm sure it will be okay," she calmed the girl. "Wait, didn't you get a letter?" Joy asked the stranger in suspicion, Something's not right. she thought. Well, yeah, she was pretty innocent, but she wasn't dumb to trust her. "In any way, I'm Joy." she introduced herself with a warm smile.

"OK!" Andrew shouted at the group "Head demon lady over here is right, we need to get moving! OK, it's clear that new demons are going to keep flooding in so we will most likely need to have a person here so handsome guy, I need you to stay here and explain to the new arrivals what the hell is going on and once you have two, send them off. So, that leaves four of us so we will divide up into two teams, one team will consist of me and Fire and the other team will have Azrael and the other girl. The teams jobs is to hunt down angels, capture them, find out what there dreams are, and torture them. Once you have an angel, bring it back here for integration and you may do anything to get to lose its will to achieve their dream,".

He knew he had to take action here as if he didn't, Miss Reaper would have their heads
~ The Gate Keeper

Aurora almost believes the woman’s story. There’s no possible way she could be this scared if she wasn’t an angel! But how could this have happened? There’s no way Aurora missed the woman’s bedroom, and she doubts the gods would send her an extra angel without her knowing. The only explanation would be… demons? But demons haven’t made a breakthrough for centuries! And there’s no way a woman this fragile could be a demon.

She watches as another woman approaches the two of them.
Ahh. Finally, a familiar face.. Aurora remembers leaving a letter for Joy Lockhart. She was apparently a very positive woman who drowned while trying to save a little girl. Aurora likes her positivity, and she knows she has to stay confident to send her back to the real world.

“Hello there, Joy. I’m Aurora,” the gate keeper introduces herself as if she knows nothing of the woman. She then looks at the other woman who was holding onto her arm. “Joy is right. You have us now, and we’re definitely going to make it back to the real world.”

Aurora isn’t sure what to think of the unknown woman, but she knows one thing—she’s scared and hurt, and she will try her best to do something for her.

@Flutterby @AugustineVampire )

~ Miss Reaper

Although Ginny leaves the group of demons alone, she doesn’t stop watching them. She wants to see what the idiots decide to do when they’re on their own. After all, they couldn’t just rely on her this entire time. And if it somehow did come to relying on her, she definitely wouldn’t be returning any lives with a happy smile. She decides to spectate from the rooftop of a two story house. She lies on her stomach as she kicks her feet in the air.

“So that Andrew kid thinks he’s going to lead everyone, huh? Heh, we’ll see how well that goes,” Ginny flips her long red hair out of her face. She continues to giggle to herself. “And he wants to try doing it… by force? Is it the way I would do it? Hell yes! Is it the smartest way to approach them? Ehh, we’ll just wait and see!”

Ginny considers getting herself a sweet treat when she notices a man walking down the roar. He's quite far away from the group, but he’s heading towards their direction.

Maybe Ginny will give her demons an easy first target?

Ginny gets up and starts hopping across several rooftops. Her steps are swift as the warm 12 o’ clock air hits her face. She jumps down in front of the man. Her entrance is a bit sketchy, but she has a feeling she can still ‘help’ him out.

“Why hello there,” Ginny smiles. “I go by Ginny. Are you.. are you an angel, too?”

@JujuBee )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.a01990540b387f0b1196562a99fe9994.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144830" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.a01990540b387f0b1196562a99fe9994.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luna sat up slowly, gripping her chest that was covered in fresh scars.

"What the fuck..."

She moaned and stood, leaning against a wall.

Looking around and walking down the hall, she gripped at her head.

"Hello?.... Dear God is anyone here?"

Her scars burned, all down her chest and stomach.

Luna finally noticed she was hardly wearing a shirt.

Her jeans were covered in gravel and ripped, and her shirt was in shreds, only covering the top of her body and exposing her stomach fully.

Luna stumbled around and peeked into room after room.

"Hello? I need help..."

She groaned again, feeling every scar ache and burn.
@ anyone



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Samine looked between the two friendly faces, and she actually felt a twinge of guilt. It was a lot easier to be committed to finishing these people off when they weren't trying to help her.

She furrowed her brow, sniffling softly. "A letter? I-I don't know. I was so confused when I woke up, I-I didnt look around." She took a deep breath, and then another. "If-if there was a letter, I dont think I would have seen it. I panicked and ran out here. When I realized I wasnt in my own town, I just sat down and.." She trailed off, her hands reaching up and playing with the braid she had made while waiting.

Samine shook her head, as if to clean her thoughts, and stood up with a determined expression. "Okay so, what you're saying is, I could be dead, and an angel." She paused and thought about it for a second. "So.. why am I here? This-this isnt what I imagined heaven would be like. Did I do something wrong?"

She realized the other two had provided names, and she put a hand to her forehead, and said quickly, "Oh yeah, and my name. My name is Samine."

The two women seemed to be buying her story, hopefully she would be able to keep it up for a while yet.

@ItsEndless @AugustineVampire
Felicity decided to go for a walk, clear her head for a little while. She was very worried but what Joy had said rested that worry, just a little bit. She walked down the main road not really caring where she'd end up. But she hoped to meet someone.

Andre Grant


When he decided to find someone he surely hadn’t been expecting for it to be so fast. At one point he’d managed to leave the house as it was empty and no one else was there and had simply been walking down the barren street. He had expected for there to be something around. Anything. But alas there was nothing but him, the silent houses, and his thoughts.

With a sigh, he rubbed his arm, the sleeve of his white shirt tickling at his hand whenever it came near.

“There has to be someone out here…” He mumbled to himself, looking around with a sigh. Then just like that, his answer as to where everyone was would come in the form of a young woman. Andre would give a small jump in surprise at the sudden intrusion, taking a step back as he gave her an odd look. Where the hell had she just come from?

Her smile would be a cute one, he’d observe but there was still something off.

“Ginny…” He’d mumble her name, blinking once as he stared at her before furrowing his eyebrows at her question. An angel? What? He wasn’t an angel… He couldn’t have been… He was just in the wrong place, right? Where… No one was… At all. Just silence… Well shit, he was dead.

“I…” He began, looking down at his feet for a moment before looking back at her. “I guess? I don’t know."

Interacts with: Ginny


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The first thing that registered in his mind was the lack of pain,and the second thing that registered was the peace. None of those were exactly common in Erik's life,so he was starting to worry already. The memories slowly registered into his blurry mind,and Erik dropped his fingers to his chest in a reflexive motion. No blood,no bullet holes.

Where am I?

He probably would have missed the letter if he hadn't literally stepped over it in his distress. But there it was. The piece of paper that seemed completely innocent,and yet it sent Erik into a state of complete shock. He was dead. It was...kinda of expected,really. He remembered the way the bandits had barged into his house,and the pain of the bullets tearing through his skin didn't seen like something anyone could actually survive. But his stupidly optimistic attitude had somehow believed that he would wake up in some hospital bed soon afterwards. But Erik wasn't in a hospital.

And apparently he wasn't alive.

Standing in that room with those confusing thoughts was too much for him,so Jake barged out of the room and took a deep breath on the corridor.

Don't freak out don't freak out don't freak out

Yeah..right. He tried to ignore his fear and looked for some living soul,trying to make sense of this situation that was either a dream or a nightmare. For now,he ignored the fact that it could be true.

~ The Gate Keeper

No, there definitely wasn’t a letter. Aurora would’ve known if she had a letter for her. It wasn’t like she had very many angels to remember for the first batch. That, and she liked to know some basic information of her angels ahead of time. This woman she knew nothing about; she didn’t even know her name until she mentioned it. Aurora decides not to say anything since Joy is around. What could she even say? Joy! Get away from her! I’m the Gate Keeper, and I don’t trust this girl even though she’s here hopelessly balling her eyes out! Aurora sighs.

But who knows? Maybe Samine is innocent?

“Here’s my copy of the letter, you can read through it,” Aurora replies reassuringly as she hands her a sealed envelope out of her backpack. She liked to keep extra copies of her own letter with her, not that they needed to find out about that. “This isn’t heaven, Samine. It’s a fake world created between real life and death. We were sent here to accomplish our wildest dreams. Only then the gate keeper will send us back to the real world.”

Aurora bites her lip.
Maybe a little too much information for an angel who just arrived on her first day?She usually did get carried away when it came to her job, though. Dial down the sophisticated attitude, Aurora. Be more casual

“Well, that’s a summary of what the letter says,” Aurora scratches the back of her head, “You can give it a read yourself.”

@Flutterby @AugustineVampire )

~ Miss Reaper

“Huh? What do you mean you don’t know if you’re an angel? You’re here in this world, right?” Ginny speaks in a direct tone. She looks at the man with a genuinely confused expression. How the hell didn’t he know if he was an angel? He surely wasn’t part of the Miss Reaper crew, so he
had to be an angel. Were those moronic softies not given some type of guidelines.

Ginny tries not to chuckle. It just gets easier and easier.

“You know, living your biggest dream? Second chances? Fake world? Anything ringing a bell?” Ginny tries.

@JujuBee )

Andre Grant


Andre simply stared at the woman before him, not exactly sure what to say. During all of the confusion he’d went through when he first woke up, Andre had completely missed the letter that the Gate Keeper had left him. It still sat there on the floor beside where his body once lay. But this chick here was going to get on his nerves. What was her problem? Was there even a problem?

“Not necessarily,” Andre responded as he gave her a shrug. This chick was weird. “Sorry about that.”

If him leaving the house he’d been in meant running into people like her than he would definitely have to go on ahead and just stay in there. Hope everything was okay. He slowly began to take a few steps back from Ginny, planning on going back to the house to see if he'd missed something. That for sure had to be the problem right there.

"I guess I'll go see what this angel thing is now, yeah? Um, nice meeting you." He said, giving her an awkward wave as he wasn't sure if she'd agree and say goodbye or come with him. Either would be fine but for not he wanted to move.

Interacts with: Ginny


(Body is exhausted and rest is very much
needed. I'll be back in the morning!)

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