Your Second Chance (Accepting!)

Emerald looked up at "Miss Reaper". The two were still fighting, and we're getting nowhere. Em sighed. "Well I have already told Andrew so..." She was trying to think about what Saph would do. Easy question, she would lie, fight and run. Em couldn't run, nor could she fight. The girl was being nice... But Andrew had been too. Was it worth lying? She could try. If they found out, they might try and stop Joy, or Saph or... Anyone.

" Want to save my sister." She inwardly rolled her eyes at herself. Great. So now they would go after Saph. She hadn't helped anyone, except maybe Joy. Being an Angel was hard, Saph would probably agree if she was here. She was so bad at lying. Oh well. Better than nothing...

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The girl named Aurora jogged up to the house Andre had pointed out and opened the door for them all. Alison was a bit anxious about the fact that the house didn't have a lock, but then she reminded herself that it was less likely that she was going to be mugged or something here. Smiling at the girl as she and the other two walked past she couldn't help but feel that there was something off about her smile. Could she know that Alison was a demon? No, she hadn't told anyone here and she hadn't given it away in any way, or at least so she thought.

"So, does anyone know if we'll have an opportunity to change clothes?" she asked the group once they were inside, looking around at the house that was identical to the one she'd searched through when she'd first gotten here," I mean, the rest of you seem rather comfortable, but if I have to spend forever in this dress I will be a rather unhappy person."

She chuckled at herself, but she was being serious. When she had first put it on it was uncomfortable, and now it was getting to the point where she'd rather go nude that wear it any longer.

@JujuBee @ItsEndless @Radiohead


Todrick paced around their new found house,checking it out to see if it was safe. It was more out of reflex than anything,it wasn't exactly like they needed to be scared of thieves in this particular world. And if demons wanted to attack them,a well protected house would probably be just as useless as if they were standing right in the open. He kept quiet when Andre spoke,sighing lightly. Of course the demons looked just like the angels. That was a good reminder as to why you shouldn't judge people based on their appearances.

"I guess we just have to keep an eye open for certain behaviors,then. And hope for the best." He sounded annoyed about it. Todrick hated to depend on luck. "For now,I guess we need to try to relax a bit. Maybe think about ways to complete our dreams? Alison and Andre,you do have a dream,right? Perhaps we can help each other."

The thought of mentioning his son to strangers made Todrick hesitate,but if the two showed enough trust to tell their dreams,he should probably do the same. He glanced back to Alison when she spoke. He had looked at her before,of course. But only now he had actually
seen her. And the dress. Trying not to glare much,he turned back to the window. Just his luck. He was standing in a room with three incredibly attractive angels.

"You can have my jacket for now." Todrick pulled the dark jacket off his shoulders,imagining it would cover most of Alison's body. "Or we could go look for some clothes in this house."

Interacts with: @Smoaki



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She hesitated as Todrick offered her his jacket but took it anyway, figuring he was right assuming it would cover most of her at least. Her face reddend just slightly as she thought about the dress again. She couldn't help it; even during life when she'd been a bitch she'd never worn anything revealing or slutty like this dress.

"I do think we should look around, see if there's anything else here," she agreed, seeing as the rest of them might be wearing more clothes, but they were torn and whatever else from however they'd died.

Finally processing what Todrick had said first, about dreams, she bit her lip hesitantly. Sighing, she figured she could at least tell them what it was, even if it was definitely unachievable for her.

"Uh, dream? Well... I-I guess it would be to get back home to my daughter," she trailed off after saying it, her face turning an especially tomato-like red. She loved her daughter and wasn't ashamed of her, it was more shame of herself and the fact that she had become a mother at seventeen. She was only in her early twenties after all.



Todrick still had his eyes turned to the window when he felt Alison pull the jacket from him,mentally sighing with relief. At least now he could think straight. But the slightly flustered expression disappeared from his face as soon as he heard the woman mentioning her daughter. He turned to her with a surprised expression,trusting her word in the spot. He was obviously a mistrustful one. But he knew how to recognize a parent. She had the same expression that he had when he mentioned Tomas.

"Ah." It was all he could say until he managed to gather his thoughts. "Guess...guess we have some things in common. I have a son. He is four years old and I really want to go back so I can raise him. You know...give him what I never had. A father. We will figure out a way to get back to our kids. We don't have other choice. They need us."

His son had already been denied to have a mother,after all. But that subject was way too painful,scars that never quite healed even after so many years. So he kept quiet,keeping his eyes on the wall as he leaned against it.

Interacts with:





Looking at Todrick just as surprised at his revelation of a son, she couldn't help but wonder about a mother, but the look on his face seemed to suggest that she must be a touchy subject. He seemed so passionate about getting back to his son, and she couldn't help but feel the same.

"I feel the same," she agreed, feeling that she could trust this man if he felt he could trust her, even if it was all built on a lie" If I don't get back to Julia... she'll be sent off to that vile excuse of a man... sorry."

She trailed off, thinking about how she had to 'achieve her dream' compared to the others in the room and sighed, rubbing at her forehead with a frown. She had to break someone's dream, something she wished she hadn't done before, but this time it was different. Whomever didn't do what they were told to in the beginning wouldn't just keep on living, they would die and never get to go back.


@JujuBee @ItsEndless
~ The Gate Keeper

Aurora takes a seat on the couch, taking off her backpack and placing it right beside her. She’s silent as she listens carefully about the angel’s dreams, trying to make a mental note of everything they say. Although she knows about their dream, she liked to know the details of them. It was sometimes the most miniscule details that could help them come up with ideas to gaining their second chance. Aurora’s eyes widen when Alison speaks about her own dream.

She can definitely feel it. She can feel that this is Alison’s deepest desire. She just wanted to get home to her child, similar to Todrick’s dream. But how could she help this demon out? Aurora didn’t even know the demon’s motive in the first place. Aurora dreads thinking about it, but she’s going to need to confront a demon sooner or later. She needed more information.

“Don’t worry, Miss. We will definitely get you back to your daughter,” Aurora reassures Alison for now. She then looks at Todrick. “And you to your son. We just need to start brainstorming ways we can trigger our second chance.”

( @SassyAndroidSera )


Luna stumbled around the streets lost. She'd been wandering and now couldn't tell where she was.

Not that it mattered, she was going to die anyway.

God was she terrified.

"Hello?.... Anyone? Adam? Andrew? Erik?"

It was pathetic, the short list of people she knew here.

Luna's voice was cracking from yelling for the past hour.

Finally she gave up, stumbling onto some patch of grass and laying down.

"I'll never get my second chance at this rate."

Her rainbow hair spread around her and she groaned, her sides hurting from her stumbling fall. She pulled Eriks jacket tighter around herself and closed her eyes. Luna hadn't slept since she got here.
@(gah anyone because I forgot about this and have been busy)

Raya watched as a rainbow haired girl stumbled onto a patch of grass and said something about never getting her second chance. The beautiful blonde walked up to the girl and cleared her throat. "Hello?" She asked.


Jasil said:


Luna stumbled around the streets lost. She'd been wandering and now couldn't tell where she was.

Not that it mattered, she was going to die anyway.

God was she terrified.

"Hello?.... Anyone? Adam? Andrew? Erik?"

It was pathetic, the short list of people she knew here.

Luna's voice was cracking from yelling for the past hour.

Finally she gave up, stumbling onto some patch of grass and laying down.

"I'll never get my second chance at this rate."

Her rainbow hair spread around her and she groaned, her sides hurting from her stumbling fall. She pulled Eriks jacket tighter around herself and closed her eyes. Luna hadn't slept since she got here.
@(gah anyone because I forgot about this and have been busy)



Luna snapped up and whipped out her pocket knife from her jeans.

"Who are you?"

Luna stood to her feet shakily and looked around.

The dark circles under her eyes showed her exhaustion.

Luna held the blade out cautiously and eyed the girl.

Was she angel or demon?


Andre Grant


Todrick seemed like he’d be the most serious one of the four in the group. Andre didn’t mind. He liked to be mellow and relaxed. Todrick seemed as though he was more put together, more serious.That seriousness would come in handy. But for now he was right. No need to get strung up on something when there were surely more important things still lurking in the shadows to jump out at them.

“Relaxing sounds good. As for a dream, yeah."

He looked over at Alison when she asked the question and thought about it, looking down at his own clothes. While they wren’t exactly too crazy looking they weren’t exactly appropriate. There were tell-tale signs of his beating with the holes that were all over his shirt and the ripping jeans. The only thing Andre was surprised about with the clothes was the fact that the blood that had thoroughly soaked his clothes was now gone. But hey, that was probably a good thing.

“I don’t know… Maybe upstairs? I didn’t exactly get a good look at the house. But if you go searching and find clothes, inform me too. I’d like to change.” He said with a small shrug.

The sudden eagerness that erupted from Aurora surprised Andre just a bit but not enough to think her odd. An amused smile would play at his lips, his nose wrinkling up just a bit as a chuckle escaped his lips.

“Glad you like it.” He replied, giving her a small nod as he stepped into the house, letting out a yawn and small stretch before walking around it some. When he’d first woken up, he hadn’t necessarily given himself the tour of the place. He’d simply heard the silence that consumed him and left the house in hopes of finding someone to break it. He’d done that and now he was able to come back to his starting point with people he felt he could trust.

He would listen to Todrick and Alison as they spoke of their dreams with one another.. It really was a bittersweet kind of dream and Andre felt bad. Those poor children, losing a family member that was so dear to them. Mothers and Fathers were always the most important thing in a person’s life. That’s why Andre wanted to be the best father he could be if he ever had kids of his own. But to hear them talk about it was nice and his respect for the both of them rose even more than it had before. He makes his way over to Aurora, plopping down on the couch beside her as she gives them the promise of getting them back to their children. Andre nodded himself, “Most def. Like Aurora said, I’ll help you to the best of my ability too. It wouldn’t be fair for your children to have to live without their parent. Especially people such as yourselves. They deserve the best and you two are obviously that.

Interacts with Todrick




Jasil said:


Luna snapped up and whipped out her pocket knife from her jeans.

"Who are you?"

Luna stood to her feet shakily and looked around.

The dark circles under her eyes showed her exhaustion.

Luna held the blade out cautiously and eyed the girl.

Was she angel or demon?

Raya chuckled. "Come down, girl." She told Luna. Raya had a posh, rich girl attitude about her. "I'm Raya. And I consider myself human. Not angel or demon." She held her hand out.


Luna warily shook the girls hand and slipped her knife into the pocket of Eriks jacket.

"Alright then. Do you know where this is? I'm a little lost. I was hoping I could find my friends... But I ended up here."


"I have no idea where we are." Raya stated. "But I guess if we keep walking, we might find something." She said. She started walking down the road. It was quite windy, and she shivered, as she only wore a tank top. "I hate this stupid place. Why can't we just go back to our old lives, without having to achieve anything." She complained.



Todrick ran one hand through his hair in an awkward manner,feeling slightly embarrassed about the sudden feelings of friendship he was growing for these people who had pretty much been strangers a few minutes ago. His initial idea had been simply taking care of himself,but who was he trying to fool? He could put up a front for as long as he wanted. But he still had feelings,like any human being. Walking over to where Aurora and Andre was,Todrick dropped to the ground by their side.

"We will get through this,Alison. From what you're saying...the father must be a shitty guy. And my son doesn't really have a mother to take care of him. Maybe we should talk about our children? That could trigger some idea." He ran one hand through his face,unable to hide the small smile when Aurora and Andrew spoke. He was too used to working things out by himself. This new experience of actually having help was welcome. "Okay. We still have a few days,and a decent enough head start. So we watch our backs at all times and keep our minds tuned into our dreams. What about you,Andre? Is your dream something hard to achieve?"

He turned to the angel,imagining that he couldn't be much younger than Todrick himself. Todrick was on his earlier twenties,but the stoic look in his eyes always made him look older. Just like his posture and mistrustful attitude,it was all a mask. You can't be hurt by anyone if you don't allow them to get close. But he was willing to drop that mask near these people. They seemed reliable enough for him.

Interacts with:




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