Your Second Chance (Accepting!)

"Hey, we all go through things man, and if you need someone, you can talk to me," said Andrew seriously Azrael "But anyway, let's se-" Andrew started to say when he saw two figures in a window talking in a white house across the street. Andrew then said "Well, my dear demons, I think we just found our victims,". He then pointed over to the window where he saw them
Felicity smiled uneasily then sighed. "I died trying to save a girl from a burning building but I couldn't escape the flames. And neither could she..." She said as tears started building up in her eyes, she quickly wiped them away. "And what's your story?" She asked trying to be more cheerful.

Samine's eyes opened as she gasped for air, convinced that the breath would be her last. But instead of seeing the dark orange of the city's night sky above her, she saw a very familiar ceiling. She sat up sharply, and looked around her own bedroom. But something wasnt quite right.. There's no sound. Even from the top floor, I should be able to hear the traffic and the people and the dogs in the park down the street..

Well, that is not what she saw when she looked out the window. It was a quiet street, lined with houses that had a pervasive feeling of emptiness. The young woman backed away, and her foot landed on a piece of paper. A letter.

A quick scan lead to a deeper reading, and then another and another.

"Okay.." Samine whispered. "This is insane.. but its the only thing that makes sense. Crush some goody-two-shoe's dream, and I get my life back." An old pit of anger stirred in her stomach. Those angels are probably all those kids who had a future handed to them on a silver platter. The people who couldn't even look at me when I was selling my soul just to eat. The kind that would pretend to be disgusted by how I'm living now. Well, I can take some pleasure in sending them the rest of the way to their graves.

After checking her make-up and deciding her outfit was good if she wanted to pretend to be a pretty little angel, she walked confidently toward the door. When she stepped out, it was into an empty hallway, leading to a staircase. There didnt seem to be anyone else around, and she wasnt hungry, so she headed outside. What appeared to be morning greeted her with a heavy silence. She wandered a few houses down, and then back a little ways. There was a median in between what looked like two roads, even though there were no cars in sight, and she found a bench and sat down. There were supposed to be more people, where were they? As she waited for either more demons or angels, she braided her long hair patiently, as if she had all day.
~ The Gate Keeper

Spunky new hairdo, check. White sweater and jeans, check. A tad bit of makeup, also check! Aurora glances in the mirror of the house’s bathroom once more before bursting out the door. She grabs a small backpack off the kitchen table. The bag helped complete her young look, but Aurora also liked to have some supplies packed. Angels were never prepared for their missions, not like they
could ever prepare.

Aurora sprints out the door, knowing she’s probably already late. Her angels would most likely be awake, and she’s eager to get started on fulfilling their dreams. After all, there wasn’t anything wrong with getting a head start! As she runs, she contemplates her ‘fake’ dream to express to her angels. It had to be something believable to fit in with the others.
What were the kids into these days?

Aurora’s running comes to a stroll when she sees a person in front of her sitting on a bench. Black hair and a slender body? She’s actually kinda pretty? A confused expression finds its way onto Aurora’s face, though.
I don’t remember leaving a letter for her? Where did she come from? Aurora gets closer.

“Hello there,” Aurora walks up to the right side of the bench. Her tone is mellow, and there’s a slight smile on her face. “I’m assuming you’re an angel, too, right?”

( @SassyAndroidSera
@Fullmetal32 )[/font]
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Sapphire listened to them with slight interest. It was kind of interesting to know how they died in kind of a sick way. A moment later another lady strutted in and spoke loudly, listing off their names and how they died. How would she know that though? She thought about it, and realised there was one person that had told her she knew how she died. "What do you want Miss Reaper?"she asked, arms folded, fervently hoping her guess was right. She looked down at herself, and rolled her eyes at her dress. Too white and pretty. She didn't like it. This was not a situation she had ever pictured herself in, but she would make do.


Emerald looked around. She should get on with things, like meeting people, potentially finding her sister and making a start on achieving her dream. She could hear what sounded like muffled voices outside. She was OK a deep breath in,

opened the door and stepped out, her black pigtails bobbing.


@Anne Lind






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"I was really trying to keep that whole car crash thing kinda.. hidden. It makes me feel not as manly. Thanks bit-" he realized who she was. Bit.. bit bit bit. You are more than a bit pretty!" He chuckled nervously. Azazel knew what she was capable of and he didn't want to anger her.

@SassyAndroidSera @ItsEndless

"I drowned," Joy shrugged and sighed as she thought about how her friends and family must feel after her death. The fact that she died on her birthday wasn't too helpful either. "Hey, at least we got a second chance, right?" Joy smiled "Do you think there's like a, Lucifer here? You know, if there are angels, maybe there like... demons?" she asked her curiously

@Anne Lind
Felicity shook her head. "I have no idea" she said. "But if there is, it will only mean trouble." She ran her hand through her hair. She could feel her worry returning and tried desperately to shake it away. "It would seem too easy to acomplish our dream if there weren't some sort of optical." She stated. "Though it pains me to admit, there probably are demons..."

"Ah!" Andrew said with a smile "You must be Miss Reaper, it's a pleasure,". He then bowed and turn around to say to Azrael "And you said I was the nervous one, and now look at you,". He then turned to Miss Reaper and said "So, madam, what are your first orders?"
"They had to be terrible people to become demons." Joy whispered and looked at the ground, "Do you think we will meet them?" she asked Felicity while her mind wondered to somewhere else. Processing your own death wasn't easy, I'm sure of it, but... it was quite easy for Joy - she believed that anything happens for a reason, so she was calm. "It's amazes me..." she mumbled

@Anne Lind
"I hope not." Felicity muttered. She didn't fancy meeting such a person. She even wondered if she could tell them apart from other people. Memories from her life started playing impending her head. I put my trust to the wrong people... My foolishness lead to my death...

Her thoughts were interrupted my Joys mumble. " what?" She said.

~ Miss Reaper

Ginny is surprised to see the various personalities in front of her. Irritated by her, intimidated by her, and actually fond of her? Ginny crosses her arms. She was expecting all of her demons to be deathly afraid of her, but this works. This definitely works out.

“I just came out to check on my pathetic little minions,” Ginny is honest with them, “You know, introduce myself, answer any questions? Ask away, because once I leave today, you three will have to fend off on your own. At least I hope so, because if I somehow need to save one of your asses, Miss Reaper won’t be very happy.”

Ginny looks around the room. It was better to avoid contact in a situation like this. She didn’t know how the three would react.

“Although, you three seem more intelligent than I expected. I’ll give you that,” Ginny shrugs. “So, here’s your last chance while I’m in a good mood. Any questions?”

( @SassyAndroidSera
@Fullmetal32 )

"Uh, nothing." Joy murmured looking around, "What do you think we did to deserve this second chance?" She asked Felicity as she looked at the sky, getting goose bumps from the whole situation. To be fully honest, she was scared as ****. Well, yes, she didn't care much if she died... But she knew that this competition to win her life back, would depress her. "I mean... Were we really good people?"

Just then she noticed a black-haired girl, another angel perhaps? "Hey!" Joy shouted towards her with a friendly smile, waving gently as a sign of her welcoming the girl to come over.


@Anne Lind
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"Well, I do have a couple of question," Andrew said politely "Why? Why do you hate angels that much to kill em'? I mean, I will agree, some them need to wake up to the harshness of life but still, why? Also, why not just do it yourself? You look powerful enough to take them on yourself or do you not have power in this dimension and need choose champions AKA us, to fight for you?"
Sapphire nodded, acknowledging Andrews question. It was true. If this Miss Reaper was powerful enough to save them from death, surely it would be no problem to let them die. Why did they have to do their dirty work for her, if she was so high and mighty?

Sapphire also had something she wanted to know, but didn't want to sound too concerned, given the crowd she was around. "I also have a question. Do you know if my sister is here? It'd be cool to ruin some dreams together." She hoped that they could mess up some stuff together and go home. Even though they did have their differences, neither of them were perfect, and she loved her. Not that Fire would EVER admit that to anyone.

If Em wasn't here, where was she? What happened once you actually die? Is there a heaven or hell? Is it just an abyss of blank nothingness... Forever? She mentally shuddered at the thought. If she did dissapeared, hopefully she wasn't sent to hell, or entombed in eternal nothingness...



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Alison woke up suddenly and looked around frantically. The last thing she remembered was her car being tossed off the road, but how in the world could she have survived that? She was in a strange town that seemed rather eerily empty, spare of only a few other people she saw milling about outside of her window. Setting her feet down from the bed she was on she looked around some more. It looked exactly like the one she'd had at her house back home, where ever she was it was definitely not home, and began to panic. She rushed down the stairs to find a house different from her own.

"Julia?" she cried, rushing around still highly confused on why she was here," Julia! Julia sweetie where are you? Karie?"

She started to call her daughter's name and the name of the babysitter for a while until she gave up, realizing neither of them was most likely here. Walking outside of the front door of whatever house she was in she looked down the block at the other people gathered in fright. Walking towards them rather hesitantly she noticed that they were all talking mostly about how each of them had died, their past life, and more. Alison looked at every one of them curiously, still a bit anxious about where she was and when she might be back with her daughter. No matter how much of a bad person people claimed she was and that she knew she was, Julia was the most important thing to her in her life.

~Small recap, Alison is basically just confused as all get out and has just approached the demon group~

@Andros @ItsEndless @Fullmetal32
"Hm?" Andrew said when he saw a girl coming over towards them "Ah," Andrew said with a smile "You must be a demon as well. Well, it's a pleasure. I am Andrew and the man over here is Azrael, the pigtailed girl over here is Sapphire, and the other woman over here is Miss Reaper, the person who is the only reason why you are breathing right now,"
~ Miss Reaper

“Champions? Aha! Sure, you keep telling yourself that, Kid,” Ginny scoffs, “And my peeve with those damn feathered softies… that’s irrelevant. The only thing you need to know is that it’s my job to take care of those angels, and the only way to do that is to ruin their dreams. You expect me to actually talk to those softies! Hah! We all know how friendly and approachable I am!”

For a moment, there’s an unsure expression on Ginny’s face. She doesn’t mention the fact that she needed the demons for numbers. There were too many angels for her to take on herself, and more could be spawning at any moment! Not that she couldn’t take on a couple of them, they simply outnumbered her. But she wouldn’t admit this to them—that would make her seem weak. When the blonde girl speaks up, a now carefree emotion sits on Ginny’s face.

“Sister? What sister? I can’t say she’s on my roster. She’s probably gone forever,” Ginny scratches the back of her head. There’s no sign of empathy in her voice. “Shit, if I knew this information I would’ve recruited her ass, too. Eh, sorry.”

Ginny watches as a young woman joins their demonic little group. She’s silent as Andrew introduces everyone—he’s short and sweet with introductions, just how Ginny likes it. She rests her hands on her hips once again. First impressions are important…

“You look fucking terrible,” Ginny starts, “Come on, breathe or something. You can’t expect to exterminate angels looking like that.”

( @SassyAndroidSera
@Fullmetal32 @Smoaki )
"God," Andrew thought "Does she have any remorse? I'm pretty sure Mr. Crazy British dude over here has some remorse. I mean, I've done terrible things to people who deserved it but still,". He stayed silent as he waited for a response from Sapphire and the girl



"H-hold on, what?" she butt in, looking directly at the girl with the bright red hair who had told her to breathe," Exterminate Dreams and Angels? Where the hell am I?"

So maybe she should have read the letter left in the room that she had ignored in her frantic search for her daughter in the house. Looking around there was one other woman there who seemed like her; a bit spoiled and a bit fashionable. Looking down at herself she shifted a bit uncomfortably, realizing she was still wearing the dress she'd worn to the party in the high country. It wasn't the most respectable dress and she still disliked it, but it was the only way she could... never mind.

Mentioned: @SassyAndroidSera
Andrew sighed and said "Guess you didn't read the letter, huh? Well, let me give you the rundown. Right now, you're in the equivalent of purgatory right now and you're a demon which means the only way you can go home is by crushing an angel's dream, got it?". He was already annoyed at her by her not even noticing the letter that was in front of her but then he thought "Hm, maybe I should take charge of this group, I mean, from the looks of it, it looks like I'm the only one who's willing to take the reigns. If only I could get Miss Reaper to support me and give me power of them...,"



She merely stared at the man who had spoken up to answer her question. To her he seemed absolutely nuts.

"So where exactly are my horns and tail then?" she asked sarcastically, her voice raising slightly in annoyance. She didn't know where she was or why but she sure as hell knew that couldn't be right, could it?

She looked around at the group of people and they all seemed rather normal to her, except for the man who had just spoken to her whom she assumed had lost his mind. What, was she suppost to just accept the word of someone she'd never met, especially when he claimed she was a demon and that she had to 'crush dreams' or something?

"And excuse me, but usually to get out of a city you take a bus or a train or a plane," she responded, dropping into a very annoyed voice," not by 'crushing dreams'. So, can I get an explanation that actually makes sense from someone other than Looney here?"

None of this made any sense to her and at the moment she was mostly just concerned with getting back home to her daughter from wherever she was. They had to have an airport or something here that could get her back to her home, or at least a city she knew of right?

~If you're getting frustrated with her at all that's a good thing, she's suppost to be frustrating, blunt, and stubborn
xD ~

Mentioned: @SassyAndroidSera

((My BBcode isn't working so I'm gonna write it like this))


Em noticed a two girls, one of which was waving at her. She smiled and waved back, hurrying over to join them. Saph wasn't with them, but the fact that there were other Angels around gave her hope. And if not, maybe Saph had survived somehow anyway, and she could rejoin her family. That would be amazing! She would achieve her dream and have her whole family!

Emerald approached the girls and smiled. "Hi, My name is Emerald, but Em is fine. What's your names? Have you seen my sister? She looks like me but she has blonde hair." Em said at top speed. Maybe theses people would be REALLY nice and they could all achieve their dreams, and return to life and be friends for like ever!


Sapphires stomach dropped at the mention of her sister not being there. Did that mean she was alone? Even if she did make it home, without Em to tease, it would be no fun. She did have a tiny glint of hope however, that her sisters participation in swimming club had let her survive. If not..

Fire mentally kicked herself. If she wanted her life back she couldn't spend time wondering about her goodie two shoes sister, who may or may not be alive. She straightened up, and turned back to the group.

There was a newcomer. She seemed really confused. Did she not read the lett? Fire rolled her eyes. How difficult is it to pick up and read a piece of paper which might as well be glued to your forehead? Not difficult. Unless you're illiterate. It might prove a bit of a challenge then. Anyway. Andrew seemed to have taken charge and was being super cocky like, which kind of irritated Sapphire, even though it was kinda cute... Nope. Now was not the time.

"Yeah. Essentially, we're dead. If you had read the letter, it explained that the only way to return to your life is to go find an Angel and ruin their glimpse of hope, and you can live again. It is delightfully selfish. As long as you have the guts you're golden. Andrew introduced me, but I can probably do a better job. I'm Sapphire, but Fire works too. I would say it's nice to meet you, but technically were on the astral plane right now." This girl seemed slightly different to them, but she couldn't put her finger on it...






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Another young woman, who introduced herself as Sapphire then Fire, spoke up and mentioned something more about Angels and destroying things and being on a plane. Alison rubbed at her forehead in confusion, she hadn't exactly taken honors classes through high school.

"Okay I understood like half of what you said," she replied, still annoyed and on edge about this whole situation," is there anyone here who can explain this in a way that actually makes sense or are you all like Looney and Blondie here?"

Mentioned: @SassyAndroidSera




"Nice to meet you, I'm Joy." She introduced herself with a smile and shook Emerald's hair. "No, I don't think I've seen her around here, I'm sorry." she mumbled, thinking that this girl could've lost her sister to death, forever. "But hey, I'm sure she'll come around!" she tried to cheer her and let out an awkward chuckle. "So, how did you come here?" Joy asked her curiously.



Elijah woke up startled on a comfortable bed in an unrecognized room, "What the hell?" he asked himself, confused. He didn't wait any longer as he got out of bed, the feel of paper touching his right foot stopped him from moving any forward towards the floor. He slowly picked up the letter, and started reading it as he concentrated on processing every detail of it. "So, I'm a demon? That's new." he murmured to himself, All I have to do is ruin someone's dream? Been there, done that. he thought as he released a chuckle.

He got out of the room, revealing his eyes a view of a regular neighborhood? Except that it was pretty much empty, except a few people. He walked over to his new 'mates' and introduced himself with his soft British accent: "Hey, I'm Elijah." he greeted them with a charming smile - revealing his dimples. In many eyes - Elijah is considered to be, well... 'hot'. With his sharp jaw, beautiful green eyes and muscular body, everyone could see why. Unfortunately, his personality wasn't as pretty as his appearance. "Are you... demons, too?" he asked them as a red-head caught his eyes.


@Anne Lind

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