Your Second Chance (Accepting!)

Samine took the envelope carefully and opened it slowly as Aurora explained.

Behind the facade of uncertainty, her mind was working quickly again. She said this is her letter, and she seems to know exactly what is going on, but its still sealed. How could she know if she hasnt read it?

Okay, so we arent all the way dead yet. And angels have a time limit.. So we dont have to stop the dream completely, just delay it for a week.

And they have a guide too. The Gate Keeper.. Like Miss Reaper, but an angel, she is an omniscient being, she makes the rules and knows all the ropes. She will probably want to help them..

Samine's eyes trailed up to Aurora. It took extreme effort to not narrow them in suspicion. With a small nod and a deep breath, Samine wiped her cheeks. "Okay. I think I kind of understand now, even though its pretty unbelievable. If we prove that we are committed to our dream that will better the real world, we get to go back and live again to accomplish that dream." She glanced between the two women uncertainly, and then gave a final nod. "I think Im okay now. Thank you both, so much." Her face softened into a pretty smile, and she laid a hand gently on each of their arms. Then, clearing her throat, she withdrew her hands, tucked a few loose strands of hair back, and straightened her blouse. "Well.. Um, I guess since we are on the clock, we should figure out how to get started, right?"

@ItsEndless @AugustineVampire



The girl with the red hair, who had been rather rude upon first meeting her, butt in and began talking to the lost-looking man. When she finally walked away, as did the man, Alison jogged to catch up to him.

"Hey, wait!" she called out, walking alongside him," sorry about... whatever that was back there. Some of these people I think might have a screw loose."

She chuckled looking over at him with a kind-seeming smile. For once, however, she was trying her very best to be as nice as she could. Demon or Angel, this man had never met her in her life and had never experienced the terrible person she'd been before now. She could be whoever she wanted to be, though she'd already ruined a chance for that with the other 'Demons'.

"I'm Alison by the way."

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Andre Grant


And with one disappearance came a new interference. Andre looked back when he noticed another young woman coming his way. He gave her a quick once over, though it certainly wasn’t one to be thought of as him being a jerk or perv. She looked nice. He just wondered if she’d be as screwy as the first one. Maybe he really did need to check where he woke up again…

“He wouldn’t say anything at first, letting her speak and almost wanting to sigh in relief at her words.

“Screws loose? How about all.” He replied, glancing back behind him. “But there’s more people here? Oh wow. I’ve only seen her and now I’m seeing you. I just want to know where we are. She says this is some place for second chances but I have no idea what she’s talking about. But I think I’ve gathered that we certainly aren’t in our real world right now.”

He would take a few more steps, pausing a moment to look at her. “Andre. Nice to meet you."

Interacts with: Ali





She chuckled at his comment on screws loose, nodding in agreement as he spoke.

"Yeah, this is definitely not home," she commented, thinking to herself about how Julia must be coping back home, snapping out of it she looked back at him with a smile," it's nice to meet you. I take it you're a bit confused too? It seems like everyone else I've met so far knows exactly everything that is going on, it's weird. their whole 'second chances' talk is really starting to make me think I somehow ended up in an insane asylum."

She laughed at herself for a moment and sighed, looking around. The town did seem a bit... eerie to say the least. Their little group seemed to be the only people there, and there were so many houses around that just sat empty. Were they waiting on any other 'Angels' or 'Demons'?


~Sorry for the bit late reply, my wifi was being a bit stupid. Going to bed now anyhow, so I won't be replying for a few hours. Good night y'all~

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Luna stumbled into a room and tripped.

Looking up from the floor and moving the colored hair from her face, she saw a boy standing alone in the room.

"I-I'm sorry...."

She stood shakily, the burning scars seemed to subside.

"Can you help me?"

Her light eyes searched the room, then the strangers face. Luna's slender fingers brushed a piece of paper in her pocket but she didn't touch it.



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Erik was still confused,walking aimlessly around his room. His nightmares usually didn't last this long. He was about to go and throw a tantrum at God or whatever when someone stumbled inside his room. Erik nearly died...again. But he soon recovered his composure when his eyes fell on the girl who was apparently wounded. Help first,questions later.

"Are you wounded?" Erik's usual persona burst out,and he moved forward so he could help the girl to stand up. He held her face by reflex,inspecting her bright eyes to see if she they were glazed. The Scottish accent in his voice was quite pronounced,like it always did when Erik was concerned. "Can you tell me your name?" @Jasil

~ The Gate Keeper

“Yeah, you got it!” Aurora replies. A confident smile now sits on her face. She’s really glad Samine recovered so quickly, and now she’s eager to get her dream fulfilled.
Seriously, why isn’t she an angel? She seems like a decent person? Aurora really does want to help her out, but a problem crosses her mind—what will she do when Samine fulfills her dream and Aurora can’t transport her back? She’s not part of the second chance program, so Aurora wouldn’t be able to do anything for her.

I’ll have to deal with that obstacle later…

“Let’s start with something simple,” Aurora proposes, “What are your guys’ biggest dreams?”

@AugustineVampire @Flutterby )

~ Miss Reaper

Ginny is about to chase after the man, starting to feel slightly agitated by him.
Damn, Angels! You haven’t even seen my dark side yet! She puts on a fake, cheesy smile and a bubbly laugh as she approaches him. She’s about to call him out when she sees one of her minions walk up. It’s the girl from the demon meeting that looked like she was going to shit her pants.

Alison Green? Hit by a drunk driver…Ginny keeps her distance, and is a bit shocked when she sees Alison and the man making friendly introductions. This is the woman who was freaking out and starting fights with the blondie and Andrew. Not to mention she was flirting with Mr. Hottie. Ginny honestly didn’t expect much from her, but she seemed to be doing alright. Getting friendly with the angel was definitely a viable method to ruining their dreams. Ginny enters a nearby house on her way to a comfortable rooftop spot.

“I hope you know I helped you with that one, Demon,” Ginny whispers in her demonic voice. Although she couldn’t physically see her, Alison is sure to hear. “Make me proud because that’s your last freebie.”

@Smoaki @JujuBee )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.da55ad949e7ecb33d751532c47dc3f67.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144901" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.da55ad949e7ecb33d751532c47dc3f67.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luna shook her head and gripped the mans forearm.

"I don't think so b-but these,"

She used the other hand to gesture to the ragged scars across her bare stomach and chest.

"I don't know where these came from.... I'm Luna... Where are we? I was with Cody and then something happened... I can't remember, but I woke up here."

Luna's face twisted in confusion as she tried to remember what happened before she woke up.

"There was a knife... Oh god I can't remember."



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Erik let out a breath through his nose when he saw the scars. They were...pretty deep. Again,wounds that didn't look like anyone could survive them. He rose his shirt with some hesitation,showing the marks of bullets in his own chest.

"Mine don't hurt but...looks like we have something in common." He noticed that the girl's shirt was basically destroyed and pulled his jacket off,placing it on her shoulders. "I don't know where we are,this place is weird as fuck. Did you receive a letter? Mine says that...well. I died. And unless I'm Casper the Friendly Ghost,there's something wrong here. Maybe we can find someone to help us? But only if you feel like you can walk." @Jasil


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.83767c6aa274709e81e4c3ce7fd68617.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144905" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.83767c6aa274709e81e4c3ce7fd68617.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luna shook her head.

"Dead? Are you crazy?.... I didn't see a letter..."

Luna felt her arm brush against the paper in her pocket once more and she finally pulled it out.

Reading it carefully with shaking hands, her head pounded as she remembered being stabbed.

"Oh god... I'm a, demon... But I'm not a bad person, I-I didn't hurt anyone I was murdered..."

She shook her head firmly and grasped at the stranger again.

"We need to find someone, this has to be some kind of prank."



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Erik looked up with confusion at her words. A demon?

"You...don't look like a demon." That was a lame thing to say,but he couldn't help it. She just looked like a regular girl to him. A very beautiful one at that,but still regular. "You're right,there must be an explanation to this. I can't be an angel or something. I still have way too much to do."

He took the girl's arm,holding it gently to make sure that she wouldn't fall down.

"I'm sure you're not a bad person. Don't worry,we're together on this. Let's get out of this house and find someone to help us."

He opened the door to the strange room,gesturing for Luna to follow him.

"Ah,forgot to say. I'm Erik." @Jasil

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.a4cf35693d29236fe2d396c3e737e8fe.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144911" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.a4cf35693d29236fe2d396c3e737e8fe.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luna warily went out the door and back into the hall.

"It's nice to meet you, Erik."

She tried to smile but found it difficult.

Angles and Demons? Though the boy did look angelic to Luna, like damn, she doubted any of this was real.

"So... What happened to you?"

Luna realized it was a bit rude, and her letter said she wasn't supplied to really get along with 'Angles' but he was nice, and cute, and the only face around.

She adjusted his jacket around herself and could faintly smell what she assumed was Erik.



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Sapphire glanced over at Andrew. So he would be her designated dream destroying partner? That was cool with her. Better that Miss Princess. As long as he was willing to do whatever they needed to do to go back and maybe find her sister again, she was cool with it. And hey, maybe her sister was a demon and had just come through late?

So... Whose dreams was she gonna destroy today? Hmm... Well Ginny had mentioned a place called chance street. They didn't have a map but that sounded like the best option. And what would their strategy be. Flirty? Friendly? Not nice? It all depended on the Angel in question.

She cleared her throat. "So... Should we head to chance street? We might find some particularly naive angels there?" She smiled. It was time to get this done.


Emerald watched as Joy walked away. She should probably find a way to make a start on her dream, look for her sister and make some friends. There would probably be lots of people here that could help her achieve her dream right?! She would have to ask someone how that worked really, but now wasn't the time. She waved goodbye and walked in the opposite direction to Joy.

Wow. There was house upon house upon house. So many angels must be given a second chance-but then, in comparison to the amount of people who die everyday, she is so lucky. She noticed a sign on her left that said something about chance street, pointing in the direction she just came. So where was she now? She could see figures in the distance, and she pretty much skipped toward them. Time to get this done.


@ anyone
"I don't know." Joy lied as she didn't want that stranger to know. "Um, Aurora, can I have a word with you?" She asked her with a decent smile as she walked far away from Samine. "I don't understand how you can trust her, I mean, you would've known if she was an angel, would you?" She whispered to her, "Are there any other creatures in this... town?"





Erik buried his hands in the pockets of his dark jeans,still trying to put this entire situation into a rational light. It wasn't working,but at least it calmed him a little. He returned Luna's smile with some hesitation. He did feel comfortable by finding someone who seemed friendly in this havoc.

"It's nice to meet you,too. I may be dreaming you right now,but it's still nice." He said it in a playful manner,hoping to light up the mood a bit. His smile faded away when she asked him what happened. "Bandits. They broke into my house and shot me. Shit...I don't even know if they got my brother...." Desperation blinked into Erik's face for a second,but it was soon gone. "No,they didn't. Boy is clever. And faster than I. What about you,though? It's okay if you don't want to answer."

He blinked when they started to get away from the house,looking around to find any friendly face. Only now he considered the fact that he was walking with someone that was apparently a demon. Not that he minded. She was also the nicest person in this crazy place.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.8c0209348f15492b240efb9a701976bf.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144912" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.8c0209348f15492b240efb9a701976bf.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luna felt sad for him, assuming his story was true.

Once he asked about her though, she mentally paused.

"Oh... Well... I was out with a boy. He'd been smoking and drinking. He tried to get me to sleep with him, and when I said no... He stabbed me, multiple times obviously.... I blacked out after that, then woke up here."

She shrugged and her long fingers traced one of the scars on her stomach.



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~ The Gate Keeper

Aurora takes a quick glance at Samine before quickly joining Joy. She definitely isn’t expecting her to do this. When she listens to Joy’s concerns, Aurora realizes she has to choose her words carefully. She’s glad that she isn’t the only one skeptical about the unknown woman, but she doesn’t know how much she should reveal. Does she express her uncertainty as well? Will that make her look somewhat suspicious? What about Samine? What if she really is an innocent girl just trying to get home?

She puts her hand on her chin. Aurora is still unsure, but she knows one thing for sure—to keep the gate keeper secret in as long as possible.

“I really don’t know what to think, Joy. Maybe she did lose her letter?” Aurora shrugs.
But who is she kidding? The letter is non-existent.. “Why? Do you have a feeling she’s not an angel?”

Aurora’s expression remains calm at the mention of ‘other creatures,’ but her heart skips a beat. It’s obvious there’s been a breakthrough into the fake world, and Aurora has a really strong guess who it is. She figures that dealing with demons would be inevitable, but she doesn’t want to worry Joy. That, and she’s worried of blowing her cover with all her knowledge on the demon race.

(And with that, I'm off to bed for the night. c:
@AugustineVampire @Flutterby )
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Erik focused on Luna's story,although with each word he seemed more pissed. And of course,when Erik was pissed his Scottish accent flared.

"What in all bloody heavens? What kind of monster kills someone because of sex? You said no,he should have walked away." He took a deep breath to calm down,then looked back to Luna. "I'm sorry. That must have been rough. And painful. I guess we both deserved better." (@Jasil off to bed myself)

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"Yes," Andrew said to her with a devilish grin "That is most likely where we need to go. Also, how well can you fight because we will most likely need to fight them to capture them. See, my plan is to capture them, take them back to base, and you and I will torture the angles till they break and you may do anything to get them to break,". He then sighed and said "Look, to be honest, I hate doing this. I don't believe that these people deserve to die and sure, they need to wake up to the horrors of life, but if I had the option to not kill em', I wouldn't,". He then saw a girl walking down the street clueless and whispered "Hey, if she says that she is an angel, attack her immediately and choke her until she's unconsciousness, and we'll take her back with us to base and have some fun with her,". He then walked up to the girl and said "Hey, are you a fellow angel as well?"



"Yes, I seriously do suspect that she's not an angel," Joy replied to Aurora, feeling a bit anxious. Just then she saw a group of people heading towards the street where she woke up with her other mates. "Listen, do what you think's right." she said and quickly started walking towards her street, trying to avoid the stranger group as much as possible. Is it possible for angels to have enemies? she thought as she was getting close to the street.


"I think someone is a bit suspicious of us," Elijah mentioned to Andrew as he saw a girl, probably an angel walking towards Chance Street. "Should we say hi to her?" he asked him with a crooked smile


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Sapphire inwardly facepalmed. They couldn't just TORTURE her. That would taise way to much suspicion if they got away. They needed to find puts hat her dream was. Hey maybe she was weird and her dream was to be choked? They might be SEEN. They had to make a plan? They had to think this through. They had to-

"Are you a fellow Angel?" He asked the girl. Sapphire knew this was a bad idea, and she would not let him make this mistake without thinking. She ran up to him and grabbed his hand swinging it and smiling. He couldn't choke her one handed. She leaned up and whispered in his ear "We need to be more subtle than that. I want to go home, but I'm not prepared to torture her. This isn't a good idea." She pulled away and giggled. Hopefully the girl would just assume they were dating. "I'm so grateful for this second chance. I can't wait to live happily ever after!" She said happily. Inwardly she vomited at this ridiculously happy version of herself.


@Anne Lind
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Samine's face broke into a relieved, albeit still uncertain, smile. Well, at least she had a firm grasp on how angels worked now. It was good information to have. She certainly felt more prepared than the other demons, who she had been watching out of the corner of her eye. They seemed to have fallen under the leadership of one of the males, and judging by the way he waltzed up the street, subtlety was not his strong suit. Maybe the younger girl with him would tame that.

"My biggest dream..?" She echoed softly, falling into thought. What should she say? Something a little naive, she couldnt say 'get as much money as possible so Im never starving again.' But not too sappy, 'true love' might raise a red flag. And she could tell that they weren't as stupid as Miss Reaper seemed to think; Joy pulled Aurora to the side and they conversed with worried expressions. She sighed softly, and played with the end of her braid as Joy walked away. She needed to come up with a dream.

She stepped toward Aurora and watched as Joy walked down the street toward other people. "So there are lots of other angels. That means we can all help each other." Samine's face broke into a bigger smile, and she nudged Aurora. "Come on, we should meet them, it'll be better all together."

She couldve puked for saying that. When had anyone ever helped her? Well, she and the other hookers in her motel had looked out for each other, warned each other about guys to avoid, pitched in to splurge on delivery pizza.. But in the end, what had she done? Abandoned them.. Probably part of why she's a demon. A twinge of guilt hit her, but she ignored it and followed Joy down the street toward the demons. Things were about to get interesting.



As Joy noticed that Samine followed her, she immediately stopped. She turned around and faced Samine, "You saw that there were other people in front of you too, why didn't you interact with them?" Joy asked her suspiciously with crossed arms.

~ The Gate Keeper

“Help each other out?” Aurora speaks her thoughts out loud. Yes, grouping together would be a fantastic idea, and helping each other accomplish their dreams sounded ideal, too. However, Aurora did not have a good feeling of this so-called ‘group.’ She looks ahead at a group of four(?) which Joy is headed towards. Aurora’s eyes widen as she joins up with the two.

“Miss Joy! Samine!” Aurora runs up to her with a panicked expression. Suddenly, being subtle and secretive were no longer a priority—safety was. “Okay, you’re probably right, Joy. That group up ahead looks like trouble, and we need to get out of here NOW.”

Aurora glances over once more. She believes she sees one angel—Felicity James, but she’s totally clueless on the other three shady characters. Aurora is confident that these demons can take the four of them on. After all, it was never Aurora’s job to fight back.

( @SassyAndroidSera )
Felicity smiled at the newcomers but found their behavior somewhat suspicious and strange... Could they perhaps be demons? She couldn't tell. But she decided to give them the benefit of the doubt. They seemed like nice people. "Angel?" She simply said and pretended to not understand what they were talking about.

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