Your Second Chance (Accepting!)

"God, stop thinking that just because we're angels and we're passionate we're naive! We don't believe you, Samine, we don't believe you!" She said and took a deep breath. Joy was just floated with emotions, she was nervous, anxious, desperate for the truth.

~ The Gate Keeper

Aurora notices Samine speaking up now. She nods to her in agreement; she was thinking the exact same thing. As curious and irritated Joy was, Aurora didn’t trust staying in a big group. Someone is bound to be a backstabber, and someone is bound to lose out on their second chance. And Aurora isn’t going to let her angels go without a fight.

Not a physical fight, of course.

Aurora looks over to the group of three who have gathered together—
Erik, Felicity, and that demon chick. Hmm. She really hates leaving two of her angels here, but at least they have each other. She’ll definitely be back for them, she just needed to find somewhere safe first where they could start achieving their dreams.

“Joy, I know you’re a litte flustered right now, but she’s right. We need to go,” Aurora urges her. “I don’t know who the other angels are in this group, but I think we need to book it NOW.”

( @SassyAndroidSera
@Andros @Jasil @Anne Lind @DarknessWithin )

((I'll be out for a while!))

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.073194788e6ac326ff29aded4ff9ce73.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144999" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.073194788e6ac326ff29aded4ff9ce73.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luna shook her head and stood.

Who ever she was hearing in her head sounded like a bitch.

She sighed and walked forward, placing a hand on Eriks shoulder.

"Well it's lovely to meet all this people in this strange ass place, but what are we going to do? These letters don't make sense.... I mean honestly."

Her light eyes studied the faces in the group.

Very handsome men in her opinion.She flashed another flirty smile to the entire group for good measure, she needed a nice first impression. If any of this angel and demon crap was real, she needed to be close to and trusted by the Angels.



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Samine looked as if she had been slapped in the face.

Inside her head, she thought, Well, congratulations, honey bunches. So far you're the only real angel that's not a trusting dope. The other angels seemed to be talking with demons like it was no big deal. Morons.

On the outside, Samine framed her best hurt expression and stared at Joy for a moment before dropping her eyes to the ground. "I-I'm sorry. I guess.. I guess I don't know what I am.." She said softly. She turned her eyes to Aurora, looking truly helpless.

"I don't know what I am.." She whispered, and her eyes showed as close to true heartbreak as she could manage. She shook her head and looked away, as if the whole thing was just too much for her, and started to walk away. "What the hell am I?" She whispered, just loud enough for them to hear, and continued to hurry away from the pair, visibly upset.

Inside, she was nervously counting the seconds until one or both of them caught up to her. If they took the bait, she could work it. And then maybe Miss Reaper would lighten up a little, and quit with the headaches.

@AugustineVampire @ItsEndless
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Joy noticed that all of the demons were 'day-dreaming' for a few seconds in the same time, "You get orders from someone right now, don't you? You're listening to them right now!" She said with anger. I need to gather the other angels. she thought as she saw a few angels around them. "So there is a man who controls you, nice to know." she grinned as on her face appeared a small smile, which showed her nice smile.




@Anne Lind



Alison looked where he was pointing and frowned. She did recognize some of them, the 'Demons' from before. Mostly she recognized the other rather handsome man who set of her 'jerk radar' and Blondie.

"Yeah, I do," she responded with a sigh," but they seem to be fighting... again. It might be best not to get involved?"

She frowned for a moment, a sudden headache stirring up, but she decided to ignore it. Who knew what was going on with anything in this place. Then she remembered his question on what she thought she was and she thought about it for a second. Would it be worth it to lie? Sure, she could be her usual devious self and do it just to break his dream, but what if there was some way to 'change' what species you were? She highly doubted it, but telling the truth might automatically loose the trust of the only person here she'd yet to expose to her ruthlessness of before.

"I think I'm an Angel," she responded, sounding completely normal as the lie slid off of her tongue," but who knows for sure. You seem rather Angelic to me, though."

Cringing at her own words, she realized how close it sounded to flirting. She really had meant it however, he seemed way too nice to be a 'Demon"... like her.

Maybe she could turn a lie into the truth. Maybe not. Most likely not. But she could try.

(Ya, my character is pretty much being surrounded and I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you want our characters to get together?)

"I'm an Angel....And dead?"

The blonde said aloud. The memory of her death was still fresh in her mind. After a few minutes of silence, she gave a small laugh. "Yeah right. LIke I would believe that.." She said, standing up

"Me.... An Angel? What kind of idiot would make me an angel?" She asked. Turning to a nearby mirror, she checked the quality of her clothing. She had been wearing a simple white dress and white flats. Now, however, her clothes were ripped and tattered in blood. Pulling off the dress, she smoothed out her tank top and gave herself a nod of approval. Raya threw open the door, and strode out, trying not to look as afraid as she felt.

She arrived in the 'main' room of the house. It was completely empty. Raya heard the sounds of voiced float through the open window. "They must be outside.." She opened the front door, and stepped out. It was quite hot outside, and Raya was glad she was wearing a tank top. "Plus, I look hot in it.." She said. Raya had spent the majority of her time these past few years to make sure she looked like as beautiful as possible each day. And she had been succeeded. Raya had sunkissed skin, deep ocean blue eyes, and flowing blonde hair. Due to her being a Narcissist, she may seem a bit bitchy, but overall she had a good heart.

Andros said:
(Ya, my character is pretty much being surrounded and I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you want our characters to get together?)
Guilty as charged, I have hidden plans and a figured they get along. Quite a bit in common and are both southern.

Andre Grant


An eyebrow raised at the comment of them fighting again and he gave her a surprised look. “Fighting, again? Well that’s certainly not good if they’ve been fighting. We just got here didn’t we?” He came to a stop, staring at the group. It was obvious that a smaller group of girls seemed to be on the defense, one seeming to step away from the main group.

“I know you don’t want to go over there but it looks like they might… Need help?” He questioned it more than stated as he wasn’t truly sure of what was going on. But if Alison had known them and she wasn’t okay with being around them then maybe that was a good sign?

‘Unless she’s here to do me in…’ He thought to himself before shaking the thought away, scolding himself for even thinking that way. She was a nice girl and she hadn’t done anything to even signal her being rude or anything. His eyes would flicker back over to her when she began to speak once more, nodding his head before letting a small chuckle escape his lips.

“I seem Angelic?” He asked her, giving her an amused smile, the group not to far away now pushed to the back of his mind for the moment. “We’ve only been peaking for what, five minutes? But hey, I’ll take the compliment. You’re…. ‘Angelic’ too.” He teased, laughing before turning to look back at the other group, a small grin on his face. She was funny. He’d give her that. Plus he could see her definitely being an angel. There seemed to be no bad bone in her body.

‘But we’ve only just met,’ He reminded himself, “Keep an open mind. No assumptions… Not yet.'

Interacts with: Alison


(Sorry hun, just got home from work!)




She stopped for a moment, looking up at Andre after his comment. That was the first time anyone had ever had anything good to say about her, not to mention calling her 'angelic'. Shaking her head she jogged again to be beside him and looked over at the group with a sigh.

"Yeah, again," she responded," most of the people over there are... not very friendly. They may seem to need help but trust me, they have plenty."

She thought to herself about the woman with the red hair, what was her name? Ginny. Ginny seemed to know everything about everything in this place and she had a set plan, whatever was going down in front of them was probably planned... somehow.

"Y'know, I'm not even sure what they're fighting about," she spoke up, thinking about it for a moment and chuckling," but I hope no one starts a fist fight, I'm not sure that this dress is built for that kind of work."

She chuckled at her joke, feeling a bit uncomfortable about her clothing again. If this was 'limbo' or whatever, shouldn't they at least be given other clothes other that the ones they died in? This dress had been rather 'slutty' before her apparent death, and now it was covered in small scratches and holes that she kept tugging at absentmindedly to make sure she didn't end up with a 'wardrobe malfunction'.


~No problem love, I understand having to make a living and such
:) ~

Andre Grant


Andre looked over at the group for a moment longer, letting Alison’s words sink in to comprehend them for a moment. Did she really think so negatively of them? All of them? That must not have been a good sign. He wasn’t too sure whether that bad sign was for her or them. Something told him it was probably a bit of both. But now wasn’t the time to be questioning her outright. Nt when she was the only one he knew. Losing someone that could possibly be an ally or even friend at a time like this was crucial and would end up being nothing more than a detriment than anything.

So he’d instead, respond back to her with a nod and plop himself down on the grass. He’d glance back at the house whose yard he was sitting on, waiting for that tell tale sign of an angry face coming towards them for touching their lawn. It never came. He would wonder what exactly they’d say, playing a little skit in his mind on what to do when Ali would break his thoughts once more.

“Who knows what they’re fighting about.” Andre retorted with a small shrug. “It’s probably something idiotic. That doesn’t even need to be argued over. A waste of time.” He said,cracking his knuckles before looking at her. He gave her another once over and dave another shrug as he didn’t want to nod. He felt if he nodded it would come off as perish or rude.

“I know I’m not a girl but I’ve seen a few that have been able to handle their business in a dress.” He said with a small chuckle. “Tightness doesn’t stop them from letting some girl know they’re not the one to be messed with. But hey, every person has their way and if fighting in a dress isn’t your cup of tea than it isn’. Guess that just means I gotta make sure you’re okay.” He teased her slightly. “Just don’t be a damsel in distress 24/7 and I think we can work it out."

Interacts with: Alison





She laughed fully at his comment on her dress sarcasm, carefully covering her snort as she was accustomed to doing, and sat down next to him still keeping her eyes on the others. Just because she didn't care about any of them didn't mean she wanted to see them get into any fist fights.

"Y'know, I would have pegged you as the guy to care that everyone is getting along and all of that kumbaya peace stuff," she commented casually, thinking to herself about it," but you do seem less doe-eyed than a lot of the other 'Angels' here."

She leaned back on her elbows, her eyes never leaving the scene before them. Maybe she should be doing something, but if she was going to change anything about herself she needed to keep a ways from the other 'Demons'. They would just make her bad side, her normal side, come out. She just knew it somehow; everyone in that group was rude, selfish, and just like her.

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Sapphire heard the voice in her head. That was uncomfortable. What should she do? She was missing an opportunity but she didint know how to play this. Miss Princess was chatting with some dude. Well if he was an angel she was doing ok. If not... She was wasting all of their time. Oh well. Some people were just annoying.

"They're telling you to what to do right now!" Ok. So this girl was onto them. But the others didn't know that, did they? If they could kind of discredit what she was saying, they could move on, and destroy some dreams later. Right now that seemed the best course of action. She wiped away the last of her tears and turned to this girl. "We're not getting anywhere here, with all of these accusations flying around. I'm gonna go, I have dreams to accomplish." She turned to walk away, but turned back and faced Andrew. "Uhmm hey I'm gonna go and find some more Angels, you can come if you want. Or we can meet up later?" She felt her cheeks redden ever so slightly, but she was just getting too into this role. Right?

She headed in a random direction, slightly hoping Andrew would come with her. Maybe she would be able to find an angel who didn't know much yet. That would be perfect. If she could befriend the Angel and trick her into telling her dream, she could stop her from doing it. She sheilded her sheilded her eyes from the sun and kept walking. Up the street, she saw an Angel with gorgeous blonde hair step out into the street. If she wasn't an Angel, nobody was. Sapphire approached her.

"Hey! I've been wandering around the street looking for someone. Are you an Angel too?" If this girl had just come out of her house, then she wouldn't know about demons...


Emerald turned the corner, hoping to finally find someone. She had been lost for ages now, but she still had hope. A fairly faint sound echoed from the next street over. Em hurried, and saw a crowd of people there. Maybe one of them was Saph! Or maybe she could make some friends at least. She really needed to learn how to become a doctor... Otherwise she would never escape. Her dream was to save lives, as a doctor most probably.

She approached the crowd anxiously and winced at the pile of vomit on the floor. That was disgusting. Who had done that? It kind of reminded her of Saph, the amount of times she had got drunk and vomited, whether accidentally or on purpose. People seemed to be fighting. Em walked into the crowd, black pigtails swinging. "Has anyone seen my sister?

@Dalisander @Everyone @Andros[/uSER]

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Andre Grant


“Me? Pegged as the guy who cares about everyone and kumbaya…” Andre mumbled, still staring ahead of him at the group. “Well, I mean I am that kind of guy. I do like to see people coming together and working things out. Not fighting. That’s just how I am. But with these people? I don’t know them and with that comes the fact of not knowing what to do in a situation like this.”

Andre thought of how he was sure he died. It had been something along the lines of this- Trying to help someone out, stop a fight, only for it to backfire on him.

“So with this one, I’ll just sit back. Unless one of those guys hits a girl or something. Then I’ll have to jump up and intervene.” He said with a nod as though he were confirming it for himself. He took note that there seemed to be another girl joining the fray over there and his curiosity was slowly being piqued. It probably wouldn't be long before he finally decided to make his way over there but for now he was enjoying his relaxation in the grass.

Interacts with: Alison





She looked over at him for a moment curiously before turning back to watch the crowd. Running a hand through the grass next to her she spoke again, finally feeling that she was having a real conversation with someone. There was no ass-kissing because of her wealth, or someone spitting insults to her face, there was just talking.

"I take it you've got a woman in your life, back home that is," she mentioned with a smile, feeling a bit of a weight on her chest but shooing it off," to be protective of a girl you don't know."


Andre Grant


A small smile came to Andre’s face as he slowly shook his head in response to Alison’s question.

“A woman? No…” He replied, cracking a knuckle and glancing up at the sky. “No woman in this poor soul’s life. Just a guy. I never had time for relationships. Too much trouble. Too much drama.” He thought about her last words for a moment before shrugging.

“I’m just the protective type. Or more so the type that doesn’t let someone get beat up, regardless of gender. Even with me not knowing them. Everyone needs to give help and be helped, even if it involves a stranger. I find that strangers who do something they didn’t have to have the most impact. At least on my life. But everyone has their own opinions you know? I can’t speak for everyone.”

A small yawn would escape his lips moments after. “You? Boyfriend? Husband?"

Interacts with: Alison





She listened intently to his response and hesitated before answering his question about her relationship. Her most recent had ended on the night of her death, involving her questionable clothing choice, and had left her with her daughter.

"You're looking at a single woman," she joked, sighing," newly at least. Don't be sorry for me though, he was an ass."

She chuckled and looked over at him. Somehow he'd had a female influence in his life at one point or another, she knew it because of his kind nature. Maybe a sister?


~Yes, I do know about the fact that he has a sister and her story
xD ~

Andre Grant


Andre rose an eyebrow in response to what Alison had said. “Single? Wow, I must say that I’m surprised by that. You certainly are pretty. But then again that doesn’t necessarily mean you should be in a relationship…” He went quiet for a moment before nodding.

“If he was an ass than you did a good job at leaving him. Good for you. Single as a pringle is the way to go.” He joked a bit, sending her a small grin.

“But hey, I think we won’t have to worry about relationships here though. We’re dead. What would be the point.” He joked, though this time the smile wouldn’t reach his eyes. He hated the fact that he was now dead. There had been so much that he wanted to do. To see. To accomplish. Better yet, he still needed to know what had happened with his sister. This wasn’t fair… Not at all.

Interacts with: Alison
Raya watched as a girl with blonde pigtails walked up to her. She chuckled at her question. "Aren't we all Angels, at least in some way?" She told the girl. Her blue eyes glittered mischievously. If Angels existed, then obviously Demons existed. And since Raya knew that Demons hated Angels, it would be wise for her not to let anyone know what, exactly, she was. "I, however, have done enough bad deeds in my life to be considered a Demon. But I have also done many good deeds, so I can be considered an Angel as well..." She narrowed her eyes at the girl. "Now.." She hissed, her voice dripping with venom. "Why would you want to know?"

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"Coming sweetie," chimed Andrew as he followed her. She didn't where she was going but hey, at least it was a good idea to keep up the boyfriend act. She was also blushing red, something that blurred the line between fake and real fellings for him. When they finally got to the angel and she talked, Andrew thought "She knows, holy crap she already knows,"

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"Hold on there, mates." Elijah said to Andrew and Sapphire as he caught up to them, "All I need to do is make the girl trust me?" He asked, referring to Joy. He made sure that he'd join the two so that the angel wouldn't see him with them.

(Also, does anyone wants to play Elijah for this one - cause Joy will believe him xD )


(Gah, when you're tiny group leave you with no RP to play.)

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