Your Second Chance (Accepting!)



She stayed silent for a moment, thinking about what he'd said.

"Well," she finally said with a small, lips-closed smile," there is that whole thing I was told about earlier of 'reaching your dream' or something like that. Like, whatever your largest dream is, if you're able to reach it you get to leave and get back to Earth from wherever we are."

Her smile didn't reach her eyes as well as she thought about it; her biggest dream didn't even apply since she was a 'Demon' or whatever, but even if she had ended up an 'Angel' it would have still been impossible. Sighing she watched as the group slowly dispersed as fast, it seemed, as they had come.

"I just wish I'd never gone to that stupid party," she muttered to herself under her breath, and she meant it. If she'd never even gone to her ex's party she wouldn't be in this dress and she might have been tucking Julia in for the night as always instead of stuck in 'Limbo' with a bunch of strangers.


Andre Grant


“Oh really?” Andre asked, surprise clear in his voice at Alison’s explanation of the angels. That was certainly something he hadn’t known before and was very vital information for now. He’d be able to go back to Earth, come back to life as though he’d never been dead in a sense? That right there, was a beautiful choice he had and there was no way he was going to let it slip from his grasp. Being in this damn place didn’t help him at all in fixing the things that needed it and finding his sister. He’d been getting so close to finding her. He’d found whole new path of clues, with new people and while it added more mystery to the case it certainly felt like it was coming to a close. He just hoped it would be a happy ending instead of one that was tragic.

He slightly noticed her expression, thinking of how that smile looked somewhat.. Wrong. Was she not happy for that chance? She’d said she was an angel too. Wasn’t she trying to look and grasp for that ‘second chance’? Or maybe she didn’t want it… He couldn’t see the reason as to why she wouldn’t but hey, everyone had their own reasoning and he wasn’t that high and mighty that he could simply judge her.

Her next words saddened him a bit and he gave a small sigh in response.

“I assume your death was at the party?” He asked, his voice soft and void of any humor. “I’m… Sorry to hear that. It was just that one mistake of choosing to go somewhere and have fun that ended it all.”

His certainly hadn’t been like that. He had no regrets going and doing what he’d done to cause his death. As long as it meant the one he’d been trying to save was okay and alive.

Interacts with:





"Hm?" she started, realizing that he'd heard her muttering and chuckling a bit in embarrassment," O-oh, no, that wasn't it. Well, not exactly. It was leaving the party I guess. All I remember was bright lights and swerving off the road and... sorry, I must seem like a bit of a 'Debby Downer' right now. It's just... well, I guess my dream is a bit unattainable."

She trailed off and sighed, frowning as she realized she was letting herself open up more to this person than she should. If they made it out of here or not they would most likely never see each other again, but it did feel nice just to... talk, and not be worrying about her 'image' and what the other person was thinking about her.

Inwardly, Sapphire was impressed with this girl. She wouldn't go easily. However she was also pretty annoyed that she would have to use her acting skills for the best of her ability.

Sapphire opened her eyes wide at Raya and stepped back. "D-D-Demons? Wh-What? How is that even p-possible?" She asked her with a shaking voice. She had nothing to fear from this girl if she WAS a demon, so it was best to convince her she was an angel. She turned to Andrew in horror. "Did y-you know this?" she asked Andrew.

@Andros @Dalisander
Raya snickered at the girl's reaction to what she had said. "Oh yes. Demons exist." She gave the girl a small smile. "But you don't have to worry about them, if your an Angel! Your big dream will protect you." She lied. "What is your big dream?" She asked.

Sapphire opened her eyes wide and smiled at Raya, as if she was right. She didn't miss a beat in saying "I want to be a doctor, like my sister. I want us to save lives together!" She exclaimed. "What about you?" She bit her lip. "Oh! I forgot. My name is Emerald. Nice to meet you!" This girl may have heard about Sapphire being a demon, but Emerald was uncharted territory. It gave her a little twinge of pain, but it should be ok. Right?

"Emerald? Nice name." She smiled at her question. "I dunno what my dream is, actually. Dreams are stupid." She said truthfully. "I already have everything I want."

Sapphire widened her eyes at this statement. She had to want something! Or was she... Lying? "Really? Wow, you must have a great life..." She sighed. This girl seemed to be more at ease now, as if she genuinely beleived her. Or maybe she was just a great actor? Damn, this demon thing was making her paranoid. She glanced over at Andrew and smiled. "I recently found something I want..." She smiled. Maybe she should go into a career as an actress after this...



(Guys sorry for my absence,servers took forever to update here in Australia)


"I'm not sure,actually. My biggest dream..." Just as Erik spoke,he realized what it actually was. "Actually,I know what I want. I want my brother to get away from that shitty life he is going into. If he keeps doing drugs and messing with the wrong crowd he is going to die. I want to save him. What about you?"

Erik flinched when he saw Luna falling to her knees. He quickly moved to her side,pulling the girl back to her feet and wrapping one gentle arm around her.

"Luna,it's going to be okay. We got a second chance,right?" @Jasil

Andrew smiled back at Emerald once she got done talking with the angel. "Hm," thought Andrew "Maybe she likes me? Or she could be lying, who knows, it's like Russian Roulette!"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.33ddbe55cb38b0a1e2dc7d4d5987ea63.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145419" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.33ddbe55cb38b0a1e2dc7d4d5987ea63.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luna was careful to keep her head cool when Erik held her.

Somehow him swooping in to save her was starting to become regular today.

She saw people standing a distance away, and a couple sitting on a hill watching them.

Luna turned her body and stared back at the with curiosity.

How many people were even here?

Instinctively she looked to the males face the longest, it was an old habit to analyze every guy who came into view.

Looking away briefly, she leaned more against Erik, feeling comfortable near him more than the other strangers. "Yea I guess you're right Erik... But we can't all have a second chance..." She thought about the price she'd pay to go home, ruining someone's life. Luna prayed it wouldn't have to be Erik.



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"And what is that?" She asked, glancing at the boy next to Sapphire. "By the way, is that your boyfriend?" She asked the girl. She ran a hand through her blonde waves, absently tapping her foot on the ground.


Andre Grant


Andre grew quiet for a few moments as she explained her last few seconds on earth before the trip to ‘limbo’. Cars had never been his favorite thing despite how necessary they were in his life and to hear that she’d died in a car accident caused a shiver to run don his back. A small frown would take a hold of his lips, his nose wrinkling every few seconds as he went into deep thought.

“… Sorry to hear that,” He mumbled to her, letting his eyes side over to look at her in his peripheral. “It certainly wasn’t a good way to go. Just thinking of it I hope it was a quick death. I know that sounds bad but I’d rather it be quick that a long process of just sitting there, crunched up and bleeding. Your life slowly slipping from you as you felt every ounce of pain that was inflicted on your body.”

Andre blinked, his eyebrows furrowing. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have gone into detail like that. It wasn’t right of me and I’m sure it’s not what you ant to hear either.”

He noticed that some girl had just so happened to see them up there and was staring for longer than she should have. He’d make a face in response, making a mental note to not go near the girl before looking at the others. Odd people…

Interacts with: Alison

Mentions: Luna



She chuckled at his apology and sighed, glad herself that she at least assumed it had been quick. Either that or she had just blacked out.

"Oh you're fine," she responded, running a hand through her rather tangled hair casually," I've dealt with threats way more gruesome than that, though I'm ninety-nine percent sure that you weren't meaning to threaten me."

She smiled slightly and turned back to see a girl looking in their direction, specifically at Andre, and somehow Alison knew she had to be a demon. She was analyzing the surroundings, taking everything in and judging it. She knew the look, she used it often in life. Frowning she thought about it, everyone else here who was a demon seemed to have malicious intentions to everyone else who was an angel. She could see it in their faces; they didn't care who's dream they squashed or how, just as long as they got out of this place. For a fleeting moment she let herself agree with them.


~I probably won't be able to respond for a while love, I apologize!~

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Sapphire smiled. "You could say that..." She could tell her acting was really good, even Andrew looked confused. Which he shouldn't really be of course. He knew exactly what was going on. "Hey have you seen my sister Sapphire anyway by the way?" She asked. It was one of the most angelic things she could think of, having her sister as her main concern.



Adam woke up, feeling the bed sheets covering his whole body. He quickly flip it away, ruining the 'tidiness' of the bed and seeing a letter. Where the hell am I? he asked himself in a whisper, that even he himself couldn't hear. Adam quickly picked up the letter, reading it briefly but carefully. "I'm a demon?" he mumbled in shock, he never thought that those words would come out of his mouth. Heck, could someone?

He felt a strong headache and held his head for a few seconds, while heading outside. He could see a lot of different people talking all over the place. Are they all demons? Angels? Er... whatever species there are left? Honestly, he had no way of knowing anyway.

As Adam stepped outside, he thought about the writer of the letter, Mrs. Reaper, right?


[Open for Interaction]
Kassandra jolted up in her bed, feeling as if she were being choked to death. The feeling suddenly disappeared. Was it a dream? Some kind of nightmare? No, she could've sworn that she felt water invading her lungs. Whatever that feeling now, it was gone, only to be replaced by a feeling of warmth.

She looked down at her body. Her legs were covered by a soft blanket. A letter laid at the end of the bed. She decided to inspect the letter last and take in her surroundings first. She appeared to be in the middle of a bedroom. The walls were painted a clean white. The windows were closed with the white curtains drawn back to let in the light. Even the scenery outside was unfamiliar. She could feel the panic beginning to set in.

"Is this some sort of dream within a dream?" No, everything felt too real. This couldn't be real, right? Where are my parents? My friends? My...boyfriend? "No, that had to be a dream too. All of this is fake." Kassandra reached out and grabbed the letter. She glanced through it with words such as "angel" and "dead" standing out the most. Kassandra clutched the letter angrily in her right hand. She jumped out of bed and stormed out of the room, eager to find the person that decided to kidnap her and drag her here to play such a weird prank on her.

(Anyone can respond if they want)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.5f56ddc9f398991904094d6b19cfd4c7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145571" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.5f56ddc9f398991904094d6b19cfd4c7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Nows my chance! *evil laugh*)

Luna noticed someone else had approached them and her eye brows came together in concern.

"Hold on guys.."

She mumbled and walked over to the stranger.

"Hey doll, are you okay?"

Luna analyzed his features and glanced over for injuries.

"I'm Luna, are you feeling alright?"

Her fingers itched to reach out and touch him to make sure he was fine, like what Erik did to her, but Luna didn't know this man. She didn't want him angry or uncomfortable.



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"Huh?" Adam mumbled in surprise towards the girl who has approached him. He must admit, he did felt a bit dizzy, but it was none of her concerns. "Oh, yeah, I'm feeling alright. Just... taking it all in, you know?" he grinned with a big smile. "I'm Adam, nice to meet you." Adam introduced himself politely, dressed in white ripped jeans and a blue T-shirt.

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Luna nodded in understanding and took a step back. She flashed a flirty smile at the stranger.

"Hey Adam... It's nice to meet you too."

She felt a little flustered. Luna normally wasn't one who struggled with words but right now she felt a little stuck.

"Well um, there are a few others if you want to meet them... Do you mind my asking, Angel? Or demon?"



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"What do you think?" Adam asked her playfully, leaning with his hand against the outside walls of the room he came out of. Although Luna seemed nice, he didn't exactly trusted anyone right now. It sure seemed like Adam was naive, and he was - but he was not THAT naive.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.faaa40dd725f05498f8f030f403fec43.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145609" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.faaa40dd725f05498f8f030f403fec43.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Luna placed her hands on her hips and pretending to think.

"Hmmmm, let me think.... I'm not sure, I've met nice demons and bad angels so it's hard to tell. I'm gonna say... Angel?"

She cocked her head to the side at her answer, matching his playfulness.

This was the normal side of Luna, the flirting side.



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"Uh!" Adam said dramatically as he put his hand on his forehead, "My pride is now officially hurt." he called, making a sad yet irresistibly funny face. He remembered the times he got the lead role in the school's theater, it brought back good ol' memories.


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