Your Second Chance (Accepting!)

(I can pop in with my character if you guys want. Maybe he could help Joy to find a plan to escape or something. But first I need to post xD )
Magra Evanna walked very precisely away from the party she was attending, to one of the balconies. She reached to her lower back and pulled out a miniscule needle, grimacing slightly. Then she half fell against the railing, leaning heavily against it. Suddenly running footsteps approached from behind her and someone shoved her over the edge. As they did so she grabbed them and pulled them off with her, pulling them underneath her and riding them down. Their body protected her from some of the pain, but the poison was beginning to overwhelm her, and the impact itself had still broken several bones. She fell to her knees next to her dead attacker, as the burning of the poison began to spread. Then someone walked out of the shadows of the building and stabbed her in the back, piercing her lung. In one smooth movement she turned, half rising to her feet and driving one of her own knives through their heart from below. Then she collapsed to the ground face first as darkness began to encroach on her vision. She slowly turned over onto her back and whispered, "So this is how the game ends," before blacking out.

Sophie Devaunt woke up in a place she had never seen before. It was not an especially new experience for her, but the surroundings were certainly nicer than usual. She was lying in a plain bed, in a simple, but spacious room, and there was a letter sitting on a small table next to her. She stood up from the bed and picked up the letter, opening it. She read it over, wondering at it's contents. She likely would not have believed it, but she quite clearly remembered lying bleeding on a city sidewalk, and now she was uninjured and her clothes were intact. Sophie shrugged and put the letter down. She had dealt with many things in her life, although she supposed that now that would technically be unlife, and wasn't that a bizarre thought. She shook her head and decided that her time was likely better spent finding someone who knew what they were doing here, rather than trying to puzzle things out herself. She opened the door of her room and walked out of the building, intending to wander the streets until she found someone.

(If someone would like to see her wandering near them they are welcome to, otherwise i will probably introduce her to any scenes that occur outside.)
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Tires. The sound of the car approaching was almost mystical,unbelievably high in his ears that had suddenly turned sensible to every single noise of the outside world. Until that particular moment,Todrick had never believed that time actually slowed down in moments of desperation. But now he saw it. The red car,slowly approaching. Coming straight in their direction. His last thought wasn't about his own safety. It was about his son.


It was the last time he would be picking his son in his arms. Todrick embraced the boy,then tossed him to the side. The car hit him straight to the chest,and he had a clear memory of the pain of his rib cage being broken before everything went dark. He hadn't expected to wake up at all,but suddenly his eyes were open and he was breathing again,pain still in his chest but slowly starting to subside. With some difficult,Todrick managed to sit up in the bed. His eyes drifted to a letter by his feet,and he picked it up with confusion.

When Todrick was finally done,an expression of confusion made way into his face. But it was soon repressed. He was a rational person. He would face this in a calm way. Standing up,Todrick paced wildly around the room.

I'm dead. Or close to it. Doesn't matter. I'm apparently an angel,and I got a second chance. This is too good to be truth,there must be a catch. What's the catch?

He bit his lower lip,wondering about his son. Tomas was three years old. Too young to die. And Todrick
had to see him again. Simple as that. He burst out of his room,keeping his hands in his pocket. If he had to complete his dream,Todrick would work his ass out for that to happen.



Emerald sat heavily on a low nearby wall that was crumbling slightly. It was disappearing, as she would if she couldn't find a way to save someone. She had thought to save a life she would have to learn to become a doctor, but she just had to help someone achieve their dream. Fat chance of that though, considering she hadn't seen a single person in ages. She was beginning to give up hope of ever finding her sister.

She remembered how her sister was as a child. They had been inseparable. They knew all of each other's secrets, and played and laughed together. It was all they had ever needed. All the way up until they were teenagers, they were best friends and spent all of their time together. Once they plaited their pigtails together, and took photos for Instagram, and to remember the moment. Then they had gotten stuck and had to sit like that for half an hour as their mum untangled them.

Then they chose their GSCE electives. They chose such different subjects. Saph had taken Drama, Food Technology and History, whereas she had taken Latin, Geography, Health and French. They started going to different clubs and making new friends and suddenly... She hadn't known who her sister was anymore.

And now she might never see her again. This fact hit Emerald hard for the first time and she sat down heavily, tears running down her cheeks.

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As Andrew looked around for his prey, he stumbled upon a girl crying in the streets. "Hm," thought Andrew "This looks like a good target,". He then walked over and sat beside her and said "Hey, I guess you're another angel like me?". He took out the letter that had slipped out of the other girl's pocket earlier "The prove's here. So, mind if you tell me your dream and your name? Also, name's Andrew,". He offered a handshake

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Em looked up and wiped her eyes. A man with a distinct southern accent was talking to her. "Oh, um hi. My name is Emerald. You're only like the third Angel I've seen actually!" She smiled at him, glad gpthat there were other people in this place. There was something in his eyes though. His face was smiling but there was a coldness about his eyes. Oh well. It was probably just her imagination. "I just wanna help people. And you?" She felt kind of uneasy about trusting this guy for some reason, but it was just stupid. Right?

((Oops gotta go))

~ The Gate Keeper

Aurora was starting to get a headache of her own, she wasn’t used to this chaos in the fake world—in
her world. She always made it a priority to get all the angels together and have them work together towards their dreams, but with the break in of demons, this group was simply inevitable. Not to mention, she already felt the disappearance of one her angels—already on day one?! She’s never had a disappearance so early.

“God, I need to do something quick,” Aurora speaks her thoughts out loud. She runs down the street, her mind still flustered. Where did Joy go? Where did Samine go? Who was the angel that died? How the heck was she going to get everyone together?! Aurora isn’t looking where she’s going, which leads her to collide with another angel. She trips to the floor, falling on her bottom.
Good one, Aurora. This is why you should always stay calm in stressful situations.

Todrick Okoye…thank god. Aurora breathes a sigh of relief. He was one of her angels. A really passionate man who sacrificed his life for his son. Aurora respected him, and for that, she would help him get his second chance back.

“Sorry about that, Todrick,” Aurora exclaims, forgetting about her fake persona for half a second.

@Radiohead )

~ Miss Reaper

Ahh, the beauty of chaos. Ginny enjoyed watching the angels run around like headless chickens. She could even sense that one of the angels had already given up—but if none of her demons were there to claim it, was there really a point in losing an extra minion? No, of course not.

Ginny was paying attention to a particular group of three demons. Finally glad her demons are taking action, her smile doesn’t leave her face. That is, until two of the demons leave Andrew to do the work himself. And for what?
Because they’re afraid of… murder?? This won’t do. This won’t do at all.

“I’m not saying Andrew is the most sane demon, but it’s obvious he wants his life back. And something is telling me, you two want to end yours right here,” Ginny communicates with Luna and Adam in a threatening tone, “This is just a warning, Demons. But hey, if you’re really concerned about ‘murder,’ there’s more than one way to end an angel’s dream. Try being a little creative, Jesus Christ.”

@Jasil @NeverEndingWolf )

Ginny disconnects herself from the two. She really didn’t have time to be dealing with incompetent minions—she’d rather try picking them off one by one. And her dedicated demon, Andrew, seemed to be getting the furthest. Ginny exits the house she’s stayed in, and makes her way over to the sketchy place where Andrew has left his little base. She walks inside, setting off several loud traps.

She dodges most of them, but the final one right before the door hits her. A knife that should’ve cut her body into pieces bounces off of her. Of course she’s an immortal, that knife would do nothing, but the traps are more irritating than anything.
At least I can tell I’m getting closer to her. She knocks on the door leading to Joy’s room.

“Housekeeping!” Ginny exclaims in a bubbly voice, “May I come in?”

@AugustineVampire )
"Well, good to know, and my biggest wish is to find love... and get home,". He then picked up the girl, slammed her onto the wall, and began to try to choke her into unconsciousness. Andrew smiled and thought "Hey, Miss Reaper, if you where able to get into my head ealier, can you hear now, because I wouldn't mind an update on the situation of the other demons because right now I have no clue if they're still trying to capture angels,"

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Todrick fell into a defensive posture as soon as he felt someone bumping into him,nerves feeling like they would explode. But his face relaxed slightly once he allowed his eyes to fall upon Aurora. He didn't know her,but something about her persona was simply...calming. Stepping forward,he wrapped one hand around her shoulders and helped her to get back on her feet.

"Are you wounded?" He frowned for a moment once her words settled onto him. "How do you know my name,lass? you know where we are? I'm not going to ask if this is real or not. My dreams are never this detailed. So...I'm dead. But was that letter true? Can I actually go back to my life?"

Todrick was being direct,as always. He kept a look of mistrust settled on Aurora. Her calming aura wouldn't change the fact that she was a stranger.

Raya watched Andrew walk off, and frowned. Turning to Sapphire, she gave her a small smile. "Nice chat kid, but I've gotta go. If I'm gonna be stuck here, I might as well go find a nice boy toy.." She told her. "And I haven't seen your sister.." With that, Raya ran off. Or, ran as fast as you could with heels on. When she got there, she found Andrew about to kill a girl. "Oh god.." She said. She walked over to him and pried him away from the girl. "If you want to find love, choking someone isn't the best way to do it.." She said, giggling.


~ The Gate Keeper

Oh, boy. He looks a tad bit stressed out. Aurora thinks to herself as she realizes she’s broken character. A genuine, soft smile rolls onto her cheeks. She’s not expecting to receive so many questions, but it’s definitely understandable. The fake world can be intimidating for the first time, and most find it hard to believe this is there ‘second chance.’ Well, luckily for him, he happened to run into the right angel.

“No, no. I’m fine,” Aurora replies as she gets to her feet. “Yes, this is one hundred percent real, Todrick. We’re in a fake world created between life and death, and it’s our job as angels to accomplish our dreams here. Only then will we be resurrected back in the real world.”

Aurora bites her lip. She knows she skipped out on the ‘name’ question, but hopefully her quick explanation distracted him from that small mistake. If not, she needed to come up with a realistic excuse quick.

“My name is Aurora, by the way.”

@Radiohead )

~ Miss Reaper

Ginny’s senses began to act up. She always knew when a demon tried to contact her, it’s like her senses heightened at the mention of her name. Whether a demon was pleading for help or were just talking total shit, Ginny would most likely be able to hear and respond in seconds.
Ahh, the perks of being in a demon body. Although, she didn’t really like when demons found out about this. It’s almost a way of controlling her, and Ginny didn’t like that.

“The other demons?” she communicates in a surprisingly relaxed tone. Why did he need an update? He was the only one being productive. “I don’t think you need to worry about them. Just do your own thing.”

Ginny pauses for a second. Maybe he needed assistance? As much as Ginny hated helping others, she really didn’t want the angels to escape.

“Do you want me to send someone for help?”

@Andros )


"My name is Todrick,but you know that already." His tone was obviously indicating that no,he didn't miss the fact that she had skipped on his question. Todrick was the attentive kind,and nothing escaped his careful reading. But once again,the gentle smile in Aurora's face seemed to make him relax a bit. He buried his hands in his pockets,keeping his glance in the other angel at all times. She seemed to know more about this...afterlife. "Sorry if I'm hitting you with so many questions. This isn't an interrogation. But I like to know where I stand before I act. First of all,what did I do to deserve a second chance? I don't know if I'm such a good person. And second...what's the catch? You said that it's my job to accomplish my dream in here,but you're talking like I'm going to find something in my way to make my job harder. Am I going through the right path here?"

He bit his lower lip lightly,like he always did when he was nervous or simply lost in thought. Every movement passing through them got Todrick's attention. He wasn't about to lose the chance to go back home by being sloppy.

"Uh, ya, bitch angel here ambushed me when I was trying to capture this other naïve angel, trying to fight her off but I might need some back up just in case," Andrew thought as he got knocked down. He then low sweeped the other girl's legs, knocked the crying girl's head into the wall to knock her unconscious, and began running "And who knows, we might get another angel after this," he thought smiling "Just try to pinpoint the origin so I can get this girl off my tail. Thanks by the way,"
~ The Gate Keeper

“I don’t mind the questions, Todrick. I just hope I can answer them. I’m a little confused myself,” Aurora bluffs. She doubts there’s a question about the fake world she can’t answer. She
did spend an entire century preparing to be the Gate Keeper. But in an attempt to not blow her cover, she tries to play it innocent. Aurora peeks up at the sky which begins shifting to an orange hue. “But I think we ought to get a move on before nightfall. We need to get together as many angels as possible.”

Aurora begins to take off down the street. There were so many people here earlier, where did they all go? More importantly, where did all the demons go?

“What did you do for a second chance? You had a dream,” Aurora answers, “All of us angels had a dream, but before we were able to fulfill that dream, we had our opportunities unfairly taken away. But rather than moving on… rather than just dying, the Gate Keeper saw our potential, so she’s brought us all here for our second chance. Now all we need to do is accomplish our dreams here, and prove to the gods that we’re serious about this dream. Then the Gate Keeper can do her duty and send us back.”

Aurora takes a pause in her step as she thinks about what she said. Dang, it felt weird talking about angels as if she were one—it almost makes her emotional. But that’s really how she felt about her work. She saw potential in each and every one of her angels, and she would do anything to help them get back to the real world.

( @SassyAndroidSera
@Dalisander )

( Also, not sure who is free at the moment, but is there any demons open for interaction?
@NeverEndingWolf @Jasil @AugustineVampire @Fullmetal32 )[/font]
Raya stood up, seething. "Bitch ass Demons can't stop me. I'm more than a simple angel or demon. I'm something way different!" She cried. She quickly dusted herself off, and stomped off

(@Andros. @Anyone)


Todrick stayed silent as Aurora answered some of his question,keeping all the information close to his heart. Every step he took made him feel older,as if every small place in this afterlife contained some sort of experience. It was hard to focus on replying,but Todrick nodded to Aurora with a half smile. The new found shine in Todrick's eyes immediately made him look younger.

"All right." Almost by instinct,Todrick's hand dropped to his pocket. His dagger was still there,quite well hidden. Somehow,Todrick could smell danger. So he was prepared. "We can go find a place for the night. Can angels feel tired? Or is this is all psychological?"

He slowed down his steps,almost forgetting that Aurora had smaller legs than him for a moment. Back by her side,he considered her words. Honestly,he didn't need to think much about which dream he had to complete.

"So...I need to complete my dream somehow. Then I can go back home." He cast an hesitant look towards Aurora. Most people would agree that allies were a good thing to have around. She seemed trustworthy. His eyes would still be quite open,but for now he was going to open a bit of his past. A slight accent came through his lips now,like it always did when Todrick was thoughtful. "My dream is seeing my son again. Raising him. Keeping him from having the shitty childhood I had. And I'm not going to be stopped. What about you? What's your dream,lass?" @ItsEndless

~ The Gate Keeper

“Oh, trust me. We all need sleep. Even angels need their rest, too,” Aurora warns, “Accomplishing your dream can become super tiresome, and sometimes you just need a nice nap to re-energize you! And if it’s not energy you need, sometimes sleep is a good mental refresher.”

Aurora could really talk about her angels all day. She was a bit worried about how much information she could get away with before looking too suspicious, but Todrick seemed to be interested in this information. It seemed like he wanted to be prepared for everything, and Aurora really couldn’t complain about that.

He then switches the topic onto his dream. Aurora listens carefully. She understands the gist of his dream, but it isn’t until Todrick explains it when she realizes just how passionate he is. He really was a great person, and she understood why he needed to get back to his son. But how could Todrick accomplish his dreams here? How was it possible to bring his alive son here?

Aurora is caught off guard when she’s asked about her dream. Her eyes widen.
Oh fudge! Didn’t think about that one yet.

“My dream?” Aurora stutters for a bit. She tries to come up with something on the spot, but nothing comes to mind. Well, she isn’t exactly lying when she admits it. “I, uh, really just want my loved ones to be happy. To be able to live the rest of their lives to the fullest.”

@Radiohead )


"That is a very abstract dream. Like mine. I guess both of us will have some trouble in here." A playful smile crossed Todrick's lips. He slowly felt like he was going back to his usual personality,probably thanks to Aurora's calming presence. His eyes wandered around this strange city. It was...hollow. But it did have this magical touch that could convince even a rational man like him. When he spoke again,his tone was approving. "It's kinda rare to see someone with a dream that isn't really about themselves. Your wish is really thoughtful."

His hands dropped to his chest,almost reflexively. Trodrick rubbed the scars in there,wondering if they would disappear when he came back to life.

"How did you learn so much about angels in so little time? We all only have a week. Is there some sort of divine library I need to know about?" His tone was playful,but it turned into worry once he thought about the situation. "Wait. When have you been brought here? If you know so much already...shit. Is your time nearly over? Do you need my help to achieve your dream? We can think of something,I'm sure of it." @ItsEndless

Sapphire watched the girl go. Hmm. She would go and find Andrew, but he was probably in the middle of destroying some Angels dream, which was as exactly what she should be doing. She tossed her blonde hair and made her way to the other end of the street. Hopefully she could find someone angel or demon. She could ruin an Angel, or Steal info from a devil. It was survival of the fittest - right?

She heard Miss Reaper say that Andrew needed assistance. Ow. If there was an angel there and they escaped, it was better to be a back up plan. He was more than capable. She smiled slightly. They should hang out when they got their lives back...
"Fuck," Joy mumbled, trying to tear the rope and rubbed it against the sharp table's corner that was next to her. Okay, one left. she thought , hoping that demon won't come again. @Andros

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.a50ba37aa3c28aab3bdfda8e674b688d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146154" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.a50ba37aa3c28aab3bdfda8e674b688d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luna sighed and left, deciding that maybe she should try and get her life back.

Her eyes scanned around for who was an angel.

She needed someone with a simple dream, an easy out.

(Taking too long to reply and I want to be a part of the drama) @ anyone



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~ The Gate Keeper

“Divine library? Not really. I guess you can say I’ve just picked up information along the way,” Aurora shrugs. How else is she supposed to answer? Maybe she could get away with this excuse—that she’s been here several days now and has learned since then? This could’ve been an idea, until Todrick started to express worry. Aurora’s heart starts beating faster. No, this wasn’t what she was expecting at all. They needed to focus on
his dream.

“No, no. I’m perfectly fine. I still have days left!” Aurora tries to assure him in her calmest voice. “Trust me, Todrick. I know I’ll find my way before time is up. Really, I’m confident.”

Aurora looks away for a second. A cheeky smile now appearing on her lips. It was nice to run into one of these angels. One that is actually considerate of others. Aurora liked the gesture, even though she could never ‘return’ to the real world. Her world was here.

“I really appreciate your concern, though.”

@Radiohead )

~ Miss Reaper

Ginny hears cursing from inside the door.
So, little angel is awake and alive. Ginny flips her hair once before bursting through the door. Locks were no match for a powerful demon such as herself. Once inside, she finds the angel tied to a chair. And it looks like… she’s escaping?? Ginny sighs. This Andrew kid was becoming less and less promising.

“Well, then. Aren’t you cute?” Ginny speaks playfully. “You look like you’re struggling a bit, though. Would you like some help getting out, Angel?”

@AugustineVampire )


Todrick's smile came back,the act becoming increasingly easy. He was relieved that both of them still had time. Because honestly...he had no idea what to do. He didn't like this feeling of not knowing the answers to questions that should probably be obvious. It was simply a dream. Should he really be struggling? But Aurora's presence felt like a boast of confidence. Todrick dropped a hand to her shoulder,rubbing it lightly.

"Hey,angels should stick together right? I'm sure this is a written rule...somewhere. I need to check my Angel 101 to be sure."

He smirked,letting his eyes stick to Aurora's face for a bit longer than necessary. Not only did she look angelic,she also seemed like a legitimately good person. That suddenly made him feel inadequate. The things he did in the past...could that all really be forgiven?

"I was thinking...what if achieving our dreams is actually easier than we think? We just need to consider it from another perspective. Sometimes you don't see obvious answers because you're just thinking too hard." He ran one hand through his dreadlocks in a distracted manner. "Maybe talking about our dreams would help. What would you do to make your family happy? Maybe they have some need that you can fulfill."

The engines in his head were turning,working hard. Todrick liked to plan ahead,just in case something went wrong. And of course...he was a bit of a pessimist. Something would probably go wrong.


"Finally!" Andrew says with a sigh. He lost the other angel a while back and he smiled as he walked to the building. He then noticed the traps where set off by something. "Oh shit," he thought frantically as he ran up the stairs to see Miss Reaper talking to his capive. "Well," Andrew said to her "Turns out I was able to lose the angel a while back so don't worry about that-". He then saw that his captive was trying to free herself "Oh hell no," he said to her as he grabbed his pipe and hit her over the head with it three times. He then tied her back up with some more rope and moved her into the middle of the room. He then went over to the other side of the room to grab a chair and rope to tie the jet black haired one in and did it. He then slapped her and said "Wake up, sleeping beauty,"

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