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Realistic or Modern Your IQ is WHAT?!? (Third Time's the Charm?)

spaceadel said:
That makes perfect sense. Jer really doesn't hold much use to the DHS, at the moment. But he can be re-tasked into someone more useful later on. Writing him back into the story sounds pretty reasonable. Or I could scrap him and use another one of my stock of characters. I wrote Jer up, not thinking about the government involvement plot. I have a former Navy Seal who would probably fit a lot better into the plot. Then again, shows do still need some of those characters that become important later. However, there are seemingly a lot of artistic types in this roleplay for what plot we've decided on. So maybe using another character would be a better course of action for me.
Up to you, but I think Jer is the only dance centric character we have?
From what I've read, yes he's the only dance centric character so that does make him unique. I've just had rather negative experiences with the characters that are on the outside looking in, in a manner of speaking. Whenever I try my hand at them, they seem to just fall by the wayside because, despite my best efforts, no one seems to want to interact with them. But, Jer does have the right personality to stick around. He won't be able to stand feeling useless so he'll actively try to prove that he can be helpful, that his skills can contribute something to the group.
Most of the group is age 17-23 ... a FORMER anything is going to be a bit older.

I could honestly even see someone with a very low IQ, maybe even brain damaged, living with the group at the start. They wouldn't have to be a genius working there, just a roomie / friend. But it does make it a challenge later to keep from being a 5th wheel.
I think I am going to make a smaller pic of my character to include in posts - at least initially. Makes it easier to recall the character.
I mean, Felix's IQ isn't low, per say, he's just not a genius. But in that he's more of an emotional than a logical thinker, he could certainly be our lost-for-a-purpose fifth wheel. I mean, I'm having a hard time seeing where he fits into all this. Might as well embrace it, have a couple of boo-hoo moments. God knows he's a crier.

Should we perhaps do the thing that we did in the last version of this roleplay where we list out individual character relationships? I felt like that was pretty helpful.
[QUOTE="London Fog]I mean, Felix's IQ isn't low, per say, he's just not a genius. But in that he's more of an emotional than a logical thinker, he could certainly be our lost-for-a-purpose fifth wheel. I mean, I'm having a hard time seeing where he fits into all this. Might as well embrace it, have a couple of boo-hoo moments. God knows he's a crier.
Should we perhaps do the thing that we did in the last version of this roleplay where we list out individual character relationships? I felt like that was pretty helpful.

Yeah so I have a really organized way of doing this but I can't coordinate it from my phone so we'll have to wait like 10 hours
@London Fog also, in the spirit of inspiration from Scorpion... In the show they have a character with an average IQ, but a very high EQ who befriends them and joins the team- that character helps "translate" others to them, helps "translate" the geniuses to others, helps diffuse tensions, etc. Very important to the team, otherwise, they'd get in a lot more trouble.
@Detective Rascal

If anything, Felix would be mega protective of Emma. It might bring back some uncomfortable memories, but he would be able to work through them in order to care for her. I think this could definitely work.
Alright so what I'm getting is that this is turning into an rp where everyone actually needs to be a genius...

So I'm going to say that Channing will still be his individual self and will be someone like Felix who helps translate all of the geniuses and their talking to the world outside because let's be honest- they'll need it xD .
Well, if you read the Overview, this is pretty much implied - explicit even. Lotta talk about genius and prodigies.

We haven't really started hardcore plotting, yet. Freddie says the plotting will be more organized later once he isn't limited to just his phone. ^.^ So, hopefully it'll be easier for you to catch up, then.
JujuBee said:
Alright so what I'm getting is that this is turning into an rp where everyone actually needs to be a genius...
So I'm going to say that Channing will still be his individual self and will be someone like Felix who helps translate all of the geniuses and their talking to the world outside because let's be honest- they'll need it xD .
Tabitha definitely needs Channing x 1000
LOL, I only know a few of the characters. Too many to keep straight (and I can't read about 2/3 of the CS's - fonts, color, etc).

Freddie, we should make a simple list of Characters / ages / specialties.

So far we have one subgroup - based on meeting at UNM Medical (Albuquerque, NM)

Duncan Moran - Age 17. lives there. Mom works at the hospital.

Emma Kos - Age 17, at hospital for treatments

Avianna Lynn Paria - Age 19, not sure (works / volunteers??? in cancer ward or maybe attending UNM??

Whole group

Looks like the whole group is going to start out in a Think Tank they built - like a warehouse apartment, but partly converted to labs. Very hodge podge with poor direction, and probably not the greatest financing.

That's about as far as we got.
Add Felix to the first subgroup, since he'll probably be in there with Emma once we're all in the grungy Think Tank.
LOL ... okayyyy? He'll have to give Felix a mixed review.


A. Not a hugging person.

B. Shares the opinion that the girls will have to deal with the spiders.

C. HE .. HE ... is a nurse? Aren't all nurses girls? Never met one that was a guy. (or rather doesn't realize just how many he's met.)
Well, considering that they are now the Official Translation Squad™, I think that we might have room for a friendlier relationship between Channing and Felix. If I remember correctly, their relationship in the older version was basically just Felix not wanting to make Channing mad and Channing not actually get mad, the end. I think we might be able to go a little further this time around. They could bond over being the only non-geniuses in the garage thus far, as that could be pretty isolating.

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