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Realistic or Modern Your IQ is WHAT?!? (Third Time's the Charm?)

Hmm yeah I'm trying to think of a reason why my character would need to be in a warehouse think tank bc she's currently in college trying to go to medical school (her talent being in healthcare & the medical field), so I don't know why she would be running from the law or hiding
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Oh gosh, my character is real sick and stuff, maybe the two of them kind of became friends since mine is in your's field of expertise? I'm sure Emma could convince Avianna to live in a Think Tank, or visit like twice a week.
Detective Rascal] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18996-semblance/ said:
Oh gosh, my character is real sick and stuff, maybe the two of them kind of became friends since mine is in your's field of expertise? I'm sure Emma could convince Avianna to live in a Think Tank, or visit like twice a week.
Yes that could work! She would probably visit the Think Tank often (maybe even every day), but would probably live elsewhere

Also Avianna's mother was in the hospital for breast cancer when she was younger, so she spent a good amount of time at the hospital as well- maybe that's where they first met?
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Well, we don't have to be on the run at the start. Heck, my character doesn't even NEED to be coerced to work for the government. Remember, military brat.

The real question is, how is the government going to step into our lives? Why? A lot depends on their goals.

Another possibility might be a pre-existing Think Tank, with our characters being sent offers. If we want to go the coercion route, we could have them messing with our lives giving us reasons to want to sign on to fix "problems." LOL, I am trying not to suggest too much. I am a former military intelligence. This stuff is too easy for me to think up really bad situations.
If it helps, UNM Medical - where Duncan's mother works, is a major cancer research center. My own father went there for chemo.
Mitheral said:
If it helps, UNM Medical - where Duncan's mother works, is a major cancer research center. My own father went there for chemo.
Maybe that's where Avianna, Duncan, and Emma could have all met? Also bc Avianna became an official part time volunteer while her mother was at the hospital, so it's likely that she could have cared for Emma and Duncan's mother (and therefore get to know Duncan)- I feel like Avianna and Duncan would have definitely bonded over both their mothers being there for cancer treatment
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Maybe Avianna volunteered in the kid's ward? (I have no clue if there is one) And that's how she met Emma? Avianna could also be the link between Emma and Duncan, since she'll know both of them, and could probably convince Duncan to live in a Think Tank.

Also, for the government, maybe they have an already existing Think Tank, but we made our own one without knowing about the previous one. Could be the Government wants to combine, or at least absorb our one into their official one, and make us do their dirty genius work.
Well, Duncan's (foster) mother would be at the hospital as a doctor. Duncan himself would make regular visits for therapy (two gunshot wounds, a large knife wound, broken and cracked ribs....) Duncan hates hospitals though. Also, he isn't the "bonding" sort. Rather he's a bit emotionally stunted from years of abuse. He's been recovering about 2 years though. His foster parents have done well there.

Now a Think Tank would be sort of a dream come true. And as to nasty work ... I like the movie Real Genius. Why not foster their talents by coddling them? Tuition, research grant money. Or maybe some nice government contracts with the potential to help people. (Nearly any technology can be turned into a military application.)

Duncan would have fun designing new types of explosives, or accelerants. Or designing new and better ways to extract radioactive materials from contaminated soil. Or maybe designing a method to conduct picoengineering? (That would be the next magnitude down from nanotech. I actually have ideas about that personally.)
Hey Mitheral, I reckon that maybe Emma and Duncan were in the same ward together when they both happened to be in the hospital at the same time, for Duncan's initial recovery. Could give the two of them a reason to know each other, and with Avianna being a volunteer, there's three characters that know each and could decide to run off to a Warehouse.

We could also have the government come knocking at our Think Tank door if they have a problem, like there's a group of genius messing with their super secret programs, and the government thought that a group of geniuses could probably stop a group of geniuses.

Though that's probably steering away from realistic; more into an avengers kind of deal or an 80's movie.
Well, Duncan spent his initial recovery time in a military hospital and now only does Outpatient stuff. But he might visit his mother at the hospital whenever doing so. She would work in the ward. He could easily run into them. He'd be pretty ill at ease around sick people, having no clue how to behave and afraid he hit a nerve.
Just looked at her skills ... which are the side courses he was gaining Minors in at UNM.
Maybe Duncan's ma had a little intervention? Emma did most of her learning on a laptop while she was stuck in hospital, and I'm sure the two of them would have talked about that a little bit while she was there. It could be that Mrs Miller introduced Emma and Duncan when she realized that the two of them shared interests.
They don't have to be best friends, but I think that Avianna, Emma, and Duncan would definitely have at least been acquainted at some point. Although based off of Duncan's past, Avianna and Emma probably would have gotten a lot closer than him
Actually Duncan would find Avianna interesting ... for linguistic reasons. He lived in Ankara, Turkey. It is where he really developed his soccer skills. (He can kick a soccer ball into a basketball hoop better than he can throw it.)

Emma he is more likely to enjoy, partly because they are both 17. But her talents are his hobbies. His Dad has a serious telescope with its own stabilized platform and dome.

Now the real question is just how long we want them to have known each other?
Well if Emma and Duncan are at the stage of knowing each other where they can silently acknowledge each other, and then go on with their lives, then I'm fine with that. They could probably get to know each other a little better once they're in the think tank or under the government's wing.

And I'm fine with saying a few months, with sparing visits in that time.
So would anyone like to sum up what I'm guessing you've planned or all you all just talking. I'm just getting on finally to see all of this.
I'm glancing over all the plot ideas so far and I'm honestly not sure how Jer would fit into all of this. I mean, he's not really scientific or anything. xD He's a musician and dancer. He'd really only be along for the ride, I guess. I have no idea what any government organization would want with him.
My mans will happily sit in the corner and chill out with his astronomy book as the others do an FBI thing. I'm like space- My character has no place in that xD .
We were basically trying to see what our character's relationships are before the rp starts, since we may be living together when it does, and some of us are bound to know the other if we live together.

But we are all still trying to figure out the plot I guess. We have the ideas posted in the overview tab, but I guess me, Mitheral, and Semblance have gone along with the FBI idea.
I mean, I can see Felix sort of fitting into the whole medical school deal. The issue is that your med school students are 17 and my med school (er, nursing school) graduate is 23, so they probably never really came into contact in any sort of educational setting. However, the fact that Felix is a nurse and Avianna is (basically) a doctor could make for some interesting developments in their relationship. Doctor/nurse duo, only with the traditional genders reversed? I dunno.

Also, I noticed that both Avianna and Duncan's mothers had cancer. Felix's mother also died of cancer, only he wasn't around when it happened, so he wouldn't have had a chance to meet anyone (i.e. Duncan and Avianna) at the treatment center. But they'd probably end up discussing that in character, so there's some potential for interaction there.

To be honest, he probably would have showed up at the garage because he cooks and cleans and just wants to be around other people. Like, badly. So if we wanna talk relationships that developed before the beginning of the RP, that's great, let's do it, but if we can't think of anything, that's also fine, because if the rules of version 2 of this RP hold true, the geniuses are pretty poor and Felix is basically a live-in housekeeper that you pay in hugs. A pretty convenient setup, in spite of him not actually being a genius.

Just thought I'd put that out there, since I was gone all day. Carry on with what you were doing.

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