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Realistic or Modern Your IQ is WHAT?!? (Third Time's the Charm?)

And it seems like the harder I try to fix it, the deeper it descends into chaos. I just scrapped that whole setup for my Felix app and started from scratch. Not even worth the fight. BBCode's will to screw with your day always wins.
Are you all editing your BBCode directly from your post on RPN or externally on your computer in a separate document (i.e. Word, Pages, Notes)? There's an easier way to make sure all the random things do not appear, depending on what you currently do to create your code.
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I know copy pasting the entire code onto Notepad or TextEdit (or even Word would probably work) then back over to RPN usually helps rid it of any annoying mistakes
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Semblance said:
I know copy pasting the entire code onto Notepad or TextEdit (or even Word would probably work) then back over to RPN usually helps rid it of any annoying mistakes

That's usually what I do, and it works really well. I edit everything on TextEdit (my personal perference) then copy and paste it back into the BB Code editor to avoid those weird errors. I also keep a copy of the codes in my Private Workshop, just in case. I bet there's probably a way to do it directly on RPN to avoid errors, but we haven't figured it out yet.
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Akeira said:

That's usually what I do, and it works really well. I edit everything on TextEdit (my personal perference) then copy and paste it back into the BB Code editor to avoid those weird errors. I also keep a copy of the codes in my Private Workshop, just in case. I bet there's probably a way to do it directly on RPN to avoid errors, but we haven't figured it out yet.
I'm pretty sure you would have to turn rich text editor off and code everything out

Yeah same I keep a copy of all my characters in my Private Workshop- also bc it's fun to look through them or reuse characters if I need to
Ahh, I'm sorry it took so long for me to finish. I tried to make it look pretty but BBcode was messing with me. >///<

@Freddie ♥︎
Also, if anyone happens to read through it:

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not hesitate to let me know of any grammatical, spelling, or formatting errors. Just making the CS itself has completely tired me out, and I don't have the motivation to give it a look over. If any part of it sounds questionable, or contradicts another part of my CS, I'd really appreciate if you would notify me.

I appreciate constructive criticism, so fire away. ヾ(@⌒ ⌒@)ノ
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Semblance said:
I'm pretty sure you would have to turn rich text editor off and code everything out
Yeah same I keep a copy of all my characters in my Private Workshop- also bc it's fun to look through them or reuse characters if I need to

It's definitely useful for reusing characters, if need be. I also have a separate list of face claims that I like to use to plan to use in the future, which is handy. I have a bad habit of forgetting the names of certain actors or models, lol.

I usually run into a problem with turning the Rich Text Editor off. I always do so to edit my code, copying and pasting it into the BB Code Editor without a problem. The issue occurs when I go back to edit the post, as the Rich Text Editor is automatically turned on again (unless I'm doing something wrong), which makes things all screwed up, once I transition to the BB Code editor once more. I just tend to be very wary of the text box in general, so TextEdit is my friend, when it comes to making everything right. That and Preview mode under More Options on RPN.

On a side note,
@Freddie , I hope to finally finish Thea's CS tomorrow. I haven't spent much time on my computer today, and that is where my coded CS is located.
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And now you folks understand why my CS has no fancy BB code. I gave up on it after trying to help a zillion members of my own RP's fix theirs ... and even my own ... after minor edits that shouldn't have caused a problem. I used to be an editor in multi font, multi lingual linguistic working aids (fancy way of saying specialized dictionaries). I recall how leaving out even one keystroke could alter the rest of the book. (That was back in the mid 1980's ... precursor to BB codes. I do believe that C+ had just come out....) To see the mistake I'd have to have a 500 page printout mailed to me a day or so later ... And the only computer we had that could handle one of my workfiles was a Cray II.
That's an interesting tip, I think I may try that next time around.

Also, if we start doing character relationships and/or plotting today, I'm probably not going to be online until late in the day. I'm going to Seattle with the fam.
Yeah so character plotting probably won't happen today- I have to take my mom to the doctor, and then I promised my sister I would help her out with homework. Plotting and stuff will probably start tomorrow.
LOL, just realized there were actual plots in the Plot section of the Overview. They are just unreadable unless you highlight them. (Never saw Scorpion. I don't watch TV. But I think I get the idea.) That is another reason I chose not to use Xavier. He was stubborn to the point of taking a bullet.

Are we starting in separate locales? Or already together. For those of us with teenage characters, this is problematic.

My character is based in Albuquerque, NM with foster parents. However, his parents are educated - one with high level security clearances (Sandia Labs - they do DARPA type military work, like guided bullets and force field tech). Yes, the guided bullets have been around awhile. So far only the UK has a tank with a working force field, even then still experimental. I stay up on such tech. My sister worked at Sandia. And I toured after getting my own security clearances - though I got to see stuff that at the time would blow your mind. His mother is just a doctor.

Point is, the parents will likely approve of opportunities to advance his education and future employment.
I'll be able to chat and whatnot on my phone today so I'm open for plotting if anyone is interested. :) Otherwise, I'll be around tomorrow, as well. Winter break has left me pretty open for the better part of a month. xD
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Yeah I'm on winter break right now so I have all the time in the world haha, but I don't mind waiting for a day when most of us are free to start planning
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I think it would be fun if we were all in a spot together already interacting; like living in a cramped apartment or warehouse or something, and then the FBI get involved.

I don't know who exactly would pull the big thing that get's the agency's attention, but I reckon it would be fun to yell at someone who's IQ is way lower then the rest of us.
Yeah, starting together sounds good. But with our varied backgrounds and ages we need a reason. My own character is doing his best to avoid trouble with the Law. And to be honest, there are too many of us for one apartment. A warehouse Think Tank might be an option - but my character is already being watched by DoD. It is something that his father's security clearances would mandate - a 3 level background check in the event of the addition of a family member (friends of friends of friends).

As you might guess I have held such a security clearance myself ... higher actually - several.
What if they've all already had certain encounters where they have the suspicion that they're being watched/followed by the government so they all resort to this warehouse think tank?
Well, we might not have too much trouble with age restrictions if we all pretty much live in a Think Tank Warehouse. I know my character would prefer living away from her mum, and probably not leave the warehouse ever, but maybe we all got together for slightly different reasons? Hiding from the law, running from home, a place to not be forced to pretend in society. They're all pretty good reasons.
A warehouse Think Tank sounds like an awesome idea. If the law were to get involved in any form, Jer would certainly not be the reason for it. He doesn't really have any skills that could warrant it, I don't think. He'd get involved after the initial trouble because he does care a lot about his friends. It's not that he'd have a problem with getting involved with the law. In fact, he wouldn't really care.
Well, Duncan is after a PhD. If they don't offer him that pursuit, he'll thumb his nose at them. Although I could edit slightly and have him with his PhD's ... and looking for work. Might be much simpler.
lol .. Duncan has Albuquerque police constantly pestering him. So ong good option might be to move him out of state.
Excuse me for interrupting, but I'm not quite certain if I've been accepted yet... ;w;

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