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Realistic or Modern Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)

Melody walks over to Diasuke and his... manager? "Uh... that meeting was moved to the evening" she says and takes sip of her tea "You're Daisuke right? I'm Melody, we have to work together during the TV series" she says holding out her hand, she hadn't bothered to tell her agent she was planning to meet Daisuke before the meeting in the evening.

@Zero Gravity

Wulf held on to his breakfast tightly as Anna dragged him out of the bakery after violating his personal space. "Alright, I'm coming, I'm coming!" The prospect of beating Detectives Nishida and Mamoru sounded like a perfect way to impress Anna, and move up in rank. Excited, and highly motivated to win, he questioned Anna anxiously. "What kind of case is it? Murder? Drugs, ooh wait, don't tell me!" he paused and thought for a while. He shut his eyes tight. "Kidnapping?!" he exclaimed after a couple seconds.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Hobbesisalive @BobbyW


"Thank you so much!" he replied cheerily. He thought about breaking the pencil for shits and giggles. However, the irritated waitress seemed like she was already having a rough day. Working at a restaurant seemed like the last thing he'd ever want to do. People can be so difficult when it comes to food. He began to doodle on a napkin. It was a bowl of ramen with a worm-like creature rising out of it. He gave it a big mouth, long pointy teeth, and beady little eyes. "When your lunch eats you," he murmured and added detail to the tiny sketch as he waited for his noodles. He pondered whether or not he should go to school at all today.



She watched Ogami move intently. "He really switched seats...what an asshole!" She thought about following him as she sat there fuming, but then she figured she could always catch him at lunch and berate him with questions. She did, however, decide to move seats. She returned to her usual spot in the front of the class. The hardest class of the day was about to begin.

@2nd Years


He hated homeroom more than his students did. A class dedicated to warbling on about school matters that he hadn't the slightest modicum of interest in. Pleased to finally be switching classes, he gathered his briefcase and headed for the second years' class. He spotted Makoto leaning against a wall outside and furrowed his brow. As he opened the door, he stopped in the doorway and raised his glasses with his middle finger. "Is there any particular reason why you're standing outside of my class and not sitting inside of my class?" he asked in a sharp tone, eyeing the unfamiliar student.

@MonoToc @2nd Years
Detective Mamoru Minori

Mamoru was sipping on his Cup of water, while... basically, just killing time. He did have a case to work on, actually, but it wasn't really of relevants, he thought, at least. It was a simple Hit and Run, fortunatly, there weren't any Deaths, or Major injuries, that might have occured due to that. As a matter of fact, he was actually thinking about passing that case to one of the Junior Detectives, since it wasn't really a challenge.Uff... maybe Nishida's going to let me work on his new case too... eh, then again, he's really more of the Lone-Wolf type of guy... doesn't enjoy working in Teams... Mamoru sighed deeply, rubbing his forehead. The man leaned back into his cushioned Office Chair, and sank into his thoughts, trying to come up with something to do.
Makoto was happy at first when the teacher showed up, but it seemed like he wasn't too friendly. His sharp tone and appearance were both intimidating.

"A-Ah, I...I'm lost, sir. I'm a transfer student and I don't know exactly what to do. My apologies." Makoto replied with the usual feminine yet masculine at the same time voice, and bowed in front of the teacher as an apology. "Is this my class, sir?" Makoto looked down, trying to avoid eye contact.


Aoi Nōhime

Aoi continued to hold her breathe as they slowly left, her arms still gripping onto her friend, Fumiko, with her small hand. Her other hand still wrapped around her book bag. She glanced back at the bakery about the same time he did. "I-I b-b-bumped i-into h-hi-him." She mumbled, unsure of how to explain it to the red headed boy. "I-I'll b-be fine. W-we're late, anyways." She said, loosening her grip on his shirt a bit. She followed behind him at the same pace, maybe a bit slower. She was less fit than he was, most likely. He did swimming while she didn't do any sports. "Hm.." She said quietly as they approached the school.

@Zero Gravity
Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki shot her finger at the man and jumped a little, "Oh! I know you now!" the girl wore a large smile as she twirled around on her heel, but then she suddenly stopped, facing the man once again and turned chibi. "Who are you?" Her chin rested in her hands as she then continued to think about the name that was sent towards her, "Tyler James?...such a strange name." Her head bobbed around in different directions as she strained to remember if she's seen him on youtube or anywhere else.

Eventually she gave up and dropped her head, "I don't know...sorry." The girl began to pout but then suddenly shot up in smile again, "But I do now! I'll look you up!"


Tatsuri Anna

Anna let go of the man after he struggled with an 'I'm coming'. She turned to face him with a naturally angry face; watching as he spoke. The girls face looked completely un-amused as she stared him down; slapping him the very second he spoke the words 'kidnapping'. "Shut the hell up Wulf." She then walked over and hopped into her already open car; turns out she was so rushed that she forgot to shut the door.

Once she was in, Anna rolled down the window and yelled out to Wulf, "Follow me." Starting up her car and lighting a cigarette; the girl waited on her partner.


Tatsuri Ogami

Ogami continued to stare out the window when he suddenly noticed the classroom door being opened; looking over, he noticed the teacher.

"Owoah, he looks like an ass." the boy thought with a furrowed brow. Much like his sister, Anna, Ogami never looks pleased...he still has more emotions than she does though.

Another thing the boy noticed was the girl from before moving to the front. His face went jumbled as he watched her, "Uwah..." Ogami's impression of the girl was somewhat worse than his impression of others...he's met tomboys, female Yankees, and all sorts; but he's never met one that bipolar...at least she's not as scary as his sister...that woman's a living hell in his mind.

@SirBlazeALot @SecondYears
Tyler pretty much face planted once the words "I don't know you." came out of her mouth. He felt defeated but laughed. "Yes now you do know me, look me up and decide to come to my fight in a month." he added with a dashing smile. "Thank you for the directions, I'll come back here one time and buy something." Tyler added before walking off. He almost parted a sea of people with his size. "Must make this interview." @Suzumaki Arakai

Anna's slap was hard and fast, leaving a clean red hand print on Wulf's cheek. "Ow!" he yelped, but did as Anna commanded and shut the hell up. A date with Anna seemed less likely by the second. Besides, he was beginning to doubt if she'd even make for a good wife and mother. He imagined a drunken Anna coming home and slapping him after a hard day at work, seeding his doubt even further. He rubbed his face and got into his car and revved it up. "Well is it a kidnapping or not," he grumbled to himself bitterly, prepared to follow her to the station.

@Suzumaki Arakai


He raised an eyebrow and studied the student with a perplexed glare. He couldn't quite place them on the gender scale. He let out an exasperated sigh, "I hate helping these brats," he thought to himself. His class was about to begin. Upon examination of the students tie, which were assigned different colors per grade, he stated, "This is a second year class. The first year classes are that way," he gestured further down the hall. "As to which one you are in, I haven't the slightest idea. If I were you, I'd go into each class and ask the teacher if they're expecting a transfer student." He lowered his voice a little and looked down at Makoto and continued, "However, you realize that this would mean interrupting these classes and sacrificing the concentration of both your fellow classmates and students. Had you arrived early to find your classes, perhaps you wouldn't find yourself in this predicament." He turned away and entered the 2nd year class. He had no desire to actually assist the transfer student, he just wanted to make it through the day. He entered the room and wrote his name on the board. "Park Sensei." He folded his hands behind his back and stood in the center of the board with perfect posture. He was studying his students and making subtle judgments about them.

@MonoToc @2nd years
Makoto thanked the teacher, and sighed as he walked away and entered his class. It was a pretty bad situation, which would've probably been way better if that morning alarm from home was working properly...

Makoto walked to the first classroom that the teacher showed. Was it a good idea to disturb them? "If all the teachers are like that, then it's definitely better to go in...or maybe not..." Makoto was being indecisive once again, but after a few more minutes of thinking, Makoto decided to go in the class. What could go wrong?

Makoto entered the classroom, apologized to the teacher and explained the situation. The student could notice the weird looks of the other people.

@SirBlazeALot @1st Years
Tatsuri Anna

Anna watched as Wulf got situated, she then made an 'okay' sign with her hand and pulled out once possible. She then drove off quickly but not so fast as to cause danger to others and lose Wulf.

The girl turned up her radio and began jamming to some music; looking back and forth at her gps to make sure they're headed in the correct direction. People could be seen stopping and staring at her and her partner's car...they were pretty nice so of course. After couple stop lights and sharp turn offs; the two arrived at their destination. A large, old house could be seen as they pulled into the drive way; looking around, you could notice 'do not cross' tape surrounding the building. The house didn't really look like much of a house...more like a crappy prison in a way.

Anna hopped out of her car and approached Wulf's once he stopped. Leaning on his window after motioning for his to roll it down; she popped her head in a little, causing the smoke from her cigarette to make it's way into the mans car with the wind. "It's a murder case." She took a big puff from the tobacco stick and momentarily removed her head from his car to exhale, "Two girls were raped and throats were slit." Stepping away from his car and putting her cigarette out on the ground; Anna motioned for Wulf to follow her as she made her way towards some of the people at the house.


Tatsuri Ogami

Ogami watched as the teacher was scolding someone he couldn't see. After losing interest, he returned to staring out the window and repetitively clicking the end of his broken pen.

@SirBlazeALot @SecondYears
Akako was in a car with her mom, looking like an child. She was a 2nd year student at the highschool. In reality, she was 14, so she was a promoted student. Mei dropped her in front of the school. "Have a good day, kid." Mei said to Akako. "Now don't let others get the best of since your a little baby." She said sarcastically as Akako waved bye. She walked inside school. Akako walked inside with principal. She was promoted and had to check with principals and teacher to know that she was a proper student to be here. She went inside the first year classroom just for 2 weeks, not that long She went inside the classroom with her stopping at the enterance. "Exuse my rudeness for barging unattendedly but, is this the first year classroom?"

@All of the first years
Makoto was really surprised to see the girl entering the classroom. Was she a new student as well? Makoto couldn't believe it, and thought: "What were the chances for another transfer student to appear right now?"

"Yes...this is the first year classroom." Makoto replied, obviously excited by the fact that another new student showed up. "It must be fate." Makoto thought. It was even better because the new girl was really cute.

@Kawaii @1st Years
Akako replied at the student, "I'm going to be staying for two weeks, I'm a second year but I just moved to Tousen so, They are checking the validity of my records." She said with a little smile on her face. High school in the city was exciting since this was her first year here. She had skipped her first year which made her seem more akward to stay here.
"I see." Makoto noded, and calmed down a bit. What was happening was great, but Makoto had to stay calm and give me a good impression to her future classmates. "I'm Makoto Kishima, and I'm a first year. I just transferred, what a coincidence." The student smiled.

"There's exactly one free desk left, so I suppose we'll be deskmates." Makoto said to Akako, and looked at the teacher, who simply noded in confirmation. After that, Makoto walked to the free desk, which was in the back row of the classroom. It wasn't a problem, since Makoto was tall, but it seemed inconvenient for the much shorter Akako.

@Kawaii @1st Years
Tyler continued down the street the girl told him to go. Looking for the studio. "Studio, studio. AH there it is." he said with joy. He was exhausted haha. He walked into the studio and gave his name. "It's time? sweet." Tyler responded before doing a quick mirror check. He wanted it to go well and hoped people would listen and want to come to the fight. His manager was already there. "What took me so long? why didn't you give better directions." he said back trying to hold back the laughter. Tyler then sat down and put the headphones on. "I'm ready."

What brought you to Japan? Well, I heard they have some of the best fighters in the world and I'm ready to test myself and learn different skills. I'm ready for people to know who Tyler James is. That I'm not just a YouTube star. I will beat anyone who is infront of me.

Your first fight is in one month against the number 5 ranked middleweight in Japan. Are you nervous? Me? Nervous? No, I will beat him, I will knock him out. I won't leave it in the judges hands. Tyler finished saying. He always was arrogant and confident when fighting. He always tried to get the mental game advantage.

How have you adjusted to life in Japan? Oh everyone here has been so nice. I still get lost. He laughed. I love the gym, I've always loved the country growing up. It was my dream to live here one day. So I guess you can say, there is one dream I achieved. The food is amazing, the fans, those that have heard of me are amazing. I love it.

Last question as we are almost out of time, Will you win the Middleweight title here in Japan? Tyler paused a bit. What kind of question is that? Of course I will. I am the best. I will be the number 1 ranked fighter in Japan and the world. Soon the whole world will know who Tyler James is. Just you wait and see.

Thank you for your time Tyler, it was a pleasure to talk with you and can't wait for your fight. Thank you for the opportunity to talk and get my word out. I had a lot of fun.

Once off air, He thanked the guy once again. "This will be aired on the sportsnetwork here. Our ESPN as you would say at 6,7 and 11."

Tyler was shocked and amazed. "Really thank you!!" He then walked out of the studio and back onto the streets.

He began to speak at the exact moment the clock striked. "Chemistry. None of you know anything about it." He stated smugly. "You may think you do. But you don't." He began to speak in a whiny and mocking voice. "But Park Sensei, why do we need to learn about Chemistry? We just wanna play Nintendo and throw balls at each other all day," his tone changed back to his normal and charged voice, "It's time to grow up. You're 2nd years now, and you're nearly adults, so I will treat you..." he paused for dramatic effect. "...like adults who know nothing about chemistry." He shook his head in disgust and clicked his tongue. "Take out a piece of paper and a pen. You will title this piece of paper: 'Bonds'" As children shuffled he began to write the same on the board. "If you don't have paper, or a pen, then mooch off of a classmate and ask yourself what you're doing with your life. You will be turning in these notes so there will be no doodles and it must be legible. If I can't read it, I'm tossing it in the trash."

@Suzumaki Arakai @2nd years


Wulf became visibly uncomfortable at the stench of tobacco entering his car. He rolled up the window and stepped out quickly, brushing his pants for no reason at all. "Despicable," he murmured upon learning of the crime. He hated having to deal with the serious cases. Sure, it was what he signed up for, but he preferred patrol. Wulf thought of himself as more of a...getting cats out of trees type of officer. Still, it was exciting work. "Any witnesses?" he asked his partner as they approached the house.

Fumiko Haruto

"You're right, let's go," Fumiko nodded, beginning to continue their walk. School was in very short distance, so they hopefully wouldn't get chewed out too badly. The red head sighed a bit, pulling his backpack tighter against his back. As they neared the entrance, he bit his lip, his harp teeth not affecting his lip since he was so used to them. He noticed that there were already two other students there, and he continued to pull on Aoi. "You guys late too?" He asked, tilting his head and flashing them both a grin. Then, he realized he had never seen them before. "Sorry, sensei! We ran into some trouble, and I apologize!" Fumiko bowed, hoping that Aoi did the same.


Daisuke Haruto

Daisuke shook the woman's hand, recognizing her from some certain commercials and such. "Daisuke Haruto, pleasure to meet you." Thankfully he didn't have to be here all day; he could literally just leave after this conversation. The red-haired male shot a glare at his manager, who nervously rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, I better get going. Since that meeting was moved, I'm going to go back home and clean up," he stated, sighing and beginning to walk off again.

@Flame Demon
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Tatsuri Ogami

Ogami flinched at the words of the teacher and sighed, "What am I doing with my life?" he then began to look around for anyone he could mooch a pencil off of...but due to sitting at the window, he only had three choices. The kid behind him, the kid beside him, or the kid in front of him.

Looking over; he could also notice the girl from before sitting beside the person...beside the person in front of him. He began chewing his thumb nail, "Maybe she'll give me one...wait, no! No way! I can't ask a girl for her pencil...what if there's something on it?" Ogami made up his mind and tapped the shoulder of the kid in front of him, "Aye man, give me a pencil." the kid just shrugged him off and wiped the sot in which he touched. Ogami's brow shot down and the boy stood up, clenching his fist, "Alright you bastard, I'll beat your ass for that kid!" The other boy looked terrified as Ogami shot threats at him.

@SirBlazeALot @SecondYears

Tatsuri Anna

Anna walked with her arms crossed and her head held high as her partner reached her side, continuing with her gaze on the old man they were approaching she spoke up, "Their mother. It's bull if you ask me; where were their parents when all of this happened?" She stopped for a second, placing a hand on Wulf's shoulder to turn him towards her, all the while her gaze shifting around at all of the other people.

"I read some reports and there's no sign of a break-in. The mother and father supposedly worked a whole 24-hour shift; the father works in Narita while the mother is a local reporter here at Tousen Studio. Now I don't know about you but...something's weird. They said that when the mother of the girl came home, that's when she found them...but in the basement? It's weird..." Anna's brow continued to stay furrowed as someone then approached them; instinctively the girl pulled out her badge and showed it to the man as he then gave a bow and started to lead them to the crime scene.

Makoto was just about to sit down when Kumiko walked in and interrupted them. Makoto examined him carefully as he was talking. His behavior was somehow unusual, especially his grin.

"Hi, my name is Makoto Kishima. I just transferred here." Makoto said calmly, with less excitement than before. It was quite a funny coincidence...so many people entering the class one after another. Makoto sighed and sat down, waiting for Akako to sit next. The student also wandered where is Kumiko going to sit.


@Zero Gravity

@1st Years
"One order of Miso Ramen!" The chief shouted and then went back to the kitchen. Anna grabbed the order and placed it onto her plate filled with many other ramen orders. She walked around placing the order onto the correct table saying, "Enjoy your meal." She made it back to the stoned guy's table and placed the Miso Ramen on his table. "Enjoy your meal." She said and walked away. @SirBlazeALot

Aoi looked ahead as they ran. She couldn't see much past Fumiko, which she was kind of greatful of, but what she did see only made her even more self concious of herself. A lot of people turned their heads towards the flaming red haired boy, thinking he looking much like a model they've seen. When they finally got to the room, she acknowledged the other two new students and bowed politely. "M-my ap-pologize, Sensei." She said in a quiet voice, standing and listening to the.... boy? Who claimed to be named Makoto. Aoi gave a small wave and smile to go along with it. She sat down next to a student she knew last year before looked over at Fumiko, jesturing to the seat next to her so that he can sit down.

@Zero Gravity

(sorry internet was out for a short while)

Melody nods "See you later" she says heading back to the lift and she heads back to the top floor where she heads to her desk, she opens her laptop and starts typing once she opened a document, she had the best idea for a new book, she would call it 'Vampires Tragedy', instead of a romance it would be have a tragic end, but there would be some romance in it.
Tyler was walking back down the street towards his place. "Time to change and get ready for round two at the gym." Yet before Tyler could even get that out of his mouth, he came across a shoe store. "Well you know I gotta." he said as he entered the store. "I'm looking for the SB McFly Dunks and the Lebron 12s raptor lows, and KD8 reds." He asked the worker. "11, yes all 3." While the worker went in back to check, Tyler found socks to match all of those. His collection of shoes and socks is a bit ridiculous for guys. Tyler has excess everything. He can't say no to clothes or shoes. The worker came back with all 3 pairs. "I'll take them." he said happily. Once paid for he walked out back towards his apartment.
Makoto tried to be friendly, and smiled and waved back at Aoi.

The new student was now looking around the classroom a bit restless, analyzing all the classmates. Makoto started by looking at Aoi. Aoi, like most of the classmates, seemed to be a nice person. Perhaps this was Makoto's lucky day.


@1st Years
Kagami Taiga

Kagami had already made his way to school but was standing in the bathroom, glaring at himself in the mirror. "I'm gonna join the basketball team. I will do it. I will. I don't care what anyone says. I'll do it." A spooky red aura could be seen radiating from the boy as he continued to glare; forgetting about the bell that rang about five minutes ago.

Eventually one of the teachers came in and sent the boy to class, telling him that the bell had already rang. Kagami darted to class like a mad man; his bag flinging all around on his shoulder.

Once he was there, he slid the door open with a loud thud; probably startling some of the students. "Kagami...Kagami Taiga. Sorry I'm late." The boy was...really tall for a first year. As a matter of fact, he could be mistaken for a third year. The tall kid stomped his way into the classroom and took the nearest empty seat.

@First Years

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3377340e_KagamiTaiga.jpg.1f40f52993932a953f10232f6f89bf30.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60723" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3377340e_KagamiTaiga.jpg.1f40f52993932a953f10232f6f89bf30.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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