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Realistic or Modern Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)

Tatsuri Anna

Anna chuckled at his sarcastic bow and pulled down her eye; sticking her tongue out as well. The good ol' Japanese...bird? After that she began walking towards Ogami's room to make sure he made it home but just ran into the wall. After giving up; the woman turned and headed towards her own bedroom and threw herself down on the bed with to care as to how she was laying.

Any position is comfortable when you're drunk; just not so much once you wake up. The girl just completely left her partner standing in her living room/kitchen with nothing to do.

He could either find his way home or...pass out somewhere in her house whether it was Ogami's bed, the floor, or the couch. She'll probably scold him in the morning no matter which way it goes.

I can already hear her words echoing through the city, "Why'd you let me get drunk last night; my reputation could tumble."


As Anna teetered into her room, Wulf stood in the kitchen with a blank facial expression. After about ten minutes or so he became confused, searching around for Anna until he saw that she had knocked out in bed. "Oh." he said as he began to tip-toe away. God knows what Anna would do if disrupted from her slumber. She was thoroughly drunk, so it'd be unlikely that she'd awaken, but being cautious never hurt. Wulf thought about heading back to his house. Everyone pretty much lived in the same vicinity in the housing district. But then he thought about his legs and how tired they were. Why walk, when you can lay down? He saw a couch to rest his weary body upon. "I'll just rezt muh legs here for a minnit" he grumbled as he collapsed onto the couch. That "minnit" would become hours as he drifted into dreamland.

@Suzumaki Arakai
BobbyW said:
Detective Mamoru MinoriMamoru watched as Nishida unlocked his car, moving onto the Drivers Seat. He was about to enter it himself, when his Partner then, exited the car again, locking it. It's late, i guess it does make sense to leave that Task for tomorrow

The man tapped his Cigarette, while listening to Nishida's Explanation, basically repeating the thoughts, he had brought up himself. His Partner then entered said car again, about to drive off, when he offered Mamoru a ride home. Mamoru inhaled a bit of smoke, from his cigarette, while thinking about accepting the offer. "Awfully nice of you" The man stated in a joking manner, while stepping into the car. Since Nishida was a smoker himself, Mamoru didn't have to worry about Smoking in his car, which he greatly appreciated.
Nishida huffed and kept looking towards the big window. 'Just sit down,' the male said with a slightly teasing undertone in his voice. When Mamoru sat down he opened the window again. Smoking was fine as long the two didn't smoke theirselves out. 'Where to again?' Nishida always been forgetful with other people, but managed to remember everything on a case. He was made to be a detective.
Hobbesisalive said:
Nishida huffed and kept looking towards the big window. 'Just sit down,' the male said with a slightly teasing undertone in his voice. When Mamoru sat down he opened the window again. Smoking was fine as long the two didn't smoke theirselves out. 'Where to again?' Nishida always been forgetful with other people, but managed to remember everything on a case. He was made to be a detective.
Detective Mamoru Minori

Mamoru grew a grin on his lips, as the other Detective commented on his reply. This guy, we both live in the same District, and he still Forgets it. Mamoru shook his head a bit, what seemed to be in disbelief. "...Housing District, far end." The man exhaled the smoke, that gathered in his lungs, breathing it out of the car window. "You do realize, that we live in the same Neighborhood?"

It just made Mamoru chuckle, the man was able to remember every single Detail concerning a case, but simple things like that just now, he forgot. That was just typical for Nishida.
BobbyW said:
Detective Mamoru MinoriMamoru grew a grin on his lips, as the other Detective commented on his reply. This guy, we both live in the same District, and he still Forgets it. Mamoru shook his head a bit, what seemed to be in disbelief. "...Housing District, far end." The man exhaled the smoke in his lungs, breathing it out of the car window. "You do realize, that we live in the same Neighborhood?"

It just made Mamoru chuckle, the man was able to remember every single Detail concerning a case, but simple things like that just now, he forgot. That was just typical for Nishida.
The male nodded slowly and started his car. 'Ah, yes I remember.' A small smile transformed his stern face from before. He looked from the corner of his eye towards his partner and back again. He was glad that a guy as Mamoru was chosen to be his partner. As Nishida wasn't capable of really working together only with a couple of people so far. And he didn't mind to work together with him, they seemed like a good team.
Hobbesisalive said:
The male nodded slowly and started his car. 'Ah, yes I remember.' A small smile transformed his stern face from before. He looked from the corner of his eye towards his partner and back again. He was glad that a guy as Mamoru was chosen to be his partner. As Nishida wasn't capable of really working together only with a couple of people so far. And he didn't mind to work together with him, they seemed like a good team.
Detective Mamoru Minori

After a while, Mamoru's grin, formed back into a more serious Expression. it seemed like something was on his mind. "A Doctor once told me, that the Human Body.. or mind, more specifically, has the function to... let's say turn itself off. That function kicks in only once your Body knows, without a doubt, that you're going to die" Mamoru inhaled a load of smoke, which he then breathed out about a second later. "I don't know why that came into my mind just now, it just did." Mamoru Held the Cigarette out of the window, and tapped it once. At that Point, Mamoru just gazed into the distance, his eyes almost completely Blank.
BobbyW said:
Detective Mamoru MinoriAfter a while, Mamoru's grin, formed back into a more serious Expression. it seemed like something was on his mind. "A Doctor once told me, that the Human Body.. or mind, more specifically, has the function to... let's say turn itself off. That function kicks in only once your Body knows, without a doubt, that you're going to die" Mamoru inhaled a load of smoke, which he then breathed out about a second later. "I don't know why that came into my mind just now, it just did." Mamoru Held the Cigarette out of the window, and tapped it once. At that Point, Mamoru just gazed into the distance, his eyes almost completely Blank.
Nishida slightly raised his eyebrows, almost unnoticeable. 'Biology was never my strongest point, but the human body is not smart enough to know, when a knife is being hold above your chest ready to kill you. It won't turn itself off then. Sadly,' Again his voice sounded monotone. Nishida didn't believe in the power of nature and really ditched it to the side of his thoughts. Not that the male didn't believe the fact, of course the body was capable of doing that. Just not when a person needed it the most.
Hobbesisalive said:
Nishida slightly raised his eyebrows, almost unnoticeable. 'Biology was never my strongest point, but the human body is not smart enough to know, when a knife is being hold above your chest ready to kill you. It won't turn itself off then. Sadly,' Again his voice sounded monotone. Nishida didn't believe in the power of nature and really ditched it to the side of his thoughts. Not that the male didn't believe the fact, of course the body was capable of doing that. Just not when a person needed it the most.
Detective Mamoru Minori

Even though it might not have looked like it, Mamoru actually payed Close Attention to nishida's words, his eyes were still locked onto the outside Night Sky. "Maybe you're right." The man took another pull off of his Cigarette. he didn't actually mean what he was saying, since he did indeed believe the... Doctor, that claimed different. The way, the car drove over the Un-even streets, had an almost calming Feeling to it."Ever had to kill someone?" Mamori questioned Nishida, in a surprisingly calm manner. It may have seemed cold, the way he stated such a Thing, but both him and his Partner knew what they've signed up for, when choosing to take a Job, concerning Law Enforcement. Sometimes, it's either you, or them, and Humans are selfish beings, especially regarding the value of their own Lifes, compared to the one of a Criminal.
Usagi & Takeo Maki

Takeo sat up from his sleeping bag. He grabbed his phone to check the time.
"whoa it's pretty early" he thought. he got up off the floor and went downstairs. His mother had prepared some rice so he went ahead and took some. "Can I have some?" Usagi asked. Takeo jumped 20 feet in the air "oh uh.. why wouldn't you be abled to? Just go grab some." Usagi grabbed a plate and placed some rice on it. "So are you going to take me school shopping today? I want to have nice stuff at my new school." Usagi asked. She was the kind of person who liked to make good first impressions. Takeo gave her a strange look I don't know where any stores are he thought. He gave her a slight nod, then put his dish in the sink. He went upstairs to wash and get dressed, leaving Usagi downstairs alone to finish eating.

Usagi finished her rice and put her dish in the sink. She walked upstairs into her room where her two younger siblings were sleeping. she grabbed some clothes then went to the bathroom to wash up. When she finished she walked downstairs and waited for Takeo at the door. Takeo noticed his little sister standing at the door. He wrote a little note to his parents and set it on the table.
"Okay lets go" they exited to house
BobbyW said:
Detective Mamoru MinoriEven though it might not have looked like it, Mamoru actually payed Close Attention to nishida's words, his eyes were still locked onto the outside Night Sky. "Maybe you're right." The man took another pull off of his Cigarette. he didn't actually mean what he was saying, since he did indeed believe the... Doctor, that claimed different. The way, the car drove over the Un-even streets, had an almost calming Feeling to it."Ever had to kill someone?" Mamori questioned Nishida, in a surprisingly calm manner. It may have seemed cold, the way he stated such a Thing, but both him and his Partner knew what they've signed up for, when choosing to take a Job, concerning Law Enforcement. Sometimes, it's either you, or them, and Humans are selfish beings, especially regarding the value of their own Lifes, compared to the one of a Criminal.
Nishida slightly narrowed his eyes by the sudden question. But next to that, his expression was still the same. 'Of course.' It was a simple answer for a simple question. They both knew that this job involved deaths. Without that his job wouldn't even exist. They signed up for it. 'I can only remember the first time though.'The man continued. His first kill must have been the male that threatened to shoot a hostage, the next were already blurred into vague memories. 'You?' Nishida asked with the same tone Mamoru had asked him. They were close to the house district now, and the car slowed down to stop for the house where his partner lived.
Hobbesisalive said:
Nishida slightly narrowed his eyes by the sudden question. But next to that, his expression was still the same. 'Of course.' It was a simple answer for a simple question. They both knew that this job involved deaths. Without that his job wouldn't even exist. They signed up for it. 'I can only remember the first time though.'The man continued. His first kill must have been the male that threatened to shoot a hostage, the next were already blurred into vague memories. 'You?' Nishida asked with the same tone Mamoru had asked him. They were close to the house district now, and the car slowed down to stop for the house where his partner lived.
Detective Mamoru Minori

Mamoru listened to the man behind the driver's seat, answering his question. He wasn't surprised by it, quite frankly, he wouldn't have guessed other wise. Sadly, Death, was a all-time companion of them, if it's a murder you're trying to solve, or a situation that just got out of hand. Death, was always involved. The Detective glanced at Nishida from the corner of his eye, but quickly locked his gaze back onto the front window. they were almost at their destination, Mamoru's Apartment. "Tatsumi Tanaka." He tapped his cigarette. "A Corrupt Detective, at the Tokio Police Department." Mamoru held on for a quick second. it seemed like there was more to the case than it sounded. "After the death of his... wife, Tatsumi started hunting down her murderer, and killed him." The man glared at Nishida, while stating the word.. Wife. "But he didn't stop after that, Tanaka continued killing criminals, Rapists and murderers more specifically." Mamoru took one last pull from his cigarette, and then threw the butt out of the car window.

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BobbyW said:
{sh=OPTION]Detective Mamoru Minori[/sh]

Mamoru listened to the man behind the driver's seat, answering his question. He wasn't surprised by it, quite frankly, he wouldn't have guessed other wise. Sadly, Death, was a all-time companion of them, if it's a murder you're trying to solve, or a situation that just got out of hand. Death, was always involved. The Detective glanced at Nishida from the corner of his eye, but quickly locked his gaze back onto the front window. they were almost at their destination, Mamoru's Apartment. "Tatsumi Tanaka." He tapped his cigarette. "A Corrupt Detective, at the Tokio Police Department." Mamoru held on for a quick second. it seemed like there was more to the case than it sounded. "After the death of his... wife, Tatsumi started hunting down her murderer, and killed him." The man glared at Nishida, while stating the word.. Wife. "But he didn't stop after that, Tanaka continued killing criminals, Rapists and murderers more specifically." Mamoru took one last pull from his cigarette, and then threw the butt out of the car window.


Nishida turned the car off and looked at his phone, which was laying in his cold hands. He heard the words of his partner, even paid attention too it but he simply shrugged. "If he wants to be a death note like character leave him." Again his voice sounded monotone, but there was a hint of anger in it. No not anger more irritation. "Is one more case for us." The male continued while turning his gaze towards Mamoru. "See you tomorrow". With this he waited till the man stepped out of his car. Nishida had heard thousands of times that maybe he should stop being a detective, that it would drive him crazy. But Takami was just weak on the inside. Mental . He wasn't like that, the man had even agreed to take himself of the case in which they searched for the murderer of his wife. He wasn't going to be like some death note owner.
Hobbesisalive said:
Nishida turned the car off and looked at his phone, which was laying in his cold hands. He heard the words of his partner, even paid attention too it but he simply shrugged. "If he wants to be a death note like character leave him." Again his voice sounded monotone, but there was a hint of anger in it. No not anger more irritation. "Is one more case for us." The male continued while turning his gaze towards Mamoru. "See you tomorrow". With this he waited till the man stepped out of his car. Nishida had heard thousands of times that maybe he should stop being a detective, that it would drive him crazy. But Takami was just weak on the inside. Mental . He wasn't like that, the man had even agreed to take himself of the case in which they searched for the murderer of his wife. He wasn't going to be like some death note owner.
Detective Mamoru Minori

A amused grin started appearing, while Mamoru listened to his partners statement. "...I didn't know you were a fan of Anime... or Manga." There was more to the whole story concerning Tatsumi, without a doubt; But Mamoru wasn't going to continue, especially since they've arrived. The man stepped out of the Car, and headed for the front door of the Apartment Building, he lived in. He waved at Nishida, without turning towards him, though. "Uh-Huh, See you tomorrow." Once inside the apartment, Mamoru collapsed onto his bed. I should probably eat something before sleeping... And with that thought, The Detetive simply fell asleep, just like that.
Toma Hiro

"That will be 1300 yen. Since you came at a discount day kids under ten get in free." Hiro said trying to sound excited. Once they paid and went to their movie Hiro continued working. Cleaning up behind people, sneaking into a few movies, and giving out tickets, pretending to be excited because of the discount. After a long day at work Hiro walked back home with a bubble tea. She knew the tea was coming out of her paycheck but she didn't care. When she made it home her bubble tea was finished and she threw the cup away in the kitchen. Hiro walked upstairs to her room and sat on her bed, not caring that she still had her work uniform on. She set her alarm to wake her up before school. Once that was done she sighed and laid down. 'I'll be a good kid and go to school tomorrow.' She thought and drifted off to sleep. @RyanJXavier

*Beep Beep* SLAM! Hiro smacked her alarm clock and it stopped. She sighed as she got up and rubbed her eyes. When the crust wasn't blocking her view anymore she looked at the time. "Ugh, I better go to school." She mumbled and gor up. She took a shower, brushed her hair, and did all the other necessities of a morning routine. She put on a navy blue t-shirt and a black poncho. She wore black capries and some cyan tennis shoes. As she walked downstairs to eat breakfast she yawned and stretched. She went to the kitchen and grabbed some bread to make toast. She stuck the toast in the toaster and waited. While waiting she recived a text from her mother saying they are coming home today. "Yipee." Hiro said sarcastically. When the toast was done Hiro grabbed her bookbag and stuck the toast in her mouth. She headed out the door and started walking toward the school munching on toast. "At least today is a short day." She mumbled between chews.

Togu Anna and April

Anna had found her sister asleep on a park bench after hours of searching. She woke her sister up and the two walked/dragged back up to their house. Once there April immediately fell asleep on the couch, snoring loudly. Anna laughed and walked up to her room changing out of her clothes into her pajamas. She set her alarm and fell asleep.

*Beep beep*. Anna gently pressed the button and turned off her alarm. 'Another day of serving weirdos.' She thought and got ready for her day. After showering and brushing her hair, etc etc. she put on her serving outfit and sighed. "Stupid skirt. Why can't we just wear a regular skirt or pants." She said thinking out loud. She walked down stairs and was surprised at the sight. April was up and making breakfast for the two. "Okay who are you and what have you done to my older sister." Anna said jokingly. April rolled her eyes and smiled. "Let's just say it's payback for helping me yesterday." April said appearing to be much better. Anna nodded and grabbed the veggie omlet April made for her. "I wish I could sit and talk but you know. Work." Anna said with a sigh and April nodded. "No problem Blueberry girl! I have a field trip today anyway. My morning teacher is taking us to the Hospital." April said excitedly. Anna giggled and smiled. "Well have fun! And you're a blueberry too! Just a drunk one!" She said jokingly and walked out heading to the ramen shop. April rolled her eyes once more and packed up her stuff as well and headed out toward the Academy.

Mitsurgi Kenichi

After meditating and training his last class, Mitsurgi closed up shop and headed home with his kendo sword next to him ready if anyone attacks. Mitsurgi walked home with no injuries so that's good and went to his room. He put on his pjs which was really just a fresh pair of boxers and went to sleep exhausted from teaching the fresh meat.

"100." Mitsurgi grunted as he stood back up from his usual one hundred push-ups. He was already dressed and had his sword in his hand on his side. Mitsurgi wasn't really a breakfast person so he just walked out of his house toward the dojo.
[QUOTE="Flame Demon](sorry notafications being annoying, what happened so far?)

...The RP's dead, for quite a while now.

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