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Realistic or Modern Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)

As Akako waited for her food, she dug some earbuds on her head then, played music softly. Mei was becoming a amazed with the customers, but she was still not eating. I guess it was because all of the other customers around. Oh well. Akako looked at the menu of drink and founds one of her favorites, tea. She picked some English Tea as her mother went with a mojito, a classic for Ms. Tachibana. She waited for the waiter as they talked about Akako's School life.

"So Akako, Who are they?" Mei said as she jabbed her with the elbow. "Just some classmates, Don't be so skeptical." Akako said as Mei replied, "Sure~" she said playfully. Mei rose her hand, waiting for one the maids or butlers to pick up their order.

@mikko @Vixifeir @Maid and Butler Cafè
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The word "Wulfbang" gave him a horrifying mental image. He crouched down and covered his ears for a moment. "Muzt unsee...muzt unsee...!!" he shuddered for a while in that position. When he arose, he spotted Anna dancing around the parking lot with her actual firearm out shouting "Bang, Bang, BANG!" He choked and then shrieked, "Anna!" coughing as he pursued her clumsily. "Anna you can't walg around with your gun draaaa-aw-awn like that you'll get us arrezted!" When he caught up to her, he grabbed her arm from behind and tried to lead her hand back to the holster, awkwardly pressing himself against her back to maintain his balance.

@Suzumaki Arakai


The two scowling men stared at each other before Tyler beat both of their scores. Togouro's face remained still, as a low and instigating series of "Oooooooooohs" rose from the audience. Togouro looked unphased, but inside, his body was building with heat. He approached the pad slowly, and stood in front of it for a moment. He seemed serene, almost as if he wasn't there as the crowd went silent. Then, as an all-consuming rage enveloped his soul, his face twisted into pain and wrath as he crashed a two-hit combo into the machine, the first earning 810, and the second earning 815. He turned back to Tyler and rapidly approached him, placing a finger on his chest. His English wasn't very good, so he spoke in short sentences. "Kota will defeat you," He leaned in and placed his head over Tyler's shoulder and next to his ear to tell him the next part privately. "If he does not...you will wish he did." Security began to gather around the crowd. Togouro's eyes darted from side to side. "Understand?"



The pouty chemist looked up as a man addressed him. It was one of the singing butlers. He rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. "Yes," he groaned. "Everything is fine, just fine." Everything was clearly not fine. Between half of the first year class being present, his inability to perv on the new maid because he couldn't tell if it was a man or not, being approached by Tomio had only brought him closer to the edge. At any other establishment he'd be throwing a fit and insulting everyone from the staff to the customers. But he didn't want to be banned from the maid cafe. It was one of his few favorite places in town. "We're just having trouble getting my coffee right," he said before taking a sip glaring bitterly at Tomio.

@Vixifeir @Leaf Fi @Zero Gravity @Maid Cafe
Tyler's blood was beginning to boil. When he heard what he guy said. "Take your finger off me or you will need a new hand." His fist began clenching. He shoulder bumped the guy out of the way and walked towards the pad. He took off his shirt to get full momentum and move freely. The crowd all having their phones out. Tyler's eyes did not leave the guy. He threw his 1,2 punch combo. 850,875. The crowd clapped. He walked back over to the guy. "No one is stopping me, not Kota, not you, not anyone." Security was trying to get between the too. Firmly standing his ground Tyler's face expressionless. Just eyes locked in. @SirBlazeALot
Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki waited patiently as she played around with the silverware that was placed on her table before she even sat down. Looking around; she noticed a few familiar face that she's seen around town before. No, she doesn't know their names or anything...it's just that some people have probably caused a ruckus outside of Manga Range or she's been accused of being a child by them...all kinds of different reasons.

Once she noticed her smoothie being sat down on the table she shot the boy wearing a dress and okay sign then began slurping away with a permanent smile plastered on her face.

"It's soo~ good~!!" Her thoughts were in lala land as she continued to suck the contents down to the bottom. After a second, the girl paused...staring down into the decorative glass that was now almost empty.

Suddenly she grasped her hair and pulled at it, staring up at the ceiling, "Brain freeze!!!!" Due to her crazy like personality, Suzumaki can't help how loud she is. It's either a whisper or a yell...there's no in between as I've explained in previous...things.

@Maid Café @Vixifeir @Zero Gravity @Anyone Else

Tanaka Ryuzaki

A sudden beeping noise from his phone sent his eyes open in a lazy manner; sitting up, the boy looked around for a moment. "Ah, oh yeah." He had forgotten that he made it home from practice a little bit ago.

Reaching down, he grabbed his phone and glanced at the message; a small breath for a laugh escaping his lips as he then stood up and headed to his bathroom.

Ryuzaki didn't yet reply to the girl's message until he was done taking a shower and brushing his teeth. Once he was in his bedroom; he slipped into a pair of basketball short and that was it before laying down in bed with a sigh. "I've got work tomorrow..."

The tall boy just so happens to be a bar tender at the HR Café; he chose that job because not as many people visit there so he doesn't have to do so much but still gets paid.

Sitting up off his bed; Ryuzaki reached over and grabbed a cigarette from the small pack that had been resting on his bed stand, along with an alarm clock and a random pair of glasses.

He lit up the cigarette at the same time he began texting Yumi back:

Subject: ...

Re: "Don't be strange"

Of course he's just joking though. Placing the phone beside him; the boy once again fell into a deep sleep...

@Leaf Fi

Tatsuri Anna

Anna was having the time of her life; luckily no one had yet noticed the drunken police officer. Just as she was about to turn off the safety and actually fire the gun; her partner came running up behind her in an attempt to put the gun back where it belongs.

She went with the flow and returned the weapon to it's holster then grabbed her partners hand, turning around quickly enough to flip him onto the ground.

The woman then stood with her head held high and hands on her hips, "Ah! Ha! Ha! Ha! I win!" she laughed as she then pulled a cigarette from her pocket and lit it up...on the wrong end.

"D-huck-ammit...fuggin' hate deez." her words slurred while she dropped the cigarette to the ground and pulled out another, this time getting it right.

Taking a few puffs from the tobacco stick; she looks over and noticed her partner on the ground and quickly kneels down by his side.

"Oi! Who dids dis ta ya -hic- I'll fuggin' krill'em!" She began helping him up...drunkenly as a taxi then made it's way into the parking lot.


Aoi Nohime

Aoi nodded at Makoto, "Yup! We server all kinds of deserts, master!" The girl said, writing down 'Chocolate cake' and then looking back up at his next question. "Oh! I think so. You'll have to check in with Tomio." She said, politely motioning towards the blonde in a butler addressing their teacher. Her expression dimmed a bit before turning back to her original one. "R-right!" She then faced Fumiko, "What may I get you, master?" She asks, writing down what he said after that. 'Carrot Cake and Banana Pudding' before bowing and saying, "It'll be out soon, masters." The girl ran off, her light blue dress hoping with each little step she took and her hair drifted behind her. It was quite a sight seeing the young girl this happy. Normally she's too shy to think about smiling, but she seemed to be breaking out of her shell in the café. Aoi took a slice of the pre-made chocolate cake and put it in the microwave, putting it in for precisely 33 seconds and she did the same thing for the carrot cake, and started working on the banana pudding. She didn't have much time to do it, so she was using the slightly cheated way. It didn't make it taste any different, it just cooled fast. She turned down the temperature of the freezer quite significantly and started to bake the banana pudding.

@Zero Gravity



Ione Aelia

Looked a bit surprised when Tomio can over. She stepped away and just watched. The man was her responsibility and she only just listened. She knew she'd be questioned sooner or later by the blonde haired man, but she kept quiet and just stared.

@Leaf Fi



Maki Noriko

The small petite boy gave a smile as the lady gave him a thumbs up, and as he was walking back he heard the words and the look that the lone male gave Tomio. His blue eyes widened as he stuttered a bit in his walk, almost tripping over his feet. He continued to walk, now blushing madly because it was almost completely obvious he was listening in on the conversation. His small body the returned from the kitchen, both hands holding the desserts that the lady has ordered. He then, set them down gently on the table. "Here you are, mistress! When you're finished, just ring this bell here and I'll be right here with your bill!" The male said in his very feminine voice, giving a small curtsy and squeaking when he almost tripped again.




@Suzumaki Arakai

@Leaf Fi


Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki's brain freeze soon faded...more like she forgot about the pain as soon as the food was brought to her table. Within the blink of an eye, the small girl was now pigging out on all of the delicious food.

"It's amazing! Uwah!" Her mouth was full when she spoke but her words were obvious.

After finishing off her smoothie and two pieces of cake, she started of the cobbler with a giant smile. "I'm gonna come here everyday!" Looking at how much the girl eats; you'd wonder how she's so damn tiny?

@Maid Café @Zero Gravity @mikko @Leaf Fi @Vixifeir @All The Other Peeps
Makoto scanned the area while waiting for the chocolate cake to arrive, looking for Tomio. Eventually, Makoto spotted the tall man...but he was next to the chemistry teacher, and they were discussing something. The teacher was obviously not enjoying himself, probably because there were three of his students in the same cafe as him.

Makoto waited for an opportunity, but they didn't seem to stop soon. So, Makoto raised a hand and waved at Tomio. Now, Makoto only had to wait for him to come so they can talk.

@Leaf Fi


@Maid Cafe

Tranquility wrapped around him as Anna's gun was safely returned to the holster. His partner tore him right out of it when she flipped him onto his back. His eyes swirled comically. He weakly held up a hand and said in a raspy voice, "Crisis. Averted..." The man used Anna as a crutch before plopping inside of the taxi. "Take uz to the-hic-urp-" he paused for a moment, throwing up a little bit in his mouth, clearing his throat after keeping it down. "The housing district. Take uz there."

@Suzumaki Arakai


He cocked his head at Tyler's threat and watched as the man tore off his shirt, much to the crowd's pleasure. Ladies swooned as the American fighter unleashed hell on the machine, and just as he came back toward Togouro, two security guards stood between them, struggling to keep both men back. "Bad move, Yankee," he said in a low voice as he maintained Tyler's eyes. He wanted desperately to crush the security guards in front of him so that he could get to Tyler. But now there were cameras everywhere. He'd be in big trouble if kept attracting this much attention to himself. He backed away with an unchanging facial expression and began to head for the door. He took his dear sweat time turning away; he wanted Tyler to get a very good look at his face.

Tomio Takahashi

The blonde haired male straightened his posture with a raised brow. "Oh?" Tomio glanced towards Ione, shaking his head. "I am terribly sorry, sir... You shall be given a discount for your patience..." He told the customer with another bow. "I shall see you in the kitchen once you're finished? " His tone was deadly serious, almost like one that was warning a scolding was about to be announced, but his eyes were a lot softer; they told the girl not to worry. The man then made off to leave to manage the register once more but was stopped as a boy waved at him, attracting his attention. Swiftly, he turned on his heel before bowing once more before the customer. "How may I help you, sir?"




Yumi Narusaki

The girl entered her room with a relaxed and easy sigh, shutting hrr eyes as a hand ran through her hair. Fingers navigated their way to the front and unclipped the flower standing proud to the world, placing it on the small table in the centre of the room. A gentle hum could be heard from the brunette as she travelled around and undressed herself to change back into more comfortable clothing; a long, loose shirt that fell mid thigh and a pair of shorts that just barely peeked from beneath the shirt. A yawn dropped from her mouth as she planted herself in front of her study desk, flicking open the science book and began to read.

After ten or so minutes, her phone called out to its owner once more, and Yumi rose from her spot to grab it. Her eyes read over the message and immediately rolled in response. '( ̄ェ ̄ ;) You stop being strange ☆~(ゝ。∂)' she replied with a giggle, picking up the book once more.

"Hmph," and a small nod was his only reply as he took another sip of coffee. A smug little smile settled on his lips as he looked up from his seat at Ione and then back down. "Well then, I suppose I should be going," he said, gathering his papers triumphantly. He was so proud of himself for mildly inconveniencing Ione, it was a bit sad. Being a shit customer were among his many hobbies. "How much do I owe you?" he asked upon standing up.

@Leaf Fi @Vixifeir @Zero Gravity @Maid Cafe
Tatsuri Anna

Anna continued to laugh as her partner spoke, they hopped into the taxi (I accidentally typed coffee at first) and Anna continued with her arm around Wulf's shoulder; swaying back and forth.

She began to sing her words, "We're~ Gonna go~ To the Housing~ Dis~ Trict~" After the car started moving, she calmed down a little because...who doesn't love the feeling of a car ride drunk?

Eventually the woman fell asleep; head resting on her partner's shoulder as she began drooling but would quickly wipe it away unconsciously.

The turns made it difficult to maintain balance; every now and then she would almost fall over to the other side of the taxi but caught herself on the back of the drivers chair.

"I'm fuggin' drunk...how'my supposeded to be home? Get home?"

Drunken thoughts...

Tyler looked at the guy and smirked. "I always make the right moves." He then posed to the crowd. Tyler won't forget a face. He never forgets the haters. Because that's what drives him. He has always proved everyone wrong. This won't slow him down. He was so pumped and ready now. Tomorrow he will make sure to unload at the gym. He picked up his shirt and threw it over his shoulder. By now his phone was being blown up by his manager. The videos are all over Twitter and Instagram. "I was just here to play some games." He said with a laugh as security asked him to leave. He signed some autographs and took some pictures before heading back into the street. Shirt over his shoulder. @SirBlazeALot
Makoto stood up and bowed once the manager came. It was important to give a great impression in order to get hired.

"I'm impressed by the cafe you're running, sir. I, Makoto Kishima, would like to work here, if that is possible." Makoto smiled slightly while looking into Tomio's eyes, who happened to be the same height. "I may be a bit too tall for this but..." Makoto mumbled.

@Leaf Fi

@Maid Cafe
Tomio was a little surprised as the customer returned the bow, but didn't show any reaction on his face. However, the slightest twitch of his brow could be dully noted at the boy's request. The blonde straightened his posture, taking a step back as he examined Makoto from head to toe. Of course; being the sweetest and most kindest male ever, Tomio's immediate response was to scream yes and pull the other into a tight hug with maybe a booty slap (that's his thing, if you didn't notice), but being in a professional environment, he couldn't quite do that... Instead, he shot a grin at Makoto. "I think we could arrange something..." He chuckled, "But, of course, we'd have to see you in action first..." Tomio pointed out.

"Sure, if we still have time, I'll do anything you wish, sir." Makoto chuckled. "Well, you get what I mean by that." Makoto added to avoid misunderstandings.

The teenager checked the surroundings, then looked back at the rather friendly cafe owner. "Anything I could do for you...master?" Makoto's face turned to a serious, profesional one, yet with a big smile on it. The recruit was now waiting for a task.

@Leaf Fi

@Maid Cafe
Hikaru Ayasegawa

What a long day it had been for your friendly neighborhood blunette. The director she was working with had demanded a very complicated scene that required zero mistakes. Naturally, mistakes were made and a 5 minute shot ended up taking nearly 60 takes. All her joints ached from that tedious chore, but at least she wasn't the crew. Those poor saps must have died from exhaustion by now.

Intent on unwinding, Hikaru was now heading to a place that was recommended to her by several people; a maid cafe. She had been skeptical at first, thinking it was a childish notion, but when she stepped in and saw all the cute maids, butlers and the general cute environment...she still thought that it was a bit childish, but maybe something good can come of this. She crashed down on a nearby chair and waited for someone to come by. Hopefully, someone beautiful and of consenting age.

@Maid Cafe

Ione Aelia

Ione felt a shiver run up her back when Tomio's voice went serious. She hated it when he did that, it bothered her to a large extent when he did that, but she knew that's how it was suppose to be for acting. 'He really is a great actor.' She thought, sighing slightly and playing along. She bowed and looked over at the teacher, "Would you like me to get your receipt, master?" She asks, still being as sweet as always. She didn't let things like that get to her, she knew this man... Or will sooner or later. Aoi, Fumiko, and the other kid that's talking to Tomio seem to know him, so she was sure she could find something about him later on.


@Leaf Fi

Fumiko Haruto

"All of my friends are getting jobs at maid cafés. I think I'll just stick to taking care of dogs, there's no pervert dogs," Fumiko stated, taking a sip of his English tea. Sweet, just like he liked it. Aoi knew him so well, after all, they had been talking since grade school. It was quite nice in his opinion. Having a friend for so long have them a huge connection and emotional bond with each other.

Maki Noriko

"H-here's your bill! If you want, you can just stay for a little longer and I can get you something else? Whatever you wish, mistress!" Maki chided, yet again tucking another piece of hair behind his ear. He heard the bell give its signature soft twinkle, and he automatically turned around to see who had walked in. It was a female, of course. However, he wasn't too sure. The feminine male felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him, this must be what happens when people see him. "Please make your decision, mistress! Just call for me when you're ready!" He gave a bow, making sure that none of his undergarments showed whenever he bent over. He waited before he went over there, checking to see if any other host was going to grab the oppurtunity. When none made the move, Maki walked over with a sweet smile on his face. He clasped his hands in front of him, adjusting the frilly headband on his head. "Welcome home, mistress! Please follow me, I'll lead you to your seat!"

@Kawaii @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @Lazy Rocktime
Lazy Rocktime] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18426-zero-gravity/ said:
@Zero Gravity[/URL]
(She talking to who exactly? 'Cause that is a lot of tags there -3-)
[[ Sorry, I should have just tagged Maid Squad instead. >.< He's talking to Hikaru! Oh, and my character is a boy in the maid outfit, but it's a bit hard to tell because he looks so much like a girl. ]]
Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki finished off her food right after the kid brought her the bill; glancing at it for a split second before almost spitting her food out of her mouth.

With a scratch to the cheek, the girl let out a regretful laugh, "It's not...too expensive..." She then pulled her wallet from her pocket and laid down a good 6035 yen before walking out to head home.

It had gotten pretty late, "How long does this café stay open for?" she wondered as she waved down a taxi and handed him 603 yen with a cheeky smile.

"Housing district!"

After about a five minute drive, Suzumaki finally made it home to her apartment. She didn't live in a building of apartments, just a small complex made up of ten rooms.

Suzumaki's apartment number was three; it hung on the door in a crooked fashion. She fixed it everyday but it always seems to fall back to the slanted state...there's no helping it.

After the girl entered her house she took a nice long shower and brushed her hair...somehow. Laying down in her bed she made an attempt to set her alarm clock but remembered how she accidentally broke it early this morning.

"Dammit...I'll just use my ph-....I don't own a phone..." With a sigh the girl tucked herself under the covers and closed her eyes, "I'll have to buy one...but then I might need a better job...well I've got two of them so I should be fine...but I spend so much money on food..."

Eventually her thoughts put her into a deep sleep that would last until morning.

Hikaru was just going to sit herself down, but was interjected by a maid. Well, a boy dressed as a maid, to be precise. Being androgynous herself, it would be natural for her to distinguish between vaguely gendered people. That said, he was actually pretty cute, with the white hair and the frilly get-up. Looked pretty young, though, so she should tone the flirting down a bit. And just by a bit.

"Lead the way, then...princess," she said to the maid, showing him her trademark smile, an elegant and seductive one befitting of a prince.

@Zero Gravity
((@Suzumaki Arakai but your big tip from Tyler twice xD ))

Tyler was walking down the street still with his shirt off. His fuse still kind of high and his adrenaline pumping. He was hungry again. All that movement and emotions. "I could go for some cake." He said hoping to find a place. @anyone

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