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Realistic or Modern Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)

Jethro Sato and Hazel Sato

Whatever, I'm going in.
Jethro thought to himself as if watching a movie with no one else was a challenge. At least now he could try and touch the screen! He'd always been curious as to how the movie screen felt. Jet could even sleep during the movie! Why would he do that though if he paid for the ticket? His phone vibrated in his pocket causing him to snap back to reality. "Yo" Jet answered his phone after almost dropping it on the ground. "Save me from this boredom!" His younger sister yelled before emitting a wail from her side of the line. Jet winced at his younger sister's scream, "Calm down. I'll pick you up". "Really?" Hazel's eyes were glowing as she clicked the tv remote off. "Well did ya finish your homework?" The teen asked while turning around and walking toward Ryu and Hazel's house. Hazel nodded as if Jet was right in front of her, "Yes! It was so simple-". "Good talk, yo. I'll be there in a bit" Jet replied before ending the call.

"Are you serious?!" Hazel exclaimed once Jethro arrived at her door. Jet just stayed silent and stared at his younger sister. "You said you'd pick me up! What a lie. How could you lie to me!" She continued while putting her hands to her face. The only Sato sibling who had a car was Ryu. Hazel already knew that; however, Jet's "I'll pick you up" line threw her off. Perhaps he had Ryu's car for a bit, but nooo. "Want me to pick you up?" Jethro questioned as he slightly raised a brow. The young girl was about to respond, but was cut off by Jethro's sudden action of picking her up and throwing her onto his shoulder.

"I seriously can't deal with you right now" Hazel said eyeing the movie schedule once they finally arrived at the movie theater. "What?" Jethro questioned in a slightly irritated manner. "I just left the house and turned off the tv...to watch A BIGGER TV?!" Jet's younger sister flailed her arms in the air not caring that she accidentally smacked Jet's back. Jethro took a deep breath before replying to his sister, " . . . Next time, I'll just ignore your boredom babbling". With that, Jethro stepped pass his sister and walked up to the ticket person. Hazel gasped and caught up to her brother, "I do not babble! Ya got that, bud?" The older sibling just shook his head before looking at Hiro, "Two tickets for-". "TANYA THE TREE TRUNK!" Hazel yelled while tiptoeing to see Hiro, and tugging Jet's shirt for balance. "Oh heck no! Sh!" Jet immediately glanced at his sister then diverted his attention back to Hiro. "Night Fighter please" He finally said after silencing his sister with a free lollipop from the bowl next to Hiro.

Suzumaki Arakai

Suzuamaki changed into her average, everyday clothes and closed up the shop with a sigh. She pat the door to Rame Ramen and smiled, "Til tomorrow my friend." The small girl then began making her way home so she could get some rest for tonight...it wasn't really that late but she still needed to get home.

Before then though, she decided to stop by the convenience store before it closed and bought a bunch of sweets and random drinks.

(( Good morning everyone! ))

Makoto was looking around the hallways while walking with Fumiko, trying to memorize as much as possible for the upcoming days. The route from the classroom to the school's entrance wasn't that confusing now that Fumiko showed Makoto how go get from one to another.

When the two of them reached the entrance and walked out of the school, Makoto slowed down. "Can you show me a place where I could spend my free time after school? Something like a cafe would be nice." Makoto asked Fumiko.

@Zero Gravity
BobbyW said:
Mamoru glared into Nishida's eyes as well, when he started bombarding him with questions. He wasn't able fo answer his partners questions simple as that, so he waited for him to look into the files. "43 years old..." The detective mumbled with the cigarette in his mouth. "... Well it's possible for him to be tied to the victim in some way... At least regarding his age." He thought out loud. It was unlikely, yes, but not impossible, and that's what important, sourting out, and going through the various possibility's on how the crime may have taken place. He said so as his partner gestured towards the picture inside the file. Mamoru held his pace, and followed Nishida in the direction of the Police Department's elevator, leading to the bottom floors and therefore outside. "Looks like we do."
Nishida leaned against the iron wall in the elevator, breathing in and out the smoke that formed in his lungs. 'We have no suspects so further, we're practically walking in the dark.' A small smile slipped upon his lips while he talked. The more darker the case was, the more he could lose himself in it. Something the male needed.
Yanagi Kaoru

When Kaoru entered the convenience store, she was plainly and simply drunk. She had spent the day shopping and going to goukons with some third year and college senpais. As much as she knew that it was the "wrong" lifestyle for a student to espouse, there was a certain ecstasy that she derived from the hollow flattery and hackneyed flirtatious exchanges that compelled her sometimes to skip school with some older friends. Kaoru was with her goukon group at the convenience store looking for some cheap snacks to eat overnight, when she spotted a cute little girl holding bags of sweets and drinks. Overwhelmed by the cuteness and drunk out of her mind, Kaoru glomped the little stranger and chanted with drunken fervour:

"I caught a kawaii fairy-chan~ ♪"

Then she proceeded to pinch fairy-chan's cheeks with all her might.

"Were you taking food back to the your faerie folks back in the forest~?"

Entertained but none willing to be "responsible" for the drunk Kaoru, Kaoru's goukon group quickly fled the scene while Kaoru was occupied with her new fairy.

@Suzumaki Arakai

*Goukon is like a group blind date for those that don't know.

Takumi Higurashi

Takumi pouted when he was scolded by Naruko. "There's no one around..." He said, hugging his bunny tighter and using a very kidish voice. When they hung up, the little blonde was sitting up and still sulking, rubbing his index finger and thumb on the soft bunny's ear. "We could just walk there..." He muttered, refusing to make eye contact. It was true, not like it was too far away. He sighed and flew his head back, forcing himself to lay on the grass. He stopped moping and pulled himself together rather quick. "Anything exciting happen with you? I'm not really sure when you arrived at school so..." He said, trailing off. Takumi wasn't sure if Katsu skipped school in the beginning or not. Normally, the doe eyes boy never went to school. He was sure that most people would be confused on why a boy of his size skipped into a third year class.


@Zero Gravity

Ione Aelia

Ione has mastered selective sight. Being around Tomio and Mikan can do that to someone, and so she decided to block Sung-Kang from out of his view, making sure not to see She nodded at the request for hazelnut and quickly opened the package for one, and then another. Out of her apron pocket, she pulled out a stirrer and put it next to it. "Thank you, sir." She said, "Is there anything else you would like me to get, sir?" Ione had to ask that every time, even if they wanted the bill. Most men can't say no to a good looking women, so she strive to help Tomio out and make his business successful.


@Leaf Fi



Fumiko Haruto

"Oh, yeah! There's totally a maid café around here! Everyone's pretty entertaining, in fact, they're hilarious," Fumiko said, sporting his usual casual grin that he almost always had on his face. "I do feel a bit bad for them though, they probably get harassed by perverts all day," he sighed, shaking his head. "Well, let's go! I've heard that the desserts there are super duper good!" The red-headed male chided, beginning to run ahead, waiting for the other to follow him.


Katsu Masumi

"Yeah, but his car is faster. I don't feel like walking today," Katsu whined, wrinkling his nose in distaste. As Takumi asked him the next question, he hummed. "No, nothing interesting happened. Like I said, school is boring. I have to go though, because if I don't, that's where those care services people come in, and that's where I go," he yawned, stretching his tiny arms in the air. He knew a lot for a kid his age, really, it was quite spectacular.




Daisuke Haruto

Daisuke checked his watch, noting that is was getting late. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. Fumiko tended to get distracted easily, especially with other kids around. The young boy was practically a ball of energy, just like a five-year-old. He began to just walk down the streets, enjoying the small amount of bustle and the lack of people in the area. He sat down on a small bench, staring up at the sky. He wished it wasn't such a crowded and brightly lit city, then he would be able to see tons of stars.


"A maid cafe? I've seen maid cafes in anime, but, do they really exist?!" Makoto, who never saw such a cafe, was excited. A real life maid cafe, with girls wearing cute uniforms? Makoto really wanted to see that.

When Fumiko ran ahead, Makoto started walking a little faster, but didn't run. "H-Hey, slower! Why are you running like that?" The teenager asked while trying to catch up with him, but without actually running. Makoto didn't like to run...

@Zero Gravity
Shuhei Sonozaki

Hmm...this page didn't come out that good, the brown-haired mangaka could be found among the numerous shelves the Manga Range bookshop had to offer. It was a routine for him to check out his own works to see if they did well on paper. Right now, he was browsing through the pages of Volume #10 of Love Jam, one of his proudest series and the oldest, its original idea conceived when he first entered high school. The quality of the story was doubtless, but on some pages, he could spot some imperfections that were consistent throughout most of the books. Nothing too significant, but great mistakes always start out small. After his 'creator review' was finished, he went out and headed home, making sure to buy two glasses of bubble tea for Hikaru, that rowdy, tomboyish excuse for a woman. She wasn't the best of roommates, but he was stuck with her, so whether he liked it or not, she was his responsibility. No life without hardships, I suppose, he remarked mentally as he handed the money to the vendor and took the plastic cups of the drink in exchange.
Melody looks at her watch and she sighs, she had missed out on lunch. She closes the document, she had a lot already for her new book, she only had to draw the cover page, but she'd do that later or another day, she also had to draw the characters for her book. "The meeting should be in half an hour" she mumbles and asks her agent for Daisuke's number and she sends him a text saying 'Meeting in half an hour, don't forget - Melody'

@Zero Gravity

Wulf's face became the color of firetrucks as Anna berated him with compliments. "P-p-pretty...man?" The officer couldn't be happier that she had noticed what he had always considered to be dashing good looks. When she finally released him, he took a huge swallow from his glass. The burn was becoming less intense and now felt like a deep warmth as the liquid traveled to his stomach. As Anna went on her tirade of compliments, the man casually took sips from his drink, occasionally buckling over on the counter with laughter. She really had him cracking up. He looked up at Mei and wiped a tear from his eye as he replied, "Rambunctious is a bit of an under..rerstatement," he slurred. "Batshit crazy is-urp-more like it, esssspeciall-ly if she thinks she doesn't have a nice body," he began cracking up as Anna stared at the ceiling. "Drink gyour water!" he managed to say as he rested his head down on the bar.



The man held up his finger, signaling her to wait again. He took a tiny sip and smacked his lips lightly. After a moment he shook his head. "I'm sorry, it's just...but this hazelnut is just all wrong. Could you bring me another please?" He did this whenever he went out to eat. He was a royal pain in the ass to serve, not because he was legitimately picky, but because he enjoyed giving others a hard time. It was a small and pathetic thing to do, but the man loved to do it none-the-less.

@Vixifeir @maid cafe
Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki hadn't even paid for her snacks yet when suddenly someone came in and began violating her...technically. Sniffing; Suzumaki could tell this person was really drunk so she wasn't going to be to harsh about anything. That is, until the girl began squishing her cheeks...

After that, Suzumaki squirmed out from under the person, leaving her precious sweets and shot a finger at her, "Oi! Stop it before I shove this here fairy foot up your drunken *censored*" The small girl was huffing and balling up her fists now as she stared down at the girl.


Wulf's smile began to fade as Anna stared at him, her wrath manifesting in what looked like the flames of hell. "Ach mein Gott!" the now drunken officer exclaimed in his native tongue after a terribly long and awkward silence. Relieved that his head was still attached to his neck, he threw the rest of his drink down the hatch. He pointed accusingly like a taddle-tale child at the remainder of Anna's drink. "You hava to fiishish....finish! Finish finishish it!" He knew he and Anna were going to have monstrous hangovers the next day. Now that Anna had proclaimed drinking water to be "bitch" Wulf wasn't going to hydrate either. His ego simply wouldn't allow him. He eyed Mei and Akako for a second. He really wanted to ask if that was a child or just a really childlike adult, but he didn't want to make her nervous or offend the potential adult.

Tatsuri Anna

Anna looked over at her drink with a drunken stare, it took about fifteen seconds for her to realize it was hers. She grabbed the drink and smiled towards Wulf, "Oh-hic-yeah. Ahaha-hic-aack...I fuggin hate Harper Ramone...I mean hiccups." The girl wolfed...more like WULFED Ahahaha, down her drink and slammed the glass on the counter.

After the, two drinks were brought to them by Hakari; this time they had little umbrellas in them. Anna just stared at the little nacks inside her drink with a confused expression; she even wiped her eyes to see if she was hallucinating.

Pointing towards the umbrella; she looks at her partner, "They p-hic-put parasols in our..." she was too drunk to really finish the sentence because...well you know how people get.

The girl lifted the cup to her lips and took a big swig. "Th-that makes -hic- my...one, two, three. I went to college so shut up, I know what I'm doing. One, two, three...shit I forgot what I was gonna say -hic-." Anna was now sitting back down on the stool, lying her head down on the table like Wulf was before.

She began twirling her hair around her finger like a little girl.


Ione Aelia and Aoi Nohime

Ione smiled and nodded, picking up the cup of coffee and placing it on the platter.
"Of course, sir!" She said happily. Surprisingly, the girl didn't seem bothered by this one bit. Almost like she was enjoying herself. She practically skipped off and placed the cup on the counter. "Aoi,can you make another coffee please and get ride of this one?" Aoi nodded and quickly washed the cup before grabbing another one and putting more coffee in it. The young girl placed it on the counter and Ione scooped it up, placing it on the platter and going back to the customer just as quickly as she left. "Here you are, sir." She said, smiling politely. She was hugging the platter to her chest and leaning to the side again, trying her hardest to be a proper café maid without over-doing it.


@Leaf Fi



Fumiko Haruto

"Ah, sorry. I'm just really excited! I love maid cafés! They're so much fun!" Fumiko slowed down, smiling apologetically. "Sorry, Kishima-san," the male stated, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. It was kind of a habit of his, he always seemed to be sorry about everything he did.


Daisuke Haruto

Daisuke jumped a bit as he felt his phone vibrate a bit, pulling it out of his pocket to see what was going on. He read the text message, and quickly sent back.

I haven't forgotten. See you then.' He then put his phone back up, continuing to relax on the bench.

@Flame Demon

"Hmm hiccups. Oh dear," he said growing silent for a time. "Oh my we have a serious problem on our hands," he said in a mockingly serious tone. He'd taken his parasol out and was spinning it between his index finger and thumb idly. He took a harsh swallow of his drink. He turned to Anna and cocked his head, crossed his eyes and facetiously said, "Jeezuz, Tatsuri, I vonder-imean-wonder what a good cure for the hiccups is..." He paused and put his hand on his chin, then he put his finger up and made a eureka face. "OH. I KNOW. WATER........-hic-...god dammit." He took another fat sip from his drink and burped. "Faze it Tat-zu-reee," he said with his eyes closed, clearly feeling some type of way, "You. Can't. You...can't do thiz, you can't uhhh... beat me" he stared off into space for a while, and then, in the latest reaction of the history of late reactions, he looked at the umbrella he'd been toying with. "Ach. Mein. Gott. They put parasols in our drinks."

@Kawaii @ Shady's Bar


As the cheery maid pranced off in delight, Sung-Kang's false smile twisted into a deep frown. Either the force was real strong in this one, or she was cursing him out in the deepest bowels of her mind. Sometimes it was indeed hard to tell. He'd had servers that would attempt the kill-em-with-kindness routine, but he'd never actually bought it until now. It was as if her entire being was dedicated to him in this moment. He was traveling to the seedier parts of his mind at the thought. When she left he resumed grading papers. Yet another "illegible." What luck. Those were his favorites, then he wouldn't have to bother reading any of the other answers, he could just move on with his life. Still sometimes it seemed as if his life wasn't moving at all. He sat back and thought upon the idea with his arms crossed. Then the maid returned. He turned to her and quietly replied, "Set it down, and lets try again," before pushing up his glasses with two fingers.

@Vixifeir @ Maid Cafe
Melody sees the text and she puts her phone down before she look outside, she still had time to spare, she decides to walk down and once there she heads towards the cafeteria.

Ione Aelia

Ione did as she was told and set it down. "Three sugars and two creams, again, sir?" She asked, continuing to smile. He seemed a bit annoyed which made her furrow her eyebrows. "Are you okay, sir?" She asks, hoping she wasn't doing anything wrong. If she was, she'd like to be told instead of just letting things go on the way they are. The girl was looking at Sung-Kang innocently, as if she hasn't been influenced by the world in anyway, shape, or form.


@Leaf Fi


Hobbesisalive said:
Nishida leaned against the iron wall in the elevator, breathing in and out the smoke that formed in his lungs. 'We have no suspects so further, we're practically walking in the dark.' A small smile slipped upon his lips while he talked. The more darker the case was, the more he could lose himself in it. Something the male needed.
Detective Mamoru Minori

Mamoru stepped into the Elevator, and pressed the button which would lead them downstairs. He breathed the smoke, his Cigarette could create. He noticed the smile that formed on his Partners face, after stating the Situation regarding suspects. Typical. Once the Elevator arrived at their Destination, Mamoru continued his way, towards Nishida's Car. Since He himself never learned how to drive a car, and get his Driver's License, Mamoru often had to rely on others, at least concerning Transportation. It was annoying, but since he really couldn't do anything about it, he just accepted that fact.
"It's fine, it's fine. I'm excited too." Makoto said and nodded when Fumiko apologized, but also wandered what he had in mind. Fumiko probably wanted to see the maids too, like any other boy would do.

After a little more walking, the two of them arrived at the cafe. "So, is this the place?" Makoto asked, but opened the cafe's door anyway, and walked in together with Fumiko.

"H-Hello!" Makoto said, and waved at the maids. The cafe was really well decorated, and the girls were wearing amazing uniforms. Makoto's face turned red. Was this real, or a dream? And was that...the chemistry teacher sitting there?

@Zero Gravity


@Maid Cafe
Tatsuri Anna

Anna watched Wulf as he drunkenly explained the cure for hiccups. She began laughing at the umbrella being twirled between her partner's finger. "W-hic-ater sucks!" She then finished off her drink and made a face of disgust.

Standing up; the girl grabbed her partner and made an attempt to help him up, "I win at -hic- everysang~ Even iffff I loose."

The girl was laughing continuously; she made an attempt to grab her parasol at the same time as trying to stand her partner up...let's just say that didn't turn out well.

She ended up stepping on her own foot and falling backwards, possibly dragging Wulf down with her. "I sink we need -hic- a fuggin' tack tack tack." A small giggle escaped her lips, "taxiiii~"

Anna was twirling her finger around at the ceiling.

Nana Takane

The girl followed Ryu's gaze and rolled her eyes. The male was hungry, even a child of four could see that much. She looked around and tapped with her shoe on the ground, growing a little impatience. 'Great service, that's for sure.' Nana stated before sighing being annoyed by the slow service.

@RyanJXavier @Maid cafe

Ione Aelia

Ione noticed the two boys coming into the café and she giggled, glancing back at Aoi. 'I'll let her take them. She may have fun with it.' She thought, gesturing to the smaller girl to come out of the kitchen and let one of the boys take care of the cooking.

Aoi Nohime

Aoi looked at the new comers and was about to go out to greet them, but then she noticed who they were.
'Fumiko? What is Fumiko doing in a place like this?!' She thought, yelling at herself with widened eyes. When she saw Ione practically yelling at her to go greet them. The girl bit her lip and took in a deep breathe. Fumiko would've found out about this sooner or later so there was no point in going ahead and telling him. She would've preferred it just to be him, but the other boy was her friend as far as she knew. Aoi walked out of the kitchen and grabbed a platter as well as a notebook and pen before going to greet them. "Hello! Welcome to the Maid and Butler Café! Please follow me to your seat!" The girl formed the words perfectly in her mind and successfully said them with out stuttering. She didn't bother looking at their reaction to seeing her working here- she just went on with business as usual.


@Leaf Fi

@Zero Gravity

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Tyler looked at his phone and it was still early. He stopped home and changed. He put on normal black skinny jeans, and a dress shirt. He got his nice watch a movado, carbon fiber, he also put on his aviators. Once back outside he did the mirror check and ab check, typical Tyler. He started walking down the street trying to find a fun place to hang out. He would be happy even if it's an arcade, he hasn't gamed in a while.

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