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Realistic or Modern Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)

"Aoi, you're working here as a maid?!" Makoto said loudly as they were walking to their seat, in a very enthusiastic way, not caring about the others who were probably watching. "You're wearing a maid uniform, like the ones I've seen on TV! Can I touch it?" Makoto said really loud and let out a fangirlish squeal while touching the uniform's apron to see how it feels like. The texture was...special.

@Zero Gravity



@Maid Cafe

Fumiko Haruto

"A-ah! Aoi-chan! You look so cute, you're so frilly!" Fumiko laughed, a huge grin on his face as he saw the other. He only came here every-so-often, but it was mostly for the food, not necessarily the maids. He didn't blush nor flinch as he walked with Aoi, as he looked over he totally saw Makoto blushing hardcore. "Quite something, eh? I totally don't mind it, Aoi's always cooking me food!" He smiled at her once more, snickering softly. It was true, the girl was always striving to be the perfect housewife. She was always cleaning up after him, not that he minded of course. He had his suspicions though, because he was almost sure that she did it for his older brother, Daisuke.






@Leaf Fi

Maki Noriko

"Ah, I'm sorry I'm late! Gomen'nasai!" Maki squeaked as he ran in, hurrying tot het to the back to get changed. Everyone blinked as the "girl" ran past quickly, a heavy blush on "her" face. The supposed "girl" then got changed, and was out quickly. It turns out that this "girl" was actually a boy, not that anyone could tell of course. "A-ah, Ione-chan? Are there any tables I can help with?" He asked, looking up and adjusting the frilly headband on his head before turning back towards the girl.




The man laughed hysterically as Anna tugged at him, attempting to lift him off of the stool. It was quite funny until Anna made an ill-fated go at her parasol, causing her to fall over herself like a baby deer trying to stand for the first time...and taking Wulf down with her. "Waaahhhh~!!" he shouted with glee as he went face first into the ground. Firmly planted into the ground, his parasol gently drifted down and landed on the back of his head. At the mention of a taxi, he said something inaudible due to saying it into the floor, and reached in his pocket for his phone and held it up triumphantly. He finally lifted his face and exclaimed with great pride. "I gan gall one!" He rolled over on his back as he dialed the number. It wasn't uncommon for people to fall over like toddlers in a bar, but to watch two officers of the law attempt to get their shit together on the floor was a little more rare.

@Kawaii @ shady's bar


Under normal circumstances, the man would've begun to chastise the girl about tiny, unimportant details about her service. He was forever the critic, and his mind lit up with things to say. He could point out a small smudge on her uniform. He could say the coffee tasted like dirt wrapped in even more dirt. But the girl had affected his thoughts for a brief moment. Nothing he could say was true, and pointing out false short-comings was unappealing at the moment. They always held more weight when they were true. He folded his hands in front on his lap as he noticed a few students arriving. A red headed boy and the androgynous first year who couldn't find their classes. He rolled his eyes and turned away. "I can't escape these brats," he hissed to himself.

@Zero Gravity @MonoToc @Vixifeir @Maid Cafe
Akako was a bit confused, Is this what drunk people act like? Weird. She sighed as she stayed in her seat finishing her water, and Mei was signaling to be calm. Mei finished and walked out of the bar with Akako, hoping that she was not be in trouble.

They went to their car, sighing at the same time. "Sorry, Kid" Mei added. Akako looked at her and replied, "It's okay, Mom" she said as she smiled timidly at her. They drove to a café Mei found around the city on the weekend. Mei and Akako went inside to see it was a Maid and Butler Cafè, nice. "Cool, I've never been in one of these" Akako said as Mei smiled at her, since her expression was cute. She saw one of the girls in her class working here, so her eyes glittered then, she saw some of her classmates where here. Wow, Talk about coincidence.

@MonoToc @Zero Gravity @Corgi @Vixifeir
Tatsuri Anna

Anna laughed as her partner pulled out his phone and began calling a taxi, she began making an attempt to get up onto her feet. Of course, it was a pain in the ass but she eventually got it. Walking with her arms out to the side to keep her balance.

She almost tripped again in an attempt to step over Wulf. "G-hic- get up bud. Ahaha~" The woman was drunk as shit, "I'm your senpai bit-hic-ch!"

Anna began making her way towards the exit; staggering all of the place.

She stopped and poked the security guards nose with a laugh, "Aye big boiiiii!~" Her smile then faded as the man remained nonchalant, "Bitch." She then made her way outside, the air was cool and felt amazing! Mainly because she's drunk though.

"Wulf! Get -hic- your ass out here!"


((A reminder that I keep the estimated time of day in the IC RPing 2))

mikan had noticed the rapid filling of the maid cafe, and spun to assist the ladies(he couldn't quite count maki as a gentleman, sadly. he was too cute in his maid uniform) as fast as he could. the shop was likely to close soon, anyway, because of the later hour, but hey. they had customers, which meant they had to serve. walking to the two that had just entered, he bowed low and gave a dashing smile. "welcome home, mistresses! please, allow me to seat you," he smiled, waving for them to follow him. placing them at a table, he opened their menus, humming. "do you know what you'd like for dinner tonight, or do you desire a recommendation? the chef has been working to please you, as i'm sure you're aware." yes, he could act convincingly as a butler, and yet failed treating himself. a humorous irony, really.


@maid cafe squad

Aoi Nohime

Aoi flinched when Makoto started practically yelling in astonishment about how the young girl was a maid. She was blushing like made when he started touching the lace, cloth, and silk of the light blue dress. "S-sure... u-u-uhmm... S-sit here, please." She stuttered, trying to collect herself as she sat them down at a table. "I-is there any dr-drink you'd like?" She asked, trying to calm herself down. Her face started to turn more into a normal color, but it was still tinted pink. Fumiko's compliment only reddened her face. "I-Uhm-J-uh... T-t-t-th-thanks!" She said, trying to force out words. When Aoi saw Maki, she let out a long breathe, happy that he finally showed up. Normally, he wasn't late, but occasions do happen. She looked back at her customers and repeated in a more calmed manner, "Is there a drink either of you two would fancy, sirs?" She asked, holding the silver platter close to her chest again.


@Leaf Fi


@Zero Gravity


Ione Aelia

Ione tilted her head to the side. "What do you mean, brats? Fumiko's one of our usual customers..." She said, eyebrows furrowed. It was a rude thing to say, but at least her assumption was true, he was their teacher. When she saw Maki, she smiled, 'Reinforcements at last!' She thought. Maki was always sweet which brought the café to life, easily. Once the girl was dressed, she answered her question, "Can you take care of cleaning the tables?" She asks, brightly smiling and tilting her head slightly to add more effect.


@Leaf Fi

@Zero Gravity

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Uchida Momoi

Uchida began making his way down the streets; looking up at the sky, you couldn't really tell how late it was due to all of the bright city lights. He looked around at the few amount of people heading home as well.

His mind was still focused on the delicious meal he had recently ate at the Maid Café.

"It was really good...I'll have to go again sometime."

Thankfully tomorrow was Saturday, most people don't have work on the weekends...Uchida does; it doesn't bother him one bit though. He loves his work at the salon.

Once he was home, he went to his kitchen and poured a glass of milk; chugging it down then heading into his bathroom to brush his teeth before bed.

His house was...somewhat feminine.

The very second Uchida opened the door to his room, his pet sugar glider, Ashes, came flying towards him from the wall light. The man caught the small creature in his hands and nuzzled it.

"Hello Ashes." A small, gently grin was planted on his face as he then changed into comfortable clothing and crawled into bed. He had to be into work earlier tomorrow due to it being a weekend.

@Anyone Really
"Hey, please don't call me a sir. That's..." Makoto paused and sat down at the table, also trying to calm down a bit. "...too fancy. Yes, too fancy. I'm still your classmate, Aoi-chan." Makoto smiled while observing Aoi, and the others, doing their job. It sure was an interesting job, maybe it was worth trying it. Were they willing to hire an extra person?

Suddenly, the thought train stopped. "Ah, yeah. Just bring me a coffee, really." Makoto finally replied.


@Everyone else in the maid cafe
Mei smiled as Akako followed her to the table, looking at how nice it probably was to work here. Mei replied to the male, "What's the recommendation?" She asked him. Akako was too busy admiring the cafe, plus if the food was good, she would definitely work here. "Ah, I want to work here~" she said quietly to herself as she looked at the uniform that was cute and lacy. She then snapped out of it and saw Fumiko nearby, she made eye contact with him and Makoto who was also here.

@MonoToc @Zero Gravity @mikko @Vixifeir
Tyler found a classic arcade. He was in heaven. So he calmly walked in and made change. He walked around to see what games they had. He then found the one he wanted to play first. The punching measure one. "Ah yes." Some kids recognized him and he signed some shirts and took pictures. He told them to record him playing on the machine and upload it to Twitter. He told them he'd follow them and give them a shout out. Kids were so hyped. He took off his sunglasses and got serious. The second was 650. "Easy" he said. He wound up and unloaded on the machine. The load thud echoed throughout the arcade. His score was 775. "See easy." He shouted posing next to his score. His Twitter feed was blowing up and soon #TylerJames was trending in Japan. "That's what I'm going to do to Kota's face." He shouted. Some cheered, some Kota supporters booed. Tyler was just having a fun time.

Fumiko Haruto

"Ah, just roll with it Makoto-chan! It's a part of the whole show!" Fumiko smiled, then tilted his head at Aoi. "A hot English Breakfast tea, please Aoi-chan?" The red head had a habit of being overly-friendly with all of the students, as well as his friends. If he knew you for more than a couple of hours, your honorific would be moved to "chan." However, as soon as he saw Akako and...some other woman, he waved at her, a huge smile on his face.






Maki Noriko

"Hai, Ione-chan!" Maki gave a small salute to the other, grabbing some cleaning spray from the cabinets, as well as a neat-looking white rag. The small boy hummed, practically skipping over towards the dirty tables. He actually didn't mind bending over as much anymore, but when someone did comment on it, he still got extremely flustered. He sprayed down the table, wiping it down slowly; he liked to make sure he got every spot on the table. He tugged down his pastel green maid outfit, bending over the table to get the very end of it. It was quite sad that he had to stand on his toes to complete this act.




Because of the enthusiasm, Makoto didn't notice Akako until Fumiko started waving at her. Makoto also waved and smiled at the girls together with Fumiko. Akako was a classmate after all, and she was nice back at school.

"Soo, Fumiko-kun. Do you think they're still hiring?" Makoto asked him once Aoi walked away.




@Maid Cafe
mikan smiled wide, face practically glowing in delight. "the shrimp. salmon, and rice bowl is really nice! i think you'd enjoy it. should i bring you that?" he cocked his head, pen hovering over his pad of paper. "and i bet you want drinks, too!" from his pocket, he passed mei a cocktail menu, and a typical one to akako. she seemed around the age of aoi, and he didn't believe it'd be good for him to pass the option of alcohol to someone so young. he looked at akako curiously, smile light and playful. "you want to work at your mansion?" he said, giggling politely. "wouldn't that be nice! we'd be delighted to see you more, mistress." he winked in her direction, making a mental note to speak to tomio about it. only once the rush was over, though, of course.


@maid cafe squad
Aoi Nohime

Aoi bit her lip lightly when he said he shouldn't call him sir. "O-okay... Master." She said, having to make up with it in some way. "Indeed you are, master." She said, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the whole 'master' thing, but she didn't really have a choice. When Fumiko interjected about it being a part of the show, she let out a relieved breathe and writing down 'Black Coffee and and Hot English Tea' In girly, neat writing. "I'll be back with your drinks in a bit, masters." She said, giving a small bow and walking off towards the kitchen with a smile on her face. She was surprisingly enjoying herself. She found it nice that Fumiko was usually there like that for her. When she couldn't speak up, he'd be her voice. It was like he knew exactly what he wanted to say. Aoi brewed the coffee and started on the hot English tea, boiling the water before putting it in a decorated tea cup. Once the coffee was read, she did the same thing. Adding the drinks into pitchers and putting them on the silver platter. The small girl had learned how to balance the objects on her hand without dropping it.


@Zero Gravity

Suzumaki Arakai

Before the drunkard could react at all, Suzumaki stormed out of the convenience store; arms crossed.

"Now what do I eat!?" She says this because all of her snacks were stuck under the lady who tackled her, "A fairy? Really!?" She was about to turn and make her way home until she noticed that the maid Café was still open, "Huh?" Turning in the direction of the wonderful place; Suzumaki made her way there, "I wonder if they'll let me eat?"

Once she made it to the door she stood there and waited to be greeted. The poor girl looked like a child who was looking helplessly for her mother.

@Maid Café! @mikko @Vixifeir @Zero Gravity @MonoToc @And Whoever Else
Alamo waved back at Fumiko an Makoto, smiling at them. Mei began jabbing Mei with her elbow, playfully saying, "You got some fans already, eh kid?" She giggled as she noticed that the waiter was here. Mei replied, "Yes, that would be nice!" she replied. Akako then shot up after she heard the job offer. "Um, Yes; I would like to work here" Akako said after the waiter offered the job.

@mikko @Zero Gravity @MonoToc

"Holg on gah dammit," he said with a weak dismissive gesture. As the phone began to ring, he struggled to rise up. He had to hype himself into it. "Alright, c'mon lets go Wulfgang, c'mon Wulf-hic-gaaaang!" he growled as he pulled himself with all of his effort. "Um, moshi moshi?" a little voice said in the phone. "Yes! Moszshi moszshi indeed my friend, how're you tonight?" following Anna's voice, he wobbled out of the bar as he spoke, waving to the security guard on the way out. He covered the phone with his hand and whispered, "Thank you," and caught up with Anna as the taxi service replied. "Er, I'm fine, how're you sir?" Wulf chuckled and shouted "That's faaantaztic!!" The air felt great. He stood up and put a fist on his hip. "I'm truly happy for ya my fffriend. Me and my partner-not life partner- were-hic- gawd dddammit-z'' he took a short breath to gather himself. "Me and my not life partnerrrr," he corrected himself, "are drunk outzide of Shady's and we need backup." The operator was silent for a moment. "...Shady's Bar?" Wulf nodded and then realized he was on a telephone and that's not how the world works. "Yes my friend, Shady's Bar." The opperator made some clicking noises and then said flatly, "We'll have a car there shortly." Wulf smiled wide, "Splendid my friend bye, bye!" He inexplicably waved before he hung up.

@Kawaii @Maid Cafe


Today had been a fun day. Togouro got to do all of his favorite things. Knocked some skulls around in Tokyo. He pet a dog at the airport. When he arrived back home in Tousen he had a few beers, and then he headed straight to the arcade. The large and imposing man looked silly pressing tiny buttons on an arcade machine. He was playing a classic: Marvel Vs. Capcom. Then a commotion began to build around the punching machine. The man turned his head to the side to see none other than Tyler James at the source of it. He growled softly and approached the punching machine, folding his arms in front of his chest. How dare he insult Kota, one of Togouro's favorite MMA fighters... whom he also had money on. An air of malice surrounded him as he cut through the crowd and approached the punching machine. He looked Tyler in the eye before slamming his fist into the pad like like lightning striking the plains. 780. He turned and said to the fighter, "Go home, American."


Fumiko Haruto

"They always need an extra hand on staff here, so I wouldn't be surprised if they let you work here," Fumiko shrugged, smiling as he saw Aoi on her way back with their drinks. To be honest, he would giver an A+ in the housewife category, but she was always striving for more, for practical perfection. He always thought it was a bit hard on her, but she did was she wanted to do.




Maki Noriko

As soon as the feminine male heard the bell ring on the door, he quickly rushed to put up the cleaning supplies and get to serve this guest. "Ah, welcome home mistress!" Maki chirped, giving a quick curtsy for the woman. She looked slightly distressed, so Maki would just have to fix that. "Right this way, ma'am!" The petite male held his arm out, signaling the other to follow him. His voice was high-pitched, even sounding like a girl's. He was easily mistaken as a girl, and it only got on his nerves every now and then. After he had seated the girl, he gave her a polite smile. "What would you like to drink mistress?"

@Suzumaki Arakai



Tyler's laughter quickly stopped when the other dude walked up to him. Eyeing him up. He watched him beat his score, the crowd gasped. "Relax all." He turned his focus to the guy. "Who are you?" He said. Cracking his neck and knuckles he took a swing at the bag. 800. "I think I'll stay right here." Tyler's eyes never left the guys and he sure as hell wasn't going to be punked out. @SirBlazeALot
Tatsuri Anna

Anna began laughing as she watched her partner stagger out of the bar, slurring and cussing. After he was off the phone, she placed a hand on his shoulder but it rolled off on it's own.

"Someone coming? Heh heh -hic- shit." The police woman then slumped down to the ground, leaning against the outside walls of Shady's with a long exhale; almost like a sigh.

"Wulfbang. I'm drrrrunk~ Aha! Wulf.." She began laughing really hard as she spoke; hand cupped over her mouth while waving the other one in Wulf's face.

"Wulfbang! Bang, bang, bang!" After a second, Anna pulled her gun from it's holster...bad idea. She began waving it around, "Bang BANG!!" Of course, thankfully, she was too drunk to turn the safety off.

The woman was now sneaking around the parking lot with a loaded gun in her hands; making shooting effects with her mouth.

Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki wasn't surprised to see a...boy in a dress? approach her. She twitched her brow as he spoke but didn't say anything; just followed and took the seat given to her.

Grabbing the menu, she began to study it and suddenly a smile shot up on her face as she turned towards the kid and began spouting all kinds of different things to eat, "I want a slice of gingerbread cobbler! Mixed stone fruit pie! Fresh apple cake! Two slices of mocha java cake! And~ a large orange smoothie!"

The girl looked crazy as she spoke; not once did she stop for a breathe until her last request. Also, don't ask how she knows the kid is male by one glance...the girl mistakes cats for dogs and elephants for giraffes. Let's just say her logic is from a different world.

@Zero Gravity @Maid Café

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_n60gc8prUF1r922azo1_500.gif.c96ea901a270f184fce0b3be2c8d7446.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61115" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_n60gc8prUF1r922azo1_500.gif.c96ea901a270f184fce0b3be2c8d7446.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Aoi Nohime

Aoi made her way over, still holding the notebook and pen in her half-apron pocket. She set down the platter and handed the drinks to the two boys and places the pitchers beside each other, placing down the sugar bowl and racks of cream for Makoto. "This one's coffee," She said, pointing to the one closest to Makoto, "and this one's hot English tea." She said, smiling as to pointed to the one closest to Fumiko. She was really enjoying herself and it was easily seen. She appeared more vibrant and enthusiastic. "Have either of you decided on what you'd like to eat, masters?" Aoi is highly intelligent and knew that she didn't ask them before hand. She pretended like she did to trick them into buying something... Plus she kind of wanted to show off to Fumiko as usual at her cooking skills.

@Zero Gravity


Makoto was watching carefully how Aoi was serving them, and how she was behaving in general. She was really good, really good. Makoto smiled to show appreciation, but it peobably didn't mean much because of what happened earlier.

"Oh, there's food here too? Do you serve cake here? I'd like to eat some chocolate cake, if that's possible." Makoto asked politely, and tried to play along. It was an exciting experience, but it was necessary to stay formal.

After ordering, Makoto wanted to ask Aoi something. "This is a little sudden, but, do they still hire people? I'd like to work here too, if that's possible." Makoto said in a low tone, not wanting every single person from the cafe to hear.

@Zero Gravity


@Maid Cafe
Yumi Narusaki

After she left the school building, Yumi did what she had being doing for the past month; looking for a job. Not like the girl really needed one- her family were rather well off and would offer her any money she needed- but it would just feel nice to actually earn something on your own, you know? And that what was she wanted. Call it an urge of the moment or whatever you wish, but the feeling was still true. Still though, the search was in vain as usual, and she returned home slightly downhearted.

As soon as a her foot set forth in the two story house, her phone vibrated from within her bag. With furrowed brows, Yumi swiped the pattern to unlock the phone as she closed the door behind her and took off her shoes. 'Night! Sweet dreams!~ (*^▽^)/' the reply came rather quickly before jogging upstairs to her room to start her studying before the need to sleep overcame her body.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Tomio Takahashi

After finishing the beautiful number and placing several dishes on the woman's table- not that she asked for any of them; Tomio just chose his favourites and wanted to be nice- the man began to watch over the café once more. It was beginning to get a lot more crowded... Then again, it usually did closer to the closing time, so he didn't bat an eye at the fact. Blue orbs travelled across the room to study each of his employees, examining their behaviours to check if everything was good. Working in this environment wasn't always the most pleasant, after all- you could get real creeps- so the boss made sure to try and protect each employee to the best of his ability. And, well, there was one certain fellow sitting alone that had caught his attention...

"Excuse me, sir!" The blonde haired male stood before the teacher before bowing from the waist. "I just thought I'd drop by and check if everything was up to your standards." Part one of the test; politeness. Second would be to question the other employees if they had served him.



Fumiko Haruto

"I'll have a slice of carrot cake with a small dish of banana pudding!" Fumiko stated, grinning brightly at Aoi. He trusted her enough to make these dishes well, as she had always been very good at making desserts. Not like Fumiko wasn't good at making desserts, in fact, he was pretty great at cooking and baking in general. So was Daisuke, who had actually taught him how to cook and bake as well.



Maki Noriko

Maki pulled out his notepad and began to scribble out the different foods and drink that the woman ordered. "Coming right up!" The petite silver-haired boy shot a wink at the lady, giving her a cute smile. He then scurried off, casually swaying his hips as he walked. It had become a habit to do slightly girly things, that sometimes gave others the idea that he was a girl. His dress swished back and forth as he walked, and he tucked a piece of hair behind his ear. He then gave the cook the order, making the large orange smoothie himself. He then came right back, the same smile on his face. "Here you are, mistress." He placed the smoothie down on the table, clasping his hands in front of him. "Your dessert will be ready shortly, ma'am!"

@Suzumaki Arakai


@Leaf Fi



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