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Realistic or Modern Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)

Tyler saw her get all sad. "No, no, no. Trust me it has nothing to do with your ramen. It's the best thing I've eaten. I love it. I just read and heard critics talking about my up coming fight and I got mad." He bowed back. " I'm sorry for causing a ruckus and making you upset." He added and tried to cheer her up. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to make this my spot and will only come here when you're working so I can get some of your famous ramen. I'd let you make it however you want. It's so good." Tyler added with a smile. @Suzumaki Arakai
mikan followed his boss' movements fluidly, grinning slightly as tomio broke form to inform the customer of their depressing lack of grey stuff. whatever it was, it was quite good, and happened to be a best seller. he'd have to ask the chef someday, really. he'd like a recipe. he danced idly, spinning dramatically and dipping his body on his own, flailing slightly at no one to balance him. bad idea, noted. he'd try something else next time. his eyes widened, as the "france" part was continuously forgotten to not be their actual location, though he slid in and gripped the patron's hand, pressing a kiss to its center. "after all, this is japan!" it was an easy enough fix, considering the amount time took to say was fairly similar. perhaps she wouldn't notice the stutter of an unprofessional lack of thought? it was a spur of the moment blurb, though he hope it saved them.

Ryu Sato

Ryu parked his car off to the side before leaving it and walking toward the restaurant area. There were so many options for him. He just couldn't decide! Well, maybe that was due to the fact that he was hungry as heck. The man stood in his place for a moment while trying to think about what could satisfy his hunger the most. "Yo, which food place is your favorite here?" Ryu asked a random woman.


Jethro Sato

Jet walked around the Dojo before noticing a man sitting and meditating in his office. Hm I don't think I should interrupt him...then again. He thought to himself while making his way into the office. " . . . Excuse me" The teen said in a calm manner.

RyanJXavier said:
Ryu Sato
Ryu parked his car off to the side before leaving it and walking toward the restaurant area. There were so many options for him. He just couldn't decide! Well, maybe that was due to the fact that he was hungry as heck. The man stood in his place for a moment while trying to think about what could satisfy his hunger the most. "Yo, which food place is your favorite here?" Ryu asked a random woman.


Jethro Sato

Jet walked around the Dojo before noticing a man sitting and meditating in his office. Hm I don't think I should interrupt him...then again. He thought to himself while making his way into the office. " . . . Excuse me" The teen said in a calm manner.

Nana Takane

Nana was still humming and looked around her, trying to navigate herself to a busy place with lots of people. It looked like her wish was granted because a random male stopped his car and walked up to her. Asking about food. "My home?" She awnsered with a straighf face. Nana just moved in and didn't ate somewhere else except for her own house so.. it was a honest anwser?
Mitsurgi Kenichi

Mitsurgi opened his eyes and stood up quickly grabbing his sword in the process. He pointed the bamboo sword at the blonde boy. "State your purpose!" Mitsurgi said in his loud voice with a serious face. Mitsurgi stared the boy down. He didn't look like a threat but still looks can be deceiving so he stand his ground. Also Mitsurgi threaten the boy because he interrupted his me time. @RyanJXavier
Hobbesisalive said:
Nishida listened to what the male had to say and nodded here and there, even when the information was not really helpful, he thanked him and walked around the body. "Suffocation." He repeated and took a closer look at the lips, well the part of it. Quickly Nishida turned towards Mamoru again and sighed. "Looks like there is a lot for us to find out." He stated while looking over his shoulder to the human parts. "Forensic guy, you are new right? Did someone...older look at this already?" The male had heard the sarcasm of Kou earlier and was paying him back now. But in a way that it wasn't noticable. Nishida just didn't like new ones in general.
Detective Mamoru Minori

Mamoru payed Attention to the Forensic Technician, pacing around the lab a Little. Suffocation. The cuprit broke both her legs, and arms, that way she couldn't really fight back... then he, threw her in the lake? The Detective already started theorizing in his mind, coming up with possible ways the murder could've taken place. Without even noticing it himself, Mamoru automatically placed a cigarette out of his pack, in his mouth, and lid it, after a few attempts. He couldn't hold back a chuckle, when Nishida basically questioned Kou's competence.

Kou was mentally patting himself on the back, when he heared the Detective's question. He started squinting his eyes at Nishida, maybe even pouting a Little. "..... I don't... that isn't necessary!" The male exclaimed, his eyes locked on Nishida. He just let himself get provoked too easily... then again, Mamoru had the same Problem, the difference was, Mamoru could easily see through people's intentions, that way, he knew what others were trying to accomplish, when pissing him off... and, at that Point, he knew Nishida well enough to see what he was doing.
Tanaka Ryuzaki

Ryuzaki made his way to basketball practice and called all the members over; he explained what they'd be doing for practice today and that the first years would be doing more than them so as to break them in.

All of the member's jaws dropped after he explained the work-out schedule; except for one kid...Kagami Taiga was his name. That boy was as excited as ever and ready to get started, and so they did.


Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki sulked as he spoke up but suddenly shot up into a confident stance; flashing him an okay sign with her hand. "Can do! I'm always her after my shift and Manga Range ends!" She the trotted off to the kitchen to make another customer's meal but shortly returned afterwards, looking towards Tyler, "I'll get the money so just leave it on the table. 404.38 yen it is!" She then headed back into the kitchen.


Kagami Taiga

Kagami was told to wait in the gym until all of the other members arrived; and when they did he was no less than pleased. Everyone on the team looked to be good players...especially the captain.

Everyone else seemed to be irritated as Tanaka Senpai called out what they'd be doing every day after school...even during the summer; but Kagami was ecstatic!

Once they got started, everyone participated; yeah a couple complaints could be heard but Tanaka shut them up right away by giving them extra to do.


Uchida Momoi

Uchida finished up his dessert at the wonderful Café but didn't leave; he wanted to watch the rest of their performance. It was truly amusing. The smile on his face was small yet delightful; he looked around and watched as one guy almost fell but caught himself then fixed up a part of the song while kissing another woman's hand.

"Oh..." The man laughed on the inside as he watched the girls reaction.

@mikko @Leaf Fi @Corgi @Vixifeir
@Suzumaki Arakai[/URL]

Tomio Takahashi

Tomio nodded in agreement to Mikan's 'words' as he cupped his chin. "Try the grey stuff, it's delicious~"

For a second, he broke the song, jogging back over to the customer abs leaned over to her ear. "We don't actually serve those dishes at the moment, please don't ask for them," he whispered quickly before twirling around once more. "Don't believe me? Ask the dishes!" Tomio now planted himself in front of a table, kneeling down. "They can sing," he picked up a fork, "They can dance!" He then picked up a spoon, making it spin in a circle before 'dipping' the fork. "After all, Miss, this is Franc-..." Blue eyes widened and the cutlery was dropped. Tomio shoot a glance towards Mikan, practically screaming 'WE DON'T LIVE IN FRANCE, WHAT DO WE DO!?' with his eyes.


SirBlazeALot said:
"Hello to you too, Tatsuri. How am I doing? Well thank you for asking," Wulf began sarcastically. "I just broke the news to two high school girls that their friends have been raped and murdered, so quite frankly, I'm just peachy." he snapped the last few words and sighed heavily as he revved up his car and started for the station.

@Suzumaki Arakai


Reina glanced at the vibes to make sure no one had taken her spot. Otherwise she might get stuck with the glockenspiel. She hated the glockenspiel, it was too tiny and nothing at all like a piano, which was reserved for the third years. A student began to approach the vibraphone and she snarled at them upon making eye contact and mouthed the word "Mine." The student backed away with his hands up and a confused expression and went for another instrument. Reina turned back around to face the girl. Despite the stutter, she didn't seem like the other girls in school who obsessed over cute boys and spoke so softly that a bat would have to ask them to speak up. "I'm Reina Agpoon, it's good to meet you." She gave the girl a little bow, and continued, "Normally I play piano but here, I play the vibraphone. Oh yeah, I also sing," she said triumphantly with a big smile. "And you are?"

Sato, Kairi

Kairi was rather shocked when the performance suddenly stopped and the very blonde male looked like he was freaking out. Assuming that he forgot the next lyrics she felt compelled to start singing. Only when she parted her lips slightly she saw that everyone was giggling because of the act. Closing her mouth, Kairi returned to writing some lyrics down and glancing at the duo. The ghost of a smile she had worn was gone as she began writing the lyrics for a rather intense song.


(Omg sorry I was walking my dog!)

Suzuki, Hotaru

"Wow the whole package." Hotaru said after she looked at the girl with curiosity. She hadn't ever seen someone get possessive over the vibraphone before. "Oh sorry, I'm Hotaru Suzuki. I play electric guitar, piano, and dabble in vocals I guess" she said and pulled her black hair back into a small ponytail, but still pieces were too short and messily outlined her face. The first year looked at Reina's hands, curious if she too had calloused fingers.
BobbyW said:
Detective Mamoru Minori Mamoru payed Attention to the Forensic Technician, pacing around the lab a Little. Suffocation. The cuprit broke both her legs, and arms, that way she couldn't really fight back... then he, threw her in the lake? The Detective already started theorizing in his mind, coming up with possible ways the murder could've taken place. Without even noticing it himself, Mamoru automatically placed a cigarette out of his pack, in his mouth, and lid it, after a few attempts. He couldn't hold back a chuckle, when Nishida basically questioned Kou's competence.

Kou was mentally patting himself on the back, when he heared the Detective's question. He started squinting his eyes at Nishida, maybe even pouting a Little. "..... I don't... that isn't necessary!" The male exclaimed, his eyes locked on Nishida. He just let himself get provoked too easily... then again, Mamoru had the same Problem, the difference was, Mamoru could easily see through people's intentions, that way, he knew what others were trying to accomplish, when pissing him off... and, at that Point, he knew Nishida well enough to see what he was doing.
Nishida just looked at Kou and quickly shot his eyes towards Mamoru who was litting a cigarette again, giving him the urge to do so himself. "Well I want you to look again with a more experienced one by your side" his voice sounded calm but yet strict. He didn't necessarily do it to tease the male, it just really had to be done. After that Nishida got a cigarette himself and walked out of the lab, breathing out the smoke that had gathered in his lungs. "How did they find the body?" The male asked, assuming that Mamoru was following him.
Tomio Takahashi

Tomio released a sigh of relief as Mikan covered up the mistake over their countries for the seventh time they've done the song. They really needed to remember this important detail. Very casually, the blonde ran a hand through his hair, winking at the audience around them before attempting a flip over the table. For the seventh time. This particular moment through; he actually made it! Sorta. Tomio might have fallen on his butt to land. Maybe just a little. He didn't care though; he immediately jumped to his feet and slid forward, stopping just at Mikan's heels. "And a dinner here is never second best!~ Go on, unfold your menu, take a glance and then you'll...~" The 'man' brought his fingers of his left hand to his lips, blowing the girl a kiss. "Be our guest!~"



Aoi Nohime and Ione Aelia

Aoi felt a bit uncomfortable when she felt his eye wandering her. Right when she did, she recognized him. She immediately became flustered but said nothing about him being her Sensei. "R-r-right!" She said, "F-f-follow m-me.." The small girl went to an empty table and gestured for him to sit. "I-I'll c-c-come back in a b-bit when you k-know what you wa-want..." She trailed off, holding the notepad close to her chest as she hurried off towards the kitchen.

"Ione... C-can I t-take ov-over coo-cooking?" She asked, eyes widened. Ione furrowed her eyebrow and stopped what she was doing. "Yeah, sure... Everything alright?" She asked, concern coating her face. "Y-y-yeah!" She lied, offering a smile as she handed over the notepad and pen and got the step stool to make sure she could cook easier with a birds-eye view on the kitchen.

"Hm.." Ione said, taking the notepad and pen and left the kitchen without another word. She slapped a smile onto her face and walked over to a man she didn't see before. "Are you ready to order, sir?" She asked, leaning slightly to the side. She was told it added to the 'cutesy' effect, and she was there to please.



@Leaf Fi

Takumi Higurashi

Takumi smiled, enjoying the praise by his younger 'sibling'. When he started talking about school, he sighed roughly. "I agree. I already know everything from the amount of free time I have. Oh! But today, a cop came by. It was so exciting! I thought he may have caught onto me but he spoke to two girls instead. By that point, I got uninterested and left." He said, pouting slightly. He listened to him and nodded. "Oni-chan has a car, right?" He asked, honestly forgetting. He didn't remember much. "Maybe..... Wanna practice pick pocketing today after cake?" He asked, laying down on the grass and looking over at the boy on the floor.

@Zero Gravity
Ryu Sato

"Really? Does nothing taste good around here?" Ryu asked finally shifting his gaze over to the woman next to him. "Sorry, I just moved in so I wouldn't really know" He continued in order to clarify his situation. His stomach suddenly grumbled causing his to fold his arms across his chest.


Jethro Sato

"To become one of your students, Sensei" Jethro replied without flinching. It was common sense that one hit in the face couldn't kill the teen. Well, it depended where it would make contact on him. That wasn't the point though. Unless there was a loud sound associated with some kind of rapid movement, Jet would then flinch.

Tyler smiled and yelled "Thank you world's greatest ramen maker." across the place. He left 1000 yen on the table and wrote a note next to the money. "This should do it."

Here, take this money. You've helped me so much today I can never thank you enough. You're an awesome person Suzumaki ( I hope I didn't butcher your name). Once you actually look me up let me know what you think. I will see you again.

He left the money with the note and walked out of the place and back into the street. "Ahh I'm full" he said as he walked back towards his place. "Now to read that manga I bought." Tyler put his headphones up and continued walking. @Suzumaki Arakai
RyanJXavier said:
Ryu Sato
"Really? Does nothing taste good around here?" Ryu asked finally shifting his gaze over to the woman next to him. "Sorry, I just moved in so I wouldn't really know" He continued in order to clarify his situation. His stomach suddenly grumbled causing his to fold his arms across his chest.


Jethro Sato

"To become one of your students, Sensei" Jethro replied without flinching. It was common sense that one hit in the face couldn't kill the teen. Well, it depended where it would make contact on him. That wasn't the point though. Unless there was a loud sound associated with some kind of rapid movement, Jet would then flinch.

Nana Takane

The female smiled and was enlighted to hear that she wasn't the only one who just moved into here. "Ah I am new myself too. Never tried one of the thousand restaurants." She chuckled while rubbing her head. "Want to try one? Like just randomly?" Her smile grew wider as she spoke and Nana quickly scanned the male. He doesn't look to bad, a bit daring at least.
Hobbesisalive said:
Nishida just looked at Kou and quickly shot his eyes towards Mamoru who was litting a cigarette again, giving him the urge to do so himself. "Well I want you to look again with a more experienced one by your side" his voice sounded calm but yet strict. He didn't necessarily do it to tease the male, it just really had to be done. After that Nishida got a cigarette himself and walked out of the lab, breathing out the smoke that had gathered in his lungs. "How did they find the body?" The male asked, assuming that Mamoru was following him.
Detective Mamoru Minori

Mamoru, of course, followed Nishida out of the lab, inhaling a load of Smoke from his cigarette, in the process. "...From what i've been told, a Diver found the remains of the Girl down the lake... it makes sense, since it is, an unusually deep one." The detective now exhaled the smoke, he had breathed in, Holding his pace next to Nishida. "He wasn't sure on if that was actually a real corpse, he discovered there, so he waited a day until actually reporting it." It may seem suspicious for an Amateur, that the man waited a day before reporting the crime, but quite frankly, it does make a lot of since, from a purely psychological Point of view, so Mamoru did believe the man.
BobbyW said:
Detective Mamoru MinoriMamoru, of course, followed Nishida out of the lab, inhaling a load of Smoke from his cigarette, in the process. "...From what i've been told, a Diver found the remains of the Girl down the lake... it makes sense, since it is, an unusually deep one." The detective now exhaled the smoke, he had breathed in, Holding his pace next to Nishida. "He wasn't sure on if that was actually a real corpse, he discovered there, so he waited a day until actually reporting it." It may seem suspicious for an Amateur, that the man waited a day before reporting the crime, but quite frankly, it does make a lot of since, from a purely psychological Point of view, so Mamoru did believe the man.
Nishida locked his eyes on Mamoru and took his cigarette out of his mouth to speak. "Did that man have any relationship with the victim? Only believing is not good enough, we have to check his data. What was his name?" It were a lot of questions shot at once. But with a case like this, alot of questions ran through ones mind, especially when you were a detective. Nishida quickened his pace and grabbed the case file as they reached their desks. "Otani Shiousi." The man who found the body, with a picture was shown in the case file. The male showed the paper to his partner and tapped with his cigarette on the image. "I guess we have to take a look" he stated before pulling on his long black coat. Ready for some detective stuff
Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki shot out of the back and made her way to another customer, handing him the food. She was always pleased to a see a newcomer's reaction to her amazing ramen.

Since that was her last customer as of right now; Suzumaki took a break at her own table and began eating her own bowl that was whipped up within, maybe, two seconds?

The girl looked like a little kid...poor Suzumaki.

Ryu Sato

Seriously, Ryu wasn't even himself when he was hungry. He could smell a mixture of food in the air thanks to all the restaurants around them. "You can pick" The man moved his hands into his pockets while waiting for the woman to respond. If he picked, Ryu would just choose all of them. He hasn't eaten since the previous night due to his hectic schedule.


Anna's soft tone shocked Wulf, and he almost felt bad for being cheeky. Almost. Anna promptly returned to her usual self, yelling at traffic, abusing her sirens, and then hanging up...but not before she said "sorry". Wulf's lips curled into a small smile. So there was a heart buried under all of that psychotic rage. Then he remembered she could just be saying sorry for having to hang up, and that small smile turned into a small frown. He decided to meet his partner at the station. Upon arrival he got out and leaned against his car with his arms folded.

@Suzumaki Arakai


Reina listened intently as Hotaru spoke. Her fingers were soft and squishy, as she didn't play any string instruments and thus, didn't gain any callouses. When Hotaru mentioned that she played piano, she twitched a little bit. "I could eat her alive on piano," she mentally reminded herself. She was highly insecure when it came to other piano players. Still, all of the girl's skills seemed like she'd be a perfect candidate as a band mate. Still, asking someone to be in a band with you was a lot like asking someone to be your significant other. You can't just jump right into it. You have to ease into it. "Well...you seem like you play well! Would you like to...jam some time?" she asked the other girl. As the words escaped her mouth she began to nervously wait for the guitarist's answer.



Sung-Kang took his seat, gently and pompously placing his rump on the cushion. He gave Aoi a small and very fake smile before she left. He began thinking of ways to torment the young waitress as he opened his menu. He skimmed over the options, but he was a creature of habit, all he wanted was a coffee. The question now was how complicated he could make this coffee for the poor girl. He opened his briefcase and pulled out some in class assignments he had assigned. "Illegible," he mumbled immediately at the first, and wrote "FAILURE" with his red pen and moved on to the next. When Ione interrupted his grading, he looked up, surprised that Aoi wouldn't be serving him. A look of disappointment was evident on his face. Still, he could always make this waitress's life a living hell as well. "Coffee. Black please," he said and offered Ione another fake and short lived smile before oggling her body in the maid uniform.


RyanJXavier said:
Ryu Sato

Seriously, Ryu wasn't even himself when he was hungry. He could smell a mixture of food in the air thanks to all the restaurants around them. "You can pick" The man moved his hands into his pockets while waiting for the woman to respond. If he picked, Ryu would just choose all of them. He hasn't eaten since the previous night due to his hectic schedule.

Nana smirked a little and loved to choose and try things she didn't know. "How about that one?" Her smirk grew only wider when she pointed at a big board with 'Maid cafe' written on it. The girl had heard so much about those restaurants, but she had never visited them. Nana looked over to the male and shrugged. "I guess they have good food huh?"
Tatsuri Ogami

Ogami finally reached home and threw himself down on the couch for a moment; relaxing his legs before standing up and heading into his kitchen for a bite to eat.

He searched the entire kitchen but couldn't find anything he was in the mood for...everything was protein and vegetables, fruits, and..."What the hell is that?"

Soon the boy gave up and figured he'd just wait for his sister to get home and cook something to eat...his stomach was singing the ABCs right now...

Tatsuri Anna

Anna came flying into the parking lot of the Tousen Police Station; her parking skills were off the top as she slammed on the brake and got out of the car. She looked down at the beautiful vehicle and pat the hood, "Sorry babe." She spoke without noticing Wulf leant against his car.

Once the girl did notice, she crossed her arms and put on her natural face...we all know what that is.

Approaching Wulf she straightened up, "How'd it go? Wanna grab a drink?" The girl tilted her head and smacked Wulf on the arm...she didn't mean to do it as hard as she did though.

Ryu Sato

Ryu raised a brow at the woman's suggestion. Maid Cafe? What kind of- "Sure, let's go" He bluntly responded while gently taking the woman's hand and walking over to the Maid Cafe. His thoughts couldn't even complete themselves. Food was the main thing now. The man could ponder about their choice later. "I'm Ryu by the way" He said before letting go of her hand then putting his hand out to her again. This was his momentary snap back into reality. Also known as his own form of distraction from hunger.

Hobbesisalive said:
Nishida locked his eyes on Mamoru and took his cigarette out of his mouth to speak. "Did that man have any relationship with the victim? Only believing is not good enough, we have to check his data. What was his name?" It were a lot of questions shot at once. But with a case like this, alot of questions ran through ones mind, especially when you were a detective. Nishida quickened his pace and grabbed the case file as they reached their desks. "Otani Shiousi." The man who found the body, with a picture was shown in the case file. The male showed the paper to his partner and tapped with his cigarette on the image. "I guess we have to take a look" he stated before pulling on his long black coat. Ready for some detective stuff
Mamoru glared into Nishida's eyes as well, when he started bombarding him with questions. He wasn't able fo answer his partners questions simple as that, so he waited for him to look into the files. "43 years old..." The detective mumbled with the cigarette in his mouth. "... Well it's possible for him to be tied to the victim in some way... At least regarding his age." He thought out loud. It was unlikely, yes, but not impossible, and that's what important, sourting out, and going throuh the various possibility's on how the crime may have taken place. He said so as his partner gestured towards the picture inside the file. Mamoru held his pace, and followed Nishida in the direction of the Police Department's elevator, leading to the bottom floors and therefor outside. "Looks like we do."
Last edited by a moderator:

Ione Aelia and Aoi Nohime

Ione glanced at the papers her was writing on and immediately clicked onto why Aoi was so uncomfortable. 'So he's her teacher, eh?' She thought, keeping the smile on her face. 'Makes sense.' The blonde nodded and wrote down 'Black Coffee. He's you're teacher, huh?' She then bowed towards the man and ignored the stares she got. It wasn't abnormal for getting such sexual stares, she worked at a Maid Café for gods sake. She put the slip of paper on the silver counter in front of the kitchen. "Order up!" She said, looking at Aoi with worried eyes. She honestly hoped the girl would be okay with her teacher knowing she worked at such a place.

Aoi looked at Ione, catching the concerned look and furrowing her eyebrows. At first, she was confused, but when she read the note, her blood ran cold. The girl bit her lip as she started making the coffee.
'Should I just say she made an assumption? No, that wouldn't work. She'd wonder why I was so frantic to start cooking.' She thought, finishing the coffee and going over to the counter and placing the coffee there before tapping it and not saying another word.

Ione noticed it and took the coffee from the table and noticed that she disappeared into the kitchen before she could say anything.
'I suppose I was right.' She thought, walking back over to the teacher and setting the coffee down and out of his way. "Is there anything else you would like?" She asks, still the same smile.



@Leaf Fi
Mitsurgi Kenichi

"Oh! Why didn't you just say so!" Mitsurgi said with a big grin on his face. He moved his sword away. "My name is Kenichi Mitsurgi! But to you it is Mitsurgi-sensei! Welcome to my kendo classes! And on a rare occasion I will teach students I like Karate!" He said and walked over to one of his drawers and pulled out a fourm. "Here's the fourm I need you to fill out in order to join this dojo, it also has the price of coming here as well." He said handing the fourm to the blonde boy. @RyanJXavier

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