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Realistic or Modern Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)

Nishida nodded alot by the words the male spoke but didn't say anything else. It was good that Mamoru took interest in the case, but it was his job to do so. Nishida wasn't going to give compliments for that, he would only make the male more softer if he did so. And that was something this job didn't need. Once they entered the lab Nishida walked straight up to Kou. "And?" He said in a calm voice. It was quite something that the widower took a step in this lab. Three months ago his wife had been laying here, and well they found the culprit due to examine. Nishida had sunk down in his everyday life. Only sleeping and smoking, but now he had found an emotion he never thought he would ever feel again. Excitement. And the male would do anything to set his mind of his dead wife, he would dive right into the case. Taking it with open arms, determined to solve it.

Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki grinned and gave the man a thumbs up, "Hai! Thank you for that! And I'm the manager here, see!"

The small woman points to a name tag that read "Arakai, Suzumaki" in gold, twirling on her heel she flashes that guy a confident grin,
"I make the best ramen ever." Following up with a finger shooting towards random trophies spread across the walls, "I've won competitions!"

But of course the ramen at this place would be good, it's a four-star...She then approaches him and tilts her head, both hands locked behind her back.
"I didn't make that serving, but did you enjoy?"


Uchida Momoi

Uchida jumped a little when the woman brought his food out to him but soon smiled gently. Looking down at the food he noticed that it was prepared to perfection, a bit of guilt warmed over him, "It's so appealing...I'd be crazy not to eat it...but it's..." He then continued to fidget, debating whether or not he should devour the scrumptious looking meal.

"I'm sure they make all kinds of these a day...and if I don't eat it, it'll probably be taken as offensive." After coming to that conclusion, the white-haired male took a small bite from the dessert and smiled as bright as ever. His heart might have even skipped a beat.

@mikko @Vixifeir @Leaf Fi @Maid Café Peeps

Tanaka Ryuzaki

Ryuzaki lifted his arms when the girl hugged him unexpectedly, that would make...what, the third time they've hugged? It's not as though he didn't like the generous action but he didn't know how to react to the fact that, she, was the one who made the move.

He then gently pat her back with one hand while the other awkwardly scratched at his cheek as he looked off to the side with a slightly puckered lip; he looked kind of like a child at that moment.

Once the hugged ended, Ryuzaki bent down and grabbed his back in one swipe; throwing it over his shoulder as he then began heading towards the gym for basketball practice. Their first game would be coming up soon and he wanted to be sure to play good; his goal was to win this year. Last year turned out to be a disaster for his team, they were devastated...especially their captain who ended up having to stop playing due to a fractured knee cap.

This year, Ryuzaki would be the team captain; he wasn't really up for that though but whatever works.

"Owe me one..." His thoughts ran around as he took a few steps then paused, looking back at Yumi with a blank expression, "My game..." was all he said before walking off again.

@Leaf Fi

Tatsuri Anna

Anna was still making her way back to the office when suddenly her phone rang; picking it up she saw the number and answered immediately.

"What'd you get?" she asked with a sharp tone; expecting some sudden answers.

Togu Anna

Anna watched as the boy left and rolled her eyes. When Anna saw the manager she had a big grin. Right after Suzumaki patted her on her shoulder and told her she can go, Anna put her serving plate on the counter and walked out the shop happily. "Finally I can go home and get out of this stupid maid outfit." She said to herself and headed home. @Anyoneoutside

Toma Hiro

Hiro was walking toward the Tousen Cinema humming. 'Another day of cleaning and watching movies.' She thought to herself as she looked around to see if she can spot someone famous or cute.

mikan was fully used to the attention gathered by their performances, so the cell phones and laughter didn't faze him in the slightest. what did faze him, however was the perhaps not-so-friendly tap on the booty from his boss. he continued right on beat, though, spinning off the table to slide on his knees before the woman. she had the barest ghost of a smile, which meant that their venture was not fruitless. one can't just make an ass of themselves without attracting some sort of grin, after all. "and we provide the rest," he cooed softly, looking up at her in unabashed affection. sure, he didn't know her, but she was a precious customer, so he loved her. it was his own special brand of magic. "soupe du jour, hot hors d'oeuvres, why, we only live to serve."

@Leaf Fi , @kawiibunnygirl

(that took twenty years lmao i'm sorry i was busy)​
Suzuki, Hotaru

As the dark haired first year strummed her guitar she never once noticed the second year who walked over to her. Hotaru's calloused fingers felt at ease as she felt the cool strings beneath them. The pick that hit each string gently was a very pretty ocean pattern. Hotaru had designed many things for her guitar, including the pick, case, and strap. She was a picky person so she had to do everything herself. "
Nice guitar!" A sudden voice said which broke Hotaru out of her thoughts.

Her body seemed to freeze after the girl happily complimented her guitar. Slowly raising her gaze, Hotaru looked at the female student. "
T-thanks" she said with a very unusual stutter. Maybe it was because she was startled and that the person talking to her was an upperclassman. Carefully she set the guitar on the stand beside her and nervously ran a hand through her hair. "Umm we've never properly introduced ourselves right?" Hotaru asked as she looked at the second year. Normally the short haired girl would've snapped at the student who interrupted her, but the thought of yelling at an upperclassman that was in the same club gave her bad vibes.

"Whoa manager! That's awesome." Tyler replied and smiled at her. "Glad you got the tip and you're welcome." He finished his dish and rubbed his stomach. "Oh yeah it was very good, but I could go for some of yours. Since you say it's so famous. 2 servings." He added with an eager grin on his face. Tyler had a big appetite and since dinner was his biggest meal, he always made it count. "I'm still hungry, bring it on!" He said flexing and laughing @Suzumaki Arakai
Sato, Kairi

Kairi was soon approached by the other male employee who also had blonde hair and a playful expression. Shifting her unique eyes to his she stared at him without too much of one emotion. Though for some reason she felt like crawling into a hole and dying of embarrassment, but since she wasn't used to that feeling she shrugged it off. The uniqueness of the café was really something Kairi hadn't experienced that often so it was nice. She couldn't help but wonder what music they played in the café. If they did play music Kairi silently hoped that her music would occasionally come on. Running her hand up and down her arm she watched them continue their performance.

@mikko @Leaf Fi

Katsu Masumi

"Sweet! Cake would be awesome, actually!" Katsu smiled, nodding vigorously. He was still young, almost everything was appealing to him. "School is so boring, and so are all the kids. I hate it," he whined, throwing his head back. His pink hair whipped around a bit in the wind, even though there was hardly any hair on his head. He was quite a small kid, but what amazed him was the fact that Takumi was taller than him. "I can get Naruko-chan to pick us up!" The small kid said, pulling out his tiny flip phone to match. He then dialed the male's number, waiting for him to respond.



(I have to go to volleyball practice, so I'll be back later! Bye!)

Jethro Sato

Jethro glanced at a few people walking around the area to see where they were going. I could probably get an idea from them. He thought to himself before pausing his thoughts and watching a girl in a maid uniform walk toward his direction. "Excuse me, I'm new around here. You know a place where I can do something other than eat?" The teen questioned the girl while slightly raising a brow. There were many restaurants around that part of the area. Jet didn't really feel hungry at that moment though.

Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki grinned from ear to ear; she had been waiting to cook some ramen all day. She loves it so much, the idea sends chills down her spine.

The girl darts back into the kitchen and begins whipping up her favorite meal, she didn't really have names for any of her home-made ramen...she just throws things together and makes it taste fantastic.

Quickly the girl slapped some noodles into the large bowl that could equal two servings and began placing other ingredients in as well; ingredients that didn't need boiling.

She added some chashu, spring onion, mayu and enoki. All kinds of different things before carrying it out and presenting the large bowl to the hungry American. "Shishishi! Here ya go!" The girl boasted and crossed her arms in triumph; waiting for his reaction.

Togu Anna

Anna blinked when a blonde boy asked her a question. "Oh, um, there's a manga store called Manga Range not too far from here. Or you can go to the movies which is a pretty far walk but it's pretty worth it. Also, you can sign up for Kenichi's Dojo of Strength I think that's what it's called. He has a class for beginners that starts soon." She said pointing in the direction of each place she mentioned. @RyanJXavier
naruko was in a position most ideal to him, though not exactly the best to say in full extent. nonetheless, however, he indulged himself in his fun, a pleased smile dancing across his features. this was halted, however, by the childish chiming of his favorite child's ringtone. rising from his position and walking over to a secluded area to pick up. "katsu-chan!" he exclaimed, voice light and pleased. "how rare! can i help you?" he leaned against the wall, humming lightly. takumi texted him frequently enough, with the occasional phone call for something he deemed important; the stitching of sai-chan, for example. katsu, though, his precious baby, didn't seem to want his attention nearly enough. it injured him, truly. he loved them both, his precious sons. not by birth, of course, but he had known them for a considerable amount of time.


"Hello to you too, Tatsuri. How am I doing? Well thank you for asking," Wulf began sarcastically. "I just broke the news to two high school girls that their friends have been raped and murdered, so quite frankly, I'm just peachy." he snapped the last few words and sighed heavily as he revved up his car and started for the station.

@Suzumaki Arakai


Reina glanced at the vibes to make sure no one had taken her spot. Otherwise she might get stuck with the glockenspiel. She hated the glockenspiel, it was too tiny and nothing at all like a piano, which was reserved for the third years. A student began to approach the vibraphone and she snarled at them upon making eye contact and mouthed the word "Mine." The student backed away with his hands up and a confused expression and went for another instrument. Reina turned back around to face the girl. Despite the stutter, she didn't seem like the other girls in school who obsessed over cute boys and spoke so softly that a bat would have to ask them to speak up. "I'm Reina Agpoon, it's good to meet you." She gave the girl a little bow, and continued, "Normally I play piano but here, I play the vibraphone. Oh yeah, I also sing," she said triumphantly with a big smile. "And you are?"

Tyler blinked and she was gone and blinked and bam she was back. "Wow that was fast." He said looking down at the dish. He took a big sniff in. "Smells good." He said with a smile. He picked up the chopsticks and picked up a bunch at once. Tyler opened his mouth and put it in. His eyes got wide, and a smile came across his face. "This is amazing. Holy crap." He added before putting another bite into his mouth. "I've never tasted anything like this." He added. "You're talented. You can cook. Huge plus in my book." Tyler said. @Suzumaki Arakai
Jethro Sato

"Got it. Thanks for the help" Jethro nodded to the girl before stepping pass her. Dojo of Strength, huh? That sounds interesting. The teen thought to himself, but stopped to look over his shoulder. "Hope I see you around again . . . ? What's your name?" He asked while keeping his gaze on the blue haired girl. Don't talk to strangers was a common rule Jet and Ryu set for their younger sister. In this case though, it was probably best that he knew someone other than no one.

Tatsuri Anna

Anna sighed deeply and spoke with a softer tone than usual, "Alright...I get it. I'll see you at the office. This..." you could hear sirens start up; a loud rev following after. "Asshole..."

Anna could be heard screaming in the distant for whoever it was to get out of the way and that she's obviously a police who isn't afraid to pull their sorry ass over...and a couple other things.

Once returning to the phone; her voice softened up again, "....s....ahem...ssss...sor...Ack! Dammit! Sorry!" The girl hung up in a heart beat the continued towards the office.

She absolutely hates apologizing...


Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki began laughing, "Aha-ha-haaaa!~ I am a pro!" she watched with a grin as he continued to slurp and mumble words, "I can cook ramen! And that's it." The girl thought back to a time when she tried baking pickles to make cucumbers...

She lifted a finger and gave an informative look...if that explains anything at all, "Baked pickles don't make cucumbers my friend." She gave a wink then returned to the front for more customers.

(( Sorry for the late reply! I had to shower ^^;; ))

Yumi Narusaki

For once, it finally felt like Yumi had pulled one over Ryuzaki. The other times they had hugged like this felt a little more awkward- mostly as those two were both initiated by the dark haired boy and came out of nowhere- but it just felt... Nice, at that moment. Still a little awkward, but still pretty nice. It didn't last long though; the brunette pulled away rather quickly. Her eyes followed him as he walked off, and he legs took a few steps forward to continue on his footsteps, but she was swiftly stopped by his next words. 'My game...?' Yumi's eyebrows furrowed as she thought for a moment before a light bulb lit over her head. "Ooh... Right." Basketball. She almost forgot he played the sport. "R-right! I'll come! Promise!" The girl cupped her hands over her mouth to make sure the message was heard before nodding, content. "I'll see you later, Ryuzaki!" And with that, she turned on her heel and walked off in the opposite direction.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Tomio Takahashi

Tomio nodded in agreement to Mikan's 'words' as he cupped his chin. "Try the grey stuff, it's delicious~"

For a second, he broke the song, jogging back over to the customer abs leaned over to her ear. "We don't actually serve those dishes at the moment, please don't ask for them," he whispered quickly before twirling around once more. "Don't believe me? Ask the dishes!" Tomio now planted himself in front of a table, kneeling down. "They can sing," he picked up a fork, "They can dance!" He then picked up a spoon, making it spin in a circle before 'dipping' the fork. "After all, Miss, this is Franc-..." Blue eyes widened and the cutlery was dropped. Tomio shoot a glance towards Mikan, practically screaming 'WE DON'T LIVE IN FRANCE, WHAT DO WE DO!?' with his eyes.


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Jethro Sato

"Jethro Sato" He replied while giving her a slight wave and continuing on his path. It was to the dojo for this guy. I wonder what martial arts the sensei teaches there? Jet thought to himself. His mind began to explore all the possibilities especially since the fighting style wasn't really specified in the dojo's name. Back in America, most of the martial arts studios had their fighting style mentioned on the bold print on top of their doors. Within a few moments, Jet entered the dojo doors and eyed the area. It looked pretty normal to him.


Ryu Sato

After Ryu dropped Hazel off at their house, he informed his sister of his momentary trip away from home. "I'll be back in a bit. Just do whatever you do" He stated without giving Hazel any time to respond. With that, Ryu left his sister and drove around the city. Hunger started to get to him causing him to think about nothing other than ramen, baked goods, or items sold at cafes.
Tyler looked confused with her last statement before she ran off. "Huh. Pickles?" He shrugged and went back to eating. He pulled out his phone and checked any news going on about him. He saw people tweeting about him, liking his Instagram photos, usual social media. Some of the experts were talking about how he won't win his fight and that he should have stayed in America. "I'll prove them." He said before slamming his phone on the table cracking the screen. @Suzumaki Arakai
Nana Takane

The girl sighed when she entered her room. Paint was scattered everywhere and the canvas that she had been working on layed silently on the ground to dry. "Well no visitors until next month" she stated with a chuckle while she looked at her stuff with her hands on her hips. "It would be good for me if I don't come back for a month. Place smells." Nana chuckled again and grabbed her back and headed towards the door. The paintinf had to dry a couple of hours before she could clean the house, so she decided to just kill some time outside. The girl just moved in this city so it was a great opportunity to meet new people.

With a little smile on her face and sparkling eyes, Nana took the stairs to the lower level. She was humming while she did so and enjoyed the sun on her bare skin. "Welcome spring," she quietly whispered and made a little bow in the air. After that she continued her journey on the pavement and just walked, waiting for something fun.

Hobbesisalive said:
Nishida nodded alot by the words the male spoke but didn't say anything else. It was good that Mamoru took interest in the case, but it was his job to do so. Nishida wasn't going to give compliments for that, he would only make the male more softer if he did so. And that was something this job didn't need. Once they entered the lab Nishida walked straight up to Kou. "And?" He said in a calm voice. It was quite something that the widower took a step in this lab. Three months ago his wife had been laying here, and well they found the culprit due to examine. Nishida had sunk down in his everyday life. Only sleeping and smoking, but now he had found an emotion he never thought he would ever feel again. Excitement. And the male would do anything to set his mind of his dead wife, he would dive right into the case. Taking it with open arms, determined to solve it.
Detective Mamoru Minori

Mamoru followed Nishida into the Lab, directly heading for the Forensic Technician in there, Kou. The man could imagine that it probably wasn't the most easiest Thing for Nishida to enter Forensics, considering that his wife, who was killed herself, has been examined in here as well. Mamoru knew about the Case concerning his partners wife, She was part of the Police, after all. The Detective eyed the Forensic Expert in front of him, awaiting a Brief breakdown of what they found out. "...Hello to you too, Detective." You were able to hear the obvious sarcasm out of Kou's Statement, which Mamoru didn't enjoy, at all. This guy... It really angered the man, just being messed with in General. If you had something to say, just spit it out, and be done with it, that's what Mamoru believed in. Kou gestured over to the... remains, of the dead Girl, and then quickly proceeded with his Explanation "So, we've come to the conclusion, that the Girl was most likely... drowned, alive." Kou paused for a bit and rubbed his forehead, frowning a bit. "Her legs, and arms, were completely crushed, due to blunt force, maybe a hammer, of some sort." He glanced at the two detectives for a second, before locking his eyes back onto the Body." But other than that, ´there weren't any signs of deadly force on her... lucky for us, did the water, and coolness that surounded her These twenty years, slow down the decaying process immensly, to that Point, that a thin layer of Skin still remained on her bones... due to that layer, we were able to see obvious signs of suffocation, especially on her lips, of course." A small smile formed on the Forensic's Face, while talking about his discoveries, but his Expression quickly turned back, once he noticed that it wasn't really appropriate.

I'm thinking about actually creating a character sheet for Kou. ^-^
Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki was slightly startled when Tyler slammed something down on the table; her smile deteriorated as she glanced over towards him, "I wonder what's wrong..." She began to think it was her ramen's fault...

Slowly approaching him she gave a large, apologetic bow. "I'm sorry!" When she lifted back up, there were small tears welling up in her eyes as she puckered her lip tremendously.

"If you didn't like it you just had to say so..." grabbing his phone from the table and pointing to the screen; continuing to pucker, "Not break your phone."

Togu Anna

Anna waved back and Jethro with a smile and then continued her way home. 'I wonder if April is home? School should've ended for her. I hope she isn't at Shady's Bar again...' Anna thought. As she continued thinking she made it home and changed out of her work uniform and into a nice comforable floral dress. She sighed and looked into her sister's room. "Nope not here." She said with a sigh. She walked back down the stairs and grabbed her purse before heading out the door to find her sister.

Togu April

April was slowly walking to her home rubbing her temple. "Uggh." She groaned some more. The medicine she took wore off and her headache was back again. It wasn't too bad this time.

Mitsurgi Kenichi

Mitsurgi was in his office meditating once more. His bamboo sword laying next to him. 'Peace and quiet. Relax and concentrate.' He thought as he let out a little sigh.
BobbyW said:
Detective Mamoru Minori Mamoru followed Nishida into the Lab, directly heading for the Forensic Technician in there, Kou. The man could imagine that it probably wasn't the most easiest Thing for Nishida to enter Forensics, considering that his wife, who was killed herself, has been examined in here as well. Mamoru knew about the Case concerning his partners wife, She was part of the Police, after all. The Detective eyed the Forensic Expert in front of him, awaiting a Brief breakdown of what they found out. "...Hello to you too, Detective." You were able to hear the obvious sarcasm out of Kou's Statement, which Mamoru didn't enjoy, at all. This guy... It really angered the man, just being messed with in General. If you had something to say, just spit it out, and be done with it, that's what Mamoru believed in. Kou gestured over to the... remains, of the dead Girl, and then quickly proceeded with his Explanation "So, we've come to the conclusion, that the Girl was most likely... drowned, alive." Kou paused for a bit and rubbed his forehead, frowning a bit. "Her legs, and arms, were completely crushed, due to blunt force, maybe a hammer, of some sort." He glanced at the two detectives for a second, before locking his eyes back onto the Body." But other than that, ´there weren't any signs of deadly force on her... lucky for us, did the water, and coolness that surounded her These twenty years, slow down the decaying process immensly, to that Point, that a thin layer of Skin still remained on her bones... due to that layer, we were able to see obvious signs of suffocation, especially on her lips, of course." A small smile formed on the Forensic's Face, while talking about his discoveries, but his Expression quickly turned back, once he noticed that it wasn't really appropriate.

I'm thinking about actually creating a character sheet for Kou. ^-^
Nishida listened to what the male had to say and nodded here and there, even when the information was not really helpful, he thanked him and walked around the body. "Suffocation." He repeated and took a closer look at the lips, well the part of it. Quickly Nishida turned towards Mamoru again and sighed. "Looks like there is a lot for us to find out." He stated while looking over his shoulder to the human parts. "Forensic guy, you are new right? Did someone...older look at this already?" The male had heard the sarcasm of Kou earlier and was paying him back now. But in a way that it wasn't noticable. Nishida just didn't like new ones in general.

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