• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)

mikan nodded, slinking quietly into position. taking a seat in a draw me like one of your french girls position whilst lying atop a table near the patron, he had to fight to keep the smile off of his face. what was shame, again? he doesn't believe he's ever experienced it. he was having too good of a time for something so silly. locks of honey colored hair falling before his face, he echoed his boss in a gentle croon. "be our guest~"

hopefully this guest was open-minded, otherwise this may end strangely.

@Leaf Fi @kawiibunnygirl



Sato, Kairi

Kairi heard something thud and she turned to see a man on one knee. Raising an eyebrow she looked at the blonde and watched each and every action. As the male stood up and bowed she turned in her seat so that she was facing him completely. Kairi felt utterly confused as he began to sing a Disney song that she knew all too well. Her mind as racing as she watched them. As she looked at the other customers and staff she saw cellphones flipping open to record the scene. Her instant reaction was to take out her hair tie and let her long silvery hair hid her face from the cameras. And that's exactly what Kairi did. After a couple years of avoiding any unwanted pictures, she grew used to hiding her face from phones, cameras, or videos.

@mikko @Maid Cafe
Akako sighed at the fight that was happening at between the male and the vulgar girl arguing back with each other. "Ma'am Might you quiet down as well, or you could ignore him completely?" She thought as she groaned quietly at her noise. Akako hadn't eaten yet, but she would later. She heard her stomach growl. "Hungry..." She said monotone. She heard the bell ring and walked up to the male who was flirting and asked, "Did you really flirt with the girl?" She asked.

@Firstyears @Suzumaki Arakai
Makoto, who was still confused, simply gave up. They weren't going to stop, so the best choice was to return to the desk.

When the bell rang, Makoto didn't know what to do. Some of the students said that school will be over...but was that true, or did the confused student misunderstood? Makoto noticed the basketball player dashing out of the clasroom.

Maybe that girl who was supposed to be a second year could help, or maybe that girl who had a fight with the red head before? No, the best choice was to ask that Fumiko guy, since he was the friendliest.

"Fumiko...was it? I'm confused. What do we do next?" Makoto approached him and asked.


@Suzumaki Arakai

@1st Years
(( ohhhh okay got it. Haha my bad. @Suzumaki Arakai ))

Tyler left whatever place he was in and found a noodle shop. "This doesn't seem so bad." He said as he approached the counter. "Yes, uhh, I will have 3 of those noodles." He just pointed to the simple looking on thinking it was good. 3 servings was a lot but he was hungry and needed a big meal. Tyler being the idiot he is ordered the super spicy noodles. Once his order came up, he sat down and looked over. His mouth was open and a big smile on his face. Others were staring at him, not because of the size of the plate but because it was the spiciest they offer. Tyler then scooped up a big amount in the chopsticks and put it all into his mouth. About 2.5 seconds later his mouth was on fire. He swallowed it. "Omg omg omg hot hot hot. What the hell. Omg. Water." He began saying. The people working there started laughing as Tyler did everything he could to cool down his mouth. Finally able to breathe, he sat back. "Holy hell." He said to himself. He liked spicy but too much at once almost killed him. He took smaller portions and then decided to finish the plate.
Yumi Narusaki

Yumi just guessed that once the bell rang, Ryuzaki would just sit with her in the class as he read over the work. But nope; it seemed he wanted to wander. "H-hey! Ryuzaki?!" She called after him, shoving all her things into her bag as quickly as she could before chasing after the taller boy. Of course, due to his legs being longer, she had to practically jog to keep up with his strides. Not that she minded at the moment; she just wanted to work back before someone could see it. At his sudden stop, she crashed right into his back, squeaking in shock. "Owwww..." The brunette groaned, rubbing her forehead with a frown. "Can I have my work back...?"

@Suzumaki Arakai

Tomio Takahashi

Mikan was never going to be fired. Not ever. He was the only one who truly loved Tomio enough to do stupid things like this. "Put our service to the test~" he continued, not even flinching as the cameras began to focus on the two idiots called men. With a quick twirl, the blonde pranced his way back to the customer, standing behind her. His fingers moved away the locks from hair from her eyes and placed them behind her ears before falling to her chin, turning her head in his direction so her eyes were on his. "Tie a napkin 'round your neck, cherie~" The eye contact lasted but a moment before he skipped off once more to the behind of Mikan, delivering a quick smack to his... Ahem, 'hind quarters'.



Sato, Kairi

Kairi began to feel alarmed as the blonde moved over to her once again, tucking her hair behind her ears and making her look at him. Her confusion doubled at she examined his actions as well as the reactions for the customers. 'Is this... Normal?' She questioned in her thoughts as she watched the man hopelessly fool around. That's when she noticed that the cameras were focused on the employees, not her. Sighing softly she slowly began to pull her hair back and turn to write something down, but also continue watching the dorks. What would be considered a smile to some was barely visible on her face as she looked at the two energetic men.

@Leaf Fi @mikko
Toma Hiro

Hiro nodded and pulled out her wallet and grabbed 1225 yen handing it the cashier. "Here you go." Hiro said smiling and took the bag. She was going to ask why Suzumaki was smiling so much but decided not to since she was running late. Hiro put the Manga bag in her bag with her uniform and wallked out of the store. She continued walking toward the movie theater. @Suzumaki Arakai

Mitsurgi Kenichi

Kenichi's students stood up quickly and resumed their practice when Kenichi came in. "Nice try soilders! That's an extra lap of sliding steps across the dojo!" He said and his students groaned while thrusting away. Kenichi continued his way toward a scroll that hung in the middle of a door way. He moved the scroll away and looked through the drawers that were in his office. Kenichi's office wasn't like a regular office. It was a small room with nothing but a few candles on the floor and drawers on the walls. "Ah here it is!" He said excitedly and handed the pissed girl a fourm. "Fill this out and turn it in when you come in for a lesson! My beginner classes are at 4:30 in the afternoon." He said. @Suzumaki Arakai

Togu Anna

Anna nodded and took the tab and tip. "Thank you for visiting Rame Ramen Shop, come again soon." She said and walked away. 'I guess there are still some pretty alright people in Tousen.' She thought and stuck the tip in her apron pocket. She set the tab on the counter and looked back at the tan skinned boy. @SirBlazeALot

((Sorry for responding late I saw the post and forgot to answer.))
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Astonished at Tomoyama's reaction, Wulf bit his lip. The father was his lead suspect, but without even hinting at his hunch, the girl exploded with emotion. It was enough to make him believe their innocence. But that would mean a stranger had done the deed, which would make the case infinitely more challenging. Worst case scenario, there could be a new serial killer on the loose. Just when he was losing hope, Guriyama piped up about the uncle. Wulf's eyes widened as he looked up from his pad and locked on to Guriyama, crouching again. "Uncle, uncle, uncle," he stammered and dropped his pen with excitement. "Guriyama-san, please. Tell me more about this creepy uncle."

@Suzumaki Arakai


After returning from lunch to teach his last few classes, the day was finally over. He wasn't an adviser to any club on campus, because none of the students wanted to deal with him. He marched briskly through the halls, more excited that school was finished than the students themselves. Though his posture was perfect and his facial expression was twisted into a grumpy frown, he was doing an American football touchdown dance on the inside. After a long day at work, Sung-Kang liked to go to his favorite place, the Maid Cafe, to grade papers. He enjoyed having people wait on him, not to mention perving on the young girls in maid uniforms. He unbuttoned his blazer as soon as he got in his car. He undid the first button of his white shirt and loosened his tie. After throwing his briefcase into the backseat, he burned rubber and left campus. "Finally done dealing with those idiots!" He sneered, looking at his briefcase through the rear-view mirror. He wasn't done dealing with those idiots. Now he had to deal with assignments from those idiots. After parking, he approached the maid cafe, hearing some kind of...rendition of the classic song from Beauty and the Beast as he came closer to the door. He adjusted his glasses as he entered, and even he had to admit to himself that the butlers preforming the song were hilarious.


@Suzumaki Arakai

@Leaf Fi




@MaidCafe (whoever I missed)


As school ended, Reina gathered her inconsequential notes. She stood up and straightened her skirt, looked to Ogami and stuck her tongue out at him one last time before crowding the door with the other 2nd years. Band club was the part of the day she lived for. She failed at pretty much everything else in school, but if she actually got graded for band club her GPA would be that much higher. With a pep in her step and a twinkle in her eye, she entered the music room. A lot of the kids played piano, so unfortunately she was forced to play the vibraphone, but she actually found it pretty fun. Sometimes a good solo on the vibes could steal the show.

@Suzumaki Arakai


@anyone in school/band club
Akako then walked to Makoto, one of the first people she had met today and asked, "Hey Makoto, What's up with girl?" She asked him..or her. She was curious of why was she so mean? Probably because she was one of those people. Oh well. Akako just wanted to talk of a bit, not much to think about. "Oh, I'm going; My mother is waiting for me." Akako told the group as she ran out of the school.

@MonoToc @Zero Gravity @Suzumaki Arakai @First years
Makoto was happy to see Akako. "I don't know anything about her yet. For now, I guess we should leave her alone." Makoto whispered to the girl before she had to go, and looked discretely at the arrogant girl. "Oh, see you tomorrow then..." The student said when Akako left, and looked back at the boy who still had to answer the question.



@1st Years

Fumiko Haruto

After another rude remark from that girl, he rolled his eyes and smiled politely at Makoto. "We go home, of course. We're done with school for the day, unless you're in a club or something like that," the red head stated, shrugging. "My brother's probably at home at the moment, so I better get going as well. Do you want to walk with me and Aoi?" he asked, smiling at the other. Fumiko could always use some more friends.


@Suzumaki Arakai


@1st years

Suzuki, Hotaru

Hotaru grabbed her bag and walked out of the classroom, slipping past loitering students. She had her sights set on the club room where she spent almost all her time after school. Walking into the room she saw a couple students already there. Bowing to the seniors that she knew, the hothead girl made her way over to her beloved guitar. The guitar was seriously her only source of happiness. She never got tired of playing it and it seemed that only she could play it well. Picking up the electric guitar, she walked over to a chair and began to tune it carefully. Hotaru looked up at the girl who was a second year, but had never really introduced herself. The short haired girl returned to her Les Paul Standard and strummed it. Of course it wasn't plugged into an amp or anything because she would have had to gotten permission from the senior that owned the amp.

" . . . Got another business call" Ryu bluntly stated before walking out of Jethro's apartment door. Thud. The sound of the last box's contact with the floor made Jet smile a bit. Finally, now that all the boxes were in his new apartment, all he had to do was unpack. Jet stood up and made his way over to one of the boxes after setting the last one down. Ryu closed the apartment door behind him and answered his phone. This woman again. The man thought to himself before speaking, "Yeah?" Ryu's phone was getting blown up by messages and phone calls from people in the studio, gang members, and that one woman who claimed to have his baby in her arms. Thanks to his frequent "business" calls, Ryu wasn't really able to help Jet settle down in his new apartment. He didn't really feel bad about it though since he knew Jet was capable of handling most of it himself.

The Sato siblings had just arrived in Tousen the previous night. While on their flight, Ryu managed to arrange business appointments for the studio branch in Tousen, confirm his siblings' enrollment in the local schools, and make some connections with the local gang. His transition to the more "safe" lifestyle was challenging to him. He hasn't fully converted to those ways yet. "
You even sure that's mine?" Ryu folded his arms as he leaned against the hallway wall.

Got some time to check the place out. Jethro thought to himself while hanging a clock up on a wall. He stepped off the chair and paused once his eyes made contact with their family picture in one of the last boxes. This whole change was undoubtedly challenging for the siblings. There was nothing else they could do but move on though. What's done is done. Jet thought while taking the picture out of the box and placing it on one of the tables.

'Kay fine DNA test that thing then" Ryu replied to the woman who was now raising her voice at him through the phone. "Yeah? Okay, get over here. I'll gladly prove that that thing...What?" The man wasn't exactly that sensitive when it came to talking about children. The only child he was familiar with was his younger sister who already acted as if she was almost as old as Jethro. " . . . okay. That boy" Ryu corrected before hanging the phone up and walking back into Jethro's apartment.
@Kawaii Lol sorry, Kagami is in the gym now. He darted out of class and went to the gym. School's pretty much over, just club activities are left.))

Tanaka Ryuzaki

Ryuzaki waved his hand in Yumi's face with a laugh, "Not done." He then straightened up and continued looking over it, she had most of it right except for the last two problems. He leaned down a little and presented the paper to her, pointing to question 29:


"You got this one wrong."
He said with a serious expression, he wasn't making fun of her anymore. Instead, he was actually trying to help her see where she messed up. Looking at the clock for a second he shrugged and sat down in the hallway floor, leaning against the wall as he pat the spot beside him. He began to explain all kinds of different stuff and eventually summed it all up, "The answer isn't -2 but -2/3rds. So B." Moving on to question number 30, a small laugh escaped his lips before he began explaining.

30.) What is the slope of the line tangent to the graph of the function
at the point where

Ryuzaki did the same as he did for the question before. After what felt like forever, the boy handed her the paper and stood up, "That would be C."

Never would anyone hear the boy talk so much unless it's about basketball or helping someone with math...strange.

@Leaf Fi

Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki took the money and placed it quickly in the register before hopping down from her stool and darting into the back of the shop. Within the blink on an eye, Suzumaki was dressed in her baggy pants and white tank top again and was making her way towards Rame Ramen Shop.

Once she was there, she gave her employee a smile and pat her on the back "You're good for today." She then headed into the back and slipped on her manager's uniform before taking her post at the front, dismissing another employee.

She then looked at the man she had met twice today who was eating really spicy ramen and blinked, "Oh! It's you!" her finger was now pointing in his direction.


Tatsuri Anna

Anna bowed and took the paper, "Thank you, sir." She then turned and made her way out of the dojo with a firm yet unintentional glare towards the children taking part in activities.

Once she made it back to her car; before taking a seat, she glanced down at her phone to check the time. "Hmm, it'll be getting dark eventually. Ogami better have some homework to show for."

Hopping into her car, she started it up and drove back towards the station to do a little bit more research before heading home...which actually, she might stop by Shady's Bar and grab a drink before heading home...but then it could be drunk driving. "I'll just walk from the station and have...someone drive me home."


Guriyama & Tomoyama

Guriyama looked at the officer with a determined glare, "He's freaky as hell!" Her friend interrupted her by tapping her arm, "Guri st-"

"No!" The girl jerked her arm away from her friends touch and furrowed her brow, "I don't see who else could've done it."

She then looked back towards the officer while her friend, Tomoyama, began to sulk. "His wife died a while back and ever since then...he's been living with them. Rin never liked him but Nozomi just kind of ignored him."

Guriyama wiped a few more tears before they could make a full course down her cheek, "Yesterday...they were alive yesterday!? I don't see why this had to happen!" Once again, Guri was balling. "He pode to be on bacadon, phphphphph."

Nothing she was saying anymore made any sense until her friend calmed her down and spoke for her, "She said he's supposed to be on vacation. Not really though...well I wouldn't call it vacation? Just a friend outing or something. Sir, I don't think he did it...think...but you never know."

The two girls knew no more than that, only that their best friends were now gone.


Tatsuri Ogami

Ogami furrowed his brow at the girls face towards him but shook it off soon after, "Just ignore her." He them gathered up his things and began making his way out of the school building to go home.

"I'll just eat when I get home..." Besides the fact that he was starving, he really wanted to get home so he could fill out the sign-up sheet for the dojo. He would eat out...if he had money. Looking around; many students could be seen walking with their friends or just standing around talking in groups.


Takumi Higurashi

The small kid had left the classroom awhile ago. He found it boring... Completely and utterly boring. The only exciting part about it was the police officer, but he wasn't going to interrogate. Takumi simply walked out of the highschool, pink bunny in hand, and walked towards his 'sibling's elementary school. Once he arrived, he requested Katsu as he always does. "Excuse me! May I please pick up my brother, Katsu?" He asked in a childish voice, hugging his bunny. The receptionist 'awe'd at the boy's adorableness and asked for Katsu Masumi to report to the front office. He soon took a seat and sat down, humming, sawying side to side, and kicking his feet back and forth all the while cuddling his precious Sai-chan

@Zero Gravity

Aoi Nōhime

Aoi looked up in surprise as Fumiko spoke to her. She had went back to her seat after the large red headed boy seemed occupied with something else. She was getting ready to go to her... job. The thought of it made her flushed. "U-u-uhm! N-no! I-I-I...uh... H-h-have st-study-ying to d-d-do!" She mustered out, grabbing her book bag and sprinting out of the room and high school. She had roughly two minutes to get to her job anyways, so she had to make it quick.

@Zero Gravity

@1st Year​
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"Uhh, sure! I'll walk with you." Makoto replied, really surprised by what Fumiko said. Perhaps this was the chance to make two friends. Makoto needed friends in order to survive high school...especially with that chemistry teacher around.

Makoto grabbed the bag, where all the school related stuff were, and waited for Fumiko and Aoi to pack up as well. "I'll wait for you on the hallway, okay?" Makoto said and walked out of the classroom, and waited in front of the door.

However, Aoi dashed out of the classroom without giving any explanations...

@Zero Gravity


@1st Years
Tyler looked up with noodles still sticking out of his mouth. Once he saw who said it he quickly sucked it all down and wiped his face. He was in extreme pain but shrugged it off because well it was a girl. "It's me." He said laughing before adding. "It's you." He smiled at her. "Did you get your tip?" He asked as wel as "what brings you here?" @Suzumaki Arakai

Katsu Masumi

As soon as Katsu had been called to the office, he knew it would either be Takumi or Naruko. As soon as he saw Takumi, he let out a small childish squeal, running towards the other with open arms, engulfing him in a huge hug. "Takumi-chan!" He cried out twirling around in a circle. His pink-colored hair swished back and forth as he hugged the other tightly. That office lady had to be on the verge of adorable death now. The scene unfolding before her was probably making her swoon with emotions.


Fumiko Haruto

"That's Aoi for you. One day, I swear I'll follow her after school," Fumiko laughed, smiling at the other. "Well, let's go. I could probably show you around town if you haven't already ventured? I pass almost everything on my way home," the red head stated, motioning for the other to follow him. There were tons of places he could show him, as well as the dog shelter he worked at, and maybe even he maid café! There was always something interesting going on there!



Ione Aelia and Aoi Nōhime

Ione came out with the food that the man ordered, apologizing heavily for it taking so long.
"I am so, so sorry, sir. Are you alright?" She asks, completely ignoring the two idiots dancing and singing in the back ground. She would've joined them if she wasn't doing the work. Aoi should be here any minute now to relieve her of the cooking, but for now, she had to do almost everything. She bowed to him and walked off towards the back, hearing Aoi come through the back door. "Do you want to cook or serve?" She asks, looking over at the girl who's quickly changing into her uniform. "I-I'll s-serve." The girl said, trying to catch her breathe as she slipped the stockings and shoes on as she lets her hair down. Her light blue dress complimented her eyes massively. "Okay, great!" Ione said, rushing off to the kitchen.

Aoi sighed as she put on the headband and picked up the notepad and pen as she walks out into the actual café. When she approached her teacher, she didn't actually notice that it was him.
"Hello, sir! What may I get you today?" She said, forming each word that left her mouth carefully and making sure not to stutter.


@Leaf Fi

@Suzumaki Arakai

(( I'm going to sleep, so no replies from me until tomorrow. Also, please show Makoto the maid cafe. I have some...interesting ideas I'd like to try there. xD ))

Makoto noded, and started walking along with Fumiko. "Please show me the town, I'm not familiar with it." The confused student said to him.
Yumi Narusaki

Yumi didn't have to be told twice to sit down. She quickly made herself comfy in the spot next to Ryuzaki, near enough curled right into his side as listened to his explanations. For some bizarre reason, the brunette found everything a little easier when it came from him... Sure, it was a silly idea or thought- and something she'd never actually reveal to anyone- but from these little talks alone, the girl was achieving better grades by the day... Internally, Yumi shook her head with a dismissive wave of a hand to stop the train of thoughts. 'You're being silly,' the girl scolded herself before taking the homework back and placing it in her bag. She jumped on to her feet once more, standing in front of Ryuzaki with a smile. "Thanks." She nodded, briefly wrapping her arms around his middle in a hug. "I owe you one." It was times like these that their strange friendship really shined through.

@Suzumaki Arakai

He gave the waitress a thumbs up, a wink, and a cheesy grin, and left the restaurant before Tyler or Suzumaki had arrived. Checking his phone and seeing that school would be over by the time he got back home, changed into his uniform, and then headed back to campus, he decided to make the rest of the day his own as well. He took a detour in the park before heading home to unleash his imagination on paper, and rest up before tonight's activities.

((stoner exits stage right))


Wulf's heart started to thud against his rib cage. There was a new lead suspect! Anna would be so proud. As he began to gather himself and prevent himself from smiling, he wrote down his name and number twice on a piece of paper. He tore the paper off of the pad and then tore it in half, giving each of the girls his contact information. "If there's any other pertinent information either of you can remember, please give me a call." He put a hand on each of the girls' shoulders and looked from left to right at both of them. "Don't worry. We'll get to the bottom of this, my friends. Thank you for your time." He released them and called up Anna as he hopped in his car.

@Suzumaki Arakai


The older girl studied the guitar player as she did some warm-ups over the muted mallet instrument. She had to admit, the first year had a special je ne sais quoi. She was tough looking, and with a guitar in her hand she seemed like even more of a badass. "Maybe...she'd like to form a band." As various students filed in, Reina left her position behind the vibes and sat next to the girl. "Nice guitar!" she chirped peacefully.



A tiny girl approached him and caught his attention, easily stealing it away from the butlers' musical number. He raised an eyebrow and inspected the girl without the slightest hint of subtlety. She appeared to be young enough to be one of his students. In his failure to care about any of their well being, he hadn't bothered to learn any of their names. However this girl also looked familiar. "Ah..." he started but then stopped himself. Unfortunately for the rest of the world, Sung-Kang had no reservations about perving on young girls. Plus, this could be the perfect little form of revenge against all of the children at Tousen High. A devious smile inched its way across his face. "A seat would be nice," he told the young girl curtly.

@Vixifeir @MaidCafe
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"Hm, you're fast" Ryu said while walking around Jethro's room and picking up the now empty boxes. " . . . you're surprised?" Jethro replied after unpacking the last item. He definitely wasn't one to procrastinate. Besides, he had the whole Tousen City to explore that weekend before he started school on Monday. "Not really" The older one stated while kicking an empty box over to Jethro. Ryu's hands were already filled with the other boxes anyway.

Jethro picked up the other box and walked out with Ryu. They both exited the apartment structure before tossing the empty boxes into the apartment community's garbage can thing. "Gotta go, bro" Ryu turned on his heel then walked to his parked car. "Received a message from Hazel's school while I was on the phone" He continued while getting in his car. Jethro slightly furrowed his brows in confusion. Why didn't Ryu leave earlier? "Something wrong with her?" The teen questioned seriously. "She's a bit shaky from everything still. She'll be alright though. It's Hazel" Ryu replied before driving away.

Yeah, but this situation is different. Jethro thought to himself while seeing his brother's car disappear. On the bright side, Jet was now free to wander around the area. Now, where should he go first? The teen just began walking in no apparent direction in order to spot out an interesting place.

Takumi Higurashi

Takumi jumped down from the chair right when he saw Katsu.
"Katsu-chan!!" He squealed equally, smiling and hugging him with Sai-chan sandwiching the younger... Yet taller child. He played along with the twirling and smiling brightly. "Do you wanna go get some cake with Sai-chan and I, Katsu-chan?" He asks, holding cute bunny closer to him when he mentioned the pink plushie. He had the puppy dog eyes on his face that could make anyone say yes. The receptionist squealed from behind the desk and said, "Here! Go get some cake for you to share!" The woman said, near emotionally exploding. Takumi's eyes widened. He expected it, but his acting skills were sublime. "O-oh! Thank you, miss! Greatly!" The little boy said, holding Sai-chan up and using an even more childish voice for the bunny. He took the money and grabbed Katsu's hand, skipping out of the school, and stopping once they were out of sight of the actual school. "How much did we get here..?" He asked, his talking turning a bit grim, speaking to no one even though Katsu's right there. "20 dollars... Wow, she was rather generous." He said, nodding in amusement. "Now..." He said, his personality turning from serious to childish, "Wanna go get some cake!?" He said, a big smile on his lips while he jumped up and down.

@Zero Gravity

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