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Realistic or Modern Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)

Ione Aelia

Ione nodded, "Impressive. I wouldn't be able to do it." She said, continuing to smile. It was true. The girl didn't have the will power to push herself to do it everyday. When he spoke again, he was heading towards the punching bags while she was going towards the treadmills. "Nice to meet you, Tyler! I'm Ione." She said, trying to wipe the bangs from her forehead, though utterly failing. She shrugged it off and turned on the machine, starting at a jogging pace and quickly working it up. Ione had a bit of dexterity from being a maid at a newly made café. Running around to try and take everyone's orders. She has help of a younger girl, though she mostly does the serving and some cooking. After a bit of mindless thinking, she realized that she should probably go and show to get ready for her job. Ione stopped the machine, washed it, and then dried her face with a towel before waving at Tyler. "Bye! I may be back tomorrow, depends when I wake up." She said, quickly walking out of the gym and back towards her apartment.

When she arrived, she took a quick shower before drying her hair, changing into more decent clothes, and starting her way towards the café. She travelled the back way since it was quicker than all of the crowded sidewalks, Ione had to enter from the back door so that she can change into her uniform anyways.
'I don't even know why I call it a uniform, it's not like I go to school anymore.' She thought, giggling at herself. She finally found the back of the building and entered, closing the door behind her, and changing.

@The Maid and Butler Café Crew

Yumi Narusaki

As she sat, a wave of a hand caught the side of her eye which lead her to turn to the expressionless boy. Now, the greeting didn't really offend her much- being with Ryuzaki for so many years, she had learnt to try and not take his comments to heart- but the second was definitely adding salt to the wound. Instead of a happy, bubbly greeting, something always expected of the girl, she gave him an eye roll before narrowing said eyes. "Hah, thanks for pointing it out. I never noticed." Yumi replied as she pulled out a notepad, keeping her eyes on Ryuzaki. "And you're early for once... No more cigarettes, I assume?" Her tone lightened up a little as a playful smile tugged the corners of her lips upwards, gaze now focusing on the book in front of her.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Tomio Takahashi

With a gentle hum, Tomio fixed the small apron around his waist before leaving the dressing room at the back of the building. Before exiting, he did give Ione a friendly wave and smile and left her be to get ready for the day, but then stopped. Things weren't so busy yet... Hmmm... "You're early today, Ione," Okay; that was a bit of a lie. She had come at the usual time, but heck, Tomio wanted a bit of conversation. You can't blame him for that, can you?

Tyler waved and yelled "I better see you here." He laughed as he did so. After she left he hooked his iPod up to the speaker system in the gym. Turning on some Parkway Drive. "Yeah here we go." He was dripping with sweat and then started grappling with one of the others that trains there. Tyler was the most experienced one but he needed someone to spar and grapple with. He started flowing move for move hold for hold. Practicing getting out of all submissions. He studied his opponent very well and knew they were a ground guy. He also practiced his take down defense. "Nothing is gonna stop me. I will knock this guy out." He kept saying. He stopped and walked over towards the door to get some fresh air. He stepped outside still shirtless and dripping sweat. No shoes, and in his fight shorts, gloves still on. "It's nice out." He said to himself. @Vixifeir

Zoe Chester

"Wake up you have been asleep long enough" a voice rang through the girls ear. Zoe sat up and rubbed her eyes, she looked over to her left and gave her brother Marcel her death stare. The boy knew he should leave her alone so he left the room.

Zoe turned her body and placed her feet on the soft floor.

Zoe glanced at her new alarm clock. 9:00. "I still have plenty of time" she thought. The girl stood and got ready. She didn't put on anything fancy, she was just going out with some friends.

She left the house and walked around for a few then met up with one of her friends. They walked around and met up with the last two.

Tanaka Ryuzaki

Ryuzaki watched as Yumi sorted her things out on the desk; her smart comments didn't affect him at all, but that's only because he knew she was trying to get back. Instead, the boy just smirked and turned in his seat, leaning back to stare at the ceiling as his hands now rested behind his head.

Her question on cigarettes made him look at her for a split second before turning back towards the ceiling, "Hm. If I say you assume wrong?" he now began to watch her reaction through peripheral vision, waiting for something amusing.

The girl always reacted in the funniest ways, whether it was from embarrassment, anger, or pure humor; sure seems to be humorous for Ryuzaki considering he never gives up.

It's not like he's trying to be mean though...I guess you could say the two are close? They'll deny it.

@Leaf Fi @ThirdYears

Uchida Momoi

Uchida stepped into the Café with a confused look on his face; some people were already at tables enjoying their snacks and warm refreshments. The white haired male smiled gently as he noticed one of the women sitting at a table with her friend began smiling cheerfully. "That's refreshing."

Confusion struck up again as he began to wonder if entering was allowed..."Am I supposed to be greeted?" He questioned in thought while awkwardly fiddling his fingers around each other.

@Leaf Fi @Vixifeir @Corgi @mikko
Toma Hiro

Hiro jumped a bit when someone tapped her. "I'm not a perv I swear!" She shouted and then blinked when she realized it was just the cashier. "Oh, hehe, no I don't need any help thank you." She said blushing as a few other customers looked over at her as well. 'Great now I look more like a pervy weirdo.' Hiro thought. @Suzumaki Arakai @Zero Gravity @AnyoneinMangaRange

Mitsurgi Kenichi

"Keep thrusting! Machine Gun your stance is weak!" He said and tripped the boy woth his sword. Kenichi heard a knock on the screen door and walked over to the door. He slid it open to see a police women with a serious face. "Can I help you officer?" He asked and then looked behind him to yell at his students some more. @Suzumaki Arakai
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Tyler walked back inside. "Alright let's finish this." He yelled. He instructed the person working there to put on Rose Funeral. Tyler's eyes became focused. His smile gone. "3 5 minutes rounds." He said as he entered the cage. His sparring partner wasn't too thrilled but Tyler was calling the shots. The touched gloves. "Don't hold back." He told the guy. The bell rang and his sparring partner lunged for him to try and get an immediate take down. Tyler escaped and stepped aside. "Not today." He said through his mouth guard. Tyler landed a couple jabs to the face and started putting pressure on him. He closed the gap. Others in the gym stopped what they were doing and some began to watch. He loved the audience, he thrived off of it. Tyler landed a hard mid kick and his partner grabbed his ribs. Tyler saw that opening and went after him. Blow by blow landing on the face and ribs, one after the other. Their coach finally stopped the fight. "Couldn't even last one round." He said laughing and leaving the cage. "That's it for today. I'll be back early for weights and cardio." He said as he walked towards the shower
Hobbesisalive said:
Nishida shifted his grey eyes towards Mamoru and nodded. "That bodies has been down there for eighteen years, but yoy know those guys are like wizards." It sounded funny but the male showed nothing of a smile or little chuckle. He just kept walking straight towards the forensic room. "Did you speak to him yet?" His eyes were pointed at the male again while he kept walking till the two finally reached the forensic room. They still had to go to two doors before actually facing the body. "You ready?"
Detective Mamoru Minori

Mamoru kept his Expression completely serious as well, regarding Nishida's Statement. "Only briefly, he asked me about a few Details of the Crime Scene, but since we haven't visited the lake yet, i wasn't able to be too much of a help for him." The Detective's Hands were resting inside his pockets, as he followed nishida on his way to the Forensics Lab. He let his gaze shift over to his Partners eyes, stablishing eye contact for as Long as he spoke. "Ah, and, i asked one of the Officers to look up on Details regarding the Missing Persons Report, maybe also Hand us a copy of the Case File, the Detective, twenty years ago should've created" The man paused for a bit, before adding to his Statement. "The Officer should be done with that by now." Mamoru gave Nishida a confident nod, as a Response to his question, and tilded his head over in the direction of the door. A gesture, to make it clear that they should proceed.
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The boy chuckled as he watched the waitress fumble with the bowl of ramen. Something about people dropping things, falling off of things, or just failing in general was hilarious to him. He stifled his laughter, still panting lightly between his words. "Well... I said I'd... be back didn't I?" he said with a big smile. Beads of sweat rolled from his temple to his cheeks as he regained his breath. "Never skip on a bill."



The officer strolled through the halls, hunting for the 3rd years' class. He peaked in through the tiny windows on the doors as he passed them, reminiscing about his days in high school. It wasn't easy, after having attended grade school in Germany, he had to attend a special class for foreigners in his new middle school. There was only four other students, most of which were either Korean or Chinese. The class was dedicated toward becoming fluent in Japanese. He remembered staying up all night, determined to get into the regular classes by high school. Passing that literacy test was one of the greatest achievements of his life. He passed the third year class as he lost himself to nostalgia, but caught himself and doubled back. He opened the door and approached the instructor, who looked confused...and weirdly guilty of something. Wulf thought about how funny it would be to whisper "I know what you did," to tease them, but he was on a murder case and to joke around now would be crass. He flashed his badge and whispered to the instructor, "I'm looking for a Guriyama Mikki and a Tomoyama....uh..." Shit. He was blanking. "Tomoyama T-....To...don't tell me..." The instructor raised an eyebrow at the officer and replied, "Umm...do you mean Tomoyama Toyoi?" Wulf snapped his fingers and put a hand on the instructor's shoulder, much to their discomfort. "Toyoi, Toyoi, yes, thank you my friend." The instructor nodded and said, "Guriyama-san, Tomoyama-san...this officer would like to speak with you." Wulf added, "You're not in trouble!" No, they weren't in trouble, but their lives were about to change forever, and Wulf had to be the one to break the news of their friends' brutal murder. "Just...peachy." he grumbled to himself.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi @Corgi @3rd Years


He wasn't supposed to leave the children to their own machinations during lunch, but he always did. Nothing terrible ever happened. He figured that they're brats, not animals, they could fend for themselves and feed themselves. He preferred to eat lunch in his car, as he hated the other teachers just about as much as he hated his students. He got in his driver seat and rolled the chair back so that he was basically laying down. "Fuck my life..." he groaned.

@ well no one really, (Sung-Kang exits stage left until next class)


Reina's face practically spelled out disgust as she watched Ogami rise again to get more paper. She looked like even more of a sourpuss when his "Yoshaa" warranted a couple giggles from classmates. She looked down at her own notes. In every class they started off strong, but they would soon deteriorate into nothing. She didn't even write down the homework, she was too lost in her own world to realize any had even been assigned. The gasped and thought to herself, "Not again..." before slowly buckling over until her forehead hit her desk. "I'm going to be a dropout and people are going to confuse me for a ganguro girl for the rest of my life." The question that Park Sensei had posed to those without paper and a pen, the very same question that she had repeated to Ogami, was beginning to seem like it applied to her as well.

@Suzumaki Arakai @2nd years
Takumi continued swaying from side to side, staring at the police officer with discomfort but also interest. "This'll be fun~" He said under his breathe, a smile playing on his face. The little boy normally didn't attend classes and wasn't seen by most of the people who were in the class room,s o he was quite surprised that he only got a few confused looks. He didn't mind it though, if most of them seemed comfortable, the police officer wouldn't have a clue, right? Though, he may be confused on why there's a person who looks like a kid in the classroom, but a little bit of questioning didn't mess with him. In fact, the thought of it had him excited. 'Tomoyo and Guriyama... Hm?' He thought, erasing the smile and instead put a look of confusion and shock. His mouth was forming and 'o' and his eyes were widened a bit as he watched the police officer.


@Third Years
Yumi Narusaki

"Darn..." The girl's muttering were barely audible, so she doubted that the other could hear her. Yumi released a sigh before straightening her posture. Internally she was holding back a fruitless scolding that took all of her willpower to keep. The two have had many conversations concerning the brunette's disgust to Ryuzaki's 'habit', but they seemed to never bother him in the slightest, much to her annoyance.

Pursing her lips, the girl shook her head. "Then you'll be sure to have whatever's on you to be gone by the end of the day." She commented casually, leaning her arms on the table in front of her before resting her chin on top. "Or else." Pretty much, 'or else' was just Yumi taking the packets of death away from Ryuzaki. The threat sounded a lot cooler than just explaining the actions.

Yumi didn't stay in that position for long as a police officer had entered the room, whispering something to the teacher in front. Green eyes widen, and her mouth went completely dry. A few students were called to leave and she glanced around the room, frowning. What was going on...?

@Suzumaki Arakai


@Third years

Ione Aelia

Ione straightened out her pink maid outfit and waved at Tomio, throwing a smile towards him as she took her hair down. She was going to put the headband on when he spoke again. It surprised her a bit but she didn't look stunned at all. "Oh, I suppose so." She said, smiling a bit wider. Tomio was her boss so it was weird for her to be conversing to him like this. Even though she's had this job for a week or so, she wasn't used to the overly friendly boss. She was used to the cold and mean sort of people that actually boss others around. It wasn't like she was complaining, though. She was quite happy with the fact that he is friendly... and has a pretty good looking face, which is quite the bonus. "How was your morning so far?" She asks, keeping up the conversation as she slips the head band on and starts to get into her shoes. During that time, she furrowed her eyebrows. "Is Mikan-kun here yet?" She asked, not believing that she's seen him yet. He was usually late, but she never failed to get her hopes up that he would one day be here on time.


@Leaf Fi
Makoto eventually finished the tasty sandwich, and smiled in satisfaction. A new student would probably be too worried or curious to eat a sandwich, or anything else, but for Makoto it was a relief. "This was so great! Maybe it would've been even better with some mayo, or maybe some extra salami..." Makoto said these thoughts loud enough for those around him to hear them, but a few weird glances weren't too much of a problem.

Makoto wanted to do something else now, and stood up. Was it a good idea to approach that boy from the front right now, or was it not? A girl was talking with him, so maybe Makoto could make two friends instead of one.

The student walked to the two of them. "Hey...how are you two doing?" Makoto asked them.


@1st Years
Tomio Takahashi

"A little busier than usual, but it's been pretty good so far." The blonde gave Ione a shrug as if to say 'I can't really complain' before running a hand through his locks. It was true; more business was better than none, but it usually left him running around the place like a headless chicken until his employees came. Not the most attractive thing in the world, but hey, it was part of the job. A laugh escaped his lips at her next question, and Tomio raised a brow playfully. "Do I really need to give you an answer for that?" The male shook his head as he offered a hand to Ione, his eyes momentarily flickering to the door leading to the main area of the café. From the small, circular window he could spot someone- he couldn't tell the gender from where he was standing- at the front door. Another customer. "Would you like to take this next order, or shall I?" Usually, Tomio would either work the cash register or talk to the various customers when his employees were working, but he could easily switch it up if needed to.


@Suzumaki Arakai
Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki was taken back a little when the girl freaked out, she instantly took a guarding stance but shortly released it and smiled cheerfully, "Oh shishishi! I didn't mean to scare ya, but alrighty. If there's anything you need." She points towards herself with her thumb; other hands rested lightly on her hip. "Just call me forth!" She then turned on her heel and returned to managing the register. It's funny how her height increases once she sits down on her stool; at first glance you'd think she'd average height until she steps down to show people certain things around the store.


Guriyama & Tomoyama

The two girls were had finished giggling to each other and cracking jokes once Yumi Narusaki entered the room, Guriyama's face went sour as she quietly whispered to herself, "Stuck up."

Of course all of that is just jealousy over the fact that Ryuzaki is always following the girl around.

After the teacher started teaching to the class, they bother straightened up and began taking notes like most of the other students. Tomoyama was watching as Ryuzaki would begin talking towards Yumi and furrowed her brow; gently leaning over to tap Guriyama on the shoulder,
"Your future boyfriend is hitting it off with Frog Eyes Guri." The girl laughed at her joke about Yumi's eyes and leaned back in her chair to take notes as Guriyama began to scowl.

Just as Guriyama was about to reach over and say something else; someone entered the room. The man approached the teacher and flashed his badge; asking for...
"Me?" "Me?" Both of the girls thought the same.

After a second of glancing towards each other like, 'What'd you do?' they eventually stood up and awkwardly made their way to the front. Following the officer.

@Leaf Fi @ThridYears @Corgi @SirBlazeALot

Tatsuri Anna

Anna watched as the door was slid open; revealing a...really tall man with a bamboo sword. The girl raised a brow and sighed, "The people in this city." She then crossed her arms and stood up straight, "I want a form please, sir. My brother wants to take part in your..." she twirled her finger around at the wooden building and made a cringed face, "...dojo."

Of course, Anna wasn't intending to sound so rude, she was just trying to remember what it was called; a dojo. But instead it looked like she was making the place out to be a dump.


Uchida Momoi

The man gave a nervous sigh as he began scratching the back of his head, making his way into the Café. "I guess I just make myself at home?" he then took a seat at an empty table, nervously twitching his fingers. The only place he ever felt truly comfortable was in the Salon or at home with Ashes, his pet sugar glider.

He picked up the menu and began reading through it; all of the desserts were very appealing and it seemed as though he could already taste the sweetness in his mouth. Uchida loved sweet things from the bottom, to the top of his heart and soul.

@Corgi @MaidCafe @Vixifeir @Leaf Fi

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c33c220e5_UchidaMomoi.jpg.6be2b1930687e85ade337f3e684a227c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60895" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c33c220e5_UchidaMomoi.jpg.6be2b1930687e85ade337f3e684a227c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kagami Taiga

Kagami quickly turned his head away before the other red haired boy could say anything about the glance that was given; he was now facing the kid with the sandwich.

The large boy moved his hand for a lazy wave as he paid much attention to the amount of saliva that was welling up in his mouth. "Damn.." unfortunately his thoughts came audible and he quickly plaid it off, "It is hot...in here...no?" the boy began fanning himself with his notebook and glanced awkwardly around the room.

@MonoToc @First Years @Zero Gravity @kawiibunnygirl @Aero @ZoeAliceChester



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Once showered Tyler left the gym and walked outside. Sleeveless hoodie, and his usual after gym get up. "I'm starving." He said to himself drinking his post workout shake. He put his headphones up and kept walking hoping to find somewhere good to eat.

Ione Aelia

"That's good for the business." She said, smiling. It wasn't the best for either of them. If it was only them two and it was busy, that wasn't so great. She giggled when he spoke again. "Touché." She said, a playful smile spreading across her lips. Ione took his hand and straightened up, wiping the extra hairs out of her face and situating her bangs. While doing so, she failed to hear what Tomio said, but saw the customer up front. "I'll take it." Was her only response as she ran off, grabbing her half-apron as she did so and tied it around her waist before grabbing the notepad and pen. She made sure she had everything on correctly before walking into the actual café itself and going over to the customer who had already taken a seat. "My apologize," She said, eyeing him a bit and deciding that the pink haired person appeared to be male, "Sir." Ione glanced at her notebook before asking, "What may I get you today?" The girl asked politely, a kind smile on her face and welcoming eye looking at him.

@Leaf Fi


@Suzumaki Arakai
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(( Makoto isn't eating anymore. xD ))

The boy seemed awkward, perhaps it really wasn't the best idea to approach him. "I...won't bother." Makoto looked away awkwardly and stepped back.

@Suzumaki Arakai

@1st years

alarm clocks are devil machines created solely to give human beings false hope. everyday, mikan would sleep whenever he deemed it necessary, but would always make sure his alarm was set to a reasonable time. this was all for naught, though, as everyday he was erected from bed at his own volition. which, is to say, him rolling over too far and being ejected from bed. with a small cry and a loud thud that attracted the attention of both his animals, who looked at him in what seemed to be amusement and shame. he wasn't sure if animals could feel those things, but those faces could make him believe. practically flying to his bathroom, he stripped himself free of his clothing and began the necessary processes to clean himself. once finished, he dried off and stepped into clothing, making sure he grabbed a very non-stereotypical shoujo bread slice to eat. the shop wasn't far from his apartment, so he could run, though the sweat would be really gross so no thank you. instead, to preserve the nice smell and dryness of his clothes and body, and also so he could finish his breakfast, he walked leisurely to work, seemingly forgetting his horrific lateness. he opened the door to the shop with a sheepish smile, though he minded his manners and bowed to the nearly inhumanly beautiful guest sitting at an empty table. ah, how he longed for a lover like that. oh wait shoot work time yes. waving to ione, he wandered to the back, donning his uniform. once that was finished, he took a seat at a table, waiting for a thing to do.

@Suzumaki Arakai , @Vixifeir , @Leaf Fi
MonoToc said:
(( Makoto isn't eating anymore. xD ))
The boy seemed awkward, perhaps it really wasn't the best idea to approach him. "I...won't bother." Makoto looked away awkwardly and stepped back.

@Suzumaki Arakai

@1st years
Oh I know xD I should've explained better.))

Kagami Taiga

Kagami looked at the person and smiled awkwardly, "N-no you're fine. I just...you smell good." The boy spoke up in compliment that could be taken the wrong way. What he was smelling was the leftover stench of the kid's sandwich lingering around.

But now it seems as though he's a red haired, mean looking, flirt.

Realizing what he said, the boy shot both hands forward, shaking them vigorously, "No! No, I mean...your smell lingers...wait...I mean the sandwich." Of course, looking at Kagami you'd expect him to be an asshole but in reality he's just a hot-headed klutz.

@MonoToc @FirstYears @Corgi @Zero Gravity

Fumiko Haruto

Fumiko had actually been watching the whole scene unfold, in which he had previously looked away due to the threatening glance the other red head of the class had given him. He was just asking Akako a question, no harm in it. "Not used to conversation?" He asked, turning around in his seat and placing his hands on the back of the chair. He sat on his knees, grinning at the other male. He didn't mean to seem cocky, or even rude, but it probably came off that way. "You can talk to me if you want," he nodded to Makoto. However, before Makoto could respond, something the tall red head said something that made Fumiko almost crack up with laughter.

@1st years


@Suzumaki Arakai



Daisuke Haruto

Daisuke nodded in thanks, but he immediately found what he was looking for after the worker showed him where the books where. He didn't grab too many, only a couple or so. Even though the male was extremely famous and wealthy, he preferred to live a simple lifestyle with his younger brother. He heard the shout from somewhere within the store, but chose to ignore it. He walked up to the cashier, beginning to fish through his pocket for the amount he owed.


@Suzumaki Arakai


Wulf was probably more nervous than the girls. When they'd left the classroom, he reiterated, "You guys aren't in trouble, don't worry!" He smiled weakly as he lead them down the hall. Where was he going to question the girls...he thought about the teacher's lounge, perhaps an empty classroom dedicated to a club of some sort. Then it hit him. Nature. Nature was soothing, right? "Please follow me outside," he said as he lead the girls out of the school. He found a little bench and motioned for the girls to sit, "Please, if you will," he said as butterflies erupted in his stomach. "I hate to interrupt you from your studies," he began, "but the matter I need to discuss with you two today is of grave importance." He began to chastise himself in his head for using the word "grave." He cleared his throat and steeled himself for the next bit. With a slight breath, he began to explain. "Your friends Seichi Nozomi and Seichi Rin were found dead this morning. It is...very clear that a homicide took place." Relieved to finally be over the hard part, he crouched down to meet the girls at eye level. "I'm deeply sorry for your loss."

@Suzumaki Arakai

Suzuki, Hotaru

Pushing back her messy brown hair, the first year took a bite of the bread which was in her unoccupied hand. Chewing it slowly, she placed the bread back on her desk and flipped through the pages of her book. Darting her gaze to her right she noticed a rather large male sitting there. He was fanning himself with a notebook. Narrowing her brown eyes for a moment, Hotaru returned to studying. She was glad that her music was drowning out any noises that her classmates provided. Picking up her food once more she continued to eat it, careful not to let any crumbs fall onto her hard work
. "Ah that was smudged..." Hotaru muttered angrily as she began fixing the slightly smudged words. It was rather rare to hear her talk and when she did nobody could really hear her due to her quiet tone. Such a strange classmate she was. Nobody ever talked to her and got a reply, only a cold glare. Sighing slightly she stretched her arms up above her head and ran a hand back through her hair. Now that she looked up for a moment again she noticed the huge male and another male conversing. "Flirting?..." Hotaru asked rather loudly compared to her previous comments. She didn't really understand what was going on due to the earbuds in her ears.

@Suzumaki Arakai @First Years @MonoToc

More Below

Sato, Kairi

Tapping her foot in impatience, a young woman waited for the light to turn green so that she could cross the street. Her bright eyes showed no emotion and her long pale hair was unkept and sticking up here and there. The black glasses that were perched on the bridge of her nose only magnified the dark circles underneath the dead eyes. The crossing light turned green and the exhausted female made her way across the street, not caring that peoples' eyebrows were raised at her appearance. Once Kairi was safely across the street she began walking to the café that she often visited when writing her lyrics. Fixing the bag on her back, she squeezed between people in order to get to the café. Kairi's mood had certainly worsened as people didn't move when she asked
. "Stupid people..." She cursed after her complaint and pushed past a group of high schoolers who were obviously skipping class. She finally reached her destination, the Maid and Butler Café. She walked into the café and immediately looked around, taking off her glasses for a moment.
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Akako replied, "Well, What I wanted to say was, Sorry, If you were offended or annoyed in any way possible, I apologize for being foolish." She said as she bowed down slightly. Akako was very polite and was kind of shy since she was already new and a upperclassman which is what made it awkward. She then added, "So, it's. Fumiko, right?; your name." She asked. She acknowledged that Makoto was there with a timid smile, not wanting to come off distant or full of herself

@Zero Gravity @MonoToc @Suzumaki Arakai @Firstyears
Makoto's face turned slightly red in a mix of embarrassment, anger and confusion. Was he trying to be mean or not? Or was that a failed attempt to flirt? There were multiple possibilities.

"I ate a sandiwch, so that's probably why..." Makoto tried to look away, but made eye contact with Fumiko, who was laughing. Maybe the best thing to do was to play along and laugh too. Makoto forced a smile and laughed a bit. "Pfft, he's not flirting. At least I hope so." Makoto looked at the girl who asked that question.


@Zero Gravity

@1st Years

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