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Realistic or Modern Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)

Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki halted her laughing when she suddenly heard someone hollering from the store, she began making her way back to the front counter; letting out the occasional chuckle. Once she was there, she noticed a familiar face but brushed it off because she had technically already forgotten.

"Can I help you?" A large, goofy smile was plastered on the girls face as she stood on a stool that was hidden behind the counter she was now leaning on; resting her head in her hands.

Tyler looked over and heard the voice. "Oh it's you." he said smiling taking off his headphones. "I wanted to thank you for the directions. I found the studio and made it in time." Tyler walked closer to the counter while looking around the store. "So what's your name?" he asked. @Suzumaki Arakai
Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki tilted her head for a second in confusion towards the mans words, "Directions?...oh!...oh..." The girl jumped a little and scratched her chin with a nervous laugh, "To be honest...I didn't know that was the right way." She then turned and gave a thumbs up, "You're very welcome! My name's Suzumaki Arakai; you are?" She was giving the guy a curious smile; waiting for him to answer.

Tyler almost face palmed again once she asked his name. She didn't remember. He took a deep breath. "Tyler James, the fighter. You said you'd look me up." He was laughing a bit. He flashed his charming smile. Well he thought it was charming, others probably found it weird. "So, umm, what kind of books do you sell here?" Tyler punched himself in his mind. What kind of a stupid question is that. He really made himself look like an idiot. @Suzumaki Arakai
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Vaughn scoffed lightly and tilted his head. "I mean...like...really? I could go home and back before your manager arrives." he said condescendingly. "And then you wouldn't have to bother your manager..." he trailed off and began to stand up. "You could have a normal day and eeeeeverything, just let me get home real quick," he motioned to his skateboard. "And I'll be right... back. Yeah?" He already had his skateboard in his hand and was slowly trying to get to the door, speaking as if he were trying to talk down a gunman.



Wolf put his hand over his mouth and nodded as Anna spoke, giving her the occasional "Mhm," or "Alright yeah," and then he revealed what he knew. "The girls were bound but the brains downstairs didn't find any ropes, or belts or anything. Makes me think the crime went on for quite a while," he paused and scoffed with disappointment. "Some people," he added sofly before continuing. "When forensics studies the bodies, we may able to better determine the weapon used to kill the girls, and how many people may have been involved. Until we get the results back, I say we go to the school, retrieve their records, and question the girls' friends tonight."

@Suzumaki Arakai


Reina listened to the instructor drone on for what seemed like an eternity. Fifteen minutes in and she had already given up on listening to him, and was singing the song she was working on in her head. That chorus...it was a struggle. "If the chorus isn't on point, then the whole thing is trash..." she thought with a wince. Creating anything that would be trash was not an option for her. Trash doesn't earn you the love and affection of those around you. Her grades weren't even on her mind anymore. Moments like these are when she feels most at peace, and focused. Homework and lectures just couldn't do it for her.

Sung-Kang had been going on and on for quite a while now. Every minute he spoke his smile grew wider. From time to time, Sung-Kang would break into a tangent about his short-lived time as a chemist in the military. These anecdotes would often have nothing to do with the topic at hand. "....and basically, the lab-rats ended up making excrement out of their vital organs, and the poison was deemed too 'inhumane.' My whole thing was, 'But is it not effective?'" he chuckled and glanced at the clock. It was almost time to go torment another group of the youth. "Your assignment for tonight is to read Chapter 4 in your textbook. And yes, there will be a quiz tomorrow about it so don't think you can B.S. me about your homework," he said, placing his hands down on the desk and meeting eyes with multiple students as he glanced around. "Matter of fact," he began in a sinister tone, "Write the definitions of all vocabulary words in the chapter in your own words." Busy work. Sung-Kang's favorite thing to assign and grade harshly. If the definition even looked like the exact definition in the text book he would take points off, just for the thrill. The bell rang and he gathered his briefcase. Without another word, he marched out of the room and headed for his next class.

@Suzumaki Arakai

@2nd years
Togu Anna

"Nope, I'm sorry I have to let my manager handle this and so you can not leave, becuase I do not trust you will return." Anna said not even trying to stop him from leaving. "Or there is the option of calling the police and they can handle the situation." She said smiling, this time her smile was real. @SirBlazeALot

Suzumaki tilted her head, "I did!?" she then decided to play it off with a smile, "Oh yeah! Tyler James. I'll look you up!" The girl then blinked at his next question; in all reality...she didn't find anything strange about his question. She shrunk down from her step-up and walked around the counter; beginning to walk through the aisles. "Well...we've got...all kinds actually. Let's see..." the girl turned and began walking down an aisle that contained mainly shoujo manga; pointing at one that read "Kyou Koi Wo Hajimemasu" with a smile, "That's a good one! Not for kids though..." she then turned and pointed to another that seemed to be called, "360 Degree Meterial." "I like this one too!" The she darted off to another aisle and pointed to one called "One Piece." "But this! This here is the greatest!"


Tatsuri Anna

Anna gave a slight sigh at her partners words, "I agree. But...I can't be out to long tonight. I have to pick up a form for Ogami to join this dojo of strength or whatever. I promised him I would." She made her way back to her car, taking a seat in the drivers spot and shutting the door.

"I'm going to head back down to the office, if you want...you can go talk to them...just..." The girl pinched the bridge of her nose with a sigh, "Don't flirt with them. And break the death to them easily...I doubt they know yet."

She then started up her car and waited for anything else Wulf might have to say.


Tatsuri Ogami

Ogami was dreaming of fighting in the dojo he'd soon take part in; the boy was a total badass. Flinging the sword around, fighting off horrendous enemies; sadly though, the wonderful dream was broken by a loud ringing sound that turned out to be the bell for the next class subject.

Ogami bent down and was about to grab a notebook and pencil when he suddenly realized he forgot them.

Standing up; the boy quickly snuck over to the teachers desk after he left and grabbed a piece of printer paper and a pen. He then darted back to his desk and slumped down in his seat with a long sigh of relief. "Thank god."

@Second Years

The smalls girls eyes could be seen shoot open at the guy's question; stars were flying around the girl. She raised a finger and took a long...deep breath...

After that breath the girl began spouting nonsense about the manga; stuff like "Oni! Giri!" and "Gomu gomu no~ Bazoooka!" and at one point and time she even said something about "Black legs"?...The way Suzumaki acted could spark up the question, "Is this girl really 19?"

She pretty much acted like an eight year old kid; pouting when she doesn't get what she wants and snapping when something doesn't even directly effect her. And then there's her height...

Tyler just stood there as that girl went on and on about One Piece. His face was kind of glazed over because he found it hard to follow. After she was finished Tyler stood there for a minute look at her. "So it's about Pirates?" That's what all he got out of it. Tyler always loved pirates and anything to do with them so he was already sold. "So how many volumes you got?" he asked her. "Doesn't matter, I'll take all you have, no doubles." @Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki finished talking and gave him a nod. She then crossed her arms and gave a funky smirk at the guy, "There's 61 volumes so far. Shishishi." The look she was giving him said that there was no way he'd be able to buy a whole 61 volumes just like that.

Brushing it off as a joke she made her way back to her post behind the counter and rung someone up really quick, waving them off with a "Have a good day!"

She then looked at the clock and sighed, "Just a little more to go before Rame Ramen." Yeah, somehow this short, hot-headed chick was the manager at the four-star ramen shop down the road. It's weird how people work isn't it?

@NickOnTheReg @Aero
Tyler watched her walk up front without grabbing any. Clearly she didn't think he has money. So he walked up front and placed his gym bag down on at the counter. "I'll be back." he said with a grin. Tyler walked down to where they were and in his massive frame and muscles put all 61 volumes into his arms carrying them to the counter. "I said I wanted them all." he added before taking his wallet out and revealing a wad of cash. He smiled again at the girl. "I told you to look me up." @Suzumaki Arakai

The young man stared at the waitress for a cool minute, almost daring her to call the police. He gave her an oddly posh chuckle as he moved closer to the door. "Now, you wouldn't want to get the police in--" he didn't bother to finish the sentence before bolting out the door. Sure, the ganja wasn't affecting his mind anymore, but it was still affecting his body. What he considered to be a sprint was probably more like a very brisk jog out the door. "I'll be back in half an hour!" he yelled after himself, his voice muffled as he went out the door. As soon as he was on the sidewalk, the sound of skateboard hitting cement echoed and then did a crescendo into silence as Vaughn flew down the walkway. He really did intend on coming back, but he wasn't about to deal with the police for his truancy. As his board glided across the ground, until a seemingly inconsequential pebble near the manga shop caught the wheel and Vaughn went flying onto the pavement, cursing all the way. There was nothing, nothing, more embarrassing for a skater than eating shit. The pain was bearable but a bit of a nuisance, not to mention people audibly suppressing their chuckles as they walked by. He couldn't help but feel like it was payback from the universe for drawing the stranger he met earlier falling off her bike. He deftly got back on his feet and tried to play it off, but as he glanced inside the manga shop, his stomach filled with butterflies. He loudly exclaimed, "Oh my god, is that Tyler James?!"

@TaeYeon (reference lol)


He listened to Anna, and remembered he had recommended that same dojo to Ogami this morning. Reminded of his promise, he said nothing of his encounter with the young man. "Don't worry, take Ogami-kun to the dojo, I'll handle this," but when she mentioned the topic of flirtation, he gave her an exaggerated laugh and said with a straight face, "They're in high school, even I'm not that desperate." With that, he hopped in his car and made his way toward the school.

@Kawaii @Suzumaki Arakai

@1st years
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Suzumaki began to giggle to herself as he sat the bag down on the counter, "What's he doing?" but her laugh was soon halted as the guy gathered up each and every volume; placing them on the counter and pulling out a load of money. She then grabbed a pen and paper, writing down the name, Tyler James. Her attention was now glued to the amount of volumes there were; rubbing the back of her neck, she sighed and began ringing them up one by one. Some have different prices so she couldn't just check one up a total of 61 times.

"How are you gonna read every volume so soon?" She asked with a raised brow. Suddenly a loud yell was heard right outside of the opened doors of Manga Range. The words rang through the small woman's ears, causing her to drop one of the volumes on the ground. Hopping down from her stool; she picked it up then returned but didn't continued ringing up the manga. Instead, her gaze was fixed on the dark kid who was placed on the ground outside of the store.




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Tyler laughed at her face when he brought them all up. "Oh I have time. I don't do much aside from train so I'll be able to read through them in no problem. I'm sorry about having to ring them all up. I'll tip you well" He said smiling at her. Before he could say anything more to her, Tyler heard his name being yelled from outside. "Hmm.?" He said turning his gaze towards the door, trying to see who it was. "Yes I am him." @Suzumaki Arakai @SirBlazeALot

Fumiko Haruto

The young male was a bit pestered by the fact that Akako kept hitting him in the back of the head with paper airplanes. And as soon as this teacher walked in, Fumiko knew that she would get in severe trouble if she hit him again. Before the teacher caught him, he quickly read the apology note, and the put it away before anyone noticed. He scribbled down notes as the teacher went; he had actually heard rumors that this teacher was a lot worse than the others. 'Great,' he thought sarcastically to himself.


@Suzumaki Arakai



Daisuke Haruto

After the model realized that the meeting wasn't until the evening, he decided he would go get some manga for Fumiko, the kid loves reading the stuff. With his hands in his pockets, he strolled down the street, nodding at polite people who walked the street like he did. He signed a couple of things, you know, this and that. However, as soon as he reached the cute manga shop, he realized that there was a huge commotion. Some dude was buying a shit ton of manga, another dude was freaking out, and the short cashier looked a tiny bit overwhelmed. "Whatever," he mumbled to himself, running a hand through his hair as he traveled to grab a couple of books.

@Suzumaki Arakai



He was already in the process of losing his shit. It was exciting enough that Tyler James was in Japan and about to have a fight, but here he was, directly in front of him, ordering what looked like an obscene amount of One Piece graphic novels, but it was the fact that Vaughn was seeing an American in Japan that had him really spazzing. He always got hyped for that. He stuck out like a sore thumb here, so foreigners intrigued him endlessly. But then, as if the presence of Tyler James wasn't enough, the universe sent Daisuke Haruto into the very same manga shop. "Daisuke. Fucking. Haruto. Tyler. Fucking. James....Luffy," he thought on a loop until Tyler interrupted it. Vaughn didn't hear a word he said, it took a moment to get over being starstruck. He grabbed Tyler's shoulders and said, "I don't know if it's your thing but, dude. I have weed. That you can smoke. I'd be honored if you allowed me to smoke you out," he told Tyler in English in a low voice, with an oddly Japanese accent. "I know how hard it is to find weed here in Japan."



@first years


She grinned at Ogami's mannerisms. It wasn't hard to get under his skin apparently, but he was able to contain himself. Well, at least now he seemed to be able to. She wondered what the boy in front of him had said or done to make him lash out like that. "What are you doing with your life," she said with an intense glare before turning around and facing the board, waiting for the next teacher to arrive.

@Suzumaki Arakai

@2nd years
Tyler looked at the kid who touched his shoulder, and at the model looking guy who walked in. He got the sense from the model guy what his ego was bigger than Japan. Tyler then looked back at the kid and couldn't believe that was the first thing he asked. "Um, No thanks. I have a fight coming up. Why would I risk getting in trouble and missing my shot." He took his fighting very seriously. Whenever he had one coming up he never drank or anything. Strict diet. "Want a picture? What's your name?" he asked. He then looked at the girl ringing him out. "I'm sorry, didn't mean to cause a ruckus." @SirBlazeALot @Suzumaki Arakai @Zero Gravity
Togu Anna

Anna blinked as she watched the boy jog off. She shrugged and went back to work not really caring. "A few more minutes and I'll be out of here." She mumbled as she walked to another table and her fake smile returned.

Toma Hiro

Hiro woke up with a yawn. "Ah it's nice having the whole house to yourself." She said smiling. Her parents were out of town for a week for some busniess trip. Hiro looked at the time. "Hmm, I have time to go to the Manga Store before work." Hiro mumbled to herself and stood up. She went to the bathroom and took a shower, brushed her teeth, the regular daily routine. Hiro brushed her hair and styled it into pigtails. She walked over to her closet and pulled out an outfit. Hiro got dressed and put her work outfit into a bag. She walked down stairs and feed Sonic. "I apologize for giving you that name..." She said. Sonic looked at her for a moment, then turned around and continued eating. Hiro chuckled and headed out towards the Manga store. When she got closer she noticed a tan skinned boy on the ground and Suzumaki and some other really hot guy looking at him. 'Wonder what's going on.' She thought to herself as she continued walking toward the store. @Suzumaki Arakai @SirBlazeALot @NickOnTheReg

Suzuamaki dozed off for a second on the spazzing kid, but after a second she snapped out of it once Tyler spoke up and began ringing the volumes up again, "Oh! Better get this done quickly." She noticed another person come in so she sped up even more, "Hurry, hurry, hurry!" It didn't take very long before the girl reached for the last volume and rung it up; like a pro, she held the tool in her hands like a gun and blew on the tip of it with a cheeky smile.

"Nihahaha!" Suzumaki felt triumphant! She then hopped down from her stool and practically disappeared until she walked around the counter and approached the attractive red head with a smile. "Need help finding anything?" The girl twirled on her heel and stopped in a pose, "I know where everything is!" The girl hadn't yet noticed another person enter the store; when she did, she would ask them the same question.

@Kawaii @MonoToc

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