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Realistic or Modern Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)


The entire class turned to stare at Ogami's sudden outburst. Sung-Kang sighed and looked out the window. Sure, it was always fun to watch kids fight. Whenever one broke out at the school, he'd always love to hear about the juicy little details. Children eating each other alive, much like adults, was his favorite thing to bear witness to at this job. But to start with this nonsense during his class was disrespectful. "You!" He pointed at Ogami, and then pointed downward. "Sit down. Shut up. Save it for lunch. If you interrupt me again, there will be dire consequences. Oh. So. Dire." He paused before repeating the word and turned halfway back toward the board and then sharply back to Ogami, "Consequences." he said sternly before directing his attention back to the board.

Reina had immediately reacted at the outburst, annoyed to see that it was Ogami. And everyone was looking at him. It wasn't fair, he was just some weird socially awkward punk. His little tantrum earned everyone's attention, and in her eyes, it was a tasteless way of doing so. Jealousy began to well deep within her stomach. "You should kick him out!" she said matter of factly, much to Sung-Kang's disgust.

"You should shut your mouth!" he retorted, poorly imitating Reina's voice. The girl sunk in her seat and looked away from the instructor. "What do we not understand about, 'being adults' here people? Is this our second year in high school or our second year in grade school? Everyone shut your mouths, and look at the g--" he cut himself off before saying "god damn" and facepalmed. "Just focus on the board," he grumbled after taking a short breath.

@Suzumaki Arakai @2nd years


Listening intently to Anna, Wulf's heart sank for a moment. Could the parents have done this? Based off of the evidence, it did seem like an inside job. His spine crawled at the thought. Wulf is idealistic, and likes to think the best of others, but he knew Anna's suspicions were well warranted. He trusted Anna's instincts, but for the sake of putting his mind at ease, he imagined other scenarios. Perhaps during their parents' 24-hour shift the girls had invited boys over. Perhaps a stranger claiming to have a broken vehicle and no phone had asked to use theirs, and the girls met their demise at the hand of this stranger. He couldn't shake his intuition that the parents knew more than they were saying. He said nothing to response to Anna, and awkwardly flashed his badge a little too late. He tried to play it off as he followed Anna to the crime scene, preparing himself mentally for the gore.

@Suzumaki Arakai


"Thank you! Again!" Vaughn called after the girl as she walked away. He put down the pencil and licked his lips, staring at the ramen like a wolf stares at a sheep. "I-ta-da-ki-masu motherfucker," he said in a sing-songy voice, chuckling to himself before grabbing a pair of chopsticks and digging in. He loved Japan. On the rare occasion that he would go with his father to America, or Europe, he'd find that eating noodles of any kind was a lot harder because you weren't allowed to slurp. Honestly, how're you supposed to eat noodles without a little slurpage? But in Japan, it was literally considered rude if you didn't slurp. He dug into his noodles with passion, a goofy satisfied smile crept onto his face as he sat there chewing idly. By the time he had finished, he had a look of triumph on his face, but he could feel his high fading. Remembering that second blunt at home, he gathered himself to leave. However, as he reached in his pocket for his wallet, he found nothing. His eyes widened and he gulped. "Well. Ya done fucked up," he said to himself as he pondered the situation. Vaughn was an honest guy, so dining and dashing wasn't an option, and it's not like the service was terrible, albeit, stiff. The waitress still deserved a tip. He decided to simply tell her the truth when she came back.

Nishida barged to the doors that let him towards the 'office'. A cigaret was already lit up in his hand and the man walked with quite the annoyed face towards his collegue, although he was the head detective, he didn't trade the other detective as someome belowe him. "God damn traffic was stuck." He mumbled with the cigarette in his mouth. Nishida took place in his seat and looked into the files that were placed on his deks. "You heard about our new case already?" He asked, a smirk growing on his exhausted face.

Makoto sighed as once again, a student entered the classroom. Was this something normal in this class?

Anyway, the boy who just entered the classroom was quite tall. Makoto was always happy to see someone taller, because being 5'11 feet tall is uncommon, especially for someone of their age. He looked like a basketball player, but it would've been rude to ask. People always ask Makoto about basketball...

Makoto eventually snapped out, and realized that the student will sit down soon. Makoto wanted to wave at him, and did so. The transfer student wanted to try and make some friends, otherwise the four years of high school will be hard.

@Suzumaki Arakai

@1st Years
Detective Mamoru Minori

"Ah... there you are." Mamoru said, seeing Nishida approaching him. Mamoru actually liked Nishida, which is quite the Task to accomplish. He inhaled a load of smoke from his cigarette, locking his eyes onto Nishida. The man, of course already heared of the case, Nishida was talking about, and wa, genuinly excited for it. "Uh-huh, they've found the corpse,of a Girl, who has been reported as missing... quite a while ago, just now." a grin was starting to form on Mamoru's face as well now.Good cases were quite rare to come by, These days, so you'd be thanfull as an investigator, if you happen to catch one of those.

Tatsuri Ogami

Ogami realized what he had done and turned awkwardly chibi; rubbing the back of his head he bowed a couple times, "My bad."

The teacher greatly intimidated him so he took his seat without another words until suddenly the girl from before spoke up in a sassy tone of voice. Furrowing his brow, Ogami turns and once more begins to stare out the window, "Tch, girls man." But really that could be said for him as well...the poor boys grades were already pretty bad; his sister destroys him over it every day. "I really need to get my ass in gear." the boy thought as he then imagined his sister barging into his room with a pick-axe in an attempt to murder him.

Shivers were sent down his spine as he then turned to face the teacher, "I'll just have to memorize as much as I can!"


Tatsuri Anna

As the two entered the house, expensive paintings could be seen scattered on the walls. The curtains were a light red; made of high-priced silk.

Anna stopped for a second and stared up the stairs; not for any specific reason...she just thought they looked cool. After that, the girl looked over and saw a woman crying in the arms of a man. Anna gave Wulf a look and motioned for him to follow the white-haired officer down into the basement while she made an attempt to speak with the witnesses.

"Don't get sick." She was making a joke but it'd probably be hard for others to get that fact...she always looks pissed off.

Anna approached the man and woman; taking a seat on the coffee table that sat before them. She cleared her throat and stared the man in the eyes with suspicion. "Sir, I'd like to ask you a few questions if you wouldn't mind answering." The man gave a nod, tears wear gently sliding down his cheek as he kissed his wife on the forehead and stood up after Anna. The two made their way into the secluded kitchen as Anna then pulled out a notepad and pen to write down anything necessary.

"Sir, where were you when this occurred?" The man answered by telling her that he was at work; turns out that he's a pilot for Narita Airport. After writing it down she asked a couple more questions, some about his wife and others about his children. Supposedly his children were already at school when he and his wife left considering that it was a weekday. Anna made a note to check the Narita Airport working schedules and sign-ins for who was there and who wasn't.

"Is there anyone who you, think, might want to harm your girls?" The man shook his head, wiping his tears at the thought of his precious children being so brutally tortured.

There were many more questions that she asked the man but figured she'd wait until Wulf returned to discuss them.

Akako was suprised at how tall they were, she was only 5'4 and people were already taller than her, a lot taller than her. "I'm Akako Tachibana, nice to meet you all, I'm not late by the way, I was directed here at this time." she said truthfully. Akako then looked around at some of them. She didn't have a growth spurt yet, her directed height to be like her mom. She made eye contact with the group Makoto was in and bowed her head.

@MonoToc @1st Years
BobbyW said:
Detective Mamoru Minori"Ah... there you are." Mamoru said, seeing Nishida approaching him. Mamoru actually liked Nishida, which is quite the Task to accomplish. He inhaled a load of smoke from his cigarette, locking his eyes onto Nishida. The man, of course already heared of the case, Nishida was talking about, and wa, genuinly excited for it. "Uh-huh, they've found the corpse,of a Girl, who has been reported as missing... quite a while ago, just now." a grin was starting to form on Mamoru's face as well now.Good cases were quite rare to come by, These days, so you'd be thanfull as an investigator, if you happen to catch one of those.

The man smiled and took another sio from his cigarette. He was glad that Mamoru also smoked, then he could smoke whenever it was needed, and yes. That was alot. Nishida nodded and leaned back in his chair. "Could they find anything on the body?" The male grumbled. He got on his feet and moved towards the room where they examined the bodies. "I guess we will have to take a look." Nishida said while throwing his cigarette in a garbage can on his way. Mamoru was his new partner and Nishida liked the guy so far, they shared the same interest and were always in for a good laugh or drink. When he was around him working on a case, it would enlighten the painful memories of the days with Zara as partned. His dead wife.
Kagami Taiga

Kagami was pulling out of his bag a notebook and pencil for taking notes and other things involving school work when he suddenly noticed a kid waving at him, he awkwardly lifted his hand into a wave as well; a freaky forced smile forming on his face.

The boy couldn't tell if the other kid was a boy...or a girl? After that was over he returned to facing the front of class just as the teacher began teaching; but then, suddenly another student entered the room, claiming that she wasn't late.

"Maybe I shouldn't done that too." the boy thought for a second before, once again, returning his attention to the front. "Gotta keep my grades up."

@First Years
Melody looks outside as she stops typing for a while "Many actors and actresses were in that building in their free time. she decided to take a walk and she puts on her sunglasses and she leaves. She had spotted a few people with a camera an he wasn't planning to run into any of them.
Tyler walked out of his apartment and back into the streets. He dropped off his new shoes and got changed into his gym clothes. This time they were his purple and black gym shorts. He has on black long socks, purple air maxs, and a simple black tank top. Once again Tyler changed his headphones to purple to match his outfit. "I look good." he said as he mirror checked and ab checked in the window. He then put on his normal warm up song as he walked down the street.
Hobbesisalive said:
The man smiled and took another sio from his cigarette. He was glad that Mamoru also smoked, then he could smoke whenever it was needed, and yes. That was alot. Nishida nodded and leaned back in his chair. "Could they find anything on the body?" The male grumbled. He got on his feet and moved towards the room where they examined the bodies. "I guess we will have to take a look." Nishida said while throwing his cigarette in a garbage can on his way. Mamoru was his new partner and Nishida liked the guy so far, they shared the same interest and were always in for a good laugh or drink. When he was around him working on a case, it would enlighten the painful memories of the days with Zara as partned. His dead wife.
Detective Mamoru Minori

Mamoru inhaled another load of his Cigarette, and then quickly crushed it into the Ashtray, he bought for both of them not too Long ago. Since both Mamoru and Nishida were smokers, it just seemed to make sense, to get one. The man stood up from his Office Chair, and turned his head towards the Examination Room. "Honestly, i doubt it. that Body was down that lake for i don't know how many years, chances are, we'll be having a hard time." He stretched, and now re-positioned himself next to Nishida, his eyes still locked on the window leading to the Examination Room. " True.. and honestly, i don't trust that new guy they've employed at Forensics, what was his Name, Kou? anyway, we should take a look ourselves."
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Akako looked at the red haired boy that was with them, it seems that she had seen him somewhere before. She stepped in front of him, almost getting into his personal space and studied his features. "Are you related to Daisuke Haruto, sir? Any blood related ties, of course." Akako said as if she was in a police crew or something.

@Zero Gravity

Mei left the school building, looking to see where the college was. Mei looked like she was a college student or even younger since her complexion was very much so of a young person. She sighed as she found it while following the instructions of her gps App. She saw it and immediately got things ready for the day. Hey, Who knew she was a college teacher? "Let's see, Chapter 4...page 306, etc. etc." She mummered as she wrote everything on the board, almost instantly.

She sat at her desk waiting for her class by surfing the Internet and looking at her phone.
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Togu Anna

Anna walked around helping out more customers and handing out bills. On the occasion she would look at the clock hoping it was 12 pm. She sighed and grabbed some more bills and headed back toward the high guy. "Are you finished with your food?" She asked. @Kawaii
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Makoto took out a notebook from the bag, but compared to the others, Makoto didn't have all the required books for the current class. It was alright though, because Akako will be glad to share...

Wait, Akako probably doesn't have the books either. Maybe that tall guy will be willing to share his book? Either way, Makoto needed someone to stick together with since it was the beginning of the year. "Come here, the seat next to me is free." Makoto said to Akako, who was still standing up.

As Akako was making up her mind, Makoto decided to ask Kagami for that...book they all had on their desk. Makoto leaned over the desk a bit in order to get closer to Kagami, who was sitting in front, and started whispering. "Hey, can I borrow..." Makoto paused for a moment and looked at what he had on his desk. "...that book with the blue cover. Do we need it?"


@Suzumaki Arakai

@1st Years
Kagami Taiga

Kagami was waiting for the teacher to begin teaching as his head rested in his hands; the boys legs were so long that one of them had to rest in the walkway while the other was placed under the desk like normal.

He was bouncing his eraser on the desk when suddenly someone spoke up from behind him; turning his head a little he came face to face with the...boy? No...girl? "Huh?" looking towards the book on his desk he jumped a little, "Uwah! I didn't even notice that there!" He then furrowed his brow and looked at the kid, "Is this a prank?" His wonderful trait of jumping to conclusions was being put in motion.

Akako saw Makoto saving her seat, "Oh yeah, sorry.." She replied as she looked back at the red head, "I'll Talk to you again, Mr. Haruto" she uttered to the boy as she sat in her seat next to Makoto. She grabbed her bag and a journal, but not having the book for this class. The book she probably only had was her special book, the one she has for her classes in reading and grammar, the subject she excelled at. "M-Makoto, Do you have the book for this class?" She asked.


Mei looked at a girl who just came to class, she chuckled at it and walked up to her. "Hey kid, You're not late everyone will be arriving in about 5 minutes." She said to her. Mei patted her in the back as she looked back at the board, writing some more work and pages for the first day. She then added, "Since you are a bit early, I'll give you some tips about me, A) I get ticked off easily, so don't do anything for me to get angry, B) Don't hit on me if you are, Kids do that all the time, and C)I'll bail you sometimes, but not all time, got that?" She said as she saw the heap of kids coming.

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Sung-Kang cleared his throat and pointed to the board. "As I was saying. Bonds. What are they? Well, they're exactly what they say they are: bonds." he ran his finger in a circle around the word as he said it, and then came to the front of the class. "Atoms like to hang out. Much like you bond with a person and become connected by...let's say similar interests.......Atoms. Atoms hang out and bond and become connected through electron charges." Sung-Kang began to wander off into chemical jargon, throwing in words he'd yet to define and processes that were weeks away on the lesson plan. He would always start out understandable enough, to lure the children into a false sense of security. Then he'd break out the real knowledge. This was painfully basic for him, and he hated reiterating facts that had become second nature to hormonal little people with zero interest in the matter.

Reina listened intently, but as soon as Sensei had begun to go into unheard of territory, she immediately lost him. She had so many questions, but she was too prideful to ask them. She didn't realize that's why she was doing horrible in school. Her ego prevents her from asking questions to clarify the subject, and she goes home every night with a weak understanding of the topic. Instead of raising her hand, she sat there nodding every so often, as if she understood everything Sensei was rambling about. Had to keep up appearances.

@Suzumaki Arakai

@2nd years


He trailed the elder officer down to the basement. As he walked down the stairs, he noticed the forensic eggheads were already there, collecting things in evidence bags. His stomach turned as the murder scene unfolded before him. Bare, naked bodies, filthy and mangled. The eyes were still open, but the facial expressions on the girls' faces were cold, and devoid of soul. Wulf seethed as he imagined the pain, horror, and violation the girls had experienced in their final moments. Their necks had clean red cuts; blood pooled around them. Judging by the cut, Wulf could tell a razor was involved. Two wooden chairs were in the room, one of them toppled over. Upon studying the girls' wrists and ankles, it was apparent some form of bondage had occurred. How long did this torture last? This couldn't have been quick. Thoughts raced in his mind as one of the forensic experts approached him and held up two bags. "Found these," they said dryly. These guys always creeped him out. Each of the baggies contained one condom wrapper. He knew they'd test them for fingerprints. He walked slowly around the tiny, cramped basement, inspecting the scene further. The condom wrappers confirmed that the killer or killers were indeed there for quite some time. Long enough to make the decision to use a condom and apply one to their member. Such a thing was uncommon among random rapists on the street. He knelt down by a body and studied it. "Have you found anything else?" he asked the forensics. "No, the found the wrappers were in that tiny garbage bin, other than that we've yet to find the weapon or the restraints." they said, gesturing to a tiny trash can. Wulf rubbed his chin. He had questions, and a lot. He made a light jog up the stairs, calling to them, "Sample as much of the blood as you can. If the girls struggled against their killers, we may be able to determine how many people participated in the act," and returned to Anna. He pulled her aside for a moment and spoke in a low voice. "What'd you find out?"

@Suzumaki Arakai


Vaughn chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head. "Yes, indeed I am," he replied to the waitress. "Say, about that bill," he started and trailed off. Then, he laughed a little bit and looked up at the waitress from his seat. "Funny story..." he began, "it would appear that in my...erm...excitement to eat your ramen, which if I may say, was amazeballs, I forgot my wallet at home heh heh heh...........heh."

Connor realized he needed to talk to the headmaster about the idea of a cooking club at the school he then went out since it was his break and went towards the school reception "um im here to see the headmaster about the cooking club" he said looking at the receptionist he then walked towards the headmaster's office knocking on the door seeing the students walking around he smiled remembering he was like that when he was that age. He continued to wait for the headmaster to let him come in

@Suzumaki Arakai
Togu Anna

Anna did her best not to laugh. 'This idiot was so high he forgot his money!' She thought to herself. "Well, I'm glad you like our ramen but the money is a very big deal." Anna said with a serious face. "I'm afraid I can't take these sorts of matters in my own hands so you will have to speak to my boss the manager. She will be here in the afternoon, so, you will have to stay here until that time." Anna said. @Kawaii
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Fumiko Haruto

Fumiko widened his eyes as Akako got up into his personal space, just like Suzumaki had done earlier. What the heck was up with people today? He shook his head and scribbled down notes, yawning every now and then. He heard the chatter behind him, but he simply rested his head in his hand. He was super duper bored, and a ton of new students had come in today. Good thing he had Aoi, who was at least someone he knew. He was always glad to be around people he knew, except for the people he knew but didn't talk to.



@Suzumaki Arakai

@1st years

Tyler kept walking down the street going towards the gym. Head bobbing to the music. He's getting focused. Drinking his pre-workout. His sponsor Cellucor just sent him a care package. His favorite flavors. Tyler like usual stopped and took some pictures with the fans who asked. They were excited for the fight and couldn't wait to watch. They asked him about shirts or wristbands. Tyler said he would try to contact some people to get some made and will make sure to let them know when they come out. "Shirts and wristbands.?" he said to himself. It was a very good idea and he will bring it up with his manager later.
Tatsuri Ogami

Ogami started out listening intently to the teacher and the words that seemed to flutter from his mouth. After each pause the boy would give a confident nod, telling himself that he gets when he really doesn't.

After they were a bit into class; the boys head made it's way closer to the desk after each tick of the clock, "I can't do this." they're already this far into the school year and Ogami continues to forget his pencil and paper.

His face was now hidden in his arms as he rested on the desk with a quiet groan, "I'm done for. Please let this day end." Eventually he fell asleep and probably wouldn't wake up until the next bell ring.


Tatsuri Anna

Anna was looking over her notes and checking her watch while waiting for Wulf; it had been about thirty minutes since they arrived there and she was itching to find out more. Anna was about to head to her car for a smoke when suddenly someone pulled her to the side; giving her a bit of a scare almost. The girl was relieved to see it was just her partner Wulf; brow furrowed and arms now crossed she began stating things that she's learned.

"Well...regretfully I haven't found out too much other than the fact that the father is a pilot at Narita Airlines. We know the mother is a reporter so we've just gotta check into their work forces and have their schedules, time-ins, and time-outs checked. As of right now...I have no suspicion of the father. I did at first though but...there's just something about the way he acted. I got a few name's belonging to friends of the daughters."

Anna unfolded her arms and looked down at her notepad, "I don't think we can really do much until we have some sort of lead on what was used to commit the act. So...basically it's up to forensics for now." The girl turned around and began walking towards her car, motioning for Wulf to follow, "Shitty thing is that today's Friday and we don't have time to visit the school. We'll just have to wait until tomorrow for some reports then after that, we'll see about some of the girl's friends."


Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki had headed back into the store; forgetting why she was mad. Someone would probably come along and pick up the magazine she left lying outside the door.

The small girl was now ringing up the books of a tall old woman. Looking down; Suzumaki could see what the woman was buying, "Fifty shades of-...oh that's nice." A small giggle escaped the girls lips as she then covered her mouth awkwardly; following up with an apologetic bow, "Have a nice day ma'am." Once the woman left, Suzumaki staggered into the back laughing her ass off. She glanced up at her co-worker and told her about it; now the two of them were chuckling and joking away.

@Anyone Who Wants Manga
drummerboi said:
Connor realized he needed to talk to the headmaster about the idea of a cooking club at the school he then went out since it was his break and went towards the school reception "um im here to see the headmaster about the cooking club" he said looking at the receptionist he then walked towards the headmaster's office knocking on the door seeing the students walking around he smiled remembering he was like that when he was that age. He continued to wait for the headmaster to let him come in
@Suzumaki Arakai
Akako gave him an paper airplanes, that had an a apology on it. It has seemed he has had that all day. She gave him a bit of praise but mostly her saying sorry. Akako sighed as she looked at the bored and saw all of its contents, she wrote them all down and explained more in detail, providing evidence she was part of the 2nd year group.

Speaking more of her encounter with Mr. Haruto, she was probably going to talk to him more and then going to apologize with something else.

@Zero Gravity

Mei then saw all the students come by, smiling at some of the students greeting her. She was happy that the girl didn't have any comments of her youthful appearance. "Well, she seems like a good kid.." She said as she was about kickstart the lesson.

Tyler walked by the shop he was at before. "Hmm?" "I've been here before. Did I walk past the gym?" This wouldn't be a surprise since he was so into his music and his pre-workout was starting to kick in. Tyler looked into the shop. I think this was where that girl was who gave me directions before. He looked down and saw the magazine on the ground. "Why not, I'll just go say thank you." Tyler than walked into the store. "Hello?" he shouted. "Is there a girl who was here all day?" pretty standard and stupid thing to ask but Tyler doesn't really think before he talks half the time. @Suzumaki Arakai

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