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Realistic or Modern Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)

Kona noticed the little girl "well hello here little one how can i help you today we got some nice cup cakes if you want some. Since you so nice you can have one on the house if you like" He said smieling at the little girl as he then brought out a selection of cup cakes he knelt down to her level "here pick one" he said smieling at her as he then contineud to smile at the girl knowing that she's shy

Tatsuri Ogami

Ogami was taken aback by the girl's sudden burst of anger; her words echoed in his ears as he blinked a couple times. "What'd I do wrong?" the boy thought as he then slowly, but cautiously took his seat and looked away.

After second the girl began to talk normally again, crossing her legs in a girly manner. "This girl's scary man..." Ogami hadn't seen many girls go from so nice and flirtatious, to what the hell was that?

He turned his attention to the front as their homeroom teacher entered the room and began calling out names. Listening to him talk; you could notice a sudden drop in his enthusiasm as he called out the name "Tatsuri Ogami."

Ogami had returned to his lazy, careless demeanor and popped his hand into the air, "Ossu." The boy spoke with a hint of boredom in his tone.


Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki smiled up at the young boy, normally she would pop him a peace sign but her hands were quite full at the moment so she just returned a wink.

"Understood." As she was leaving the café; a sudden stop cam for a brief second as she turned her head and nodded at the old man behind the counter then looked at Haruto, "Stay out of trouble kid." She grinned really wide and turned away, laughing to herself because of the feeling she gets when calling people bigger than her "kid."

She soon returned to the Manga Shop and began working; the delicious mocha smoothie made it quite enjoyable.

@Zero Gravity
The sound of body on pads echoed throughout the gym as Tyler was hard at work, totally focused. "Let's go again!" he yelled. His coach then pulled out the body dummy so Tyler can work on his ground and pound. "30 minutes straight?" he groaned, yet did the work. SLAM!!! was heard as he then started unloading. Elbow after elbow, switch positions, fist fist fist. Fluid motions. Nothing would stop him from winning his first fight in Japan.

He listened to Kona's conditions, taken aback by the whole gay thing. He had secretly been hoping Kona was indeed gay so that he could have more of the ladies, but he was glad that line was drawn, and that he technically got the job. "Sweet! I won't let you down bo--" just then a young girl grabbed his arm, nearly causing him to drop his breakfast. He lifted his arm a little to help her up, patting her on the head, as Kona came around to offer the girl treats. "Ooh, take a look at that one!" he pointed to one of them, genuinely in awe of Kona's work.

@drummerboi @Corgi


Vaughn's throat was scratchy, a common side effect of smoking, and couldn't think of anything better to drink than water. Maybe orange juice, but he thought of water as God's gasoline for humans. When she returned, he couldn't help but notice that his glass of water didn't come with a pencil. "Hey, thanks," he said with a polite smile. He then leaned on the table and gestured for the waitress to lean in close and listen to him. "I know...like....the pencil was kind of a strange request but...like dude, the pencil is the most important thing that I need right now," he said in a low voice. "I really need that pencil, man, I mean, miss."



She had been watching Ogami so carefully that her heart skipped a beat when he finally spoke up. She quickly formulate a way to turn his name into a cute nickname, another "special talent" of hers. She tore off a piece of paper from her notebook and began writing. It read as such, "Oga-chan...do you have a girlfriend?" and the words "Yes" and "No" were written under it. She drew a little heart under it and crumpled it up, and delicately tossed it onto his desk. Passing notes. A classic move. A bit of a direct question, but by the way Ogami had reacted, she figured he'd never been given this much attention from a female in his life, though she couldn't be more wrong.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Fumiko Haruto

As Kumiko headed towards school, he remembered that he was supposed to meet up with Aoi. He then knew that there was only one place she would be. That same place where all of the customers go daily. It was where all those girls in the upper years went, and he really didn't care about them though. All he cared about was his best friend, and he knew that she would totally be getting tea at this place. "Aoi-chan! We're going to be late, do you have your tea yet?" The small red head asked, walking straight into the shop. He noticed the owner crouched in front of her with a tray full of cupcakes, and he noticed the dark brunette with a red face. He then sighed, shaking his head with a small smirk on his face. He walked up to her swiftly. "Come on Aoi-chan. I've got an iced coffee here if you want it, some nice lady gave it to me because I helped her escape this old woman. I've had a really crazy morning," he chuckled, eyes wide. He knew Daisuke never had crazy mornings like this. "Excuse me," he smiled coyly at both the police officer and the owner of the bakery, helping his best friend up off the ground.




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Tatsuri Anna

The naturally pissed off girl stormed her way out of the department and hopped into her sexy, black Mustang GT 1967. Starting her up and turning on the radio; Anna began driving down the road towards the location she was just called to.

The dark eyed, auburn quickly pulled her phone from her pocket and hit the number one before placing it to her ear and waiting for Wulf to answer. She was ready to go off on the lazy bum.

"Seriously! He's got a case and what the hell is he doing!?" Looking over, she suddenly noticed a car that look...just...like...."He's at a bakery!?"

Anna slammed on her breaks and pulled off parallel parking like a badass before busting out of her car and making her way into the bakery. Storming in, she began looking around; the girl stands out...her guns were very visible and she could be easily mistaken for a criminal. Looking over at Wulf she let's a low growl, "Found you, you bastard."


Tatsuri Ogami

Ogami was repetitively clicking the end of his pen; he was already ready to get this day over with. Going to the dojo and signing up was his main priority, "I wonder how ha-" His thoughts were interrupted when a piece of paper landed on his desk, his face went from blank to, "Aw shit..."

Looking at the girl through the corner of his eye with a gulp; he opened up the note. The boys head could be seen fall onto his desk with a loud "BAM" the very second he read, "Oga".

The small paper fluttered to the ground as his arms remained in the postion they were in when he opened it up.

"This year just got so much worse for me..." The boy didn't budge for the last two minutes of homeroom. Once the bell rang he stood up quickly and made his way to the men's bathroom.

@SirBlazeALot @drummerboi @People In Bakery
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Tyler laid flat on the mat breathing heavily. "Kill me, Kill me now." he mumbled. He sat up and walked over to his bag, grabbed out his water bottle and drank the whole thing. "I'm going for some fresh air, give me 10 minutes." he yelled before walking out as he was. No shirt and shorts and shoes. "It feels so nice out here." he said as he leaned against the wall. People were staring but he didn't really care, nor did he ever. Some girls came running up screaming his name. "How can I help you ladies." he said with his charming smile. Signing their shirts and taking pictures. They left. Even though he never fought in Japan, Tyler was already very popular. The news talked about him as well as YouTube. He was all over everything. "A couple more hours." he said to himself as he took a deep breath, and sank down and sat on the ground.

Aoi Hōjime

Aoi looked up at the taller boy, 19 or so who was on the other side of the counter. "U-uhm.. I-I-I'm o-okay.." She said, barely above a whisper, shaking her head lightly, though the boy didn't seem to notice, or didn't care, and persisted any more. "O-Okay... I-I-I su-suppose..." She said, about to reach for one until the police officer started looking at one. "Y-you c-can take o-one. H-h-have mine." The girl said, thinking it's the least she could do for almost making him drop everything he had. When she heard a familiar voice, she quickly turned around, relief strucking over her as she saw Fumiko walking towards her. "N-no.. I-I-I was g-going to..." She trailed off and looked down in unease. Aoi wanted to contradict his offer of iced coffee with saying that she always has tea, but she said nothing more. To the small girl, this was a delimma. Her daily routine was to get tea and go to school as quickly as possible, but with the crowded streets and the delay from bumping into the officer, she didn't have the time. All she did was nod and hide behind him, her small hands clutching the back of his school uniform's shirt, doing so as if she could shield herself from the awkwardness and chagrin.



@Zero Gravity
Melody looks at the time, so she grabs her laptop and she's off. Driving to where she normally met her agent, the different floors of the building were for people with different talents, she parks her car and gets out "You're early for once" her agents says as the two go inside going to the top level "So, go a new title for the new book?", that question just went completely ignored as they enter the lift "Hold the lift!" a woman call out and Melody stop the doors from closing so the woman can come in. It was normal for people to do that there, they never left anyone waiting for the lift, unless of course the lift was already closed.
Nishida unlocked his car with a single press on the button of the keys and sighed when he hit the warmth that gathered in his car. Shouldn't have parked it in the sun. The male grabbed his coffee and placed it in the cup holder waiting for it to be cold enough. He started the car while so and got himself out of the ground where he was parked. Nishida was actually pretty exciting for this case, it had been half a year since he seriously got into something. And well, the conversation on the phone had made his heart pumped.

He was on the big road now and looked dull out of his eyes, while thoughts were already running through his head and he sometimes took a sip from the still hot coffee. The case was about a murder that took place 20 years ago. The detective from then had never solved it and now they found the body. Well..parts of it. It was a 15 year old girl which was lost and the police had never find her. Now they had found her dead almost no body deep in the lake of the city. And well, now everyone knew it was about a murder and Nishida was determined to solve it!

With a stern face he got off the road and drove to his work place via little paths. Maybe life gives me another chance.
Tyler left the gym completely exhausted. He spent 4 hours there. He walked back to his place to shower and change. Tyler spent forever trying to decide what to wear. He finally figure it out with red skinny jeans and a black Tank top, finding his Air force ones to wear as well. The weather wasn't bad out so he decided to bring those outside. Walking out onto the street he decided to walk, leaving his car there. "Nah won't bring it out yet." he said to himself. He also changed headphones to red and started walking down the street to see what he could find. His coach was always against this because Tyler had a bad habit of getting lost, it doesn't matter if he went around in a circle, he'd get lost. Tyler blamed it on his music, but everyone knew it was well because he has a terrible at directions. Driving was even worse but at least he was a decent driver.

As Tyler was walking he got stopped a couple times by fans, he never turned them away. Taking pictures and signing autographs. He kept walking and stopping in shops to see what he could buy. He found a nice movado watch, black carbonfiber style. "I'll take it." he told the cashier and walked out with it. Money wasn't really Tyler's concern when buying things.
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Natsuo Okakura

Natsuo would have a polite smile decorating his face as he entered the building. The place really smelled like hair products mixed with the scent of tea and coffee. It was not something that one would usually smell but it was not unpleasant either. It was manageable and sometimes he would think that it actually smelled nice. “Ah… I’m Natsuo Okakura. Please take care of me.” He responded to the other and followed after the other, sitting down on the appointed chair. Natsuo nodded at the little comment about the paying since that was a rather nice thing to know. “Just cutting the tips of my hair and make it have a bit more volume.” He said as he remembered the instructions of his sister. Not wanting to piss her off by making a mistake on this since she thought that his hair was important.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Miyoshi Okakura

Miyoshi looked at the male and let out a sigh as he did not give up on the thought of having ramen, thinking that it was time for her to leave since she was late. And she honestly did not feel like getting punished even more because of this already so she hopped on her bike after having given the other his sketchbook back and drove off again toward the school which was supposed to be her first thing to do in the morning. Her jacket fluttered into the wind by the speed she was pedalling with, her hair moving wildly in the wind until she came to a halt and parked her bike on the school grounds once she arrived at the place. Deciding to just wait at the courtyard since it was no use to even go inside of the classrooms anymore as it would be midday soon anyway.

@Anyone in the school
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Detective Mamoru Minori

"Miss... we've been over this so many times now... the Girl you're talking about is 19 years old... now please... give it a rest!" The last bit of the sentence came of as a Little harsh, which he didn't intend to Sound like, but he sure as hell wasn't going to apologize. That old Lady he was talking to was well known at the Station, she's... a regular, always claiming that she'd found a Little Girl on her own, Walking the streets, but fact is, that this.. 'Little Girl' was actually an adult, and just.... really, REALLY short. Huh.. she normally drags the Girl with her over here... guess

she managed to escape... heh
Mamoru then did a quick gesture over to the Exit of the Station, waiting until the Old Lady actually left.

He then stood up from his chair, and stretched himself, coincidently gazing at the near by water cooler. Eh... i guess a Cup of water couldn't hurt... And with that, Mamoru started moving towards said Cooler, pulling out a pack of Cigarettes in the process. He quickly placed on of the cigarettes in his mouth, and now grabbed the lighter he had placed in said pack as well. after a few attempts, The Detective managed to ignite the lighter, and lid his cigarette, inhaling a load of smoke from it. Why do i even have to do the dirty work.. can't they just let some god damn Cadet take care of that? The male sighed in annoyance, placing his belongings back into his pocket, while continuing his way towards the Water dispenser. He now made himself a Cup of water, and returned to his desk quickly. Nishida should be here any Minute now... if i'm not mistaking. He was thinking about Nishida Yoshiaga, Head Detective, and therefor his Supervisor at the Tousen Police Department; And even though Mamoru does answer to him, he never really treated him like his... 'Boss'

@Suzumaki Arakai

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Kona smiled once the girl took he cake "nice to meet you office but i have to attend my baking" He said smiling as he then begun to bake his cakes and cookies he then begun to ice them. He then went slow as the girls viewed him. He continued to ice the cookies like he was making a ice sculpture. One false move and it was all over. He then begun to ice the cookie with blue and yellow iceing smileing to himself
Tyler walked out another shop. "Nah." he said to himself as he started strolling down the street. He already spent a lot on the watch and new sunglasses he was wearing. He walked by a building where the windows were glass, so as he usually does he checks himself out. Flexing and the standard ab check. "Yep still there" he laughed to himself. Tyler then got a call from his manager. "Yeah? Interview? for who?. podcast? Sure. When and where?" once he hung up he had a couple hours till the interview so he thought he would work his way there and grab food along the way. Tyler can eat, and eat a lot. So he usually tries to find a buffet.

He gave Kona a small two fingered salute. He was elated that Kona allowed him to work at the bakery part time, but of course, his duty as an officer and protector of the weak would take precedence over meeting women. Still, it felt like things were finally beginning to come together for him. He'd probably have a girlfriend within the year! He turned his attention toward the two children. "You two sure are running late to school, now aren't you? If you'd like I could give you a ride to--" just then the door of the bakery thundered open. Tatsuri Anna had arrived, and from the looks of it she was on the warpath. Wulf frantically glanced at his watch. He was very late. "Oh lord," he said in a small voice. He cleared his throat and tried to smile casually. "Good morning Tatsuri-San!"

@Suzumaki Arakai @drummerboi @Corgi @Zero Gravity


"What the hell is wrong with him?" Reina began to question herself. She retrieved the piece of paper and stuffed it in her backpack, studying Ogami's empty seat. She wasn't sure what to think. Was he just painfully shy and socially inept? Was he just terrible at speaking to women? Was he afraid of them? Did he have some kind of mental disorder? He'd legitimately piqued her curiosity, and she was beginning to regret choosing to sit next to him. It bothered her to her very core that he didn't want anything at all to do with her. It just wasn't right. Her plan was a bust, and now she was stuck in the back of the class for the day with someone that she couldn't inspire awe and envy in. Grades be damned. "I'll show him..."

@all second year high school students
Anna rolled her eyes when he asked for a pencil. She took the one from her ear and put it in his hand. "Here, you break it you buy it." She said and walked away to get his order of food. @SirBlazeALot
Melody sighs, she was wondering who she had to work with, so she made the excuse that she was gonna get some tea and she left, getting in the lift. On the ground floor she does get some tea, but she's also watching people come in, she had heard of a rather famous model and that was the person she probably had to work with, if she had to believe her agent. She leans against the wall watching all sorts of people walk in, writers, models, actors, actresses and you name it, all the famous people worked at that building as it was safe from the media.

@Zero Gravity
Tyler walked out of the restaurant and rubbed his stomach. "So fulllll" he said stretching. He ate about 4000 calories right there. For him that's nothing, he will burn it all off tonight for training session number two. "Okay now where is this place for the podcast." Tyler started walking in one direction trying to read the street signs. Yet like typical Tyler, he is walking in the opposite direction. "This must be the way." He was sure of himself, never wanting to stop and ask for directions.
Uchida Momoi

Uchida smiled gently as the man sat down and told his what he'd like to have done; running both of his hands through the mans hair, "Ah, you take care of it don't you, sir?"

Are you sure this man isn't a woman? Long, luscious, curly white hair; pinned up to perfection in a fancy fashion. Even his clothes were somewhat feminine...

Uchida lowered the chair just a little and picked up a comb to begin brushing the man's hair, following up with a pair of scissors lightly trimming the ends. He didn't take too much off due to the man's request but he took off enough.


Tatsuri Anna

Anna was already, pretty much, standing over top of Wulf; her hand gripping the collar of his suit and her forehead pressed tightly against his. "What the hell are you doing Wulf!" She then moved her head away and jerked him from the seat he was sitting in; letting go, she stepped towards the door, "We've got a case you lazy bum! I wanna finish it before Detective Mamoru finishes his and before Detective Nishida finishes his!"

@Hobbesisalive @BobbyW @SirBlazeALot

Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki took a break from the cash register and decided to walk around the store, picking up any lazily placed books, magazines, or manga. She was pretty much done and was about to head into the back to grab a 'Help Wanted' poster but quickly noticed, with the turn of her head, a largely drawn penis on one of the magazines.

Eyes narrowed; she just stared at it for a second in a way that said 'Are you serious?' Suddenly a loud crack could be heard and she ripped it from the stand, crushing it in her hands. The small girl stomped outside with raging eyebrows and held it in the air...of course though, she's short and probably couldn't be noticed unless she yelled, which she did.

"You've gotta be shittin' me! Who the hell was it!" Dropping the magazine on the ground and giving it a stomp; her eyes flickered around to find anyone who could've done it. For example, hiding but laughing children or delinquents who've already begun skipping class.

@Anyone Walking the streets

Tatsuri Ogami

Ogami sat in his stall for a bit in rage...I'm not sure why though. Anyone entering the bathroom could notice a strange, threatening aura radiating from the area in which the delinquent boy resided.

After a second, Ogami slammed the stall door open; not knowing there was someone, a brave one, about to knock. The kid fell to the floor as Ogami stomped his way out of the compacted area, taking a glance at the boy, "Uuuuuh?" he gave a growl towards him before leaving and made his way back to his room; bag around his shoulder.

Once he returned to the room, he sat down in a different seat apart from last time and prepared to listen to the teacher...not really. He doesn't listen to the teachers...

The boy didn't even have a pencil, more or less paper.

Makoto, who arrived at the school just a few minutes ago, was walking around the hallways, trying to find the right classroom. The building was large, and it was confusing for someone new, especially if they were coming from a way smaller school. The building was like a labyrinth for the new student, but after a few more minutes of searching over and over again, Makoto finally found the classroom for the juniors. "I'm probably really late, but..."

"Wait, no. It's way too late. I can't go in." Makoto, who was about to open the classroom's door, stepped back. It would've been a wiser choice to stay there and wait for the class to end, and for the teacher to walk out. However, the poor student didn't have a clock, or a phone to check what time it was. Makoto sighed, not knowing how long it will be until someone will show up, and leaned against a wall, waiting for something to happen.

@ First year high schoolers, or just anyone else in the school
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Tyler was lost. Yes, yes he was. He sighed and decided to ask where to go. He looked over and saw someone standing outside a shop. "Hey, girl." he shouted. Not the most friendly way to get someone's attention but Tyler is a simple guy. He thought she would recognize him. He walked up to her. "Can you help me get here? He pointed to the address of a small studio, that was on the other side of town. @Suzumaki Arakai
Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki was in a strange, monster like stance; breathing heavily like she just got done with some hardcore wrestling. She continued to stare around for any type of culprits and suddenly she turned to find a random wall directly in front of her face. Giving it a tap, "Huh? I don't remember there being a wall here." She looked up to see the so called, wall, was actually just a really tall...American?

Suzumaki jumped back a bit with a small, "Uwah!" Her face was a bit jumbled as she stared up at him; he was holding a map towards her, pointing at the area in which Tousen Studio was located.

Taking a more...human...like stance, she looked down at the map then turned in the direction of where it was with a point, "It's...that way!" The girl sounded fairly confident...but in reality, she has no idea where it's at either. The small girl looked up at the man once more and tilted her head with a head on her chin, "You look familiar..."


Fumiko Haruto

Fumiko's red eyes wandered back and forth between the angry woman, who he guessed to be a police officer, as well as the other male officer, who looked utterly terrified. He gave a nervous laugh, running a hand through his hair. "Well, I think it's about time we head off. Adios, officers..." The red-headed male turned around. signaling Aoi to follow him, casting one last glance bake at the bakery. "God, what the hell was that?" He muttered, looking back at Aoi. "Hey, if you need any tea there's a different café a little bit up the street from here. If this is what goes on in that bakery, then we probably need to go somewhere else," Fumiko stated as he walked down the street, picking up the pace since they needed to get to school soon.



@Suzumaki Arakai


Daisuke Haruto

Daisuke finally made it down to the building, pastry bag still in hand as well as his half-finished coffee. He entered the building, yawning as he realized he was early. "Daisuke-san! Thank god you made it. We have yet to introduce you to your co-star for the upcoming television show, as well as schedule a time for your upcoming shoot," his manager quickly ran up to him, blabbering about all the things he needed to do. The red head held up a hand, stopping the woman from speaking any longer. "Yes, I got it already. Let's just get this meeting over with already," he yawned, taking another sip of his coffee.

@Flame Demon
"S-sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Tyler said at first noticing the person jumped back. It's not the first time that has happened, since his size was rather large compared to most people in the country. He looked in the direction the girl pointed. "Ahh thank you. haha I was going the wrong way." Tyler paused at her question. "Oh I am Tyler James. A professional fighter. Maybe you've seen my fights on youtube?" he questioned. Trying not to be smug and have a smile on his face, he could never help but love the attention he gets. @Suzumaki Arakai

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