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Realistic or Modern Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)


"H-hey, easy, easy!" Vaughn stammered pulling his sketchbook away and clutching it to his chest, laughing as if he were being tickled. He didn't like for people to look at unfinished drawings, and quite frankly, there was a lot of inappropriate sketches in there from when he went through a hentai phase a couple weeks ago. The girl seemed pissed enough, didn't seem like a good idea to thoroughly creep her out. "It's not done yet, sheesh!" He said with a wide smile. Still holding his book tightly, he took a breath and began to explain. "I don't want to see you fall off your bike, I just thought that it would be funny if you did." He could feel himself falling deeper into the hole he had dug for himself, but he couldn't help but see the humor in the situation, so he had a pretty bad case of the giggles. "This first impression...it's not going very well is it?" he managed to say while attempting to stifle his chortling.



Wulf grinned. His civilian car was his pride and joy. And orange 1973 Mustang with a black racing stripe. "Complete with sub-woofers in the trunk my friend." He handed Ogami an aux-chord to plug in an MP3 player. "Play whatever you want, I like everything. Except for One Direction!" he laughed as he began to accelerate. He was unsure of how to approach Ogami about the topic of his sister. He played with a couple scenarios in his head. He could attempt to befriend him, or he could just get straight to the point, or he could lie. Lying it is. "So, champ, I heard your sister has a boyfriend!"

@Suzumaki Arakai
Melody looks at the cakes and she sighs, wondering what to pick, she'd just ask for something with chocolate in it, she looks at the employee and then at the girls who all seemed to like the guy "Ugh, this is why I'm glad that I don't have that many male fans yet" she thinks and looks around the shop, it was pretty empty expect for the few who were inside.
Natsuo Okakura

"Of course."
He said as he did not want to make the other his job harder than it already was. He had helped out in a bakery before and it was honestly not easy so he respected the people who managed to keep their shop open in such a good way. "Hmmm... That's nice. Others would already have gone out with most of them." He commented and nodded toward the employee again before walking to an empty table. Sitting down next to the window so he could watch what was going on outside since he was not there with anybody else, feeling a bit sad that his sister was not with him.


Miyoshi Okakura

As the other clutched the sketchbook like that, it almost seemed like he was going to give his life for it so that nobody would see it. This only made her want to see it even more though so she would wait for the right timing, a chance for her to snatch the book before he could stop her. She laid the bike down next to her as she did not feel like holding it up anymore and looked at him again when she heard the words flowing out of his mouth. She did not even react until he said that things were not going well here. "Yeah..." She responded with a light nod before placing her hands on her hips. The guy was way taller than her so it was going to be a bit tricky to get that sketchbook, but she could always try, right? She looked at something in the distance and then back at him, extending her hand rappidly which could go two ways: she could grab it or the other would have seen through her movements and prevent her from touching it.

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Tatsuri Ogami

Ogami returned to sitting the correct way in his seat as Wulf handed him the aux-cord; he took it with a smile and plugged it into his Iphone and began to play his favorite American song, Energy by Drake.

He was bobbing his head along with the music, "I got enemies, gotta lotta enemies..." when suddenly the man spoke up about his sister. Somehow the boy choked on air and stared over at him for a split second. He even paused the music for more suspense; after a second of that, the boy threw his head back laughing and hit play on the music again.

"Please! Anna? Have a boyfriend!? Aha!~" the boys entire body shook as he laughed at the thought of his sister being lovey-dovey with some man...or maybe a woman!? "Oh god stop!? Bleh!"

He then looked back up at Wulf with a humored smile, "What makes you think that?"

Kona smiled and looked at the women "Hello welcome to Kona's cakes and dough's what would you like today" He said smileing instantly knowing the writer. He smiled and treated her as normal "Would you like drink as well i just brought out a coffee and tea maker this morning home made coffee straight from the mug" he said smieling looking at the Women. He was kind of a fan of her romance noval's he read a few of them but not a lot of them. He smiled at her awaiting her order

@Flame Demon
Nishida stretched his arms when the sunlight lit his room, forcing him to wake up. His alarm was set off and the male didn't even bother to look at the time. There were no urges at the police statiom and he was not going to haste for a mother that yet again lost her child in the mall. Once he got on his feet Nishida grabbed the closest clothes and put them on, walking toward the kitched to set a cup of coffee when suddenly his phone rang. Even when he didn't really had work didn't mean he didn't care. The male stretched his body to reach the damn thing that was located on the table. "Yeah?" As he thought it was from work. "Yeah sure, no I am currently tying my shoe laces so you do-" He remained silent and a smile was formed on his lips. "That is true, I only take the extreme cases." With that the male hang up and raced towards his black coat, stroking his dog on the way. Now he was outside and sniffed in the air while walking towards his car.

"Some tea and I would like a chocolate cake" Melody says and she adds "I'd like to eat it here". It wasn't that crowded in the shop, so it wouldn't be a problem, she checks her phone and sees some texts from her agent, but she puts it away again. "I'm impressed you can manage this alone" she says and smiles slightly.

"well one single person can handle anything.....chapter 21 the lions cross" He said that last part quietly so only she can hear. he was reading one of her books currently which was the lions cross. He then got her a nice slice of chocolate cake. It looked beautifly made and had a sizable chocolate filling inside he then went over to the machene and begun to pour the tea into the cup and cake on a plate "664 yen please and your welcome to write here anytime Melody i have had a lot of writers come in here before" He said smieling.

@Flame Demon on

Fumiko Haruto

"W-wha..." Fumiko looked around wildly, a bit surprised to be dragged into a café by some girl he didn't even know. "So, why were you running from an old woman?" The red-headed boy asked, raising an eyebrow and tilting his head a bit. He ran a hand through his red hair, glancing at the time on his watch. He still had some time to kill, Ayato was always at school early anyways. He could catch the other later, after all, they were in homeroom together. "I've got to get to school, so..." He sighed just a tiny bit, adjusting the backpack that was slung over one shoulder.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Daisuke Haruto

The male model hummed slightly as he walked down the street, hoping that Fumiko got to school on time, or was at least on his way to school. He decided that he might as well stop by that café that everyone at the office had been raving about. Daisuke stood in line, running a hand through his red hair. As he looked up, he saw a couple of girls eyeing him; he then huffed, shaking his head. He returned his focus to his phone, rolling his eyes as he got a text from his manager. He ignored it, giving a sigh of relief as he reached the front of the line.


@Anyone In The Café

Melody nods and pays him 700 yen "Keep the change and thanks" she says and takes her tea and the plate that had her slice cake on it "And I might come back here, I always love to try new cakes" she says and walks to an empty where she sits down, she was thinking of taking of her sunglasses, but decided against him when people started talking about the movies she was in while they were looking at the cakes the shop sold. She checks the text from her agent and she sighs, she had to work with some model in the next TV serie she was in "Don't even know the guy" she mumbles not realizing he was also at the shop.

@Zero Gravity @drummerboi
Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki leg go of the boys hand once they were inside the café, she stood up with a smile and cheered. "Yosha!" then looked over at the kid, he was taller than her...

He began to speak but she wasn't listening; shortly after he adjusted his bag on his shoulder she stepped forward and pulled him down. They were an inch apart from touching nose to nose.

With a furrowed brow, Suzumaki spoke, "How old are you?" then she waited, continued to stare directly into the boys eyes.

@Zero Gravity

Vaughn was far too stoned, and was sort of zoning out when the girl snatched the notebook. His reflexes didn't stand a chance. "Sweet Jesus, you're nimble!" he gasped, and then immediately started chuckling. "Nimble." he laughed at his own word choice, and then straightened up. "Alright look lady, this can go a few ways. You can hand me back my pad and I can show you the sketch..." he paused as he lost his train of thought briefly. "Or..." he droned off for a few seconds, suddenly overwhelmed with a craving for ramen. He became distracted and licked his lips, the noodles had taken over his mind. He snapped out of it and continued, "or you can prepare to be mind-warped by some very, very disturbing images." His art was somewhat of a collage of what he takes in from the world. His style was cutesy and friendly, yet eerie at times, as he had a thing for horror and monsters. Some of them were incredibly detailed, others were short and purposefully poorly drawn comics about awkward situations. "Or we can skip school and get ramen."



When Ogami had paused the music, Wulf's stomach fluttered. He gulped, almost audibly."Wow," he chuckled nervously as Ogami started cracking up. He was elated, this meant there'd be nothing standing between him and a date with her. "I don't think many people here in Tousen are Drake fans, I'm impressed!" He tried to remain casual when answering Ogami. "Just a little rumor I heard around that station that someone...was uh...sweet on her. Speaking of sweets, what're some of her favorites?" They were pretty close to the school now.

@Suzumaki Arakai
"My my more famouse people you must be Daisuke Haruto welcome to Kona's cakes and dough's may i help you" he said with a smile on his face my my he was buisy he heard a ding "oh excuse me sir" he said opening in the oven and brung out fresh cakes the smell begun to fill the bakery. He smiled and went back to the front desk "sorry about that didn't want them to burn what would you like" he said giving him a smile

@Zero Gravity

Miyoshi was surprised that she could grab it so easily, immediately something went of inside of her head because of the late reactions of the other and his lack of... presence. Honestly, she really wondered how people could even walk around like that. While he was rambling on, she was already turning the pages in silence as she did not know on how to actually react on the drawings in front of her. It almost felt like they were burning themselves into her head so it was hard for her to forget about it. She skipped through until she found her own drawing... falling of a bike like he said. His warning were already way too late as she closed the sketchbook again and held it in her own hand. "You should go to school even if you want ramen. Where do you go?" She asked him a bit worried about how on earth he would walk down the street, maybe he could fall and a car could not have seen him and crash into him which can then appear in the news. And then she would have a feeling of guilt since she did not do anything about it and just left him alone. Indeed, she was thinking about a rather unusual possibility but still it stopped her from going away. Waiting for him to say which school he goes to.

Tatsuri Ogami

Ogami chuckled a bit and flipped through some of his music, "Yeah, I don't know much American music. My friends know some but meh, I prefer Japanese a lot because I don't know what the hell they're saying." He pulled the aux-cord from his phone after noticing they were almost at school. It hadn't been a long drive considering how compacted Tousen City is. After a second he remembered what he said earlier; looking of at Wulf and rubbing the back of his neck, "Aye man, don't tell my sister about the way I acted earlier. She'll kill me and then she'll kill you for somehow pushing her to kill me...and you know how it goes. She's crazy, good at what she does, but crazy."


Once his pie was finished he did as he was told and put the plate in the right place before saying goodbye and going outside again. Being remembered by the cold wind that slapped him in the face once again. He then remembered that his sister had said to go to the hairdresser, which made him sigh in response and went toward the place where all the magic happened as so to say. Opening the door and walking inside as he twirled a finger around one of his hairlocks. Pulling of his jacket and hanging them up somewhere where it would not get filthy before walking further inside, waiting a little as he did not want to be rude and disturb the people.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Daisuke Haruto

The red-haired male gave a quick nod in recognition at the male, looking up for a moment in thought. "A coffee, and two raspberry pastries. To go, if you will," he added, putting his hand in his pocket to fish out the yen he owed the man. He had a lazy look to his face, as he was still quite tired and really wanted the coffee to wake him up before the meeting. All of a sudden, he got another text stating that he would be working with some girl as a co-star in that new upcoming television series that the upcoming meeting was about. "Whatever," he mumbled softly, putting his phone back in his pocket. He waited patiently for his order, taking off his hat and running a hand through his hair.


@Flame Demon

Fumiko Haruto

The boy immediately became super flustered; why the heck was this girl all up in his face? "I-I'm fifteen," he stated, trying to pull his face away from the girl's. The eye-contact was killing him, and it made him feel uncomfortable. He managed to pull his face away a couple of inches. "W-what the hell are you doing?" He stammered, face flushing heavily.

@Suzumaki Arakai

"hmhm you look like you need it" he said smileing as he then poured the fresh pure coffee into a cup and got two raspberry pastry's into a nice neat posh looking bag "How's the model career treating you?" he said smileing while placing it in front of him taking the yen and placing it in the register "suger cream milk?" he said looking at him wondering what he would like in his coffee. "Also i hear you in a new tv series i saw the trailer's it looks okay i guess i hope to get my own cooking show one day" He said smieling.

@Zero Gravity
Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki felt as the boy began to struggle but she had no intention of letting go; suddenly the boy spout his name and Suzumaki's mind went blank. She let the boy go and staggered backwards a bit with a hand clutching her heart.

"Why is life so cruel! Why was I born with this...tiny body!" The girl stared at her small, thin arms and her small, thin legs; all the while a large frown was plastered on her face.

She looked up at the boy and pointed, "I dislike your height!" grabbing his arms; she began lifting them and inspecting his body. After a second of that she shot his shirt up and looked at his stomach. Her face showed much concentration, but what the hell is she concentrating on!?

Suzumaki dropped his shirt with a pouty sigh; covering her face with both hands, "It's not fair!"

@Zero Gravity

Vaughn smirked, appreciating the fact that she hadn't dropped the sketchbook, began to slowly back away, and then turn tail and break into a sprint. "Tousen High." he pointed and then checked the time on his watch. "Looks like I'm already laaate~" he said in a sing songy voice. He began to weigh the options. Face punishment for being tardy, or, face punishment for being tardy with a belly full of ramen. The choice was pretty clear. He returned to his bench to grab his backpack. As he slung it over his shoulders, he said, "Look, small terrifying lady, life is short. And I'd rather live a life full of ramen and drawing terrifying people falling off of bicycles than live a life drawing people falling off of bicycles in detention." He extended his hand for his sketchbook. "And while I thoroughly understand that going on a ramen date with a total stranger whose already managed to offend you sounds very unappealing, the offer remains." He realized what he had said and his face flushed. He cleared his throat and continued, "I don't mean, like...a date date. I mean like you know, and outing. Of sorts."



Wulf nodded, the threat of death by Anna forming small beads of sweat on his temples. "W-well," he put his hand on Ogami's shoulder. "You don't have to worry about that, champ. I won't say a word, but..." he made sure to look Ogami in the eyes. "You need to learn to control your aggression. I hear there's a great dojo of strength or whatever in town. You should check it out and let off some steam. Zen out, champ." He gave the boy a brisk pat on the back. Finding a wife meant nothing if he couldn't raise children, so he put aside his ambition to date Anna for a moment to dish out some more "fatherly advice." He gave Ogami a brisk pat on the back and then returned his hand to the wheel. "Stay out of trouble, champ."

@Suzumaki Arakai
Melody finished the tea and cake and she puts the place and cup away near the other stuff "See you later" she says and waves before leaving, she walks to her car and gets in, and drives home. She was glad she didn't have any appointment for today her phone beeps and she sees a text from her agent "The meeting changed to this evening?" she asks and sighs, she couldn't get a day rest.
Tatsuri Ogami

Ogami hopped out of the mans car and listened to his words for a brief moment; after he mentioned the dojo his mind began to wander off. "Oh yeah...I forgot about that. Sis said she'd pick up a form for me to fill out today...well she said it yesterday but she's gonna do it today...I think."

The boy gave Wulf and nod and turned away; heading into school with a sigh.

"Damn I hate this place." He said as he entered the shoe locker area and switched out his shoes before heading to the bathrooms to piss.


Daisuke Haruto

"Thanks," Daisuke nodded, feeling a bit uncomfortable as the other talked about wanting his own cooking show. "You just do you, you'll get there one day," the male chuckled nervously, giving the other a anxious smile. "Cream is just fine," he responded to the question about his coffee. He hummed to himself, putting his hat back on. Hopefully he could get to work soon, he really didn't want to miss that meeting. It was super important.


Fumiko Haruto

"I-I'm sorry? You can blame my dad for that, not me," Fumiko complained, red eyes wide with fear as the girl poked and prodded at him. She even lifted up his shirt? He quickly pulled his shirt down, an uncomfortable look as clear as day on his face. He was actually quite frightened. "I really need to get to school," he stated, the flushed look on his face still very evident. He was terrified, and he really didn't want to be late for school.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki had no clue that the boy was uncomfortable, she felt absolutely normal so why shouldn't he? Her way of thinking is a little off track.

As the kid spoke up, Suzumaki looked up at him with a smile, "Wait, wait! Lemme buy you a drink." She pulled the boy over to the counter and shot up two fingers towards the friendly old man, "Give me the usual for the guys at work, and me a mocha smoothie!" Her gaze returned to the boy as she tilted her head, "What do you want?"

@Zero Gravity
"well here's hopeing here's you coffee and your pastry's have a good day sir" he said smileing as he saw tht no one else was in line so he begun to work on more of his pastries. He then continued to look at the girls and smiled at them. He then continued to do his daily routine he couldn't wat to teach the young people his cooking skills

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