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Realistic or Modern Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)

Anna made it to the Rame Ramen Shop, and signed in. She started walking around asking for people's orders and bringing orders to people. When she had a break she fixed her skirt so she didn't flash anyone. "Ugh this stupid outfit." She mumbled. "Hey! Is someone going to take my order!" A person yelled. "Coming!" Anna said in a fake happy voice. After taking his order she hung out around the counter. @Anyone in the Ramen Shop

Kenichi was sitting in his dojo meditating with his sword in his lap.

"He's a good guy," Wulf murmured to himself as he watched Ogami disappear into the school. He realized he had been side tracked for quite a while and was definitely going to be late to work. "Aw, shit." he grumbled to himself. He was a new cadet, and there was a lot of pressure on him to succeed. Aside from Tatsuri Anna, the police force was also home to Detective Nishida, whom Wulf revered as a legend. "That's the last guy I wanna let down." he said in awe as he drifted off into fanboy territory in his mind. Still, he was late, and he had heard about a new bakery in town. He'd skipped breakfast, and figured rather than get his uniform dirty, he'd head over there and see what the treats were like. He himself was an avid baker, and he needed to do some research if he was going to take Anna out around town. He parked across the street from Kona's cakes and entered. The little bell on the door jingled. "Cute," he said to himself, looking up at the bell with a little smile. When he looked around the shop, he saw nothing but girls. Girls everywhere. "Sweet mother of God...I've found heaven." He whispered to himself as he took a look around the shop, admiring the cute women and delicately designed cakes.

@drummerboi @Zero Gravity @Hobbesisalive


It had been a shit morning, just like every other shit morning he'd ever had. He had prepared himself a decent breakfast, and with a full stomach, a working automobile, and good health on a sunny day, Sung-Kang still found a way to be pissed off at the world around him. He entered the school with his intimidating posture: standing tall, tightly gripping a briefcase in one hand, and methodically moving the other arm as if he were marching. Students cowered away from him, much to his pleasure. His reputation preceded him. He was probably one of the toughest teachers on campus. It wasn't a semester if he wasn't collecting tear stained homework assignments. He walked through the halls, unashamedly eyeing young girls in their school uniforms. "Good morning Park Sensei," a student approaching him said. He made zero effort to acknowledge them and simply kept walking. Yes, it was indeed a shit morning for Sung-Kang, so it was going to be a shit day for his students.


Reina changed her shoes and hummed softly to herself. She had written a new song last night and was trying to get the chorus perfect, but she couldn't find the right words. But she loved the melody. She lived for melody. As she left the shoe lockers and entered the halls, she welcomed herself to her palace. She loved school. There's so many people, and they always gave her an extra long look, or at least she liked to think so. Her darker skin tone set her apart from the rest of the girls, and she loved it. She winked at a passing boy and he nearly dropped his books. "Morning Nishi-Kun!" she said casually as she passed him, grinning with self satisfaction. But as she approached her first class that smile began to fade. As the semester had droned on, her grades had slipped to nearly all new lows. School was getting harder, and she didn't appear to be getting any smarter, much to her dismay. She took a deep breath and attempted to psyche herself up in front of the door.

@Suzumaki Arakai

@anyone in school
"Beautiful arnt they" Kona said "and each of them come everyday i feel like the head of a harem" He said smiling "i know i know i jest anyway welcome to Kona's cakes and doughs how can i help you today Officer" He said smileing at him wondering why is he here "surly i hope your not going to arrest me the only crime im guilty of is selling addictive treats hahaha" he laughed lightly hopeing the officer got the joke.

Uchida Momoi

Right as Uchida finished up drinking his tea a customer had walked in; quickly, he sat down the mug and approached the man. "Welcome." a soft smile was spread across his face as he held out a hand. "I'm Uchida Momoi. Yoroshiku." He gave a bow and motions for the man to follow him; leading him to a comfy seat in front of a mirror.

"Take a seat, you don't have to pay until your hair is done."

The mans voice was gentle and soft when he spoke; the hair on his head reaching his shoulders was white and wavy. He almost looked like a woman at first glance.


Tatsuri Ogami

Ogami left the boys bathroom and began heading to his homeroom class; in which he was almost the only boy. Ogami likes the sight of a pretty woman but when it comes to talking to them...he's awful. Truly awful.

Once he arrived at his destination, he took a seat at the very back desk closest to the window and began to gaze outside. He had no care for whatever the homeroom teacher had to say, "What's the point in homeroom anyways?" he thought to himself with a sigh. The boy hadn't realized that he passed someone in the hallway who shares the same class as himself.


Tatsuri Anna

Anna stood up from her desk and stormed out of her office after a quick glance at the clock. The woman basically forced her boss to give her that office, although on the downside, she wasn't given her 'own' office.

She began heading towards a door that read "Interrogation"; which she wasn't supposed to enter at the time, and slammed it open with her foot. Crossing her arms; she looked over at one of her co-workers and approached him with a glare, lifting him up from his seat in which he was in the process of interrogating someone. "Where the hell's Wulf!? That bastard should be here by now!" The poor man looked terrified as he shook his hands, "I-I don't know Tatsuri-san." Sweat dripped down his face like a pig.

The girl let him go and watched with a furrowed brow as he dropped to the floor,
"It's Tatsuri-chan you asshole." She then turned around and left the room, slamming the door shut behind her.

Anna forces people to call her Tatsuri-
chan because it sounds more feminine...Even then she's nowhere near meeting the requirements of 'feminine', it's still nice to feel that way.

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Wulf turned to Kona and put his hands on the counter and leaned in, speaking in a loud whisper. "You're the luckiest man on Earth my friend! I should probably arrest you for mind control or something!" he joked. He looked around and noticed Daisuke, who was an absolutely gorgeous specimen of a man. He thought that he'd seen him somewhere before but he couldn't pinpoint it. He turned back to Kona. "Perhaps they come for the fine selection of men as well. Dessert after dessert, hmm?" he teased. He scoffed and stood up straight and gave a little bow. "I'm Officer Wulfgang Lichtenstein, I know that's quite the mouthful, so please, call me Wulf. I'll be here often."

@drummerboi @Zero Gravity


Though she looked hesitant to leave him, the girl had headed toward the school, after politely rejecting his proposition for ramen instead of attending first period. Vaughn shrugged it off, thinking that given the pretenses of their meeting and his bumbling words thereafter that she had taken the situation quite well. Maybe she didn't think he was a total weirdo who she'd find peeking into her window in the dark of the night. Regardless, the munchies were knocking hard at the door and Vaughn intended on answering them. He rushed back home to change out of his uniform and into a hoodie and a pair of black jeans and skate shoes. His dog Quincy was happy to see him, following him around as he dressed. He set his backpack on the table, grabbed his skateboard and much to Quincy's disapproval, left the house again. He tore down the sidewalk on the board, singing along terribly to the tunes on his iPod as he advanced toward the ramen shop. When he entered, he took a seat, thankful that his change of clothes had mostly helped to get rid of the marijuana aroma that constantly tailed him. He patiently waited for service, still high as hell and ready to get higher after ramen.

"hm i guess but thay don't know i place a chip on them so thay can only put my cream in there coffee" He said jokingly not knowing that it sounded dirty "Anyway greetings names Kona hanaz-...oh shit my cookies" he said realizign that his cookies have been i the oven a muinite longer then thay should he took them out "it's okay babies daddy has you now" he said putting them to the side. "i treat evry one of my pastry's and my cakes like my children oficer to me my pastry's are like you badge." he said smileing

Once Melody had gotten home she first took care of her kittens before changing into something else, some jeans and a nice shirt would do along with her leather jacket and dark brown boots. She wasn't one to wear formal stuff at a meeting and she wondered who the model is that she had to work with.
Anna walked up to the brown-haired boy. "Hi welcome to Rame Ramen Shop! How can I help you?" Anna said with her fake smile. She had her notebook and pencil ready to go. @SirBlazeALot

When she was appropriately hyped up to learn, she entered the class with a heart full of determination and resolve. "Homeroom. Easy. Just sit and listen. Listen and sit." Upon seeing rows upon rows of desks, her resolve quickly faded and insecurity began to rear its ugly head. Something about classrooms just freaked her out now, she felt small and unimportant in them. "Sit and listen, listen and sit." she tried to remind herself. But then, she got a better idea. She noticed a boy sitting in the back. "This class has a boy..." Reina had never noticed him, she usually sat in the front because she thought it would help her focus, and because that would mean everyone behind her would be forced to look at her. A twisted idea began to form in her head. A cute (though highly evil in nature) smile curled onto her lips. Time to turn on the charm. She sat next to Ogami and tilted her head slightly turning to face him. "Good morning!" she chirped.

@Suzumaki Arakai


In his own homeroom, students were filing in as Sung-Kang sat with his feet on the desk. He had obnoxiously written "Park Sensei" on the board as he does every morning. His students knew who he was he just did it to be an asshole. He stared at the clock and the second class started, he looked at the door. A handful of students coming in mere seconds after were treated to a loud "Late!" shout from their teacher. The students hurried, flustered to their seats. He stood up straight, bellowing like a Nazi, "Kiritsu!" The students rose in unison. "Rei!" and they all went for a bow. He liked to pause here and look at everyone bowing to him. When he was satisfied, curtly shouted "Chakuseki!"

@anyone who wants this douche for homeroom lol


"Uh...hi," he said, and started snickering at the word, because it sounded like "high." He cleared his throat and regained his composure. "I'm very hungry," he started with a goofy smile. "And also very indecisive. Could you perhaps tell me...about your specials?" He spoke slowly, deliberately, and clearly in his attempt to sound like normal human ordering food and not a stoned one, but the effect actually had quite the opposite.



"Pff," Wulf snickered at Kona's accidentally naughty remark. He watched the man caring for his cookies, pondering whether or not the way to a woman's heart was with home made baked goods. Perhaps Kona had found the answer. The ultimate truth. "Well whatever it is you do to your pastries, I'd be happy to get a few pointers. I bake a little bit myself, you know. What do you have that's good for breakfast, my friend?"


Daisuke Haruto

"Thanks," Daisuke nodded, flashing a wink of thanks at Kona before placing the yen on the counter. He then grabbed his coffee and bag of pastries. He wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. The officer and the cashier both were being really loud. The male winced, beginning to walk out of the door. He really didn't want to hear any talk about cute women, especially since he had no interest in women whatsoever. The red head shook his hair out once more, before heading out of the shop, the cute little bell dinging as he began to walk out.

@Aero @drummerboi

Fumiko Haruto

"An iced coffee? You really don't have to do this, y'know," Fumiko stated, red eyes wide as the girl began to buy him a coffee. Perhaps it's because he helped her get out of that situation with the old lady. 'Poor old lady,' he thought to himself, his lips turning downwards just a tiny bit before he pulled them right back up. He didn't like being unhappy, so he just tried to forget about it.

@Suzumaki Arakai
"one dose not give a few pointers you have the gift of baking or you have nothing" he said suddnly turning seriuse "anyway i have a lot to choose for breackest i have french toast with home made strawberry jam pancakes with seroup. and egg and garlic bread solders all the bread is home made by me of course" he said smileing at him as he displayed the dishes of course this was a display the real deal would smell a lot nicer" he said smieling " and you get to see me make it" he said smieling

Anna stared at him for a second and then continued. "Our specials for today is Tonkotsu-Shoyu Ramen, Shoyu Ramen with extra noodles, and Miso Ramen." She said. @SirBlazeALot
Tatsuri Ogami

The boy was dozed off as he stared out the window, taking in all of the scenery. His mind was revolving around the dojo that he'd be taking part in soon..."Kenichi Mitsurigi aye?" the name twirled around in his head. He remembered seeing that specific man practicing like an idiot down by the riverbank with his bamboo sword and took interest in the movements.

Just as his thoughts were about to put him to sleep, a voice perked up from beside him. With the turn of his head, Ogami found himself facing an attractive, darker skinned girl. He stared at her with a blank, nonchalant expression for a second...then suddenly he realized she was cute.

The boy shot up from his seat,"Gaah!" arms flying into the air as he took a couple steps back; slamming into the window behind him.


Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki stared wide eyed as the kid chose something to order, she then faced the man once again and spoke up; loudly. "Gimme an iced coffee will ya!?" Turning towards the boy once more, she held out her hand. "Name's Suzumaki Arakai. Nice to meetcha. And thanks for gettin' me outta that mess back there. The woman does that to me all~ the time and I never know how to get away. She always ends up taking me to the police station and they tell her over and over that I'm a young adult but she always forgets." Suzumaki slumps down, letting out a long sigh. "If only I was at least five foot." She then turned back towards the man behind the counter who was now presenting them with an iced coffee, a mocha smoothie, and four chai lattes. The small girl stood on her tip-toes and grabbed the drinks; leaving a swift 1000 yen.

@Zero Gravity

His smile faded as Kona suddenly became serious, almost grim, and then immediately reverted back to his normally cheerful demeanor. "U-uh okay, I'll keep that in mind." Wulf responded shakily. He cleared his throat and explained, "I'm actually on my way to work so something I can eat in my car would be nice. Is that egg and , um, garlic bread thingie portable?"



He seethed through his teeth lightly and started muttering, "Ehh, tonkatsu...but miso..ehhh..." this continued for quite a while as he debated with himself on what exactly he wanted. Then suddenly, he slammed his hands down on the table. "You know what! Gimme your favorite," he said while pointing at the waitress. He leaned back in his seat triumphantly. "I want your favorite," he repeated and added "and a pencil please."



"...Damn I'm good," she thought to herself, maintaining her charm mode on the outside, but fellating herself on the inside. She giggled softly and covered her mouth. "I didn't mean to scare you," she said while folding her legs into a position in which her skirt would reveal just a little more of her upper thigh. "I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Reina. And you are?" she batted her eyelashes coyly. Reina knew she'd targeted the right guy, she could have him wrapped around her finger in no time and if she played her cards right, he'd be doing all the heavy lifting when it comes to raising her grades. After all, quiet kids in the back of the class always did well in school, right?

@Suzumaki Arakai
"yes" he said smieling taking coked egg and warming the yoke insde and pouring it into a type off dip cup he then got a fresh peace of garlic bread and begun to cook it till it was crunchy. He then got a nice neat bag and begun to place it in and gave it to him "650 yen please" he said smieling at him as he handed the bag to him. He then contineud to smile lightly


"yes" he said smieling taking coked egg and warming the yoke insde and pouring it into a type off dip cup he then got a fresh peace of garlic bread and begun to cook it till it was crunchy. He then got a nice neat bag and begun to place it in and gave it to him "650 yen please" he said smieling at him as he handed the bag to him. He then contineud to smile lightly

Tatsuri Ogami

Ogami stared at the girl and looked at her legs as she shifted; gulping down a ball of air, he turned his head and put a hand on his heart.

"Dammit I hate girls." He wasn't blushing or anything, he was just...I guess you could say, scared in a way? Ever since his sister, Ogami has hated women but he still likes them...if that makes any sense.

Watching from afar is nice but once they invade his personal space; it's time to go. Ogami reached down and grabbed his bag, pulling it away from the girl. "W-w-what? W-why? I don't have to give you my name!" And here comes the unintentional, ass-hole part of him that appears when talking to a pretty girl.

Anna held back a sigh, and then jumped when the tan skin boy slammed his hands on the table and ordered her favorite and a pencil. "W-Would you like a drink as well sir? Since it's the morning we only have breakfast drinks like orange juice, coffee, tea, etc." Anna said looking at the boy curiously. 'He is so high.' She thought to herself. Anna could tell because April would act the same when high. @SirBlazeALot
Tyler walked outside of his apartment and yawned. "It is way to early." Keep in mind for him anything before noon is early. Tyler has a fight coming up in a month so he is doing 2 a days at the gym. He walked outside in a sleeveless hooded sweatshirt with a tank top underneath. Black Nike shorts with some green on the side, matching Nike socks and of course matching black Nike shoes with green laces. Always looking fresh he thought to himself as he started walking with his bag towards the gym which was 6 blocks away. He had on big aviator style sunglasses and Black beats headphones. Same song always playing for his walks to the gym. His pump up music you could say. He's been in Japan for 6 months so far and he loves it.

He stops by a local store to pick up some breakfast. As is his usual routine when walking to the gym. Some guys notice Tyler, so like always he signs some autographs and takes a couple selfies with fans. He waves goodbye and continues on his walk. "This is what I live for." He's singing as he walks. People stare, well because he is a 6 foot tall American man who can't sing to save his life. Yet that would never stop him. Tyler comes to the entrance of the gym and just stands outside for a minute and leans on the wall. Another routine thing he does before heading in.

Wulf watched the man work, and honestly, he had to admit to himself the man was nothing short of an artist. A real pro in the kitchen. No wonder so many women flocked here. This had to be it, this had to be the secret. Money and fancy cars be damned. Baking is where it's at. An idea crossed his mind. He took the garlic bread out of the bag and said, "Let me try this now though, you know, so I can let you know if I like it." He took his first bite and was overwhelmed with flavor. Savory garlic. Soft and warm bread that practically melted in the mouth. The light and dainty hint of egg bringing it all together, making his taste buds sing to the heavens. He savored the bite for a while, and then addressed Kona. "You my friend, are a genius." He swallowed his bite and returned his meal to his bag. "Look, I'm gonna level with you here. I'm not that great of a baker. I can make brownies and cupcakes, you know, the basics. But I notice you are understaffed..." he paused for a moment, and before Kona could respond he said, "I'll work for free but I have to make my own schedule. If only as a cashier, so you can focus on your, your, your, your god damn art, my friend!" He smiled and glanced over at the women. "And if any of these ladies try to steal your heart, I am an officer of the law, and fully capable of...lets say...detaining them for the night?" he cracked the dirty joke, thinking it was appropriate, unable to realize that the joke about cream Kona made earlier was unintentionally bawdy.



Vaughn rested his head in his hand. She was beginning to give him the "I know you're totally stoned" look. Luckily, he'd left his only remaining blunt at home, otherwise he'd leave before the food arrived. Getting caught with marijuana in Japan was nothing like getting caught with marijuana in the United States. But, since there was no proof, he could stay and indulge in ramen during first period. "I'll have a water, thank you."



Ogami's little spasm shocked Reina out of charm mode. "Yes you do, you punk, I asked for your name!" she growled in disgust. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Realizing her entire sweet-girl routine had been jeopardized, and that this boy may be her only hope for raising her grades, she tried to soften up. She adjusted herself and decided to go cold. "Fine. Don't tell me your name. I guess I'll just have to find out myself," she said playfully as the teacher strode in to take role. As names were being called out, she visibly watched Ogami, diabolically twirling a lock of her hair. "Agpoon-san?" the instructor called her name relatively early, as it was close to the beginning of the alphabet. "Hai," she replied keeping her eyes locked on Ogami.

@Suzumaki Arakai
"first off you need to be prepared for the lunch rush two thank you for the compliment and finally three no one steals my candy girls and also if you have any suspition im not gay if your suspecting something anyway welcome abored il be sure to see you here whenever just make sure it's before opening hours" He said giveing the girls a nickname "and also you wouldnt have no charge arrest them" He said being in his sweet nature he's unspeakably nieve especialy at his age


Daisuke Haruto

Daisuke then walked out of the shop, beginning his way to work. He took a sip of his coffee, humming in content at the small mixture between bitter and sweet. He waved at a couple of people who recognized him. He was fairly famous, since he was a model and all, as well as an actor some of the time. The red head checked his watch, squeaking a tiny bit as he realized that he needed to be at his office in ten minutes. He huffed, beginning to pick up his pace, walking slightly faster in rder to get there quicker.


Fumiko Haruto

"I'm Kumiko Haruto, thanks for buying me a coffee. Anyways, if that old lady gives you any more trouble, I run this route every day. So if I see she's got you, I'll 'accidentally' bump into her for ya," Kumiko stated, flashing her a grin with his unusually pointed teeth. He did her a favor, she did him one back, and he would do her another if she needed him to. "Well, I really do have to get to class. It was nice meeting you Suzumaki!" The red-headed boy stated, grabbing his iced coffee and repositioning his backpack.

@Suzumaki Arakai
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Hotaru Suzuki

The scribbling of a mechanical pencil couldn't be heard in the noisy classroom as the only studying student studied by the window. The white earbuds in her ears blasted the music which seemed to calm her nerves greatly as she quietly tended to her business. The ice cold aura she gave off was enough to create a visible clearing of empty desks around her. Many students and staff knew that this girl was high temperamental and didn't take kindly to anyone interrupting her schooling. Her plain short brown hair and serious brown eyes were enough to turn off even the most sexually active boy around. Suzuki Hotaru, the ice cold student that was the best at almost everything. She allowed her bangs to fall across her eyes as she turned to open up another book, working on the homework that was assigned to her ahead of time. The empty bread bags that littered her desk showed that she was here as early as could be, in order to get further ahead in school. The dang overachiever really was something else.
Anna set her pencil down next to him. "Surprised you didn't say coffee." She mumbled. "Your order will be right out!" She said curtsying before walking away. "I need an order of Miso Ramen please!" She shouted. As the chief made the ramen Anna walked over to the foutain machine and got some water with ice. She walked back over with the water. "Here's your water." She said with her fake smile and set it on the table. @SirBlazeALot

Aoi Hōjime

Aoi rushes down the street, trying to make her way through the crowds of people rolling by. She was just managing to get by, thankful that she had the coffee house before she had to go to school. The girl's slick, dark brown hair was in two pony tails that were resting on her delicate shoulders. Her pale skin was flustered from the running that she did and the warm air. When she entered the cafe, the air conditioning hit her like the wave of exauhstion did. She panted, but felt appreciation towards the working AC. The girl straightened up and fixed her uniform, pulling down her skirt to make sure it didn't get messed up while she was in the crowds. Aoi started to walk towards the counter, but being her clumsy self, trips over her own two feet and quickly flails her arms to grab onto something. Her eyes squinted together, preparing for impact. When she didn't feel stinging on anything but her knees, she opened her eyes slowly and looks up, noticing that she grabbed onto the arm of an officer. Her eyes widened and she quickly got up, face reddening by the second. She let go and began bowing furiously.
"I-I-I'm s-s-so sorry, s-sir!" She stuttered out. By the time she was trying to calm herself, her face could easily been mistaken for a tomato. The poor girl's arms were shaking from the embaressment and fright as she refused to look from anywhere but her hands that were clutched around the strap of the school bag. She was worried that everyone was staring at her, so she didn't bother to look up and prove her thought right.


Tyler opened the door to the gym and not even 5 seconds later his coach started yelling at him. "Yeah yeah yeah, It's morning. I'm here it's fine." he said rolling his eyes. He walked over to his coach and dropped his stuff. Tyler then took off his hoodie, and began to stretch. "Let me finish this song and we can get to work." he said. His tone changing. Once he was done stretching, he threw his phone to the gym manager. "Yo, hook this up so it can play over the loud speakers." Once plugged in, The Acacia Strain began to play throughout the gym. "Yeahhh baby, let's do this." Tyler started off with a 5 minute speed rope, finishing that he then did some light bench press. 225lbs for 25. 30 minutes into his day he was already sweating a lot. He took off his tank top and admired himself in the mirror. His 8 pack glistening in the light. "Let's fucking go." he yelled as they entered the cage. Tyler put on his gloves and began to warm up.

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