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Realistic or Modern Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)

The periwinkle haired girl was already face palming profoundly because of the wrong message she gave Fumiko. She was actually just saying sorry, that's all. She would have to apologize somehow, someway. She heard this teacher was a hard on first years, so she tried to get on his good size, since she was a 2nd year in actuality. She stopped hitting him with paper air planes and instead will talk to him after class. She held contact with the teacher, like if she was going to win or something.

Akako then took out a pen as he directed and wrote down Atoms in a neat cursive. Park-Sensei didn't stand against her. "I probably know more than you, son." She arrogantly thought.

@Zero Gravity @SirBlazeALot
Tyler saw her walk away once she rang it all up. "Um, do I just leave the money here?" he yelled out. He took the bags off the counter. "Okay I guess a pit stop at my place then the gym." he laughed until he saw his phone. 20 miss phone calls, from his manager and gym trainer. "Oh shit." he said to himself. He looked at the kid, who approached him. He signed an autograph. "Here." he handed it to the kid. Tyler noticed this store gets quite busy as he saw a girl approaching the store as well. He was set for awhile at least, so he wouldn't really need to come back, but maybe he would. It had a nice feel to it. @Suzumaki Arakai @Zero Gravity @SirBlazeALot @Aero
Tatsuri Ogami

Ogami continued with his smile on the ground when suddenly she spoke up in a rude way, her words, once again, echoed through his ears as he then slammed his head down on the table with a broken pride.

"She got me right where it hurts."

The boy then decided that he'd brush off everything this girl had to say until the end of time. Balling up his fists; he glared down at the desk in which he was basically, almost kissing and waited for the teacher.

Once the teacher arrived, she moved over to her desk and sorted out a few things; that was when the next bell rang and she began teaching. Ogami lifted his head and made due with his best efforts to pay attention.

@Second Years @SirBlazeALot

He took his hands off Tyler immediately and backed a way a little bit at Tyler's refusal. "Hey yo, cool man, I don't wanna fuck up your mojo," he said with a loud laugh. At the mention of a picture he whipped his phone out and leaned into Tyler, pressing his face his and making a dumb expression as he snapped a quick selfie of them. When Tyler handed him an autograph he said, "Thanks bro. Good luck man!" as he got back on his board and tore down the sidewalk

@Kawaii @MonoToc @Zero Gravity @Suzumaki Arakai @Corgi

@first years


She chuckled smugly and stuck her tongue out and lowered an eyelid with her finger at him before turning around to focus on the new teacher. Her concentration broke swiftly, and she was back to contemplating her endeavors in music.

@Suzumaki Arakai

@2nd years
"oh wulf how are you i just told the headmaster that im going to run a cooking club every Friday and Monday and being Monday im starting today" he said smiling as he then begun to look at would smiling weakly. After that he continued to look at him "Anyway what are you doing here?" he said as he then begun to wonder what he's doing here?

Tatsuri Anna

Anna hung up as soon as she heard Wulf begin to make a joke. She then made her way to the dojo which seemed to be a little ways down the road; looking around she noticed more trees than normal, "Wow...it's a little ways down isn't it? I guess it's for the peace or some shit like that..?" She continued to drive, hoping that it wasn't much further away.

@Kawaii @MonoToc @Zero Gravity @Suzumaki Arakai @Corgi

Tatsuri Ogami

Ogami began jotting down things as fast as he could; it looked like shit though. After a bit he began to feel confident; that confidence would soon break though once he realizing that he's asleep.

@Second Years @SirBlazeALot
Once the kid left Tyler couldn't wait anymore and left more than enough money on the counter. He wrote down for her to keep the rest as a tip for being so helpful and he'd be back. It was an extra 100. He then left the store, but waited for the girl to walk in, as he was trying to be a gentleman. "okay now I must hurry drop this off then to the gym. My pre-workout has warn off, better take more." He said to himself. Tyler started walking briskly down the street and back towards his place. @Suzumaki Arakai @Aero
Akako already knew about Atoms; she already learned it in 6th grade. She also knew what Atoms where made out of. She heard the teacher babble on about atoms as she jotted all neatly in her journal. She also wrote this note taped in journal, a long proton paragraph. She was just trying to show the teachers that she could be a 2nd year student. She was already jotting everything else he said. In about 2 weeks she would get out of the first year classroom in two weeks. She jotted everything neatly and fixed all mistakes as quickly as she could.


Toma Hiro

Hiro watched the commotion as she approached the store. She walked past the tan skinned boy and through the open door that the nice tall hot dude kept open for her. "Thanks." She said before he left as she walked in. Hiro looked around the store she was all too familiar with. Hiro already knew where the Hentai section was and headed toward it. She looked at the clock. "I have time." She mumbled to herself. @Suzumaki Arakai @NickOnTheReg @SirBlazeALot

Mitsurgi Kenichi

Mitsurgi was teaching his ages 10-15 class at the time. "Alright soilders! We have a new student here today." He said in his usual loud voice. A little ten year old girl walked up next to Mitsurgi and bowed. "My name is Ponyo and I'm ready to take anyone on!" She said proudly. "I like your spunk Pistol! But make sure you keep that spunk of yours in checked! If not, you may get killed in battle." He said and with his bamboo sword pushed the confused girl back towards the other kids.
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Vaughn rocketed home, getting there in about ten minutes. Panting frantically as he entered the house, he began to search for his wallet. Quincy jumped on him and attempted to stand on his hind legs, but Vaughn brushed him off. He found the damn thing in his backpack, along with that second blunt. "I mean like. I could..." he began to convince himself and then shook his head. "Nah, I'll never make it back in time if I smoke." He jogged out of the house shouting at his dog, "Quincy protect that blunt with your life, man!" He cruised back to ramen shop. Upon arrival, he returned to his table and grabbed his napkin drawing, setting down his tab and a reasonable tip.

@Kawaii @Zero Gravity @Corgi @MonoToc

@Anyone in school


As the bell rang, Reina snapped back into reality and leaned back in her chair and stared at the ceiling. "Kill me now. Kill me now. Please, kill me now." Another good four hours of this and band club after school. Just great. She stood up and did a light stretch.

@Suzumaki Arakai

@2nd Years

@Band Club where u at?
Togu Anna

Anna was setting down an order of ramen to one table when she heard the door open and watched as the same high dude came in sat at his table. She blinked surprised and almost dropped the ramen until she focused back on what she was doing and set the ramen gently down on the table. "I apologize!" She said with a bow and walked over to the tan skinned boy. "You actually came back?" She said trying not to show how surprised she was. @SirBlazeALot
Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki looked over and watched as someone entered the store, making their way towards what was known as the hentai section. She tilted her head a little and wondered what a girl would be doing over there but brushed it off because she felt like she'd seen the person a couple time. Turning her attention back towards the model material man with a smile; she waited for a reply.


Guriyama & Toyoi

The two girls sat in the same class room; they mainly stuck to themselves and their group. Guriyama looked over at Tanaka Ryuzaki who was sitting one seat in front of her. Turning towards her friend, Toyoi who was beside her; she gave a soft giggle. "Oh my gosh he's so cute..." the girl blushed to herself at the thought of talking to him...but he was always following that annoying Narusaki girl around.

Toyoi began to giggle as well but then switched to a serious face, "You know he likes Yumi right?" Toyoi spoke quietly. She watched as her friend gave an irritated sigh and leaned closer, "We don't know that!" she made an attempt to relieve herself from unwanted thoughts but Toyoi just laughed at her.

Furrowing her brow; Guriyama crossed her arms and sat back in her seat, continuing to listen to the teachers lesson.

@Third Years
@Leaf Fi @SirBlazeALot

Kagami Taiga

Kagami's head dropped when the teacher spoke of what they had for homework. He balled up his fist and gently hit the table, "Dammit." thoughts accidentally made their way up, escaping his mouth. He then scribbled down on a piece of paper what he had to do then placed it in his pocket.

"This needs to hurry! We're moving on to the third class! One more after this." The boy straightened up in his seat and crossed his arms before dozing off on the ceiling. Kagami was a brute looking kid...in a way. His eyebrows made him look more so that way than his height and muscle; looking closely you could see that his eyebrows were...split in half almost? Huh...whatever works. Not that he can help it though, he was born with eyebrows of strange feature; if you've ever met his brother you'd notice they look almost identical.

@First Years

Tatsuri Ogami

Ogami jotted down as many notes onto the paper as he could before watching the teacher leave. He slumped down in his chair, letting out a long-drawn sigh as he then stared up at the ceiling; as well as some other students. All that the boy could think of was going to that dojo, The Dojo of Strength, a nice name. "It gives off a cool feel." he thought as the pen in his hand was once again being clicked repetitively.

"She better get that form." Without thinking, he spoke his mind aloud; not really caring if anyone looked over. Especially that Reina girl; the thought of her made his spine tingle and face jumble.

@Second Years @SirBlazeALot
Makoto tried to give a good impression to the teacher and make up for the bad one from earlier, so Makoto didn't say a word during the class, and payed attention to him, even if his style was a bit weird. Well, at least he explained about the atoms pretty well.

Now that the class was over and the teacher left, Makoto took out a really welll made sandwich out of the bag, and started eating. The sandwich was made by Makoto, who loved food.

"Should I go and talk to someone, or should I wait for them to approach me?" Makoto thought while munching.


@Suzumaki Arakai

@1st Years
Tyler walked out of his apartment and started running towards the gym. "They are gonna kill me." He said. Once he got to the gym he heard the third degree. They told him 10 minutes of speed rope, and go on the treadmill. "you're gonna run today boy." His trainer told him. Tyler didn't care. He had a good day so far.

30 minutes into the treadmill Tyler was dripping with sweat. He was made to run at full speed on incline. "Okay take a break, we got sparring to do." Tyler crawled outside and laid down on the ground, gasping for air. On lookers are just staring.
Aoi listened to the teacher, quite interested in the subject and the man himself. 'Unlike any other teacher.' She thought to herself, grabbing a piece of paper and writing 'Atoms' at the top. She wasn't worried about failing, other than her job, all she ever does is study, for the most part. She does have to take showers and eat, but studying is one of her top priorities. When he started talking about how Legos are basically atoms, she didn't question it and wrote down everything he said with surprising speed, doing to diagrams and drawings. The girl was never good at drawing, but for some reason, the drawings didn't look... terrible. They were actually pretty good. When the teacher started to talk about homework, she grabbed another piece of paper and wrote it down as well, making sure to include the questions she had to write on her notes and vocabulary in her own words.

When the bell rang, she jumped slightly, unaware that it was the end of class so soon. The brown haired girl let out a sigh and tucked a lock of stray hair behind her ear before putting everything away with cramped hands. When she finished, she sat there, looking around and spotting the rather tall male sitting a few seats away. She got up and walked over to him, politely tapping on the boy's shoulder.
"H-hi!" She said, trying her best to be friendly, she even added a small smile and a wave, "I-I'm A-aoi." She saud simply, waiting for a response.

@Suzumaki Arakai

@First Years

A little boy, looking no more than possibly six, skipped into the Third Year's class. His honey blonde hair and large brown eyes looking at everyone with excitement. He looked very excited and wore the uniform her was suppose to for the school. Without a word, her sat down on the chair of his desk and started humming, swinging his legs back and forth, and swaying from side to side. He looked around, observing everyone with more than a bit of interest. When the boy opened his book bag, a pink bunny popped his head out. "Sai-chan!" He said, smiling a wide, toothy grin and taking the bunny out of the bag and started hugging it.

@Third Years

Ione Aelia

Ione trudged down the side walk, her strawberry blonde hair put back in a high ponytail as her bangs continued to lay over her eyes like a drape. She was getting stares from most of the passerbyers, though the violet eyed girl ceased to recognize why. All she was doing was heading to the gym, though the stares didn't make her uncomfortable, she got them often. Whether is was because of her strange eye color, or the length of her hair, or maybe because someone with Greek origins don't normally live in japan, she seemed to get them wherever she went. All she did was continue on with her business until she came across a man laying on the ground, panting. A look of worry spread across her face as she kneeled down, placing a hand on his arm, "Are you alright?" She asked, waiting to see if she got a response before she called anyone.


Fumiko Haruto

Fumiko carefully wrote down the notes, and then afterwards, the homework. He was a rather fast-speaking teacher, but everything he said made pretty good sense. To give himself a little break, he put his head down on his desk, banging it on the desk a couple of times. He hated school, but he got to hang out with Aoi and his other friends, so it was okay most of the time. He yawned, lifting his head right back up. He turned around and looked to Akako, who had previously been hitting him with paper airplanes. "What do you need?" He asked her, trying not to seem rude in any way.



@Suzumaki Arakai


@1st years

Daisuke Haruto

Daisuke hummed for a bit, pondering what he should get Fumiko. "Um, can you show me where the No.6 novels are?" The red head asked, then nodding to himself. Yeah, that would work. Fumiko would definitely like those. He looked around at all the different manga, a bit in silent awe. To think that there were so many different versions of manga and such kind of blew his mind.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Tyler opened his eyes and saw a girl looking at him. "Hmm? I'm..... Okay." He responded. Still out of breath. He stood up and noticed she was in gym clothes. Once he caught his breath he looked at her. "coming in?" He asked as motioned to the gym. His trainer yelled at him. "Tyler get your ass in here." He smiled at the girl and put his hand behind his head. @Vixifeir

(( sorry about the late response I'm at work and had a 911))
BobbyW said:
Detective Mamoru Minori Mamoru inhaled another load of his Cigarette, and then quickly crushed it into the Ashtray, he bought for both of them not too Long ago. Since both Mamoru and Nishida were smokers, it just seemed to make sense, to get one. The man stood up from his Office Chair, and turned his head towards the Examination Room. "Honestly, i doubt it. that Body was down that lake for i don't know how many years, chances are, we'll be having a hard time." He stretched, and now re-positioned himself next to Nishida, his eyes still locked on the window leading to the Examination Room. " True.. and honestly, i don't trust that new guy they've employed at Forensics, what was his Name, Kou? anyway, we should take a look ourselves."
Nishida shifted his grey eyes towards Mamoru and nodded. "That bodies has been down there for eighteen years, but yoy know those guys are like wizards." It sounded funny but the male showed nothing of a smile or little chuckle. He just kept walking straight towards the forensic room. "Did you speak to him yet?" His eyes were pointed at the male again while he kept walking till the two finally reached the forensic room. They still had to go to two doors before actually facing the body. "You ready?"

Ione Aelia

Ione let out a sigh of relief when his eyes snapped open and he said he was fine. She stood up slowly, helping him up as he got up as well, attempting to make sure he didn't fall down. She tucked a piece of stray hair behind her ear as she looked around. Even more people were staring now. She just smiled and turned back to face him, just catching his question. "Oh, yes." She said, nodding, starting towards the door. When a man, who Ione presumed to be Tyler's trained, yelled at him to get back in there, she giggled slightly. "Just think, the sooner you do it, the sooner it'll be over!" She said to the exhausted man, a jubilant tone in her voice. She held open the door for Tyler, letting him save the little energy he still had.

Tomio Takahashi

With a whistle as he strolled, hands in pockets, Tomio probably looked as casual and laid back as ever. To be fair though, he was in good spirits; recently there was new employees for his café, and with these new additions, things really hit off. Of course; the business was successful enough with him alone- Tomio could make anyone swoon with a simple wink or bow of the head- but things were... Strained, I suppose. Mornings were rather quiet, but boy the evenings were hard... It seemed students and busy work men loved these types of places. For a while, Tomio had considered closing shop things were getting that bad. But thankfully for the man, his prayers were answered, and he has returned to his happy go lucky self.

The route to the café was practically ingrained in his brain now, so the trip didn't take long. The man swiftly found himself standing in front of his pride and joy, grinning from ear to ear. "Mornin', my dear lady," he murmured softly, leaning down to grab the bottom of the shutters. And yes, the café is a girl, please don't question it. Anyways, back to Tomio! Elegantly- and in a single, clean swoop- the blonde pulled the horrid, bleach white shutters upwards, revealing the door behind them as they disappeared. Fishing in his pocket for a second, Tomio produced a ring full of various keys before unlocking the door. It opened smoothly and quietly, revealing the inside of the café, tables highlighted from the gentle rays coming from the sun, almost welcoming the owner as he entered the room. Tomio closed the door behind him, turning to the small blackboard to his side and crouched down. He grabbed a piece of chalk from the bottom, and began to write; 'Welcome! We are getting ready at the moment, but feel free to take a seat! We will be with you shortly!~' And with that, the blonde fellow began to get ready for the new day.

Yumi Narusaki

"Eeeh? Oh, it was no problem! I was happy to help!" The brunette beamed to a young first year student. "If you need some help around again, just look for me." Yumi told the young boy, ruffling his hair affectionately before heading off to her own class. She was probably a little bit late, but the teacher would most likely understand the reason. Well, that, and the teen had a pretty good relationship with the majority of the teachers here in the school, so she normally went without punishment. After navigating her way through the building, the green eyed girl silently slipped into the classroom unnoticed and took her seat. It seemed she wasn't the only one; a small boy had just sat down before her and was now cuddling a pink plush of a rabbit. One of her eyebrows rose, but she didn't question it too much, instead choosing to smile the confusion away before taking out her things.


@Suzumaki Arakai

@Third years
Melody sighs and she looks around, wondering why the people with the camera are following her trying to be sneaky. She decides to head back taking a different route.
Tyler laughed. "Yeah almost over. Then back again tomorrow morning." He sighed and let her walk in before him. "I'm Tyler by the way." He said with a smile as they walked in. "Feel free to ask for any help." He added as he walked towards his trainer. She was a cute one he thought as he put his gloves on. "Let's do this!" He shouted as he kicked the punching bag. His trainer instructed him to give 20 minutes on the bag. All combos. He looked over to where the girl was every now and then. @Vixifeir
Kagami Taiga

Kagami was emitting a strange, concentrated aura as he focused as hard as possible in an attempt to keep his thoughts in check. Every now and then he'd look over at the kid who was eating a sandwich; using his peripheral of course. The boy was large so of course he ate a lot, and waiting a whole another 50 minutes just couldn't happen. He was about to get up and approach the boy when suddenly a girl tapped on his shoulder; startling him with a hello.

Kagami jumped a little and looked at her, he looked almost pissed as he then raised a brow, "Yeah? Hi..." In all reality he was just making an attempt to be generous but...due to his ferocious eyebrows, doing so makes it difficult. He somehow always attracts the attention of delinquents and starts up unintentional fights. Baring these difficulties is simple for the tall red head though, so he doesn't let it get to him. Soon before Kagami could really say anything else to the girl; another boy spoke up in question towards her, causing him to turn his head and stare at him with a threatening expression...unintentionally though.

@Kawaii @Sphear @Corgi

Suzumaki Arakai

Suzumaki perked up once the man made a request, she turned on her heel and began walking; chewing her thumb nail in the process. "Hmm...No.6 novels." She then stopped, turned as though she were in the military, then marched down the aisle as her arms swung in sync with her legs.

"Down here, sir!" The small girl was holding her arms out, presenting the small variety of novels; she gave a slight laugh and rubbed the back of her head, "W-we're mainly a manga shop so we don't have many...book books, but! We will. I'll have Popo order some in!" Popo being her boss; although, of course, his name isn't really Popo. Nashikipo Apo, is his name. After that, Suzumaki gave the man a friendly smile and made her way out of the aisle and towards the girl who had entered; seeming to take an interest in hentai.

Tapping the girl on the shoulder, Suzumaki looks up and grins wide; her hands resting behind her back as she gives another twirl on the heel. "Can I help ya any?" Her face showed question.

@Aero @Zero Gravity @AnyoneElseInMangaRange

Tatsuri Anna

Anna seemed to have finally arrived at her destination; according to the GPS anyways. Once she parked in the somewhat secluded area, she exited the vehicle and made her way towards the dojo. Her eyes were flickering around at all the scenery but she was so much taking it in as, pretty, but more so, suspicious...I guess that's just her type.

Reaching the door, Anna removed her cigarettes and lifted the pack to her mouth with a shake, causing one of the small filters to pops out; she took it with her mouth and lit it with the small flick of a lighter before giving a thorough knock on the sliding door to the dojo.

The girl was puffing on her cigarette when suddenly she took notice of the areas feeling...she looked down at the burning tobacco and sighed, "I should probably put this away..." she then let it drop to the ground and stomped it out before picking it back up and placing it in her pocket.

@Aero @DojoOfStrength

Tanaka Ryuzaki

Ryuzaki didn't really take notice of the bunny-love-struck student who looked to be a twelve year old kid, "Kinda like that woman at the manga store...except this one's taller...barely." Well, yes, he noticed him but that kid always loves on the rabbit in the middle of class so he had gotten used to it. He was about to turn back around and face the window when suddenly he noticed Yumi entering the room; she was looking as prepared for school as ever...

Ryuzaki leaned onto his desk; his cheek supported firmly by his fist as he then looked over a Yumi who sat beside him. The boy stared her down with a blank expression for a second........before raising a hand to give the lousiest wave ever. "Ossu." The greeting was one that would be shared between two men. "You're late." Saying this; the boy was sure it'd strike her where it hurts. Yumi was good with the teachers but it's unlikely she'd use that as an excuse to willing skip class...call it her pride? Yes, the girl prides her attendance and good grades, although Ryuzaki likes to ruin her reign by pointing out things wrong with her work.

@Leaf Fi @Corgi @ThirdYears

Uchida Momoi

Uchida had finished up his last scheduled patient for the day and made his way out of the Tousen Salon with a sigh, "I should've fit more people in." Forgetting to take off his apron; the gorgeous man made his way towards what seemed to be a maid and butler café. He had always seen the café and always grew an urge to enter but the time never seemed right; working on people's hair is all her did and all he ever really wanted to do. Everyday after work, Uchida will go out and look for someone with amazing hair, it had to be just right...but he could never find anyone.

The gentle man made his way into the cafe. He could only hope they wouldn't mistake him for a woman due to having awesome hair; being a hair stylist helps him to take good care of it.

@Leaf Fi @mikko @Corgi
Once inside the building Melody heads towards the lift and she sighs, she hoped her walk hadn't been long enough to have her manager take a peek at the new book she's writing.

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