• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Young, Wild, & Free


Meta-Magic Eight Ball
This will be updated whenever crushes change.

Character Crush Sheet:

::☼:: GIRLS ::☼::

Kiri: Robert and Justin

◦Chevelle: Possibly Donovan or Max

◦Kim: N/A

◦Aurora: Chevelle and Donovan

◦Katarina: Donovan, Chevelle, and Justin

◦Spencer: Max and possibly Robert

::☼:: BOYS ::☼::

◦Kenta: Kiri, Blake, and Max

◦Max: Katarina

◦Donovan: Chevelle, Aurora, and Katarina

◦Alexander/Justin: Nobody

◦Robert/Bobby: Nobody

◦Blake: Kenta

◦Curtis/Kalel: Chevelle, Max, and Kenta


Okay! So I'm not sure if there have been RPs like this around on this site, but the two that I had partaken in on another site had unfortunately not lasted very long, so I decided to try it out on here!

Basically what this roleplay will entail (or at least hopefully) is a group of young adults that have grown up together and are finding their place in the big ol' world. It's a slice-of-life roleplay, modern setting, with romance and drama and fun galore. They are all friends, unless a couple people decide to have their characters already have a thing, but it shouldn't be exactly serious yet.

This is currently what I have, but if you want to suggest anything, let me know! I'm also interested in another Mod for this RP, so if anybody would like to message me about that... :3 Basically you'd just be helping me keep the RP in check if I'm unavailable or something.

The maximum number of characters is 9. You can reserve your spot, but please make your character within two days of reserving. If not many people are interested, we can discuss if we'd like to keep it at the number of charries or if anybody would be interested in playing two characters.


::☼:: Typical rules apply. There isn't necessarily a plot here, but don't make random drama that makes no sense and leaves everybody like "wut." Also, I think replying twice is a good maximum before having to wait for other people to reply, unless characters are away from others and are directly speaking to each other.

::☼:: Be open minded - any pairings are allowed! Which goes for gender. Want a trans as your charrie? Shoot for it! This is slice-of-life, so have fun!

::☼:: As this is in the mature section, sex is allowed along with kinks but I think you should take it to PMs or another thread if it gets too crazy and crowded. Otherwise it just becomes messy.

::☼:: Ages are young adult. I would say 19 being the youngest, 24 being the oldest.

::☼:: If your character dies, you can make a new one if you'd like. [:

PLEASE DO NOT APPLY IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO POST. It's not fun if your character becomes a huge part of the roleplay and then you just suddenly disappear. If something suddenly comes up, that's completely understandable, but at least try to give me or anybody else a heads up before you go.
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Chevelle strummed at her worn out six-string as she tried to piece together a few notes. There was a song she had been working on for the last couple of days and thankfully she had gotten most of it down, but there was still work to be done. Quickly, she looked over to the clock hanging above her bedroom door and sighed as she realized what time it was.

Propping her guitar on the side of the bed, she got up and retrieved her phone that was charging on her dresser. Her apartment was a bit on the small side, but she didn't really need anything bigger. And it was spacious enough to fit all 12 of her friends, though it was inevitable that it got a little crowded sometimes.

It was late into the morning and about everybody should be up by now. Chevelle was usually just about getting up, but the day's plans had called for an early awakening and so here she was. She texted her group of friends and told them to meet up at their usual place, the beach house that Chevelle's father had so kindly given to her. It was secluded in trees and large bushes with a grassy lawn surrounding it, and it was just a small walk away from the actual sands of the beach. That's the way they liked it though - it was secluded just enough that there was hardly any people around, therefore they were free to do anything. Plus, everybody lived in a fairly close radius to the beach house, so it was easy to meet up there.

Most people who would see their large group of friends hanging around each other would think they were some kinda crazy cult centered around fun and vodka, but they were so much more then that. Each and everyone one of them was a stress relief; they all relaxed each other and allowed them to truly be themselves. People who do that are so much more then a bunch of drunks.

After texting everybody to remind them, Chevelle put her guitar in its case and lugged it outside to her car. Then she changed into a black crop top with spaghetti straps and kept her black sweats on. She popped on some black gladiator sandals, dabbed a little makeup on, and then grabbed her sunglasses and bag before heading out of her apartment. The beach house was about ten minutes away from her apartment if she drove.

She was first to arrive - as she suspected. After parking in the gravel besides the large bushes, she grabbed her guitar and followed the small stone path to the door. Inside, since there was enough space to include something from everybody, all had personalized it with their different tastes. There was one bathroom, and the living room and kitchen merged together with the counter top for the kitchen acting as the place to eat. There was also a minibar, and there was a patio where they could relax and eat as well. Upstairs was another hang out area if downstairs got too hectic, and it also led to the bedroom.

Taking the marinated meat out of the fridge, Chevelle began to prepare the barbecue. She knew one of the guys was bringing the beer, so she wasn't worried about that considering they had a nice stash of liquor hiding out in the mini bar.

(( Chevelle's outfit 'cause I'm a nerd: http://data1.whicdn.com/images/115690666/large.jpg

And the beach house! Just imagine it a little bit bigger though, both downstairs and upstairs.

Justin was still sleeping peacefully when the absolutely beautiful ringer for his phone went off, it went something like this. "Hey, Justin wake the f*** up someone texted you. Justin just laughed "Ugh, i don't want to get up!" Then he remembered the plans he had made with all his buddys and smiled "Never mind!" he got up, and walked over to his door, as he was walking out his bedroom door he grabbed a shirt his beanie and walked. He looked around at his pets, "Well guess where were all going? To the beach house well i am not all of you!" He smiled and then fed all of his animals and texted Chevelle "Sorry i was still sleeping!" He went to the walk out the door and then looked down "Pants i need pants!" He walked back to his room and found a pair of jeans. He walked out to his car, it was a nice older van, he could afford better. He liked the van though.

He opened his door and called out his dog "Lets go, your not staying here!" He smiled and then went back inside and grabbed two or three grocery bags full of clothes some vodka and other alcohol, the dog food and then got in the car. "Guess what, Justice were going to see Chevelle!" He smiled and pulled out of his drive way. It only took him 10 minutes to get there, thats why he left most of his pets there, every three days or so he went to feed them so it was not so bad. He pulled in to her drive way and let the dog out "HONEY! IM HOME!" He then smiled and walked up the drive way to the house.
Bobby was always prone to show up early to their meetings, mainly because he wasn't doing anything with his life anyways and was always free. He had two coolers in his car and he brought both out. They were both filled with ice and beer. Noticing Chevelle's car, Bobby walked in without knocking, pulling the two coolers with him. He pulled them into the kitchen.

Bobby noticed Chevelle starting the BBQ with Justin and walked out. He had on a dark blue t-shirt with jeans and a converse, and he was sporting fresh black eye
Kenta just woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. He looked at his phone and saw he had 3 missed calls and 2 texts. He went to see who the calls were from... He saw that they from the hospital that his sister is in. He can call them back later. Then he saw a reminder text from himself about the beach house and a text from Chevelle saying to meet up at the beach house. Kenta looked at the time, "Fuck I'm going to be late." Kenta hurried up and got dressed, while he was doing this he wondered if Blake would be there. He decided only to being his violin because he has to practice today. When he got to the car he tried to turn on the car and realized he forgot the keys... "Damn it. Got to go back." He ran back and got his keys and then got in his car and started to drive towards the beach house.

When Kenta got there he saw Chevelle and remembered that we were supposed to bring beer... Good thing he has a case of it in the back. He goes to the back of the car and grabs the beer. Kenta walks in and says, "I got the beer, Im going to leave it on the counter. I will be practicing if you need me."
Max was awake not sleeping since the night before since he was doing a twenty-four hour stream on twich.tv even though he has been going for twenty-six already. He noticed his phone had a message and took a look at it noticing he forgot about the BBQ that was planned. So he quickly ended his stream walked up to his door which lead to his garage from the kitchen and opened it walking into his garage and seeing his only car a old 1967 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 and entering it starting the engine and remotely opening his garage setting off to the beach house.

((The car looks like this http://static.cargurus.com/images/site/2009/04/27/16/35/1967-ford-mustang-fastback-pic-50625.jpeg))

When he arrived he parked up his car, got out and looked in his car boot finding some beer that was left there from a few nights ago it may have been oldish but its better than nothing so he picked up the eight pack and headed towards Chevelle beach houses entrance and walking inside. "Hello everyone." Max spoke before heading towards the counter where they was already some beer there placing his beer down and walking back to where the rest were.
Hearing another car pull into the gravel, Chevelle looked over to see Justin's trademark van pull up. She smiled a bit, glad not to be alone anymore though she was surprised Justin had gotten there before anybody else. Usually Bobby was the first one to show up, but it seemed it wasn't that way today.

Once Justin came inside along with his dog, the curly-haired woman greeted them both cheerfully before starting to work on the barbecue with Justin. Not too long after, Bobby was walking out and Chevelle turned to look at him, greeting him with a small "hey". She really did want a beer, though, and so she left the responsibility of cooking up the meat to Justin and/or Bobby before heading inside. She found Kenta and hearing that he also bought beer made her smile warmly.

"Ahh, thanks, Kenta. You're a pal," she said as if getting beer was the hardest thing on the planet. Since Kenta went to go practice his violin, the female lugged the two ice chests outside in the shade before going back inside to fetch Kenta's. There, she saw that Max arrived. "Hey Max. I'm putting the beer outside in the coolers," she informed as she grabbed the ones Kenta had brought. Then she went back outside and popped them in the ice chests, wanting them to stay cool.

She looked around. Most of the guys were here, but none of the other girls. Mumbling something to herself, she bent down to grab the coolest beer she could find before looking over to Justin and Bobby. "You guys want one? There's plenty to go around~" she chimed, a subtle mischievous grin on her face.
As the sun light gleamed into the room from the open window, Blake shifted in his bed, groaning as the bright light woke him. With a huff he sat up, arching his back he stretched as his squinting eyes gazed at his clock. It wasnt that early or late. Shifting his gaze to his bedside table, he noticed his phone notification light blinking, reaching over he opened up the text from Chevelle. "Oh that's right we have that thing planned today." He said to himself with a yawn. Texting her back saying that he'd be there soon, Blake finally got out of bed.

Taking a quick shower to fully wake himself up, Blake got dressed in a black shirt and jeans as he went back to his bathroom to fix his hair and brush his teeth. With that being done Blake grabbed his keys and headed out the door. Getting into his jeep, he checked his phone again, "Good, I won't be late this time." He said as placed the key into ignition and drove off.

It took him about 15 minutes to get to the beach house, he noticed that others where already there, but not everyone. Entering the house, Blake greeted his friends, "Hey guys," he said with a light smile.
Kenta thought that maybe now that he has practiced he would grab some wine. He never really understood why all the others prefered beer but to each their own. As he went to go see if there was any wine in the car he saw everyone hanging out and that Blake pulled up. He grabbed his wine and greeted Blake, "Hey Blake, about time you showed up."

Spencer Jessop



Spencer yawned as she tapped her fingers on the top of her desk. She had assumed job sharing would make things easier and give her plenty of time to indulge herself in hobbies and fun; though she had failed to realise that it wouldn't be that easy when the other person called in sick. It was irritating, she'd been here since five o'clock in the morning and after a few coffees and some stale cereal, her mood hadn't improved. The sun had risen sharply and clearly with a vengeance, basking the glass room with intense heat. It was no secret that she was sweltering in her short sleeved shirt and tight black skirt. Her high heels had toppled over at her feet and as she glanced at the clock, she was eagerly waiting the arrival of the covering assistant.

Spencer. Coffee." The words floated through from the room behind Spencer's desk in a harsh tone. She sighed and rolled her eyes, lazily getting to her feet and walking towards the coffee machine. "Yes, Marilyn." She replied half-heartedly.

Spencer waited until the coffee was ready and poured it into a mug, though as she turned she noticed a flustered young girl running in. She was panting, speaking through much needed gasps of breath. "
Oh thank god." Spencer said hastily shoving the mug into the hands of the girl and reaching for her bag. "Marilyn is in a foul mood today, so don't ask her too many questions. Give her this and what ever you do, do not tell her that I didn't stick around to make sure her food has come." She places her bag over her shoulder before shoving her feet into her heels. "You can find passwords and Marilyn's schedule on the computer. Good luck."

Spencer hurriedly walks towards the elevator and retrieves her phone from her bag. She presses her fingers over the screen and smile as she reads the text message from Chevelle. "
I am so ready to have some fun!" She says to herself, climbing into the elevator and taking off her shirt. Spencer shoves it into her bag and retrieves the tank and denim shorts she'd packed this morning. After wiggling out of her skirt, she maneuvers her ponytail into a bun and steps into her fresh clothes.

+ + +

Spencer sighs in relief as Chevelle's beach house comes into view. It's a welcomed sight after a tough week and as her car travels towards it, all thoughts of Marilyn and work disappear. "I should have left earlier." Spencer mutters, noticing all of the other cars on the driveway. She vowed never to be the last to arrive, but luckily she wasn't - she hadn't parking so far away after deciding to stop for coffee.

Quickly parking and climbing out, Spencer leaves her bag in the backseat of her Mercedes convertible and walks into the house. She immediately sees several of her friends darted around the place, but her eyes narrowed in on Chevelle. "
You're a freaking mind reader." Spencer says as she walks forward and eagerly takes a beer. "Who's ready to have some fun!" She yells, screaming and launching a fist into the air.
Bobby grabbed a beer and opened it as he took the grill from Chevelle. "Man I love this place." He kept the meat from burning and looked over and greeted each person as they showed up. "So what's everyone been up too?" He looked around at the others, "anyone done anything crazy since we last got together?" He finished his beer quickly and opened another.
It never takes long to get Kenta drunk (When it is wine) but this was by far the eariliest he has ever gotten drunk cause it was only after 3 glasses of wine and he was drunk. "I was up to something but................." Kenta starts to fall asleep and then jerks awake. "What was I saying????"

Aurora Penelope Swan

Aurora reluctantly got up after hearing her phone vibrate two times, signaling she had a text message then hearing it vibrate repeatedly, signaling someone was calling her. "Ugh," she sighed, holding her head as the hangover effects of last night's party in celebration of the 1st anniversary of her tattoo and piercings shop, Skin Deep Ink. She retrieved her phone from the night stand and answered, without looking at the caller ID. "Uh, hello?" She answered. "Sorry, ma'am. I didn't mean to wake you. I just wanted to tell you that Kara had not come in today and she was supposed to be here at 9am. It's 1pm right now." Aurora nodded, slightly listening to her worrisome assistant, Anne, but more focused on the horrible headache she was going through. "Alright, Anne, thank you. It's fine. I'll talk to her. Have a good day."

With that, Aurora hung up. She then looked at her phone in squinted eyes as she opened the text message she had. It was from Chevelle.
Beautiful, beautiful Chevelle, she thought to herself as she sighed, so beautiful yet so unattainable. She read the message and smiled, it had been a while since she have been able to hang out with everyone in the group especially since the success of her shop. She went to the bathroom and looked herself in the mirror, just for a second, before opening the medicine cabinet retrieving painkiller pills. She put the pills into her mouth, turned on the faucet and drank the water, pushing the pills down her throat.

She put two of the pills inside of her hands before closing the top on the bottle and putting it back inside of the cabinet. She turned on the shower then went downstairs into her kitchen and got a glass of water. back into her bedroom and smacked the half dressed woman on her bed on the ass, causing her to smirk when it jiggled. "Kara," she said, as the woman tossed and turned, "You've got to be at work. Anne called me this morning." She heard the woman groan then reluctantly get up.

"Here," Aurora said, as she gave the woman the two pills and water, "Take this. I'm going to shower, I hope that you'll either join me or be gone to your house by the time I get out." She stripped out of her clothes, throwing them to the floor on my way to the bathroom. She then stepped into the slightly steaming shower, inhaled and exhaled and let the water run over her face and hair. After about 3 minutes, she felt a set of hands roaming all over her body, causing her to smile. She turned around, seeing Kara, and smiled as she put her hands in the girl's hair and kissing her deeply.

Aurora stepped on the gas petal of her
white and black 2014 Ashton-Martin Vanquish as she made her way to Chevelle's beach house. She knew she was late but she didn't care. As long as she was able to see her friends, it was alright. When she arrived at the beach house, she smiled, seeing cars already parked into the parking lot. She got out of the her car, locked it then proceeded to the house. She opened the front door, and followed the different voices she heard. "The party doesn't start without me!" She yelled, smiling at her friends, as she held up the case of beer, "We can never have enough of this."

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The sound of a pulsating alarm breaches my ears with extreme prejudice. I jerk around in my bed and begin to wake up as the alarm snaps my senses back."Oh no....." I groan and facepalm myself as I'm late to the weekend extravaganza the crew had planned so long ago. Figures. I'd been tired from working out last night and completely crashed. And I chose not to go to summer school just so I could be with my friends this summer. Syracuse was too much, despite finishing on the Dean's list.

Txt msg from: Chevy - "Hey, remember it all begins at noon! Can't wait!! ^_^ "

"Crap." I wearily say, looking at my phone to a time of 12:47PM. I instantly hop out my bed and go downstairs to see if ma and pops was home....and they weren't. I liked it that way, but I was already late so I figured I'd just pack and shower over at the beach house. Heading upstairs back to my room, I grab my syracuse basketball duffle bag and begin to cram in fuzzy toe socks, undies, a dress just in case, heels, toothbrush and toiletries, lotion, suntan, and a random compilation of jeans, skirts, shorts and shirts, tank tops, and halter tops. I grab my phone charger and place it in the bag as I equip my syracuse basketball shirt on over my bra and I put on my skinny jeans that wrap around my toned thighs and calves. I head to my bathroom and comb my hair and wash my face. I grab my flip flops and put them on and I also grab my orange nike lebrons shoes as I pick up my bag and pocket book. I grab my car keys out of my purse and look around the room, checking if I forgot anything. "Oh! My belt..." I rush over to my wardrobe filled with the classiest and most fashionable apparel, and grab a black leather belt.

"Okay, good to go." I say as I trample down my stairs and lock the door out of the studio apartment. I stayed the furthest from the beach house, so that's an extra 15 minutes until I even get there. I cross the street to my orange Mustang given to me by my dad as a graduation/full scholarship present. I place my bag and purse in the passenger seat and whip out my phone to send a message to Chevelle.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/OrangeStang.jpg.beb54c301dd1f1600d75c578b7b7d2d8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23141" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/OrangeStang.jpg.beb54c301dd1f1600d75c578b7b7d2d8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Msg to: Chevy - "Yoooooo, so um I just woke up like 1.56 seconds ago, I'm omw though sorry :/ "

I crank up the car and begin my voyage to the beach house, since I'm probably the only one not there. Suddenly I think about bringing my Xbox One for entertainment on the 50" plasma in the beach house. "Uggggh!" I turn the car off and rush back to the door and unlock it, leaving it open as I barge in my room and unhook the console and carries it to the car, using my feet to close the door to my home. I place the console in the backseat.

I release a long sigh. "Okay, nowww I can go."

I rev up the mustang and depart for the fun time ahead of me.


Driving like a spin off to a Fast and Furious movie, I precisely drive a soild 65mph cutting through and around traffic to reach the beach house. I prided myself on driving, never having a ticket or so much as a cop even look my way. Dad was happy because that meant insurance was extra cheap. After what seemed like an eternity of 17 minutes, I pull down to the trail of the beach house to see a small army of cars. Most of the people were already there. I park beside the black and white Aston Martin and place the car in park and turn the car off as I grab my bag and purse and make my way inside.

The smell of the grilled food sent memories through my mind of all the times we've all had together. Before I even enter the house I can hear the mutterings and rantings of my crazy people, but they were MY friends, and I love them to death. I open the door and greet my other family.

"What's up my ninjas! Ok so, yeah I'm gonna take a shower, my Xbox is in my car someone can go get it and hook it up if y'all wanna play."

I toss my keys on the couch for anyone who wanted to take them and get the game. I dart to the quaint bathroom and close it behind me and locks it. I run the shower and wait for it to heat up as I strip my clothes and pull out a fresh set of clothes for me to equip after my cleansing. Once I see steam eminating from the shower, I hop in with my irish spring soap and begin to clean my body.



  • OrangeStang.jpg
    18.5 KB · Views: 26
Justin, looked around. "God, some days i feel so out of place." Then he looked at Justice, "Come one boy lets go and play. " He them smiled and went and got the ball from his car, he had one of those ball thrower thingy he had no idea what it was called hell he had licked it up from a thrift shop for Justice. So as he walked back up on the porch just to go down the other side he grabbed a beer and went to play with the dog. Leaving everybody to catch up. "Go get the Ball Justice!" Was the last thing he said before going and walking out into the forest.

"I'll find the mystery that lies between those tired eyes... I'll read the history beneath the embers when the fire dies... Let's make a run for the border, don't look back... Keep running keep running, til you run out of track..."

Gypsy's soft lilting voice rose and fell as she sang, open notebook laying on her right leg as she sat Indian-style on the floor. She was strumming her guitar along with her. She had her eyes half shut and a pen stuck through the hastily twisted up bun in her hair. This was her creative time, all alone in the attic with her guitar and the sunlight streaming through the wide bay windows. Nothing in the world could possibly be better this. She had been suffering from writers block for days and the band was pressing her for new material any way. Now she was finally getting some work done. Just as she was preparing to pen another verse her phone buzzed, trembling on the floor beside her. Resting her guitar on her lap she picked up the phone, scanning the text. She grinned, typing a quick response to Chevelle's text.

Chev <3
Beach House @ Noon. Be There.
Lol... Well I'm already late but I'll be there on the next wind love... <3

Standing she walked over to place her guitar back into the case, intending to bring it along. Placing her phone into it's dock she started blasting Motionless in White. She hopped in the shower, getting herself cleaned and ready. 30 minutes later she was dressed and ready. She had chosen a black long asymmetrical skirt, a black half shirt with a cannabis plant emblazoned on the front, black knee high combat boots, and a black beanie. She grabbed her guitar case and Sabrien's leash. She bounded down the stairs, whistling for Sabrien as she went. The puppy trotted up eagerly and she hooked his leash. Heading outside she threw her case in the backseat of her Camero, the sleek black car had been her gift for her last birthday most of the money had come from her Granddad who was proud of the work she did at the shop. With Sabrien in the passenger seat she stuck the key in the ignition and headed out.

In another thirty minutes she was at the beach house. With Sabrien in tow she headed up to the noisy gathering of her friends announcing her presence in the best way she knew how, with a noisy stream of curses.

Bobby looked around the group and smiled. He was feeling pretty buzzed at this point and pulled the meat off the grill. "Foods ready y'all."

Bobby wasn't sure why, maybe it was his buzzed state, but he winked to Spencer and sat next to her with some food.

"What's up Spencer?" He rubbed his eyes a little, "how's life?"

Spencer Jessop



Spencer takes a generous mouthful of the beer and sighs in appreciation. She uses the back of her wrist to wipe the excess liquid and grins. She looks over her shoulder at the new arrivals and a sudden wave of awe washes over her. She was always used to seeing at least one or two of friends daily but it was times like this, where they were all together that she felt amazing. They were all so diverse and different that they actually worked together really well. Sure they had fallen into habits of doing certain things together, such as going to a specific gig with Justin instead of Chevelle because they liked different music.

She giggle as Justice ran past her towards the door. She raised a glass in Justin's direction and he smiled back before Spencer took a seat on the sofa. Soon Bobby sat beside her and gave her a sly wink. Spencer immediately felt her cheeks begin to flush and she chuckled. Making a dramatic effort to look over at the food he'd brought it, she nodded. "
Food looks great. How have been friends for so long but I've never tried your cooking?" She asks.

After rubbing his eyes and seemingly having not have heard he, he asked her something. "
How's life?" She smiled in return, not bothering to repeat herself. "Life is good. Work is going... well it's definitely going. I'm thinking of a change. Marilyn is a raging bitch but I knew that before I started. Then there's this whole thing with my landlord, but let's not put a dampener on the weekend! Speaking of, I'm going to have to go home and get some other clothes at some point." Spencer laughed. It was always like her, forgetting things - probably why she was voted most likely to win the lottery and lose the ticket in high school.
He looked at Spencer for a moment, "clothes? Nah you don't need those." He grinned and ate some food. "And I try to hide my grilling skills so I'm not stuck manning it at every grill out I'm stuck at. But for you guys? I'd grill the world if y'all asked me too." He relaxed beside her, and finished his plate.
Without noticing Max subconsciously fell asleep well that's what staying awake for 26 hours would do to anyone and to say he hasn't even touched a beer yet it was pretty disgraceful on his part more so since it was more so like he just randomly passed out where he was standing moments ago.

Spencer Jessop



"Clothes? Nah, you don't need those." Spencer blushes again as Bobby speaks, eventually laughing as she pushes a playful hand against his knee. "And I try to hide my grilling skills so I'm not stuck manning it at every grill out I'm stuck at. But for you guys? I'd grill the world if ya'll asked me too." Spencer smiled as Bobby relaxed beside and she watched as he finished his plate.

Well I think we're at that point in life where any of us would do anything for one another. I mean, it's been years. Maybe when we're all old and grey we'll get stuck into the same care home. Though I suppose we'll be a little too frail for beer and barbecue food then." Spencer laughs. "So, are you planning on going down to the beach later? I might go earlier or maybe later... since I didn't bring a bathing suit." Spencer looks directly in front of her opposed to Bobby. She's tried flirting several times with Max and more recently Bobby, and honestly she didn't know if she was any good at it. This is why she felt confused, on one hand Max was that obvious kind of attractive and from the way some of the other girls spoke about him, he was definitely impressive. But Bobby had surprised her. One day it was if she'd waken up and seen him in a whole new light - she wasn't ashamed and could easily transition into a relationship with any of her male friends, but it was whether or not he would that stopped her. Did guys like Bobby go for girls like her? Did Max?

Spencer sighed and took another gulp from her beer before abruptly straightening her back. She was still waiting for Bobby to reply, she couldn't appear bored. So she chanced a look at him.
Blake smiled lightly as he greeted Kenta, "Hey Kenta, yeah I know I'm always late, but then again your always early." He teased before making his way in further into the house with the rest of the guys. Normally Blake didn't drink beer, but eh might as well. Drank the bitter drink as he sat on the couch watching the others, laughing as some had gotten buzzed or drunk so fast.
Bobby looked at Spencer as she drank her beer, "Well... You let me know when you're going, cause I'd like to swim with you night... And uh, I'll match whatever you decide to go in." He grinned and finished his beer, "you up for another one Sweetheart?" He looked at her again, then looked down at his bottle and shook it, "I'm all out."
Kenta walks over to where Blake is and whispers in his ear, "We should go someplace once this thing is over. But then again I'm a little drunk so... I don't it's up to you. Let me know when you reach a decision." Then he staggered off to his car to grab another bottle of wine.
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A light blush crept on Blake's face by Kenta's forwardness, he had always liked him, but he had never told anyone this. Though he was flattered and a hundreds of thoughts rushed through his mind, he shook his head, "Kenta I think you've had way too much to drink already," Blake scolded, "And I don't think you know what you are saying" he started to say as Kenta walked away. He took a drink out of his beer before rising to his feet to mingle with the others. When he stumbled upon Max knocked out on the floor, with a laugh went over to the kitchen grabbing a glass of water he went back to the sleeping Max and playfully splashed the water on his face. "Wake up dude, its too early to be asleep."

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