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Realistic or Modern Young, Wild, & Free

Kenta drops Blake's hand and decided to see if anyone wanted to see his rendition of Broken by Seether. "Hey people do you want to hear me play the song Broken by Seether ft. Amy Lee on Violin."
"Kenta if you do I promise to the goddess I'll sing along...!"

Gypsy gave him a thumbs up from where she was sprawled on the couch. As she spoke she rolled over on to her stomach, blowing a loose stand of hair from her eyes. She was a huge fan of Amy Lee, she loved the whole otherworldly look she had going on. Calling out loud enough for someone in the kitchen to hear her she spoke.

"Hey somebody bring me a beer... I'll love you forever and ever I promise..."
Kenta went to go get a beer for Gypsy. He tossed the beer at Gypsy. "Ok you can sing with my playing but if you sing then I have to sing... and I'm pretty sure that I suck." So, Kenta started to play.
She simply chuckled shaking her head. She had experienced Kenta's attempt a singing first hand and knew they were in for an interesting song experience. Opening the beer she wrinkled her nose slighty. She didn't really like beer, but vodka didn't exactly abound at the moment so it would have to do. She swayed along with the sound of the violin waiting for the right note. She took a long drink of the beer and leaned back, beer in hand. Hearing the cue she had been waiting for she began singing her voice soft and low since it was usually the male part of the song. As always her voice was smooth and even, her words lightly toned by her ever prevalent accent. She had gotten teased about it when she had first come to the US, but like with everything else she simply didn't care and the band loved it, so it was what it was.

"I wanted you to know that I love the way you laugh

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away

I keep your photograph and I know it serves me well

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain..."

Kenta begins to join in sing slightly off-key but not too terribly bad because of the new singing classes at college.

" 'Cause I'm broken when I'm open

And I don't feel like I am strong enough

'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome

And I don't feel right when you're gone away

After relaxing on the patio for a small period of time, I release a big yawn and fatigue comes with it. I was still tired from workouts last night, and since everyone seemed to be off in their nice, serene worlds, I decided to head upstairs to the bedroom and lay down for a bit, my body craving me to rest my brain cells and physique. Passing through the living room, I see Kenta and Kat singing together and moving about eccentric like on the floor. I shake my head while giving a sully smile as I head upstairs. I reach the bedroom and dive headfirst onto the large haven of comfort. I writhe in comfortability on the sheets and place my hands under the cool, crisp pillows. Before I know it I close my eyes and drift off...

"I honestly have no idea. I mean, we've always been friends but I don't think we've ever been alone. Have we hung out, just the two of us and I'm spacing, or is that right?" Spencer thinks for a moment and then shrugs, she can't remember a time. Though looking at Bobby now, with the sun on his face, making his eyes a few shades lighter. "You're hot." She tries to keep a straight face but bursts out into laughter. "I mean, it's a compliment. But I don't mean you're hot, hot. I mean, I guess I just didn't realise how h--" She pauses and tries to think of an alternative. "Attractive you were. I guess this weekend is going to be full of surprises."
Bobby smiled at her, "yeah, I guess we never have hung out just the two of us." He laughed a little as she tries to find another word to call him, and looked at her when she finished, "You're beautiful..." He sat up more and looked out toward the water.

"Dating in the group is a mistake, you know this... What if she hurts you? Worse what if I hurt her?"

"Do you wanna go to dinner with me? And a movie? Like a... Uh real date?"

"You idiot."

After finishing the song, Kenta puts up his violin and thanks Gypsy for singing with him. After that Kenta goes over to Blake and asks, "Will you come with me for a second? If not I completely understand, but I have something to ask you... and I would prefer it not to be in public right now." And Kenta drops Blakes hands and walks off a little ways into the forest.
"Ugh... Fuck this shit... I'm dying of boredom over here..."

Gypsy sighed rolling off the couch and abandoning her beer on the table in the process. Hefting her guitar case on to one shoulder with ease she patted her leg a sign for Sabrien to stay close. She headed into the kitchen, stopping to grab two wine coolers on her way out on to the back porch. It was better than beer for achieving some level of mild intoxication. Out on the porch she claimed a spot on the the railing a snap of her fingers a signal to Sabrien that he was free to go do as he would. The pup needed no further coaxing and soon darted off across the yard. She simply chuckled watching as he began to chase what appeared to be a robin. Opening a wine cooler she quickly downed the entirety of the drink. Still lacking the appropriate alcohol buzz she simply shrugged. Opening her case she pulled out her guitar, slinging the strap across her shoulder. She had lovingly named the guitar Mystic and she was rarely ever without it.


She tested the strings, making sure she was perfectly tuned. After a moment she began to play. Still feeling the Evanescence vibe she began to play one of her favorite songs. It was called Imaginary and was one of the first songs she had ever learned to play. It was also the first song she had played at her show. It had been a dark time then, when she was lost and unsure of herself. When she had been alone and out of place. Sometimes she still felt herself slipping back into that dark place. But she had friends now and a reason to fight it. So she knew some how some way it would all turn out alright. Leaning back a bit she began to sing.

Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming

Cannot cease for the fear of silent nights

Oh how I long for the deep sleep dreaming

The goddess of imaginary light

In my field of paper flowers

And candy clouds of lullaby

I lie inside myself for hours

And watch my purple sky fly over me

I linger in the doorway

Of alarm clock screaming

Monsters calling my name

Let me stay

Where the wind will whisper to me

Where the raindrops

As they're falling tell a story
Blake raised his eye brow as he observed Kenta, he had been acting strange all day, and it didn't help that he drank so much wine. "Kenta can't this wait till later?" Blake questioned with another gulp of his drink. "I rather talk to you when you haven't already thrown up due to all that wine. Besides you been acting strange, I promise we will talk later okay." Blake offered as sat on a stool near the counter.
Justin walked back out of the forest, he stood there for a bit "Well Justice, i don't think anybody noticed i was gone. Thats a good thing!" He smiled as he looked at his dog. They walked up the stairs and then in the door. "HELLO!? Is anybody home?" he the chuckled to himself, what have i done. He walked through the kitchen and grabbed the dog food that he put in the kitchen and poured some in Justices dog bowl. "Here you go boy!" He then went to sit outside, he did not like to be inside much and it helped here because none would see him.

Kiri opens her eyes to her phone vibrating. She had dozed off for a whole 45 minutes. Heck, she was surprised no one barged in and put ketchup and mustard on her face. Kiri sleepishly unlocks the phone and views the message from her friend Mitchell:

Msg From:
Mitch - "Ay, are we hitting the gym today? :]"

Kiri slowly sits up, that wild light brown hair of hers everywhere, and regains full consciousness and replies back:

Msg To: Mitch -
"Can't. I'll be gone all weekend. I'm with my besties :P "

Kiri mats her mane of hair down back below her shoulders, and stretches intensely against the soft, heaven-like bed, grunting in pleasure. She finally rockets up with excitement and zest and heads downstairs. As she rounds the stairs, she sees Gypsy playing a song with that beautiful voice of hers, and Blake sitting at the counter. Kiri gives a huge preppy like smile at both and raise up on her tip toes like a giddy kid.
"We're gonna have sum' fun!" Kiri chants as she blasts out of the front door on the way to her Mustang to get the Xbox One. Barging out into the golden, warm, astounding sunlight and scenery, Kiri skips to the car with joy and opens the door to her car looking back at the house. Then she sees him, Justin (( @HollyLeafForever )) . Her old prince, the old flame. Thoughts hit her mind.

Oh goodness Oh goodness.

Kiri tried not to make it awkward. Her and Justin had gotten cool about things but there was still tension between them at times, and she didn't know why fully. Looking on the patio steps, Justin gazes right back at her,and Kiri's smile widens.

"MY BABYYYYY!!!!!!!!" Kiri screams with a cute sense of happiness, and in an instant, Justice darts off towards Kiri with his tail wagging ferociously. Justice lets out a brief whimper before stifling it into a pounce of love.

"Heyyyy boy! You missy mamma!? Hmm?? Yeeah you're a good boyy! Yesh you arrreee!"
She frantically rubs the soft fur of Justice's and gives him a kiss on the tip of his nose. Kiri shuts the door and approaches Justin, ignoring what she came outside for temporarily. The warm grass against her bare feet grounds her back to Earth. Kiri stops and looks at Justin with her Hazel-Gray eyes and speaks with that soft, raspy, and sultry country accent and tone.

"Hi there..." Kiri says with a slight smile.

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Justin just looked at her, "Hey, Kiri. Did you miss Justice or something?" he asked in a jokingly voice "Whats going on with you?" He asked a s he ran his hand through his hair nervously. This had been one of the first times they had talked in a while and Justin felt a bit of tension between the two of them.

"So Kiri can i have my dog back or should i let you keep him?" He asked with a huge smile on his face that made him look a bit dopey.
Spencer watched idly as Rob sat up and looked out over the water. She had wondered if mentioning Cassie had made things awkward but just as she was about to apologise, he spoke. "Do you want to dinner with me? And a movie? Like a... uh, real date?" Spencer's gaze snapped towards Rob,. She felt her cheeks beginning to go red again and sighed. She placed a gentle hand on top of his own and laughed nervously. "Let's see how the weekend goes first, huh?"

"Oops sorry!!!" Kiri laughed off as she motioned Justice towards his owner. She had seen Justin rub his hand through his hair, he'd always used to do that when he was worried about something.

Justin: "Whats going on with you?"

"Uhhh...nuthin' much really, I was gonna go to summer school but I decided not to, just to take a little break from Syracuse ya know? But hey, coach listed me on the starting 5 this upcoming season so that's gonna be crazy..."

Kiri sits down beside Justin and looks into his eyes as even sitting down he towers her, and she was tall for a girl.
"So how are you?"

This was the first time they'd been this close together in a while. Her instinct told her to just kiss him right there, but she knew what'd happen. The same thing he did last time. Kiri places her hands in her lap as a defense mechanism to help keep things under control.

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Justin laughed a bit "Thats good, your really getting good at sports, aren't you!" He smiled and flipped his hair back, "So who are you dating now." He asked curiously, after all who wouldn't want to know whats going on with one of there best friends. But thats not how he thought of it, he wanted no he needed to know if she was dating someone. Then Justice jumped on Justin and knocked him off the step, he sat up and looked around "Ow! Justice whats the big idea, you crazy dog!" He then helped himself back up and sat beside Kiri again.

"Yeah I mean I've been working hard, just came off of being redshirted...now I could be a pre season All-american" Kiri smiles at Justin.

Then...the question.

Kiri's entire demeanor changed at Justin's question. Her heart dropped into her stomach as he asked, and the worst part is she didn't know why. Or she thought she didn't. That overactive brain of hers always overanalyzing and hyperactive.

Justin: "So who are you dating now."

It was so direct, so blunt. Kiri like that assertiveness in Justin. A lot. Just as she was about to answer Justice jumps on him and knocks him off a step. Kiri laughs at the sight while still processing the question she was just asked.


That's what she wanted to say, but she still couldn't shake how they ended that relationship. So many emotions and thought ran through her mind, but she already knew the answer.She looks upon Justin and returns in a look of intent and says:
"I'm not dating anyone...."

Quickly, before it got anymore heart-wrenching, she asked:
"What about you? Who has your eye and or heart?"

In college, redshirt is when an athlete is actively removed from the season to develop skills and get better, also used to help get used to college systems. But does NOT affect in game play or eligibility.


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"None im a single pringle!" He said as he laughed and threw a stick for Justice. So do you wanna go inside and like play video games or something?" He asked in desperate confusion in hope she would say yes. This was probally one of the longest conversations they ad had since they broke up and he found it a bit weird but good at the same time. He wondered if that was a bad thing or a good thing, because after all he did brake up with her not the other way around.

Kiri decided to be blunt herself. Justin asked if she wanted to go inside and play video games, which was yet ANOTHER thing Kiri enjoyed about being with Justin, but she couldn't help but wonder. This was the longest they've talked in person since the break up, when Justin just up and left for no reason. Kiri had to know.

"Justin, why did you ask me if I was dating someone?"

She says as she bears her eyes right into his soul. Kiri was an aggressive one, she had to be. In high school she was rather passive and letting people treat her any kind of way. So, she asked Justin.

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"Told you."

Bobby smiled to Spencer and nodded, "sure Spence, but either way, you and I are friends for life . Let's go find the others, we can't let them have too much fun without us, right?"

It had hurt, Bobby didn't know why , but he had assumed she would say yes, at least to a first date. He took the reply he received as a no, and would continue on as her friend, which he was completely fine with.

"At least... I think I'm fine with it."

He wanted to kiss her, maybe it was the beer in him, mixing with the sunset lighting on her face. Thankfully he was still sober enough to push that urge down, and instead, smiled at her and looked into her eyes, turning his hand to hold hers and squeezed her hand gently.

Then Bobby stood, letting her hand go.
Spencer felt a pang of guilt begin to twinge in the pit of her stomach. She had wanted to say yes to Rob but something had convinced her otherwise. Maybe it was the prospect that this could all just be a weekend romance. She'd been here no longer than fifteen minutes and she already found herself wanting to hold Rob's hand. She walked back into the house and kicked off her shoes before deciding that she wouldn't fall into the same old pattern. "Stop overthinking everything and just have fun. Rob's your friend, and besides, at least a few people have hooked up within the group." She thought. Shaking her head in disbelief, Spencer walked forward, grabbed Rob's arm and press her lips hard against his. "Want a beer?" She asked, stepping backwards and almost skipping away.

"Hey, who wants a beer?" She called, waiting impatiently beside an unopened case.

Kiri immediately stops Justin (( @kittyspryde )) say "Hey, who wants a beer?". Kiri had always seen Spencer as a big sister. Plus after losing Kaylee when she was young, Kiri had always kind of craved a sister figure, and the connection of Kiri and Spencer's love for Sci-Fi definitely rocketed their friendship in high school.

"Well you know I'll take a water if we have any Spence!" Kiri replies with a smile. She proceeds to the den where the 50" hdtv mounts on the wall and places the Xbox One down and begins to hook it up. "Sorry Spencer about not speaking by the way, after that shower I knocked out cold...."

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Spencer grabs two beers before retrieving a bottle of water from the fridge. She hands the water to Kiri and raise one of the beers in Rob's direction, hoping he'll accept it. Spencer told herself not to feel bad about kissing Rob, the others had always told her to be less uptight and more carefree. Kiri began setting up the Xbox One and Spencer fell back onto the sofa, deciding whether or not to play. "Hey, I hope Chevelle has a two-player game!" She says, smiling as Kiri turns. "Sorry Spencer, about not speaking by the way. After that shower I was knocked out cold."

"Don't worry about it, I was a little preoccupied anyway." Spencer looks at Rob from the corner of her eye and grins.

"I Have many two player games, what'cha in the mood for..?" My speech stops short as I catch the attention Spencer throws Rob's way "Oh my god....!" Kiri definitely catches the look and grin from Spencer to Rob. Kiri gives Spencer the biggest grin in history and then masks it with a look of casualty.

" [clears throat] I mean...we should play Kinect Sports Rivals, get our bodies moving. I also have Battlefield 4, NBA 2K14, Titanfall, and Dead Rising 3" Kiri says with a smile.

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