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Realistic or Modern Young, Wild, & Free

I finally get out of the shower for what seems an eternity. I put on some fresh undergarments along with some cargo shorts that crept just below the bottom of my groin, and my team basketball shirt with my name and number on the back. I brush my teeth and place everything back in my bag. I decided to leave my flip flops off since I'd just be prowling the house anyways.

I exit the steam filled, humid room into an open and crisp environment where Spencer and Bobby chill together. I grin a loving grin towards the duo and I place my bag and purse down on the far wall in the living room. I spot my keys still in the same spot. I grab the keys and put them in my back pocket. The group's here.... I finally had time to stop and look at the abundance of friends.

"Sooo, how's everyone?"

I say as I stand letting my hair dry in the damp, sharp air.

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Spencer Jessop



Spencer laughed as Bobby spoke, she almost didn’t believe him. As far as she could tell he’d only had one beer and he didn’t appear to be drunk, but even if he was, Spencer knew he wouldn’t say what she wanted to hear just for the sake of hooking up. She smiled and nodded, accepting the offer of another beer before downing the rest of hers. “That sounds great, and if you’re feeling really generous, I could also use a burger.” She returned the wink he’d given her earlier and handed Bobby her empty bottle.
Kenta replied to Kiri, "Well considering I've had only 7-8 bottles of wine already, I think I may be drunk but I'm not sure." Kenta goes over for another burger but fell as soon as he started to walk. Then he passed out.
I look on as Kenta slumps to the ground and remains immobile. "Okay....well!" I chuckle at the sight of a drunk Kenta. I look around at the rest of the gang, Bobby and Spencer engaged in convo, I head over towards Gypsy and bump her shoulder. "Hey there, how's the band? :) "
Bobby nodded and stood and walked toward the kitchen.

"She's cute, why haven't we flirted with her before? Because we don't like drama Rob. Oh yeah... But she is cute."

He grabbed two beers and made a quick burger for her, he put the condiments that she liked on it, he had mostly everyone's eating habits down. He walked back to her and handed her the beer and plate
As Bobby handed Spencer the food she thanked him and took a bite. She chewed for a few seconds and then groaned. “This is so good!” She took another bite and leant back against a cushion. He really was good at grilling. She looked around for a few moments and her glance seemed to falter on Max. Sure, they were friends but they were hardly the closest of the group. There had been some speculation by a few of the others that said Max had a thing for Katarina and Spencer had to agree. She was beautiful and her piercings and tattoos only enhanced that beauty.

So how goes the love life, Rob? I don’t think I’ve seen you with anyone serious since—” Spencer stopped abruptly, she knew better than to bring up past relationships, especially ones from high school. Spencer placed her burger back onto the plate and put it neatly down on the coffee table. It was beginning to get hot inside and from the looks of it, one-by-one the group was beginning to take the party outside. So Spencer removed the band keeping her hair up and let it fall to her shoulders. “Before you answer, let’s go outside.
Kenta jerks awake. "What the hell happened? Why the hell was I on the floor? Where the f... Oh... I'm at the beach house huh? We started already...? Wow... I must be drunk. I think I need water... and a toilet." As Kenta runs to the bathroom.
(( Wow you guys have already got four pages goin'! ))

Nearly a couple hours had passed and almost everybody had arrived. A good burger and chips, along with her first beer, was settling nicely in Chevelle's stomach as she worked on her second bottle. She stayed outside for the most part, but the inside was beckoning her to come check it out. After catching sight of pretty much everybody, Chevelle made her rounds back outside on the patio and sat on one of the chairs.

Kenta was already wasted, that damned wine-o. It made the blond female laugh because it was just so typical; he never really learned how to drink his alcohol slowly. Gypsy and Kiri were talking, as were Spence and Bobby, and Blake was trying to wake up Max. Chevelle was sure that Max wasn't drunk, so she assumed he had passed out because he did another all-nighter. Justin was still playing with Justice, and Aurora... well, Aurora looked like she needed some company and so Chev stood from the chair and made her way to the pixie.

"Roraaa! How goes the shop?" she asked with a smile.
"What up Kir...?"

Gypsy grinned tossing her free arm conspiratorily around the girls shoulder. She was already lit, having smoked in the car on the way. Sabrien whimpered jumping up slightly on Kiri, obviously seeking some affection. Dropping her arm from the girls shoulder she unhooked the leash, content to let the pup run where he would, knowing he wouldn't get in to much trouble. Looking past her she noticed an already passed out Kenta who soon popped back up and sprinted for what she could only guess what the bathroom.

"The music life is treating me good... Going with the wind and following the tunes... How's the life treating you my faerie-like friend...?"
Bobby's jaw dropped slightly when Spencer dropped her hair, "Holy sh-" "Anything you say Spence." He stood with her and followed her outside, he made sure to be a step back and admired Spencer for a moment, and then caught up to her side. He smiled to her. "You remember Cassie?" He looked away for a moment frowning.

Cassie was an ex of Bobby's, who he had met just after he graduated high school. He had tried to bring her into the group, but Cassie had grown defensive over him and pulled him away from the group, it had lasted about a year before he finally broke it off and chose the group over her.

"Her and I hook up occasionally, I guess she is trying to get me back but.. I know she'll try and pull me away from you guys and the last thing I want is to be away from you guys." He looked at Spencer for a second and sighed, "But a real relationship? Not me... I dunno what I want in a girl yet." He scratched his cheek. He hadn't shaved in a couple of days and had some stubble there.
I lay my head on Kat's shoulder and soak in the love from my spiritual twin & gives Sabrien one good pet and smooch before Gypsy lets the pup off to run free. "I'm pretty good, just got a call from Coach a few days ago saying I'm projected to start this upcoming basketball season. I'm amped for that! I seen Justin's car here where is he at?"

Max woke up to the water being splashed in his face. "What where how who?." Max questioned as he woke up and looked around to see blake was the one who woke him. "so any chance you could tell me how long its been since I fell asleep?" Max asked as he sat up scratching his head wondering when he actually fell asleep.
Blake chuckled as Max jolted awake, "Nah I have no idea how long you knocked out for," he replied extending his arm to assist Max in getting up. "You not sleeping or something," he asked Max as he pulled him up on his feet. Blake ran his hand over his hair as he grabbed his drink with the other on the counter. Taking a sip, he looked back at Max, "Want me to get you a drink?"
Max took the hand and stood up. "Yeah I got no sleep last night I miss judged my scheduled and kind of stayed up all night and yeah a drink would be nice." Max said as he rubbed his eyes in a attempted to wake him up a little. "So anything happened lately." Max asked with him being asleep for god knows how long anything could have happened.
After Kenta finished his business in the bathroom. He went to go talk to Blake now that he was a little more sober and try to get him to at least kiss him. Everyone basically knows that Kenta has a major crush on him except for Blake. Sometimes I just wish he would kiss me... I guess I have to make the first move.
Same old things you know, Kenta's drink already due his wine, others are getting drunk, and talking. Don't worry Max you haven't missed anything." Blake explained as he went over to the cooler to pick out a drink for Max. "Here," Blake passed over a wine cooler to him, "I don't think it would be wise to drink beer when you are so tired."
"Well I hope you don't mind me saying, but Cassie wasn't good for any of us. We all love ourselves a bit of Rob!" Spencer nudged him with her elbow and they both laughed. She had felt his eyes on the back of her as they'd walked out and honestly, now she was admiring him. He was good looking and she had a feeling that he knew it. "But if you're still hooking up, that's great." Spencer said the words with mock enthusiasm, but she hoped that Rob didn't catch that.

As they both overheard Chevelle speaking to Aurora, Spencer took a seat cross-legged on the decking. The sun was beautiful now and she could appreciate more in her tank and denim shorts. For the entire weekend there would be no subtle insults or coffee runs, just the beach and her friends. "
Don't take this wrong way, I don't want to step on anyone's toes..." She paused and sighed. "But all flirting aside. You can do so much better than Cassie, and I don't mean just me, but seriously, anybody is better than her." Spencer gave a nervous laugh as Rob scratched his chin. "And don't shave it all off, you look better with a little fuzz." She made an effort to tap his chin but he playfully knocked her hand away.
"Not a clue lovely...not a single freaking clue..."

Gypsy reached up to ruffle her friends hair. She had been wondering that to. Justin disappeared at times and she worried about him. It didn't help that she also had a bit of a crush on the guy. There was something about him that just made her natural instinct to protect people kick into high gear. There was hardly a time she saw him were she didn't instantly pull him in to a hug. She sighed and shrugged hooking arms with her friend.

"So looks like you'll be Miss Sportstar again eh...? I swear I don't know how you do it... I'm too lazy..."
"That's good Missing fun things is always annoying." Max said looking at the Wine cooler.... "I thought you know me better than that I can't drink wine." Max said nodding his head side to side in a disapproved way handing the wine cooler back. "Just get me a beer." Max said half looking at Blake half still asleep.

((OOC: I got work in like 30 minutes so ill be going off now.))
"Oh my bad, I forgot," he replied with a light laugh as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. He placed the wine cooler on the counter, he would drink it. Grabbing a beer he gave it Max, "here you go, sorry about that," Blake said as he opened the wine cooler and began drinking.
"Shoot, if I had to choose between you and Cassie, you'd win every time sweetheart." His smiled to her, he leaned back, putting his hands behind him to hold him up. "Her and I are only hooking up because its easy... you know? Booty calls, I'd stop if I found someone worth it." He looked at her for a moment, then away toward the water. "But uh, its hard meeting people... plus Id have to find someone who would accept the group, and someone the group would accept." He rotated his neck and looked at her again, "Why have we never.. uh... dated, or anything? I mean, we've never even really flirted before."
I laugh at Kat's comment. "Haha yeah I haven't even gotten a game in yet, hopefully I can make a good impression this year, and you know I love me some basketball! Sports just take the edge off for me...." I look up at a strand of hair that covers my nose from when Kat ruffled it. I blow the strand back up and away from my face. "And you are NOT lazy! You freakin' slay it when you're on stage!" I nudge her shoulder as I try not to think about Justin. I mean, I know we're 'cool' ever since we broke up a year ago but, for me it was still awkward.

Kenta heard Blake say that he was already drunk due the wine. "Blake I'm not drunk... just a little tipsy now. After all at least 3 bottles didn't stay down... And there was something I need to tell you. So come with me." Kenta grabs Blake's hand.
"Ah but that doesn't require running... I can stalk the stage all night feeding on the vibes but you ask me to run anywhere and you're getting a staunch h*ll no..."

She laughed lightly waving a hand dismissively as she started walking towards the house. She hefted her guitar case with one hand higher on to her shoulder. Pursing her lips she whistled softly to call Sabien from where he was, watching the pup as he ran up to circle the two. She went into the living room, tossing her guitar case on the couch and scoping the place out. After a moment she simply grinned and flopped down on the empty couch. Stretching she sighed softly. She remembered that almost everyone in there little group she had met at one of her shows and going to the same high school had made them all nearly inseperable. She grinned, these were the good days.

"Who knows if I get right enough I might let you guys here the song I'm working on..."

I chuckle at Gypsy's comment as I smile at her walking into the living room with that weapon of music that she loves so dearly.

"Go for it, Kat :) "

I then head out to the patio at the orange, searing sun bathing me with it's rays of warmth and security. I lean on the fine railing surrounding the patio looking out into the lush, green forest. For a moment I close my eyes, and just meditate on my feelings of isolation. No one else knew, but I felt like an outcast amongst the crew. Yeah, we were all tight knit no doubt, but sometimes I just would feel so out of place....but now certainly wasn't one of those times. I open my eyes once more and just stare out into the wild of life. Syracuse doesn't exist, basketball doesn't exist, just this....


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