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Realistic or Modern Young, Wild, & Free

Spencer blushes as Kiri clears her throat. "Sports it is!" Spencer eagerly gets to her feet and uses that band around her wrist to tie her hair. She looks over her shoulder at Rob and gives him a sly smile, uncharacteristically daring him to watch her. Then she looks to Kiri and waits until she puts the disc into the Xbox. Bright lights and symbols flash across the screen and before long, Kiri and Spencer begin moving.

"Okay so the system is calibrated to our bodies and movements now. So we have bowling, wake racing, climbing, target shooting, soccer, and tennis...I'll let you choose" Kiri then whispers to Spencer "Oh we DEFINITELY have to talk later about this staring contest between you and Bobby boy...." Kiri looks and waves at Rob with a smile, and then faces the screen "Xbox record." The Xbox One then displays a red dot in the corner of the screen to stream Kiri and Spencer's play.

Kiri wraps her hair up in a bun as they prepare to play.

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Kenta realized that he was being foolish for trying to get Blake to notice him. Besides Blake is such a nice guy and all so I would probably just ruin him. It would probably just be best to see if Blake would come on to him. If not then maybe it just wasn't meant to be but if so I will be the happiest person alive." Kenta decided that he won't just wait outside for Blake... He'll go inside and drink more wine and play Vivaldi's Violin Concerto in A minor.
Bobby was stunned after the kiss and stood there like and idiot, then he had a stupid looking smile on his face as he followed Spencer in as she passed out drinks. He took the beer from her hand and watched her as she set up to play sports. It was funny to him that she kept checking to see if he would watch her, because it would have taken an act of god for his eyes to be taken away from her body, especially if she would be jumping around, which Bobby hoped she would be. He sat directly behind her on the couch and grinned as she tied her hair up.

Bobby almost missed Kiri's wave and smile, and he gave a quick nod back and raised his beer, "Good luck ladies." He smiled and relaxed, taking a sip from his drink.

Kiri yells out: "Somebody to tell Max to get his butt ready because Battlefield 4 multiplayer is ON DECK!!!"

She gets in her athletic stance all too familiar to the group as they'd been to an endless amount of her basketball games in high school (when they attended). Kiri's perky round booty and those melons of hers all contained on that anatomy of hers. Kiri intentionally scoots to the left a bit in order to give Rob a better look at Spencer while they played.

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After Kenta finished his violin concerto, he went to the bedroom to go cry himself to sleep. Blake is never going to say hi to me again. It's all over. My life is over. How am I going to talk to him again? Is he even going to want to talk to me again? He started to cry...
Bobby had heard the violin stop, he hadn't been listening, but even with the rest of the commotion, the sudden absence of the beautiful music was noticed by his ears. He looked for Kenta and stood. He was reluctant to leave and miss watching Spencer, but he walked toward the bedroom and knocked lightly. Bobby and Kenta weren't close, but he was still Bobby's friend and wanted to make sure Kenta was ok
Within the couple of hours that had passed, Chevelle had finished three beers and was working on her fourth, mind buzzing happily with the sunshine. She had pulled her favorite pixie to listen in on Gypsy's voice as she sang along with Kenta's violin, and later she moved back outside to lay on the grass and just absorb the sunlight. They still had a few more hours until it began to set, but it was calling to her now and she couldn't ignore it. She was certainly having a good time, and she hoped the others were. She was unaware of the crying Kenta, but everybody else seemed to be happy playing video games.
Teary-eyed Kenta opened the door hoping that it would be Blake but to his surprise it was Bobby. Bobby and Kenta hardly talk and are not the closest in the group. Kenta dried up his tears, "Did you need this room cause if so I can leave."
"No man... Just heard your violin stop." Bobby wasn't sure why he had come to seek Kenta out. "Everything alright man? I know we are not particularly close but we are still pals." Bobby looked at him and placed his hand on Kenta's shoulder and gave it a light squeeze, "I'm here for you, man."
"My violin stopped because of some stuff that made me upset. I kinda wish I wouldn't have done what I did today... I soooooo messed up today. I wish I could turn~" Kenta's voice was interrupted by his phone ringing (It plays Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto #2 in C minor). Kenta sees that it is the hospital calling, "Sorry I got to take this I've been ignoring the Hospital all day." Kenta walks outside near his car, "Hello?"
Bobby frowned a little as Kenta walked away, and sighed. He turned and walked back toward the living room, and back to Spencer. He had missed some of the show, but was glad to see her again. His mood was lightened just at the sight of her. He grabbed another beer and sat down behind her.
"Doth my ears deceive me or do I detect the sound of video games..."

Grinning Gypsy popped back in with her little furry tag-a-long at her side as always. Her guitar was slung over her back but she quickly located her case, tucking Mystic back inside it with all the loving care of a parent tucking their child in to bed. Snapping the case shut she stood moving to a nearby armchair which she essentially tossed herself lazily in settling down to watch Spencer and Kiri play whatever sports game they were about to engage in. She utter a soft grunt as the pup jumped up to settle in on her stomach. Reaching down she scratched him behind the ears.
Kenta hangs up the call. He can't believe this has happened... It just too much for me to handle my sister can't be dead she's on life support... she can't be dead. I need to tell everyone that I won't be able to stay at the party. Kenta gets in front of the tv and says to everyone inside, "I'm sorry but I won't be staying for much longer and I'm sorry but I may not be right in my mind next time you see me." Kenta runs off to his car with tears in his eyes.
If there was one thing she prided herself in it was her ability to tell when something was wrong with her friends. With Kenta it had always been easier than most. He was very emotional, a good sign for a musician, but a bad sign for ones mental health. Rolling from the chair she was out the door just seconds behind him, her hand on his shoulder by the time he reached the car. She could tell he was crying without even seeing his face. When she spoke it was softly, gently.

"Kenta, what happened... What's going on... I can't let you drive if you're crying... You're in a rush so come on we'll take my car and you can tell me where you're going and whats wrong on the way..."

She spoke gently but it was evident in her tone that she what she said was not up for debate. She furthered this by gently leading him to her car, arm around his shoulder. She opened the door with the keychain, opening the passenger side door and seeing him safely inside before shutting it. Climbing in on the drivers side she started the car and pulled out of the drive and on to the rode. With one hand on the wheel she glanced over at her friend.

"Now tell me whats up...?"

"What the heck...?" Kiri says gazing at a running Kenta darting out of the house. She seen the tears streaming from his red eyes and her heart drops at the sudden blindside. She wondered what could possibly be wrong with him? "Uhh...hold on guys...." Kiri runs out of the house after Kenta and jumps off of the front steps catching up to Gypsy's car pulling off with Kenta inside. The car drives off.

"What the heck was that about!?" Kiri says throwing her hands up.

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"My sister was the only alive body from my family found on the plane crash and the hospital that see was at had a blackout and my sister had a code blue (in other words she her BP dropped off the scale and disappeared) and is..." Kenta looks out the window, starts to whistle "Amazing Grace," and stares into nothing. Kenta states, "My sister's favorite song was Amazing Grace I was going to play it for her when she woke up. She also," Kenta started to laugh, "Had a really stupid thing that she does with her nose when listening to music. It's like," Kenta scrunched up his nose and made a mouse face, "Like this." Kenta starts to cry and after the first tear falls he just can't stop.
"Well fuck..."

Gypsy sighed deeply shifting gears as she now knew where they were heading. With one hand on the wheel she reached over to ruffle Kenta's hair in what was meant to be a soothing gesture. No wonder the poor guy was so whacked out. She had heard a few times in the past about the situation that had happened with his parents and sister so she was well aware of how much hope he was holding on to that his sister would survive. With her gone he was probably all alone. But he wasn't he still had her and all the others to. They were practically family by now anyway. She starts humming Amazing Grace softly as she lets him cry. One hand on the wheel and her eyes mostly on the road she waits til they hit a stop light and breaks one of her rules. She pulls out her cellphone and sends a text. By the time the light turns green she'd already sent the message and she keeps driving.

:P Blake
Get your ass in the car and to the Hospital ASAP. Grab Mystic and Kenta's violin. Tell Kiri and the others if you want. But you get there and fast.

"Well great..."

Kiri mutters standing in the middle of the path out of the beach house. She begins to tread back into the house with a look of confusion and feelings of deep concern. She then stops on the porch and takes out her iPhone 5 and dials Kenta's cell number, sitting on the porch as she does so. Kiri places her other hand in her lap and looks beyond the ground waiting on Kenta to pick up.

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Kenta brings his cry to a soft sob and realizes that his phone is ringing. Kenta sees that it is from Kiri. Kenta reluctantly picks up and hits accept. "Hello?" He said tearfully.

"What's wrong Ken!? Don't just.....you can't just up and storm out like that without letting anyone know anything!!! Tell me what's up where are you guys going?"

A part of Kiri already knew the answer, but she didn't want to believe. It meant too much to Kenta, way too much. Kiri was exceptional at putting things together and analyzing things....but this time she hoped she'd been wrong.

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"It's my sister. sh-sh-she co-co-coded and i-i-is g-g-g-go-one. She's really gone Kiri I don't know what I'm gonna do?" Kenta's crying fit starts back up, "Bye" Kenta hung up and starts singing Amazing Grace and stops all of the sudden and looks at Gypsy and says, "You would have liked my sister. Either that or you and her would always be butting heads. I can't decide what y'all would do only that y'all would have a ton of respect for the other. My sister looks like someone out of an anime though... I never really liked how she died her hair and had contact lens in all the time. I... I just wish that you could have met her..." Kenta choked up on the words as he said them... I can't lose her she is the only blood family that I have left. If I lose her I will kill myself and see her wherever she is...
<3 Faerie
Kir, grab Blake, my guitar and Kenta's violin. Hospital now. Maybe tell the others but don't need to many people at the hospital. See you there

For the second time she had to break her rule, this time texting one handed as she drove, something that irritated her because she never liked being on the phone while driving. Tossing her phone on the dash she turned to Kenta giving him a reassuring smile. She could tell from the way he was rambling and jumping between panic and tears that he was getting close the desperate edge of his mental state. She had been there and she knew it was one hell of a precarious place to be. There was no way she was leaving Kenta without someones supervision any time soon. He was going to need his friends to help him through this. If she and Kiri weren't enough Blake would most likely do the trick. She knew how Kenta felt about him and knew that Blake had his own feeling for him. She patted him comfortingly on the leg. When she spoke her tone was gentle.

"I bet we would have been great friends... You sister and me... I may not have gotten to meet her, but you can tell me about her all you want... I'd be glad to hear about her..."
"Did you know that she was supposed to inherit my father's company and his money because she was older by 1 day? She always said that I would be the better heir but my father already ha his will made but now that she's gone I get everything I now have over 1,370,047,500,000 yen which is about 13.5 billion dollars in a swiss account and I have it... I never wanted it 'cause I know I will waste it on something and my father's house and the rest of his stuff goes to me now because she's gone. I DON'T WANT IT." Kenta looks off on the road crying like a maniac.

Kiri closes her eyes in sadness as Kenta relays the news to her. She knew it, she wish she hadn't. Kiri had the pleasure of seeing Kenta's sister once before, when she went with Kenta to see her. Kiri still remembered how Kenta talked to her like she was up and awkake, bragging on us as friends and how she'd love us. And now....all Kiri wanted to do was be there for Kenta.

"Bye" Kenta says full of tears and remorse. Kiri just sits there with the phone still to her ear for several seconds before putting it down and slowly creeping back into the house. everyone seems to be looking towards me now as I look back at them with my distant eyes.

"Kenta uhm.....his sister she's passed...."
She says looking down at her hands. It all made sense. Why Kenta knocked back so much alcohol, why he was so private, so sad....because he knew one day he'd get this news. He tried his best to mask it, but it never worked. And now it's here. It's a reality.

"Guys we gotta ......"

Her phone then vibrates as she gets a message from Kat.

Msg From: Gypsy <3 -
'Kir, grab Blake, my guitar and Kenta's violin. Hospital now. Maybe tell the others but don't need to many people at the hospital. See you there'

Kiri then rushes to Blake (( @Liir Ko )) and grabs him. "
We need to go, asap. Guys we'll be back okay I'll....I'll call you with details..." Kiri grabs Mystic with the utmost care and asks Blake to grab Kenta's violin. I speed walk out of the door to the mustang placing the instrument in the back seat, and cranking up the car. I reply Kat as Blake stows the violin and gets in:

Msg to: Gypsy <3 -
'On the way :/ '

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