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Fantasy Yin Yang academy

Should the dorms allow roommates

  • Yes but only same gender

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  • Yes coed please

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like having my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but DM picks

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Jacey sighs and rubs her head sheepishly. "Well I tried." She felt a little disappointed even though she doesn't like fighting and wishes to be normal or at least control her powers right.
As he drives his fist forward and it connects with the stone there is an immense flash

The barriers and the stage simultainously vaporize and a massive pressure wave rolls across the courtyard casting everything not bolted down into the air bricks nearest to where he stood are strewn all throughout the academy

As for the stone itself it seems to have vanished behind where it was standing there is a massive hole boaring strait through the thick palace walls...and even further outside the wall the destruction is staggering the stone smashed everything in its path into pieces...then the wind from its velocity dragged the debris with it and both vanished on the horizon in seconds

Jin looks on with an upset look on his face,as he watches the stone leave the atmosphere (remember his super sight)

He looks at the crater in its centre nearly a foot deep and two and a half feet across with cracks spider webbing off of it. He turns his gaze back to the courtyard as the stone whizzes past the moon,the courtyard looks like a bomb hit students are strewn about with confused looks even the members of the council had been thrown around

But what he looked at the most intently was the boy who had done this...without the slightest hint of ki used

Micky stands in his crater arm extended fist steaming.damn....I didn't know I could do that...wow.


Amadaeus gasped. "Wow. That was incredible." He had taken back control but had fallen due to the shockwave. Yes. Very powerful. He could be a useful ally. He's gained my respect. So is this that one exception that you were talking about? Yes. Yes it is.
The impact caused Hiroshi and the entire tent to be blown over. Trying not to cause anymore damage to his body Hiroshi stayed low and waited for the blast to pass. When Hiroshi made his way through the crowd he was floored by the devastation he saw. That was like the power of a Kami! Hiroshi's resolve to become stronger was strengthened by the sight of this. He would have to practice taking on the mantle of a Kami to draw out more of their divine power. While he knew the power he displayed was indeed at the higher end of the spectrum when it compared to other students doing so taxed his body far too much. He would have to train himself and become better. Hiroshi approached with a smile on his face and patted Micky on the back once he got to the center of the crater, " That was truly a magnificent and humbling sight. My name is Hiroshi Takashi and it is an honor to make your acquaintance."
Aaron775 said:
Jason overhears the two talking."what are y'all looking for allies for? Is it for stclaire?" @NeoClassical
(Imma just pretend that you only heard Amadaeus talking because the two voices are the same person.) Amadaeus jumped when the person spoke to him. "Oh...hi..." He smiled nervously. "Allies? I have no idea what you're talking about." He's nosy. Kill him dead. And then kill him some more. Be nice.
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Jacey was swept away by Mickey's strength. She stands her ground but it wasn't enough for her. She falls on her bum waiting out the wave. Once it settles she stands and dusts herself off. She watches dumbfounded and intriuged by the man. She found someone else with super strength or what appeared that way. She was relieved she is no longer the only one. To think she first saw him as a friendly, scrawny guy. Never in her life would she dream the man had such power. While she was lost in a daze in her thoughts, she didn't realize that her eyes were pasted onto Mickey unable to pull away. Why is that?
As the test comes to a conclusion Jin stands

"That is all carry on about your day tomorrow the classes begin"he turns and walks away as the lunch bell rings

Micky stands there staring as his no longer sizzling fist as if in a trance

That...I can't believe...I even pulled back at the last second.he thinks

"What tha fuck am I"he mutters to himself
Amadaeus smiled. "Well I hope we did good. Even though you screwed us over on the first two, I think you made up for it on that last test." I told you I wouldn't let you down, kid. I may not like you, but we're in this together. Literally. He nodded his head and looked around. "Damn....I still have no idea where the dorms are...."
Jin sits in his office fuming with his secretary trying to calm him down

"What in the hell was that"he says he won't admit it but he was frightened not only did the boy do the impossible,he didn't even give it his all and Jin knew it

To make matters worse he can't watch the boy with his power something seems to be interfering

"I understand being unnerved at the boys strength sir bu-"

"That wasn't strength"Jin spits.

"I wish I knew what the hell it was..."

He flops in his chair

This kid has got to be the one that's the only explanation


Jin enters the cave where the oracle dwells.things are looking terrible Clair has succumbed to oni and is tearing the school apart Taiyo and Tsuki are holding her off but they won't last long

"Oracle answer me"he demands

And an old woman with decaying flesh and a single eye approaches him

"You don't have to be so rude boy"she cackles

"I need you to tell me how do I get the power to defeat Oni"

The witch smiles "is that what you want boy?hmmmm your positive"the witch asks knowingly

"If I don't then Oni will destroy the whole school possibly the world...yes that's what I want"he says solemnly

"The power is in you child give into it and it will grow you will find that you are able to overcome any limit placed before you and you will grow strong...but be warned this path will come to a tragic end...one will come who will have no limits to begin with and he will destroy you utterly"as she says this she seems to vanish leaving behind only her cold cruel laughter....
Hiroshi placed his hand on Mickey's shoulder, "That was truly a magnificent and humbling sight. My name is Hiroshi Takashi and it is an honor to make your acquaintance." Hiroshi was truly astonished at the power Mickey displayed. He could sense no divine power or Ki within him. So it had to be pure physical strength, but how could Mickey wield such strength without horribly damaging his body?

Jacey snaps out of her trans and walks over to the crowd of people congratulating him. She walks over to the blonde. Her voice stood out out more than the rest. She sarcastically claps and grins placing a hand on her hip leaning oto her right. "That was...pretty impressive kid. Didn't know there was another person with super strength." She Pat's his head teasingly and ruffles his hair.

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Micky turns to the hand on his shoulder and sees the priestly guy "thanks guys.."he says slowly rising.

"I'm not gonna lie I had no idea I could do that that's the first time I've ever actually tried to hit something hard"

He stands up

It's eleven one hour until lunch

"I'm going for a walk"he says and he begins pushing through the crowd not in a rude way just trying to get outta here

He hated being the center of attention it made people jealous brought more problems down on him

He jumps out the fresh hole he made

And begins climbing down to the curve where the side path meets the main he pulls out a cigarette and begins trying to light it only to drop his lighter down the side of the mountain

"Shit" he exclaims
Hiroshi was content to respect Mickey's request for space, but when he dropped his lighter Hiroshi felt the need to help. Pulling out one of his last remaining talisman it glowed with ki power and erupted into a floating ball of flame. Luckily just manipulating a basic elements didn't drain his Ki as Asking a Kami for assistance. Hiroshi sent the floating ball of fire towards Mickey and he remained at a distance, picking out a place where he could make more talisman. Well it was right before lunch so he could wait.
(Fluff it why not)

Jacey watches the blonde leave before making her way back to her room to check up on her rabbit. Once it welcomes her she plays with Terry a bit taking a deep sigh. "Man what an exhausting day. Had to use my powers in order to be initiated. I...also learned I'm not alone here with the power I have." The Raven haired girl sits at her desk in her room and writes down some lyrics and grabs her acoustic guitar and sings. Her voice sounded beautiful. If anybody knew, they would want them to perform but she was to shy about it.
Amadaeus sat down on a bench. Half of it was gone, probably sent away by the shockwave, but it didn't matter. He was tired. Whenever Primal takes over, it always exhausts Amadaeus. That's why he hate giving up control but it's usually hard to stop Primal once he has his mind set on a goal. Long day man. This place is crazy. Hell yeah it is. I love it. Strong people means strong opponents. We should start a fight with someone. The biggest guy. We need to show some superiority. I doubt anyone actually noticed my stunt with the final test but oh well. Who cares? Um, you do. I can tell you're salty that he stole your spotlight. Nah, I'm good man. Maybe if it was someone else, I would be upset. But these people aren't worth impressing. No benefits come out of it. I don't give a damn. I still want to see my room though.
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Nathan was bored and now getting even more agitated, why were they so deadset on Wasting his time?

Nathan decided to sit by a tree until lunch time. @XXXIwolf
Jacey walks out of her dorm and decides to walk out for some fresh air. The girl sits on the opposite side of Nathan with her guitar. She felt stumped being her room and thought the sounds of students or passerbys would help her. She leans against the tree and hums getting the right tune. She starts strumming her guitar not noticing Nathan. Her pen in her mouth while thinking of a song. She sighs content with the tune before putting her hair up in a bun but leaving her bangs to cover her right eye. She continues to sing and strum. "Time will unbind our memory glue..."

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After smoking his cigarette Micky feels better taking a deep breath he thinks to himself

These kids are probably just as scared of what they can do as I am and hear I am acting like a bitch because I don't know why I punch so hard when I should be helping them

He begins climbing back up his muscles aching

Didn't even get any sleep last night man I'm really tripping hard maybe I should go pass out at the dorm for a bit yeah just a little nap yeah that'll do me good

When he makes it to the top he sees Nathan chilling at a tree and the weird dematterializer guy on a bench

"Hey you guys I'm on my way to the dorm if you need a guide"he says most people don't have his sense of direction even though he'd only looked at the map he felt as if he knew this place like the back of his hand

@XXXIwolf @NeoClassical

(Sorry stopped getting notifications)
Nathan was just about to go off on the girl, the sound of her acoustic literally driving him insane, when Mickey appeared asking if he needed a guide to his dorm.

"Uuuh..." He looked around for quite some time before answering. "No." @XXXIwolf
Hiroshi decided the sooner he replenished his talisman the better off he would be, especially here. So as he passed Mickey, the atomic guy,Jacey, and the heavy metal guy he looked over each of them and stopped, " I am going to the dorms as well. I hope it is alright if I travel with you all." Hiroshi said in very rigid and formal English. He knew his way of speaking was too rigid, but it was how he was taught and he still had a hard time with English.

@Alphaius @XXXlwolf @NeoClassical @akumashioni

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