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Fantasy Yin Yang academy

Should the dorms allow roommates

  • Yes but only same gender

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  • Yes coed please

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like having my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but DM picks

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Nathan looks at his fourth year with hatred in his eyes <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.bdb5a6759182e44ce85036a6d8907792.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119952" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.bdb5a6759182e44ce85036a6d8907792.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His guitar appears and he plays a face melting solo, spewing a red cone of flame at the fourth year. @Alphaius



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The fourth year is in mid fire and as such cannot defend Nathan is hit in the face by the HADOUKEN and the fourth year is hit by the flames which engulf him entirely he falls down screaming and

With a nod from one of the council women the flames snuff out and the student rises unharmed bowing slightly to Nathan


Nathan's head recoils slightly and he looks back at the fourth year (exactly the same way but with a slight trickle of blood out of his left nostril.) nodding at his bow but not actually bowing. @Alphaius
Amadaeus looked at the fourth year and smiled, his eyes glowing purple. He let the blast hit him. He fell to the ground and got back up. "Oh yeah. Harder daddy." He laughed maniacally.
Hiroshi heard the announcement but ignored it for the moment as he had to finish the ritual he was performing. Stopping a ritual midway was not only considered rude to the Kami but if the Kami is angered Hiroshi could be cursed and he didn't need that while attending this school.

Once Hiroshi properly completed his ritual he made his way to the courtyard taking note of the Divine presence he could sense in the area. We're there Kami posing as students? Pushing that thought aside Hiroshi stood in line and waited for his turn.
Nathan never wiped the blood trickle off of his face, and continued standing there waiting.

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Amadaeus stood giggling like a child. "This is so fun." He jumped up and down whilst clapping his hands. "More more more." He chanted. Every time he jumped, a slight tremor could be felt. What are you doing?
Jacey listens to Jin before turning to the fourth year student a few feet away. She was horrified when a giant ball flew towards her. She gets while quickly crosing her arms in front of her like a block. Man did it burn her flesh a bit. She hisses. Never has she fought or felt another s power injure her more than what regular people have. She sees another heading towards her. Her eyes widen like a dear in the head lights. Quickly by an inch of her long hair, she rolls on the ground dodging it but letting her hair tips burn slightly. She growls annoyed before lunging towards her enemy with fiery eyes. Her shadow powers part take in making her hair firey looking showing how pissed she was. She dodges a few balls zig zagging. Nearing her enemy, balls her fist hard and punches his face sending him flying. She pants with a scowl on her face then fixes her composure. She grunts in pain holding her face. "Damn that hurt."

Jin stands up after the test is complete

(You can post your results in the ooc if you missed it should you feel the need)

"Our next test is to measure the full potential of each student this test will be done one at a time,your objective is simple hit the target with all of your power and it will be measured,you will be given a number that only you and the student council will see"

As he says this a large stage is wheeled in several runes are carved into it to prevent any possible energy backlash

And a twelve by twelve foot black plate is moved in it is about two feet thick and perfectly smooth

(With the exception of two slashes across the face of it about three feet long each and less than an inch deep

One was made by the ancient divine warrior Omni the other by his reincarnation Jin)

Jin watches as the sacred stone is carted in it had taken all he had to scar its surface and that nearly destroyed he school.

Amadaeus cracked his knuckles. "Are we supposed to hit that thing?" He tilted his head and looked at the monolith. "I guess." You're going to fail this and then we're going to get kicked out. Nah.
Mickys eyes widen as he hears Jin say

"All your power"he had never even used more than an absentminded flail

He put in headphones and began the slow process of tearing down the mental barriers he had put on him self

I'll give em what they want...hopefully.

@empty air
Nathan sees the black pillar and begins playing his favorite solo.


The sky darkens as horrible black clouds form, and a purple lightning bolt strikes the pillar, leaving the image of a horses silhouette rearing up, before vanishing.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.d21cfdcc3bd3ee234f7278c4f2eba1fc.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119956" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.d21cfdcc3bd3ee234f7278c4f2eba1fc.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> @Alphaius



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(What were the other tests For clarification? I think I saw a timed event and popping something?)

Hiroshi could feel the Divine energy from the stone. As he looked at the face of the stone, into the scars he could see the Kami of the stone. This Kami appeared to be an Old man the only blemish on his powerful figure being the scars on his chest that mirrored the scars on the rock. Hiroshi could tell the Kami had been abused through the years of the school and has since become filled with negative emotion which served to only bolster his power.
Amadaeus smiled. "My turn." He walked up to the stone and lightly punched it, closing his eyes. The atomic structure of the stone flashed throughout his head. "Amazing build." He muttered. "But not hard to crack." He grinned like a mad man as the chemical bonds snapped, causing the whole monolith to crumble and come crashing down. "Was that good?" He asked innocently.
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One of the council members cocks his head to the side at this display

Chaos huh not good

He pauses the test and holds his hand over the stone which is pulled to him demolecularized and reformed the old scratches also gone
Hiroshi stepped forward once the stone was reformed. The Kami within seemed to be even more angry about being destroyed and put back together again. Hiroshi rifled through his robes until he pulled out a deck of his talisman. " If it is all my power that is required than I shall give it." Hiroshi said before throwing the deck out into the air. The cards began to glow with Divine power as Hiroshi began reciting a prayer in Japanese beseching Susannoo the Kami of storms and war to use his body as a vessel for his power. The sky darkened and thunder clapped as an overwhelming Divine presence seemed to draw near. The talisman that had been floating covered Hiroshi from head to toe and then the powerful divine presence entered Hiroshi via a large lighting strike.

Now clad in divine armor and wielding one of several Katana Hiroshi, though not truly Hiroshi at this point took a stance and charged the blade with all of the Divine power it could. With one swing of the sword a slash of divine lighting hit the stone carving into it. The backlash from the attack barely being contained by the runes. With that Hiroshi fell over as his talisman burned up.
Jacey stares at the stone waiting for her turn. She finds a switch on her gauntlets to loosen her power while popping her neck. She combines her shadow power and fist to boost up her punch. She punches the stone with all she had.

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The stone shudders the stage hops and the echoing THUNCK can be heard reverberating throughout the whole academy many of the student council look with surprise clearly not expecting so much force

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Micky has started bobbing his head to the beat of the music in his head phones

Shifting his weight from foot to foot rythmatically bouncing and shaking his hands like a boxer stepping about to enter the ring

He steps on to the stage and the barriers raise and he stops.removing his headphones he looks deadly serious for the first time.he balls up his fists

"I'd stand back"he says loudly for no one in particular then he cocks his fist back slowly,looking somewhat foolish

(...wait for it)
Hiroshi groaned and slowly sat up as he regained consciousness. Looking around he was at the back of the crowd in a tent of some sort. There were quite a few complex machines measuring Kami knows what. Hiroshi saw a woman who he assumed to be a nurse and slowly swung his legs over his bed so he could sit up. " What happened? How did I place?" Hiroshi asked looking at the woman trying to down play how sore he felt.


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